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Corp hoppers???

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2013-09-22 00:20:47 UTC
Doc Severide wrote:
I know a guy who is constantly ripping of Corps to the tune of tens of Billions monthly. But the Corps continue to let him in, again and again and again. Very very wierd, someone is not checking...

They often do check and question it, but they don't check the authenticity of the lies you tell them.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#22 - 2013-09-22 00:57:11 UTC
I think of it this way.

Why take the chance? There are plenty of bodies out there to fill the place of the few with suspicious records.

And the ones you can't avoid, you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference anyway. Might as well mitigate what you can. EVE is all about risk management.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2013-09-23 00:43:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Alaric Faelen
Beyond the obvious awoxing and spy threats, corp hoppers are not high on recruiting lists for a couple reasons. For one, loyalty actually counts for something. Becoming part of the group socially is hard if you aren't around long enough to know anyone.

How invested in a corp or area can you be if you were only there briefly? That tells a recruiter you are probably asking more about what benefit to you the corp or region is, not the other way around. Recruiters can spot the player that just wants greener pastures to rat in and won't be bothered to contribute when they are called upon.

Every corp/alliance has ups and downs, are you likely to jump ship at the first sign of difficulty? A pile of corps in your history may indicate that when the going gets tough, like inconvenient war decs or losing all your sov, you are going to simply bail.

Short stays in corps is also a red flag for uncooperative players. Ones that tend to find drama shortly after arriving, then storm off after a hissy fit on the corp forum.

Mostly, that recruiter is going to assume you will be, at best, a tourist in their corp as well, and really why would they want you if that's the case?

Contrary to popular belief, just having a bunch of members in a corp/alliance isn't nearly as important as having active players that contribute- if not massively then at least reliably. FC's need to be able to count on X number of ships for an op, on average, to determine doctrines and tactical limitations....for example if your rally cry nets all of 5 dudes in frigates, your chances of taking sov are low. But if you can count on 75 people to log in with a full BS fleet and support when called. if people log in at ridiculous hours to make a have some more operational flexibility.
Tourists aren't likely to add anything that an alt of a fleet member couldn't.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#24 - 2013-09-23 01:14:29 UTC
Alaric Faelen wrote:
Beyond the obvious awoxing and spy threats, corp hoppers are not high on recruiting lists for a couple reasons. For one, loyalty actually counts for something. Becoming part of the group socially is hard if you aren't around long enough to know anyone.

How invested in a corp or area can you be if you were only there briefly? That tells a recruiter you are probably asking more about what benefit to you the corp or region is, not the other way around. Recruiters can spot the player that just wants greener pastures to rat in and won't be bothered to contribute when they are called upon.

Every corp/alliance has ups and downs, are you likely to jump ship at the first sign of difficulty? A pile of corps in your history may indicate that when the going gets tough, like inconvenient war decs or losing all your sov, you are going to simply bail.

Short stays in corps is also a red flag for uncooperative players. Ones that tend to find drama shortly after arriving, then storm off after a hissy fit on the corp forum.

Mostly, that recruiter is going to assume you will be, at best, a tourist in their corp as well, and really why would they want you if that's the case?

Contrary to popular belief, just having a bunch of members in a corp/alliance isn't nearly as important as having active players that contribute- if not massively then at least reliably. FC's need to be able to count on X number of ships for an op, on average, to determine doctrines and tactical limitations....for example if your rally cry nets all of 5 dudes in frigates, your chances of taking sov are low. But if you can count on 75 people to log in with a full BS fleet and support when called. if people log in at ridiculous hours to make a have some more operational flexibility.
Tourists aren't likely to add anything that an alt of a fleet member couldn't.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other argument there.
While all you say is true, those loyal members come from somewhere. And it's not always a brand new pilot recruited on creation. So a good corp leader balances the arguments you have brought against the need/desire to grow their corp & pilots. And part of that is taking the tourist in who seems a decent guy after some checks on them to make sure there is no awox/theft history and giving them a chance.
Yes, they might just want greener pastures to rat in, but from that can come attachment to the people who give them the greener pastures. If all the Corp does is 'CVA, CVA, CVA, no, you can't rat, you have a CVA' you aren't going to feel like you are getting anything from the corp, just giving giving giving, and it should be a two way street.

So, To the Op. If they reject you simply on a bit of moving history, be glad. They probably were just going to milk you as much as they could and aren't really interested in you. If they give a number of other reasons as well, look at those, and see what you can grow.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2013-09-23 03:35:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Garandras
Have you considered looking at joining on of the RvB corps..

They have a pretty open recuitment and generally good fun.

And if you stick with them have some good pvp but decide to move to Null they are more likely to take you in
Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2013-09-23 03:49:56 UTC
KuroVolt wrote:
Because EVE is a social game.

Humans are instinctively social, people apearing unsocial will usually be avoided.

A very long employment list with not much time spent with each corp indicates you are either up to no good, or very unsocialable, thus you are avoided.

Or that you want to meet lots of people. Variety is the spice of life. I've met some fantastic people over my time in eve (Tau Ceti Global Production, Magitech alliance, Tactical Knightmare, now INEXTREMIS, I know them all from memory) but I can't stay in one place for years on end.

There's so much in eve, why wouldn't I want to try everything and meet everyone?

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Critically Preposterous
#27 - 2013-09-23 07:15:38 UTC
corp hoppers, the lost kind of grass hoppers.
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2013-09-23 14:28:14 UTC
Clean Head wrote:
Why are corp hoppers flagged by the EVE community? We are not thieves, scammers, rapi*ts, awoxers! We are just lost souls looking for some affection and love .........

lol are the really good xD Big smile
#29 - 2013-09-23 16:02:36 UTC
I know!
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#30 - 2013-09-23 16:07:47 UTC
I jump corps all the time. I don't steal or take anything if the corp is boring and no one is on I leave. Many times I join a corp and its either ran by one guy with 5 alts or its just not fun. I've Join alot of corps and most assume something is wrong with me, But all it is that I get bored real easy. Most the time as well different time zones. I just can't found that one group that is fun to fly with or likes my rude jokes.


Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2013-09-23 16:49:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Alaric Faelen
While all you say is true, those loyal members come from somewhere. And it's not always a brand new pilot recruited on creation.

--No, loyal members tend to come from the large pool of players that aren't corp hoppers. This seems obvious- corp hoppers, by definition have demonstrated little interest in loyalty. Thus recruiters will demonstrate an equal lack of interest in taking on those players.
Just like in RL, a corp cannot succeed running around unable to make long term plans because they've recruited people who can't be relied upon come next week, much less next month.

Corps, alliances, empires are not built by quitters.

And part of that is taking the tourist in who seems a decent guy after some checks on them to make sure there is no awox/theft history and giving them a chance.

Other players and their corps/alliances do not owe you anything. They don't owe you 'a chance'. They certainly don't owe you safety and support when the one thing they do ask in return is support in PvP...and that is exactly the one thing that is 'too much to expect' from you?
Wow, making a great case for bothering with that type of player...just to hope that he graces a fleet with his presence. The ego does flow....considering your contribution is likely on par with that of an alt for someone that actually shows up to fleets.

It's telling that you seem to think random corps and their members have a responsibility to you to benefit your toon as a pre-condition to even applying- yet in return you offer exactly the opposite- hard evidence of a lack of loyalty and contribution.

Yes, they might just want greener pastures to rat in, but from that can come attachment to the people who give them the greener pastures

--In other words- you are only there to make isk hiding behind other people's effort (like taking sov, holding space, being able to call for help if you get tackled, space stations to dock in and facilities like repair, clones, research and manufacture, jump bridge networks) yet offer absolutely nothing in return, going so far as to rail against the only thing most corps actually need from players- fleet up when needed.

From those people come only exactly what is in black and white in your corp history-- zero loyalty, someone only interested in using other people for their own benefit, and that will just pack up and leave if the world doesn't come together to make their toon wealthy.
There's too many people willing to be useful, to contribute and even sacrifice for the group, to bother with the selfish and anti-social. Any toon can train to do anything, so you're not in any way unique or irreplaceable...applications always come down to the player, not his toon.

. If all the Corp does is 'CVA, CVA, CVA, no, you can't rat, you have a CVA

--CVA? Maybe a variation but I think what you mean is CTA- Call To Arms.
Again- you've listed exactly ONE contribution to the group expected of all members, and it's already too rich for your blood? So far you demand entry just to see if the corp is even 'worthy' of your Eve-mastery, you expect corps to have a place for your ships to land, resources like refining, research, repair and offices for clones, upgrades to ratting, better belts....but the corp is way out of line to ask even lift a finger in return? Got it.

It's comical to use the term 'two way street' but nowhere in your post actually demonstrate one. Your post can be summed up with three, me, me.

The reality is that being in a good corp/alliance offers boundless benefits far in excess of anything you could do alone, and far in excess than what is ever asked in return.
Most importantly, what you get are friends. This is an MMO, upwards of 70k online at any time according to the launcher thingy. This game is just an excuse to hang out with friends. By being loyal to one group for longer than six minutes, by being social, friendly, and occasionally useful, I have met people from around the world that I call true friends beyond the scope of a video game.
Ciaphas Cyne
#32 - 2013-09-23 17:52:50 UTC
id like to add to this discussion that if corp recruiters were, on average, not entirely full of $h!+ we would see a drastic reduction in player corp histories.

its taken me several months and three corps to actually come across a good group that does what the recruiter told me they do. TPLUS was fantastic in their recruitment process and had plenty of support for new players joining. but best of all, and the reason i wont be jumping ship anytime soon.....they didnt lie to me. its a corp that is as advertised; that makes it different than 90% of EVE organizations.

if we could somehow see the activity level of a corp before joining that would be great. like a standard member count, and then below it a "logged in this past week/month" member count, that would be fantastic. then we could cross reference that will kill-boards and get a better idea of who to join and who to avoid.

if only i could get the time i spent in this ( craphole corp back.... 44 members and 3 real players logging in. but of course it was all

"oh we are super active, almost 50 members, tons of support for new players blah blah blah"

i come to find out its one lonely dude with 10 alts, his super annoying friend who tries to scam the new fodder into buying his 500% above market price ships and mods, and whatever poor unsuspecting newbie gets suckered into joining that week. I mention im not really interested in buying a tech one hobgoblin for 600,000isk and all of a sudden im a "trouble maker".

ok rant over...sorry.


recruiters lie for a living

"buff only the stuff I fly and nerf everything else"

  • you
NoNoNo YesYes
Karmic Rebalance
#33 - 2013-09-23 19:10:44 UTC
Alaric Faelen wrote:

Corps, alliances, empires are not built by quitters.

Positively hilarious coming from someone in EXE
Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2013-09-23 19:22:07 UTC
Wow, how pithy and insightful from a day old toon in a day old corp. Very brave of you....

here's a shiny ball, go back to your pubbie mining corp and bounce it quietly in a corner.
NoNoNo YesYes
Karmic Rebalance
#35 - 2013-09-23 19:31:27 UTC  |  Edited by: NoNoNo YesYes
Alaric Faelen wrote:
Wow, how pithy and insightful from a day old toon in a day old corp. Very brave of you....

here's a shiny ball, go back to your pubbie mining corp and bounce it quietly in a corner.

Close, but no cigar.

Didn't mean to touch a nerve, bro.

E: Always funny to see non-goons call people "pubbie"
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2013-09-23 19:41:46 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
If all the Corp does is 'CVA, CVA, CVA, no, you can't rat, you have a CVA' you aren't going to feel like you are getting anything from the corp, just giving giving giving, and it should be a two way street.

OMG, you are right!
My corp DOES have alot of CVA!

This has given me alot to think about...

BoBwins Law: As a discussion/war between two large nullsec entities grows longer, the probability of one comparing the other to BoB aproaches near certainty.

I Was There
#37 - 2013-09-23 20:10:43 UTC
People leave their corporations after a short stay, if the corporation didn't live up to expectations. Sometimes people just eat the stuff in recruitment chat raw, and they end up in a corporation that doesn't do daily mining ops, pvp training, whs, lowsec roams, lvl 4 mission running, free skillbook program, free frigates for newbies programmes etc.
Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2013-09-24 02:33:51 UTC
Ciaphas Cyne wrote:
id like to add to this discussion that if corp recruiters were, on average, not entirely full of $h!+ we would see a drastic reduction in player corp histories.

This is totally true, by the way. Most corps I've been in have sworn blue that they have a strong Australian timezone presence.

Thus far, that's always been a lie with the exception of my current corp.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2013-09-24 07:43:54 UTC
Ciaphas Cyne wrote:
id like to add to this discussion that if corp recruiters were, on average, not entirely full of $h!+ we would see a drastic reduction in player corp histories.

its taken me several months and three corps to actually come across a good group that does what the recruiter told me they do. TPLUS was fantastic in their recruitment process and had plenty of support for new players joining. but best of all, and the reason i wont be jumping ship anytime soon.....they didnt lie to me. its a corp that is as advertised; that makes it different than 90% of EVE organizations.

if we could somehow see the activity level of a corp before joining that would be great. like a standard member count, and then below it a "logged in this past week/month" member count, that would be fantastic. then we could cross reference that will kill-boards and get a better idea of who to join and who to avoid.

if only i could get the time i spent in this ( craphole corp back.... 44 members and 3 real players logging in. but of course it was all

"oh we are super active, almost 50 members, tons of support for new players blah blah blah"

i come to find out its one lonely dude with 10 alts, his super annoying friend who tries to scam the new fodder into buying his 500% above market price ships and mods, and whatever poor unsuspecting newbie gets suckered into joining that week. I mention im not really interested in buying a tech one hobgoblin for 600,000isk and all of a sudden im a "trouble maker".

ok rant over...sorry.


recruiters lie for a living

I try and make sure my recruiters don't lie as it helps exactly no one if people were mislead into joining and don't get what they expected. There are plenty of corps that do lie and many many incredibly awful corps in eve. Joining a few bad corps is fine but people that do that over and over without learning to do some basic research somewhere along the line. These people are not showing a capacity to learn.

Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2013-09-24 08:39:08 UTC
Close, but no cigar. Didn't mean to touch a nerve, bro.

--meh, just grumpy. I blame booster withdrawl. Sad

People leave their corporations after a short stay, if the corporation didn't live up to expectations

--And that is understandable once or twice. But a 'corp hopper' that continues that pattern is raising a big red flag to recruiters. It's simply a matter of playing the odds- what are the odds that half a dozen corps in a row were that terrible versus the likelihood that the problem lies with the player?

Consider the possibility that your expectations of a corp, especially ones randomly accepting people with little vetting, or needing to lie in adverts, are unrealistic.

It's flatly unrealistic to expect corps to simply throw out instant wealth and success simply because you think it's your birthright. That isn't a corp, that's a charity.

That entire method of trying to 'find the right corp' by randomly joining and quitting, is really just treating them as lotteries. Like buying a bunch of scratch tickets hoping for that one that pays off and hands you everything you want on a platter. Sorry, but that's not what corps/alliance are.

"Give me free stuff then leave me alone" is hardly the resume of a 'must have' pilot for recruiters.
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