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CCP reintroducing the Gold Magate and adding in new Guardian-Vexors through Somer Blink

The Antiquarian
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#281 - 2013-09-26 17:26:36 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:

But restricting it simply for the sake of LORE... no, no necessarily a fan of that. Lore continually grows and changes, and I've always been fond of the "It was thought there was only 1 prototype ever made of this legendary whatever... but another has been found gathering DUST in a hidden hanger owned by the original designer" type of story line.

What kind of story for this ship is random lottery. All it does is make it lose its legend, that is all. It immediately drops from the most unique ship to just another prize.

They can repaint any new hull or they can give away something else but this, this kills the legend and gains nothing in return. CCP can and should do better than this. They should work to improve EVE History because that is what sets this game apart, one server, one history.

You summed up the new place of the Gold Magnate in EVE history perfectly.

Ranger 1 wrote:
1 prototype ever made of this legendary whatever

Whatever indeed.

Fair point, they would probably have been served better to distinguish it from the original somehow... such as calling in the Golden Magnate Mark II or something along that line.

And Guardian-Vexor Mk II.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#282 - 2013-09-26 17:29:11 UTC
Bizzaro Stormy MurphDog wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:

I do think people need to remember that the ISK generated is being turned around and funding prizes for the competitions at EVE Vega, not simply going into Blinks wallet.

And since it will not be possible to know how much isk was normal blink operation and how much was just because of that auction, then somer can basicly give any amount of money and noone will ever be able to prove they didn't give all they should.


Oh, I think CCP will have a pretty good idea.

Sure, they could keep it all... and destroy their credibility with CCP and with the community in an incredibly high profile way. They would be literally chucking away their lucrative long term income stream for a (comparatively) tiny amount of ISK.

Granted, they would have a certain notoriety afterwards which might appeal to some, but I have a hard time believing they would be so INCREDIBLY STUPID as to do what people are suggesting.

Really, think about it folks.

"destroy their credibility" . . . said every AWOXer, ever.

"lucrative long term income stream" . . . said every RMTer, ever.

You don't really play EVE, do you? Not to mention the fact that SOMER undoubtedly has enough isk tsocked away o lose a supercap every day for years and still be able to PLEX as many accounts as he wants until the new millenium.

Actually, ignore all that. I am telling you, right now, that I have never stolen from a corp. Can I join yours?

Sure, once you prove to me your credibility over the course of say a year. Blink

I gather you really don't understand how sacrificing an incredibly lucrative income stream for a small one time gain is something only really stupid people do in game... including those with a questionable moral compass.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#283 - 2013-09-26 17:32:44 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:

I do think people need to remember that the ISK generated is being turned around and funding prizes for the competitions at EVE Vega, not simply going into Blinks wallet.

And since it will not be possible to know how much isk was normal blink operation and how much was just because of that auction, then somer can basicly give any amount of money and noone will ever be able to prove they didn't give all they should.


Oh, I think CCP will have a pretty good idea.

Sure, they could keep it all... and destroy their credibility with CCP and with the community in an incredibly high profile way. They would be literally chucking away their lucrative long term income stream for a (comparatively) tiny amount of ISK.

Granted, they would have a certain notoriety afterwards which might appeal to some, but I have a hard time believing they would be so INCREDIBLY STUPID as to do what people are suggesting.

Really, think about it folks.

Except they could give 50 billion ISK for EVE vegas and still turn on a ******** profit. Nobody really know what kind of income this will really generate for them so they can give any non stupid amount and call it that. Nobody can track what was invested in blinks because of this draft as opposed to the real regular operation. They don't have to burn thier rep at all. THey can just say it generated X isk so we are giving that even if in reality it generated 10 times that.

I think you need to remember CCP can look at the income streams of everyone connected to their organization if it looks fishy... and they would considering CCP endorsed them.

More importantly, playing this legit earns them far, far more in the long run.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#284 - 2013-09-26 17:33:29 UTC
You know CCP, when you have Chribba, pirates, hisec bears, Goons, former BoB members, PL members, newbies, veterans, bittervets, collectors, and basically everyone in this game that isn't a complete troll or Blink fanboy telling you that you're doing something completely wrong to the point where you're repeating the same mistakes that caused the media storm that led to your creation of the very player council you failed to consult on this issue, you are seriously screwing up.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

All Web Investigations
#285 - 2013-09-26 17:37:03 UTC
Andski wrote:
You know CCP, when you have Chribba, pirates, hisec bears, Goons, former BoB members, PL members, newbies, veterans, bittervets, collectors, and basically everyone in this game that isn't a complete troll or Blink fanboy telling you that you're doing something completely wrong to the point where you're repeating the same mistakes that caused the media storm that led to your creation of the very player council you failed to consult on this issue, you are seriously screwing up.

Can't put it any better than that, really
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#286 - 2013-09-26 17:37:10 UTC
The Antiquarian wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:

But restricting it simply for the sake of LORE... no, no necessarily a fan of that. Lore continually grows and changes, and I've always been fond of the "It was thought there was only 1 prototype ever made of this legendary whatever... but another has been found gathering DUST in a hidden hanger owned by the original designer" type of story line.

What kind of story for this ship is random lottery. All it does is make it lose its legend, that is all. It immediately drops from the most unique ship to just another prize.

They can repaint any new hull or they can give away something else but this, this kills the legend and gains nothing in return. CCP can and should do better than this. They should work to improve EVE History because that is what sets this game apart, one server, one history.

You summed up the new place of the Gold Magnate in EVE history perfectly.

Ranger 1 wrote:
1 prototype ever made of this legendary whatever

Whatever indeed.

Fair point, they would probably have been served better to distinguish it from the original somehow... such as calling in the Golden Magnate Mark II or something along that line.

And Guardian-Vexor Mk II.

That too.

I looked, but I'm having a hard time finding the original competition where the Guardian Vexor BPC's were awarded. Did you have better luck than I?

I still remember it as a trivial reward of several 5 run bpc's given out for some sort of hauling or industrial competition back in the day... and not really billed as a "one time only" thing, but I'll be the first to admit that I could be completely off on that.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#287 - 2013-09-26 17:37:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaju Enki
What a disgrace... time to start shoting monuments.

The Tears Must Flow

Cyrus Alabel
Azure Wrath
#288 - 2013-09-26 17:38:53 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:

I think you need to remember CCP can look at the income streams of everyone connected to their organization if it looks fishy... and they would considering CCP endorsed them.

More importantly, playing this legit earns them far, far more in the long run.

You seem to forget that during the T20 scandal, there was dev collusion. There's a reason I.A. exists. Blink could be on the straight and narrow, but it sets a dangerous precedent, that CCP can just give specific people ships that have no guarantee that they won't go to alts. Nevermind ships that are gone entirely.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#289 - 2013-09-26 17:39:05 UTC
Andski wrote:
You know CCP, when you have Chribba, pirates, hisec bears, Goons, former BoB members, PL members, newbies, veterans, bittervets, collectors, and basically everyone in this game that isn't a complete troll or Blink fanboy telling you that you're doing something completely wrong to the point where you're repeating the same mistakes that caused the media storm that led to your creation of the very player council you failed to consult on this issue, you are seriously screwing up.

^ this
Thoroughly Incompetent
#290 - 2013-09-26 17:43:41 UTC
Andski wrote:
You know CCP, when you have Chribba, pirates, hisec bears, Goons, former BoB members, PL members, newbies, veterans, bittervets, collectors, and basically everyone in this game that isn't a complete troll or Blink fanboy telling you that you're doing something completely wrong to the point where you're repeating the same mistakes that caused the media storm that led to your creation of the very player council you failed to consult on this issue, you are seriously screwing up.

You would think anyone looking at it for 2 seconds would realize how terrible idea it is to begin with but nope... Ugh
Leppales Beddelver
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#291 - 2013-09-26 17:45:03 UTC
More bad decisions from CCP.
Deepwater Hooligans
#292 - 2013-09-26 17:45:41 UTC
So let me get this straight CCP wants to ruin the history of EVE, one of the main driving forced behind why I love this game for some publicity?

Isn't it kind of ironic that CCP create this collectors edition for a decades worth of history which they give to SOMAR to give away at the same time they re-introduce pieces of history spitting on that decade of history.

CCP you are bad and you should feel bad, didn't want that respect for you anyway.
All Web Investigations
#293 - 2013-09-26 17:46:18 UTC
Remember that time CCP got really mad about people pretending that CCP was officially vouching for them via the wiki

and got very mad and banned people and changed the EULA/TOS because the idea that CCP would officially vouch for a player/group was unacceptable

and then just a few days later they not only officially vouched for, but offer to hand trillions of isk to, a player group

bloody marvellous
Ice Liberation Army
#294 - 2013-09-26 17:47:26 UTC
And CCP, you understand that if SOMER does take the ships and run, or gives them to alts or players who pay bribes, you have an absolute PR nightmare on your hands. Players raging, people who spent tons of isk quitting and complaining about CCP for years on forums, news articles about how "CCP cheated their players".

Aren't their internal policies in place to review public relations risk? This should be ringing a few bells...

IMO, these ships should be given out via a CCP run event like the old days. It's more fun than a lottery anyways.
Maximilian Akora
It's just business.
#295 - 2013-09-26 17:49:55 UTC
Andski wrote:
You know CCP, when you have Chribba, pirates, hisec bears, Goons, former BoB members, PL members, newbies, veterans, bittervets, collectors, and basically everyone in this game that isn't a complete troll or Blink fanboy telling you that you're doing something completely wrong to the point where you're repeating the same mistakes that caused the media storm that led to your creation of the very player council you failed to consult on this issue, you are seriously screwing up.

You just saved me typing a lot of words.
Julia Reave
Silicon Moon
#296 - 2013-09-26 17:52:01 UTC
Andski wrote:
You know CCP, when you have Chribba, pirates, hisec bears, Goons, former BoB members, PL members, newbies, veterans, bittervets, collectors, and basically everyone in this game that isn't a complete troll or Blink fanboy telling you that you're doing something completely wrong to the point where you're repeating the same mistakes that caused the media storm that led to your creation of the very player council you failed to consult on this issue, you are seriously screwing up.

Ibn Taymiyyah
eM' Roid Extraction Services
#297 - 2013-09-26 17:52:42 UTC
Andrev Nox wrote:
Swidgen wrote:
Andrev Nox wrote:
The original plan was for the CCP donated prizes to be a Bonk, and to roll the Bonk earnings straight back into the Eve Vegas sponsorship (detailed here: )

But we wanted to give folks a chance at these hulls that didn't want to spend any ISK on our site too, so we moved the tickets to "any play" and are rolling any residual profit from this event back to the Vegas event sponsorship.

Wait a second.... your "residual profit" is in ISK, no? How can you sponsor a RL event, i.e. EVE Vegas, with ISK? How does that work exactly? Because converting ISK into RL money is prohibited, is it not?

As detailed in the link you quoted - we're sponsoring the PVP tourney happening at Eve Vegas with ISK prizes, and I'm attending to hand out ISK prizes as well.

We've sponsored several dozen RL meetups in this fashion so far, although this one is by far the biggest amount of sponsorship to date :)

I'm sorry mate, but how exactly are you "sponsoring" anything when the funds are coming from once-unique-now-rare items spawned by CCP?

You're not sponsoring ****. You're just being the middle man and taking your cut. As much of a ****** situation it would be I'd much rather have CCP spawn the isk for the prizes then hand you the items where there's no ******* control over who gets what!

This whole thing stinks of Devs doing handouts to friends. CCP ... never fails to dissapoint.

My 2 cents
Kuni Oichi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#298 - 2013-09-26 17:53:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuni Oichi
Ranger 1 wrote:

Oh, I think CCP will have a pretty good idea.

Sure, they could keep it all... and destroy their credibility with CCP and with the community in an incredibly high profile way. They would be literally chucking away their lucrative long term income stream for a (comparatively) tiny amount of ISK.

Granted, they would have a certain notoriety afterwards which might appeal to some, but I have a hard time believing they would be so INCREDIBLY STUPID as to do what people are suggesting.

Really, think about it folks.

It's entirely irrelevant what they've done in the past. Bad Bobby hadn't scammed anyone before he walked away with several hundred billion isk from his titan BPO scam.

But it's equally irrelevant whether they scam or not. CCP is directly giving a player corporation in the PVP sandbox a massive advantage.

  • Increased exposure will drive more customers to their income stream.

  • The prizes given by CCP aren't costing Somer anything so they can give them away without cutting into their profits.

  • X amount of those customers who sign up because of this will stay, increasing Somer's long-term revenue.

The reason this was a terrible idea is not that Somer might scam (in fact it would be the best outcome if they did) but that CCP is giving a direct advantage to a player corporation because they like them. Not because of a competition open to all with clear rules involved but out of direct favouritism.

I like Somer, I can't fault them for what they're doing here, or the ludicrous amounts of ISK they make (though there isn't as much transparency as would appear), this is solely on CCP.

Add in that Somer is purely a gambling site that has driven players to spend rl money on isk in order to fund their gambling addiction and it's patently obvious that instead CCP should have given these items to Goonswarm, the moral, sensible choice for receiving CCP bias.
Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#299 - 2013-09-26 17:53:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Seraph Essael
Andski wrote:
You know CCP, when you have Chribba, pirates, hisec bears, Goons, former BoB members, PL members, newbies, veterans, bittervets, collectors, and basically everyone in this game that isn't a complete troll or Blink fanboy telling you that you're doing something completely wrong to the point where you're repeating the same mistakes that caused the media storm that led to your creation of the very player council you failed to consult on this issue, you are seriously screwing up.

Andski can be a real pain in the ass on these forums sometimes, arguing with him is like trying to cut butter with a hammer (luckily I have never been on the recieving end of him (giggidy, no? Awww okay)).

But seriously, this quote has really hit the nail on the head.

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."

Bronco Platz
#300 - 2013-09-26 17:53:47 UTC
Andski wrote:
You know CCP, when you have Chribba, pirates, hisec bears, Goons, former BoB members, PL members, newbies, veterans, bittervets, collectors, and basically everyone in this game that isn't a complete troll or Blink fanboy telling you that you're doing something completely wrong to the point where you're repeating the same mistakes that caused the media storm that led to your creation of the very player council you failed to consult on this issue, you are seriously screwing up.

Believed it would never happens. But liked an Andski-post.

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