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EVE Online: Rubicon Discussion

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Kalishka Askulf
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#281 - 2013-09-27 22:24:09 UTC
Looks interesting. I'm especially interested in the new certificate system Smile
marlinspike von Crendraven
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#282 - 2013-09-27 23:43:15 UTC
when can we except all this goodness to be aviable on the test server?
Athelas Loraiel
Amarr Empire
#283 - 2013-09-27 23:53:04 UTC

esp. stealing from POSes!!!!

one might add that building supers cshould become more player involved thing, like glueing it all together, as well as for the station building etc.

allow multiple stations in systems?

remake Rorqual to be able to mine in belts?

Bring us new supership class for a mobile alliance stronghold for example?

Remake moon mining and poses.
Photon Ceray
Palmyra Universal Enterprise
#284 - 2013-09-27 23:54:35 UTC
Where are industry iterations ??????

Seriously, a big chunk of reasonable things posts are about industry, and there is a post dedicated to industry suggestions, what the heck guys? we're working on a decade old industry interface!
Busta Rock
The DawnSoarers
#285 - 2013-09-28 00:58:51 UTC
I dont know really what to say about the idea of nullified interceptors.

scratch that. I do. it is the exact WRONG direction to take the interceptor class. let's look at what the term 'intercept' MEANS:

in•ter•cept (v. ˌɪn tərˈsɛpt; n. ˈɪn tərˌsɛpt)
1. to take, seize, or halt (someone or something on the way from one place to another); cut off from an intended destination: to intercept a messenger.
2. to secretly listen to or record (a transmitted communication).
3. to stop or interrupt the course, progress, or transmission of.
4. to take possession of (a ball or puck) during an attempted pass by an opposing team.
5. to stop or check (passage, travel, etc.): to intercept an escape.
6. to catch up to and destroy (an aircraft or missile).
7. Math. to mark off or include, as between two points or lines.
8. to intersect.
9. Obs. to prevent the operation or effect of.
10. Obs. to cut off from access, sight, etc.
11. interception.
12. an intercepted communication.
13. Math.
a. an intercepted segment of a line.
b. (in a coordinate system) the distance from the origin to the point at which a curve or line intersects an axis.

now granted, dictors already cover many of the points of this definition, but they do so by laying a TRAP in the form of the bubble. think of them as kind of like a spider - they make the prey come to THEM. interceptors on the other hand, are supposed to be PURSUERS. they chase prey, in much the same fashion as a cheetah chasing a gazelle, with the intent of tripping it up so it cant keep running (although at significant risk at getting tripped up itself). giving interceptors nullifiers is simply pointless, because it really doesnt help them much in their pursuit role, while removing most of the hazards they risk.

what interceptors NEED is an enhanced ability to pursue targets who take up safespots, such as fast ships that warp to a safe and then MWD in a random direction - such prey is effectively immune to probing if they are cap stable, as no covops frigate can scan them down and warp to them fast enough to land on grid while they are there - much less be able to actually catch up to and tackle such fast movers. Interceptors should have the unique and special ability to directly warp to ships going strictly by the Dscanner. this ability would make PROPER use of their speed, while letting probe ships continue to have a combat role by finding ships hiding uncloaked at truly deep safes beyond the range of the Dscan (the prober serves to get the interceptor into DScan range, and the inty does the actual intercept).
Busta Rock
The DawnSoarers
#286 - 2013-09-28 01:14:32 UTC
I would actually go so far as to say that in my envisioned enhancement of interceptors as pursuit ships, they would be a VERY nice team with covops probers if a revamp of combat probes happens as well. specifically, combat probes should no longer provide warpins ONLY on 100% resolution - rather, they should be able to provide highly imprecise warpins whenever resolution reaches either 8 or 4 au to a target. this way, the covops pilot can act as a squad leader, warp interceptor gangmates to Dscan range, and let the interceptors serve as his hounds from there, as opposed to having to wait until 100% resolution is achieved and having a really crappy chance of even so much as seeing the target as he gets on grid.
Photon Ceray
Palmyra Universal Enterprise
#287 - 2013-09-28 01:20:10 UTC
Also, this supply depot better have the fitting service access given to fleet by default.

nothing would be worse than a fleet of 100 having to drop 100 depots to change 1 module, its bad for the fleet, bad for the server, bad for lag, bad for all.

and make fleet access enabled by DEFAULT, there is no reason to have to go through the menu every time it's anchored for something that people want on 99.9999% of the time.
marlinspike von Crendraven
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#288 - 2013-09-28 01:37:02 UTC
Photon Ceray wrote:
Also, this supply depot better have the fitting service access given to fleet by default.

nothing would be worse than a fleet of 100 having to drop 100 depots to change 1 module, its bad for the fleet, bad for the server, bad for lag, bad for all.

and make fleet access enabled by DEFAULT, there is no reason to have to go through the menu every time it's anchored for something that people want on 99.9999% of the time.

i would think it would be much like an orca just click the button to allow fleet/ corp members to use it
Kanonier Nairo
Sumo Wrestlers
#289 - 2013-09-28 06:00:01 UTC
The portable stations seem to be like a precursor to player housing of sorts. I have always loved player housing. I can't wait for twitch integration!! I stream on twitch but I never get many views being so new to EVE and all. Roll
Overall. I am very excited!

Nevase Prometeus
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#290 - 2013-09-28 09:59:03 UTC
I'm a newone so sorry for a may be silly question .

Is this new expansion allow player to destroy npc station in hi-sec?

So if it allows what will happans to my ship and item that keep in that station?

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#291 - 2013-09-28 10:02:08 UTC
Nah, only Custom Offices. Stations are safe. For now :)

Invalid signature format

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#292 - 2013-09-28 10:03:15 UTC
I see what's going on here.

Create more alliance enablers to profit from outside entities

Make operating alliances a much more logistically intensive endeavor

Add tools to profit from alliances that have a larger reach than grasp, and make those tools cost effective from the micro to macro level.

In effect creating a consilidation of alliance power down to what can actually be monitored and defended.

It looks, to me, like the idea is to extend OPPORTUNITIES for player control, but at the same time amp up the RESPONSIBILITY for the things you do control. Currently there is not much in the way of punishment for having a massive reach on all sorts of assets you don't actively defend or use (SoV and PI being the worst offenders, Moon Mining a close third) So we move forward by saying "yeah, you can have all of it, but you also can;t be lazy with it when you have it"

I like this. As a guy who spends a great deal of time violating sov borders, I think the amping up of more opportunist playstyles is a good thing for the growth of small to medium sized corporations, adds consequence for overextension of sov, and is rewarding for thief/salvager playstyles that previously had very little to do (just can flipping and the occasional failed WH base really)

Think about it. If anyone can drop siphons on moons, and you own, let's say 40 moons... well, do you actively patrol those 40 moons? If not, then you might actually be losing income by extending in to more space than you can effectively monitor, as the equivalent of say 10 moons is stolen from you on a near permanent basis. So you call it, you pull back to 30 moons that you actually kjeep tabs on. You spend less on the sov bills and you make just as much in moon goo.

Anyone saying this raod is the "death of hisec" isn't seeng the big picture. What I see here is the consolidation of nullsec if anything. You think people who now have to devote more resources to keeping track of what they used to just plop and visit once every two weeks have time to both maintain their current reach and also expand it?

Nope. I'm seeing a world in which large alliances become more powerful, but also far more consolidated. Where members of those alliances actually have **** to do that precludes them from randomly trolling your precious shiny boat.

It's already extremely easy to violate most sov space and do pretty much anything you want there short of blowing up their assets. Now that there's a mechanism in place for people to walk in and take moon goo, and deposit it in a reinforcable supercan at a safe? I think they have more important things to worry about than "subjugating hisec" as there will be actual content not related to starting random wars out of boredom.
Feer Truelight
#293 - 2013-09-28 11:22:48 UTC
I really love the reference to the historic event[1] for this expansion and the intention it implicates.

From Wikipedia:
The phrase "crossing the Rubicon" has survived to refer to any individual or group committing itself irrevocably to a risky or revolutionary course of action, similar to the modern phrase "passing the point of no return".

Let's cross the rubicon together, Capsuleers!

Well done, CCP. Well done.


8/7/2006 3:39:36 PM UTC FreeCCP Promotional Game Time 7 Days Paid

6/1/2012 5:48:57 PM UTC PayPal 1 x 1 Month EVE Subscription + Signup €19.95 Paid

CCP took 6 years to convert me to a (still) paying subscriber :)

Taxisk Unlimited
#294 - 2013-09-28 12:02:16 UTC
Long time ago I made two small deploydable ideas. I suppose they didn't pass. First one was roleplaying building (allowing people to create their own places in eve) and second was turning lockable cans into small business places. I was actually excited about those ideas but perhaps other people were not.

Roleplaying building idea:

Cans turned into business places:


Link library to EVE music songs.

Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#295 - 2013-09-28 12:05:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Inxentas Ultramar
Vol Arm'OOO wrote:
The new deployable structures feel like a nerf to the orca (depot structure) and the noctis (tractor structure). Sure the use of the structures improves solo game play, but that seems to be coming at the expense of group play by diminishing the importance of two ships. At least with the orca, imo it would have been better to introduce different flavors of orcas instead of introducing a deployable structure that does its job for it - there could have been a combat version with more mobility and no ore hold, a blops version, etc. . .. Sure people dont like bringing orcas behind the lines now because of its lack of mobility, but that could have been addressed.

I'm kinda curious as to what the hanger size of that deployable is going to be. I would imagine the 'mobile home' to be less of a depot structure, but more of a refitting tool: offering that service like a POS module with a small storage department to switch out modules, store ammunition, drones, and other relatively small items. Maybe it would have dedicated bays? My main gripe with prolonged deployment outside of home is the inability to refit and grab some ammo / reps, so I'm hoping the deployable will do two things:

+ Give me a little more flexibility behind enemy lines, provided I can anchor it in the first place.
+ Give the defender a clear, non-AFK objective: remove the invaders mobile home.

Another thing I'm curious about is tractor range. I imagine it would take time to deploy this thing, perhaps from a Noctis fitted purely for salvage and a tractor to catch the wrecks outside of range, making large salvage jobs quicker to finish. After all, it's just a tractor platform and doesn't actually salvage. I do understand these concerns and I hope CCP will find a good balance as not to nerf these ships to much.
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#296 - 2013-09-28 12:19:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Inxentas Ultramar
PopeUrban wrote:
Insightfull stuff

I couldn't have put this better myself. As a lowsec roamer and denizen I can already predict what's going to happen: those that don't invest in the relationships with their neighbours and actual defensive capabilities are going to have their stuff syphoned and their POS systems invaded by smaller piratical entitis with capabilities for prolonged deployment. SOV mechanics are too hazy for me but I reckon the conflict drivers would work the same. Syphon units will be no problem for those actually living in their own space and heck, output a KM for them and I'll blap them for the sake of record keeping. I too enjoy the idea of turning force projection from something considered OP to something risky, instead of nerfing blops and bridges outright.

Also: those mini cyno jammers are a plain buff to offensive POCO bashing in lowsec. In hisec cyno's won't be a factor and conflicts will be kept at a subcap level (which is awesome), but in lowsec offenders can utilize mini cyno jammers to prevent direct hotdrops. Not only hisec, but lowsec will burn as well, as it now adds additional risk deploying caps against a cyno-jammed subcap fleet of my-first-battleships. I might dust off a Mael for this.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#297 - 2013-09-28 12:24:12 UTC
Sounds okay.

With regards to that tractoring/structure, it should work on all white wrecks (as apposed to yellow) not just ones you own.

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#298 - 2013-09-28 14:00:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Drayzon
So many things needing addressed, like Drone survival, Walking in Stations, real interaction with Dust players (chat rooms and super caps do not count), and being ignored.
Before trying to take away the safety and security of High Sec, try thinking about limiting some things. Its great to be able to become sov, but having to join a huge alliance, brown nose, or follow someone else who has what you want but expects you to play the way they say... something wrong with the freedom there.
IMO: being able to settle a star system, great idea. Being able to settle as many as you can afford, and as many as you can forcefully hold... bad. There should be limits.
I can only place one command center on a planet... in real life, I would deploy as many as needed to harvest resources. LAME Limitation.
Dust players cannot plan attacks on my planets... not in any way that effects me anyway. I should be able to place defenses and such, they should be able attack me, Planets should be more of a game link to Dust. However, Empire control should be a limited protective status... IE; .5 sec, you have ten minutes to attack, topple, and harvest contents of a players storage silo and command centers, before Concord saves that players arse.
Soo many things to think about... and improve. CCP keeps moving forward without putting the final touches on their product. Why keep adding things and not considering how to polish what they have?
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#299 - 2013-09-28 16:18:33 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Crasniya wrote:
Walking in Stations and DUST 514, both ignored. Again. Thanks for nothing.

Neither one of those things have anything to do with Eve.

Rehs, they do now. But I applaud you for keeping a watchful eye on Eve. Anyone can see how much you love the game. However, eventually these items will make a larger contribution into a very slowwwwww methodical process. PirateRoll sloowwwllyy integrating into Eve like a new life form. Just messing with ya heh
Varactyl Charante
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#300 - 2013-09-28 16:24:24 UTC
I like how EvE is now named after a Jeep. I vote for the summer expansion to be named Grand Cherokee or Wrangler.

Imagine EvE Online: Grand Cherokee.

I'm sorry to whoever had the hostage, but I may have just sawed them in half.