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Player morality in EVE online. Why did you leave it at the door?

First post
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#541 - 2011-11-02 18:21:46 UTC
It's more the 'victim mentality' and it's not just in EVE.

Increasingly in today’s western society, everyone is a victim of something, and they want compensation for it damnit.

Someone has to pay for their feelings of victimhood and since, inside EVE, CCP does not recompense them financially for their hurt feelings they substitute this by giving themselves a payment of moral superiority over the other gamer that merely bettered them in an internet spaceship pvp game .

It’s all kind of funny and pathetic at the same time.

Makes me want to blow up some internet spaceships tbh.
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#542 - 2011-11-02 18:21:56 UTC
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Than* you are fine with being labeled as an "sadist". Thats* probably the whole point of this thread. You acknowledge the act* that you have no real place in modern society and therefore you use your "expresion"* in computer game.

Thats fine with many posters in this thread. We do not approve but we got no force to change it. You are what you are.

edit : its good you dont hide behind the mask of i am the good and just guy who do the worst humanity can offer to people i dont* know because its just an game.

So quick to jump to conclusions. I wish you'd be quicker to jump out into traffic, or off of a cliff.

People who make unwarranted assumptions or attempt to psychologically profile based on a single-faceted statement prove exactly how blatantly ignorant they truly are.

As for a place in society, I fit in just fine, living in a nice military society.

Also, I'm pretty sure the words you were searching for were:
- Then*
- That's*
- Fact*
- Expression*


I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#543 - 2011-11-02 18:24:04 UTC
I think only immoral people in EVE are those who spend years in a corp and then suddenly screw out everyone in a heart beat because they feel bored.
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#544 - 2011-11-02 18:26:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaroslav Unwanted
Jack Carrigan wrote:
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Than* you are fine with being labeled as an "sadist". Thats* probably the whole point of this thread. You acknowledge the act* that you have no real place in modern society and therefore you use your "expresion"* in computer game.

Thats fine with many posters in this thread. We do not approve but we got no force to change it. You are what you are.

edit : its good you dont hide behind the mask of i am the good and just guy who do the worst humanity can offer to people i dont* know because its just an game.

So quick to jump to conclusions. I wish you'd be quicker to jump out into traffic, or off of a cliff.

People who make unwarranted assumptions or attempt to psychologically profile based on a single-faceted statement prove exactly how blatantly ignorant they truly are.

As for a place in society, I fit in just fine, living in a nice military society.

Also, I'm pretty sure the words you were searching for were:
- Then*
- That's*
- Fact*
- Expression*


Thanks. But i just rewrote what you write, i didnt claim it as my thoughts about you. So thanks for your attention. If i may suggest you re-write your post i was quoting and then this reply could have some merit.

Apologize for an off-topic.

PS. Person who write the words i spelled incorrectly and then use internet abbreviation, i cant take "them" seriously.

edit you also missed : "being labeled" which specifically shows that such things doesn't have to be true, only you know as such if you enjoy suffering for no "real gain" just for the sake of suffering.
Karl Planck
Caldari State
#545 - 2011-11-02 18:33:59 UTC
Baneken wrote:
I think only immoral people in EVE are those who spend years in a corp and then suddenly screw out everyone in a heart beat because they feel bored.


I has all the eve inactivity

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#546 - 2011-11-02 18:35:35 UTC
Baneken wrote:
I think only immoral people in EVE are those who spend years in a corp and then suddenly screw out everyone in a heart beat because they feel bored.

On the other hand

They can actually provide an "gameplay" for thousands of players. Just by an simple action of betrayal. Question
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#547 - 2011-11-02 18:42:28 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:

It doesn't take much reading in these forums to find a thread from someone expressing how much they enjoyed making someone quit or lash out. And I'm just saying, if you're going to blame animal inheritance for being a jerk, you'll have to prove that animals enjoy collecting tears for the sake of collecting tears.

Well, anyone using the animal world as an analogy for what we do is just simply incorrect. We can't know what they're thinking. And so, we can't know their motivations. We can only observe their behavior and infer what they are doing and why. But it's all in reference to what we are as human beings, not a lion on African plans.

On the other hand, we are animals. And if we gain enjoyment from torturing other's, then why shouldn't the animal world be the same? And so there are examples to draw upon. I would dare say that there are examples of both empathetic and sadistic behavior in the animal kingdom. I'll not get into the specifics because that's not really what this thread is about.

Yes, I contradict, even myself. It's purely an example of why animal analogs are poor substitutes for proper descriptions in this thread. Anywho.

The simple answers are: people derive enjoyment from others' suffering. People derive enjoyment from others' pleasures. People derive enjoyment from their own suffering. People derive enjoyment from their own pleasure. And this happens at random times in the same person and different people. That pretty much wraps up why everyone in this game does what they do.

I don't need to know why people do what they do. It's all human nature. The only real morality in the real world is that which people choose to observe in obedience of the law and socially acceptable behavior if one is inclined to participate in society as a contributing and accepted member. But, we have very different laws in Eve, places of lawlessness. However, there is a social imposition of morality in most groups as well as an absence in some. Then again, the absence of socially acceptable behavior is acceptable and expected behavior for one to be accepted in some circles. So, I'd say, if you're trying to understand the whys then go pick up a sociology book and start reading. They've got it pretty spot on.

Don't ban me, bro!

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#548 - 2011-11-02 18:43:52 UTC
I see that the general request for sadists/griefers/etc to be honest goes unheeded as usual.

The argument is moot. You can blow up someones ship for a multitude of reasons, but if you relish in the "tears" and try to goad them into some tears, you need to admit and identify who and what you are.

Perhaps I am wrong - maybe that segment of the population is NOT trying to fool us. Perhaps they are trying to fool themselves?

If I want to be lied to by sociopaths I will watch C-SPAN.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#549 - 2011-11-02 18:46:48 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Look at me, I'm an internet psychologist!

Karl Planck
Caldari State
#550 - 2011-11-02 19:07:50 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
I see that the general request for sadists/griefers/etc to be honest goes unheeded as usual.

The argument is moot. You can blow up someones ship for a multitude of reasons, but if you relish in the "tears" and try to goad them into some tears, you need to admit and identify who and what you are.

Perhaps I am wrong - maybe that segment of the population is NOT trying to fool us. Perhaps they are trying to fool themselves?

If I want to be lied to by sociopaths I will watch C-SPAN.

Its already been answered, multiple times. Why answer it again and again and again

I has all the eve inactivity

Veerhouven Group
#551 - 2011-11-02 21:04:50 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
There are no real consequences, so there is no real morality. Games are not real. Do not confuse player behaviour with real person behaviour.

This is the part of it that I have had trouble with from the start. Maybe it's a 'me' thing, but my morals and ethics follow me where ever I go. It's not optional.
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#552 - 2011-11-02 22:57:34 UTC
ACY GTMI wrote:
Abrazzar wrote:
There are no real consequences, so there is no real morality. Games are not real. Do not confuse player behaviour with real person behaviour.

This is the part of it that I have had trouble with from the start. Maybe it's a 'me' thing, but my morals and ethics follow me where ever I go. It's not optional.

unless you suffer with serious personality disorder.
Azn Empire
#553 - 2011-11-02 23:21:19 UTC
ACY GTMI wrote:
Abrazzar wrote:
There are no real consequences, so there is no real morality. Games are not real. Do not confuse player behaviour with real person behaviour.

This is the part of it that I have had trouble with from the start. Maybe it's a 'me' thing, but my morals and ethics follow me where ever I go. It's not optional.

So I guess you never play games like BF3 or CoD?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#554 - 2011-11-02 23:29:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaroslav Unwanted
Mag's wrote:
ACY GTMI wrote:
Abrazzar wrote:
There are no real consequences, so there is no real morality. Games are not real. Do not confuse player behaviour with real person behaviour.

This is the part of it that I have had trouble with from the start. Maybe it's a 'me' thing, but my morals and ethics follow me where ever I go. It's not optional.

So I guess you never play games like BF3 or CoD?

Different games, for different play-style. You do not invest thousands of work hours to achieve something. You log in and press play. You lose nothing. In EVE you lose time. Time is only thing which "exists". ISK, real world money all of it is just time nothing more. Things dont have any value apart the fact that someone somewhere used his/her time to provide it.

Thats probably the main difference. People who join eve just to blow **** up are in the wrong game they should have stayed in CS.

Or maybe not.. Maybe not.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#555 - 2011-11-02 23:35:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Herzog Wolfhammer
Mag's wrote:
ACY GTMI wrote:
Abrazzar wrote:
There are no real consequences, so there is no real morality. Games are not real. Do not confuse player behaviour with real person behaviour.

This is the part of it that I have had trouble with from the start. Maybe it's a 'me' thing, but my morals and ethics follow me where ever I go. It's not optional.

So I guess you never play games like BF3 or CoD?

Interesting question - I play COD2 often and when I smack someone in the head with a rifle butt I giggle like Loreena Bobbit in a sausage factory.

But there is no labor for COD or most of the FPS games. You get killed, you respawn, and that's that.

Certainly the "expensive death" approach gives us reason not to compare EvE with a FPS.

There's the sandbox element to consider too. in the majority of FPS games, there is NOTHING else to do but kill the other players or get killed.

So if you launch an FPS game, it's already accepted that you will kill and get killed.

But many could say that EvE is also such, or decide, this sandbox and all, that is how they will play it. I could imagine with deep pockets - or a penchant for cheap frigates - having everything set up in a station next door to a lowsec dangerous system, a player could be set up in almost the same manner as if in a FPS. Get killed, respawn, (make sure clone is updated!), get in new ship lined up next to say 100 others like it, and be back in business 1 or two jumps away soon enough, GCC a factor depending on system sec status.

That's not really the issue here. Some can and will set up that way, and God bless them if they can find enough fights that way to make it matter.

It's about being an asshat and griefing, not PVP.

Again, were I a closet asshat, I would still claim it's the way the game is supposed to be played, or that I am roleplaying a douche, or whatever, but the mark of morality is based on how you handle it.

You can be a soldier, ordered to occupy a foreign land, much against the will of the people living there, shoot enemy soldiers, and maintain your post.....

or you can kill and sexually assault non-combatants, destroy farms on a whim, and use fragmentation grenades to clear houses.

If you do the latter, do you still say "hey, I was just serving my country"?

If you grief the defenseless, relish in the tears, smack talk them in local, post the chat logs (leaving out your insults to them of course) or make a youtube, can you say "hey I was just playing EvE"?

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Azn Empire
#556 - 2011-11-03 00:11:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Mag's wrote:
ACY GTMI wrote:
Abrazzar wrote:
There are no real consequences, so there is no real morality. Games are not real. Do not confuse player behaviour with real person behaviour.

This is the part of it that I have had trouble with from the start. Maybe it's a 'me' thing, but my morals and ethics follow me where ever I go. It's not optional.

So I guess you never play games like BF3 or CoD?

Different games, for different play-style. You do not invest thousands of work hours to achieve something. You log in and press play. You lose nothing. In EVE you lose time. Time is only thing which "exists". ISK, real world money all of it is just time nothing more. Things dont have any value apart the fact that someone somewhere used his/her time to provide it.

Thats probably the main difference. People who join eve just to blow **** up are in the wrong game they should have stayed in CS.

Or maybe not.. Maybe not.
I just think someone who claims the high ground, in regards to morals and ethics, would also have issues shooting someone. Surely shooting people is way out of bounds?

Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Interesting question - I play COD2 often and when I smack someone in the head with a rifle butt I giggle like Loreena Bobbit in a sausage factory.

But there is no labor for COD or most of the FPS games. You get killed, you respawn, and that's that.

Certainly the "expensive death" approach gives us reason not to compare EvE with a FPS.

There's the sandbox element to consider too. in the majority of FPS games, there is NOTHING else to do but kill the other players or get killed.

So if you launch an FPS game, it's already accepted that you will kill and get killed.

But many could say that EvE is also such, or decide, this sandbox and all, that is how they will play it. I could imagine with deep pockets - or a penchant for cheap frigates - having everything set up in a station next door to a lowsec dangerous system, a player could be set up in almost the same manner as if in a FPS. Get killed, respawn, (make sure clone is updated!), get in new ship lined up next to say 100 others like it, and be back in business 1 or two jumps away soon enough, GCC a factor depending on system sec status.

That's not really the issue here. Some can and will set up that way, and God bless them if they can find enough fights that way to make it matter.

It's about being an asshat and griefing, not PVP.

Again, were I a closet asshat, I would still claim it's the way the game is supposed to be played, or that I am roleplaying a douche, or whatever, but the mark of morality is based on how you handle it.
Terms like asshat and griefing are merely judgements of play styles within this sandbox. It doesn't follow that someone playing a particular style, is somewhat morally vacant in real life.

I'd be far more concerned about the real life actions, of people that seemingly cannot differentiate between game and RL situations. People like that would in my opinion, be more likely to try and hunt people down in RL for revenge. Let's face it, this has happened. Even when it was only regarding your so called less "expensive death" games.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#557 - 2011-11-03 00:30:31 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Terms like asshat and griefing are merely judgements of play styles within this sandbox. It doesn't follow that someone playing a particular style, is somewhat morally vacant in real life.

I'd be far more concerned about the real life actions, of people that seemingly cannot differentiate between game and RL situations. People like that would in my opinion, be more likely to try and hunt me down in RL for revenge. It's happened, even when it was only regarding your so called less "expensive death" games.

I'd say folks that play just because they enjoy kicking over someones sandcaslte for the fun of it would likely do the same thing in RL if the lack of consequense in Eve was also part of the RL. If they wouldn't then they don't understand that the two actions are basically the same. You destroy someones work product from the only thing we have in life, time because you find taking something away from another and inflicting pain in itself enjoyable. I would bet if you could get away with it in RL you'd do the same thing in RL.

Someone in an early post pointed out quite elequently that Eve is different than a FPS because the only goal in an FPS is to kill other players and there is no real cost of death. There is also no persisted items of value like we have in Eve.

It's funny you fear RL consequence to your in game actions. Maybe if you think being an "asshat" is no big deal you might want to ask how it would get someone upset enough to share their opinion of your actions in a very difficult to misunderstand in RL manner.

You might claim that folks that take "not playing well with others" in a game as a serious breach of RL morality are "crazy" but I'd remind you a big piece of the folk we share this space marble with consider just the "thought" of an immoral act as the same as having done it.

What is moral is a very tricky subject and I believe impossible to define as an absolute but I do know that if I do something to someone for fun that I wouldn't like happening to me I might need to rethink why I'm doing it.

Kaylen Vimanis
#558 - 2011-11-03 00:44:23 UTC
Not read all the 28 pages of content mainly because i cba.

But consider that; while playing any type of game, not just EVE that perhaps people use gaming as a release from RL. Sometimes people want to shoot easy targets or steal from players passively focusing their frustration on the target they have in front of them at that moment.

Shooting people in the face on counter-strike etc has one of those satisfying feelings though you do respawn next round without any long term damage bar your kill:death ratio. In EVE, i think the satisfaction comes from doing some long term damage to players you know who can't easily recover from an unsuspecting gank and ruining someone's day/week etc.

Since moving servers is impossible, a lot of people like griefing repeatedly the same targets or a demographic of targets known to hang in a certain area.

Not saying i condone this of course, but it happens, just like people in RL get mugged/murdered for an opportunistic gain. Maybe they get a kick out of it, or maybe they were desperate to make a bit of money.

There are different motivations for everyone, but the methods are generally the same. For some (a lot), it's the only way to play the game.

I’m a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.

Haulin Gneiss
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#559 - 2011-11-03 00:45:49 UTC
same goes for random explorers. I'm just here for the data.....why you got to kill me?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#560 - 2011-11-03 01:01:00 UTC
I never left my morals at the door when I entered this game, thank you very much.

However, EVE is just a game and the ruthless, cutthroat nature of this game is just one of it's many appeals.