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Player morality in EVE online. Why did you leave it at the door?

First post
Vardaugas Family
#381 - 2011-11-01 20:05:49 UTC
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait. Wait a moment!

Define: Morality!

Big smile
Karl Planck
Caldari State
#382 - 2011-11-01 20:12:13 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:

I'll repeat it again: If you enjoy making players miserable in-game then this enjoyment is REAL, not in-game or make-believe. If you enjoy causing misery and pain to people (ie collect tears), regardless of the tool you use to proyect your intentions (ie a video game) then you are a sadist. You can claim that your feelings are in-game all you want. But fact is that your enjoyment in causing pain is real (not pretend).

I get your point man, and most people here agree with you. But what are you arguing here and how does that relate to the original question? Like i said earier

Karl Planck wrote:
the stories you read on C&P lead you to the conclusion that most of the ppl on their are asshats. This may be true, but you can't prove it. Are they posting to elicit a response from their victims to gain tactical advantage (no moral qualms)? Or are the sitting their beating it while ppl post threads about how sad they are that they lost everything they had? You CAN NOT tell the difference within the context of the game.

yea, they could be jerks. I bet there are a lot of ppl who play this game who are very immoral. But it has nothing to do with the gameplay. Even their gameplay mimics their personality you can't go as far as the OP (and many others) have tried to take this. How you act in game has really no bearing on how you act IRL.

This is different than what you get out of the game (sadistic pleasure in your example). This is different than why you play the game (all the arguements about acting out our true selves, etc). Yea, it might in fact show up in their game play, but you can't work the other direction. It is illogical to derive someone's behavior from how they act in game, which was the original assertion.

I has all the eve inactivity

Karl Planck
Caldari State
#383 - 2011-11-01 20:13:48 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait. Wait a moment!

Define: Morality!

Big smile

LOL don't even go there. I am pretty sure this whole thread was going off the the idea that ethics exist in some fashion and the self to which those ethics apply is well defined.

I has all the eve inactivity

Jita Alt666
#384 - 2011-11-01 20:16:11 UTC

A concept invented by humans to allow one to justify ones own decision as superior to others.
Ana Vyr
Vyral Technologies
#385 - 2011-11-01 20:22:59 UTC
Karl Planck wrote:
It is illogical to derive someone's behavior from how they act in game, which was the original assertion.

I disagree. Matrix has the right of this in my view. A sadist in game is a sadist out of game. Whether you behave as if you derive pleasure from the suffering of other people is do derive that pleasure, or you wouldn't do it to begin with, anywhere.
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#386 - 2011-11-01 20:25:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaroslav Unwanted
Ana Vyr wrote:
Karl Planck wrote:
It is illogical to derive someone's behavior from how they act in game, which was the original assertion.

I disagree. Matrix has the right of this in my view. A sadist in game is a sadist out of game. Whether you behave as if you derive pleasure from the suffering of other people is do derive that pleasure, or you wouldn't do it to begin with, anywhere.

Unless the person in question is some kind of an masochist.

He does wrong, he perceive it as such and he internally suffers by his action. Yet he chose to do it. Why ?

Could be masochist..

Could be fear from being unable to make choice, and going against one personality to prove he can. Then he can actually feel good about the result, caused by his success to make such choice.
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#387 - 2011-11-01 20:41:10 UTC
This is an aspect of Eve that I find fascinating! Eve turns most folks into real asshats.

In life all we have is our time. If I am serious about spending 40 hours a week building up something in a game and some asshat comes over and 'spodes it becuase "its fun" that person has harmed me in exactly the same manner as if they had destroyed something I might have spent 40 hous in RL working to buy, like a car.

But most folks in Eve aren't smart enough to understand that so the lack of immediate consequence lets them sleep at night as though the didn't do something really evil.

So I would encourage all you Eve griefers to step up your game! Start giving RL crime a try! The rush should be even bigger and if you are even half way smart the lack of consequence should be identical. If you take away my 40 hours of life work product it hurts me the same either way.

I anxiously await inane rebutals from immoral Eve griefers that haven't figured out what life really is, just a fixed amount of time in the 'verse to spend how you choose, being moral or an asshat.

Jita Alt666
#388 - 2011-11-01 20:42:51 UTC
Ana Vyr wrote:
Karl Planck wrote:
It is illogical to derive someone's behavior from how they act in game, which was the original assertion.

I disagree. Matrix has the right of this in my view. A sadist in game is a sadist out of game. Whether you behave as if you derive pleasure from the suffering of other people is do derive that pleasure, or you wouldn't do it to begin with, anywhere.

Human beings are emotionally plurist. We engage in a cross section of emotional states at different times of our lives, different times of the year, different times of the lunar cycles, different times of the day.

To say sadist in game = sadist out of game is a poor attempt at rationale deconstruction of the actual events occurring.

Sadistic tendancies come and go. Feelings of unqualified vindictiveness and the derision of pleasure from that state are not fixed entities. Like feeling sad, or content, feeling sadistic depends on many variables.

The hypothesis that individuals with higher levels of sadistic behaviour within the game perimeters have higher levels of sadistic tendencies in the real world may hold water. We do not know this it has never been satisfactorily tested.

To pose a different but aligned hypothesis, Eve Online game play allows a higher level of implementation of sadistic tendencies than real life. This allowance of sadistic behaviour leads to greater implementation from individuals who are increasingly liable to expression of said tendencies.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#389 - 2011-11-01 20:43:43 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait. Wait a moment!

Define: Morality!

Big smile

"Things I like."

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#390 - 2011-11-01 20:44:44 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
This is an aspect of Eve that I find fascinating! Eve turns most folks into real asshats.

Just like football turns people into robbers.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vardaugas Family
#391 - 2011-11-01 20:45:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Abrazzar
Malcanis wrote:
Abrazzar wrote:
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait. Wait a moment!

Define: Morality!

Big smile

"Things I like."

No, no, no!

It's things *I* like. You're wrong!
Jita Alt666
#392 - 2011-11-01 20:47:44 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
This is an aspect of Eve that I find fascinating! Eve turns most folks into real asshats.

In life all we have is our time. If I am serious about spending 40 hours a week building up something in a game and some asshat comes over and 'spodes it becuase "its fun" that person has harmed me in exactly the same manner as if they had destroyed something I might have spent 40 hous in RL working to buy, like a car.

But most folks in Eve aren't smart enough to understand that so the lack of immediate consequence lets them sleep at night as though the didn't do something really evil.

So I would encourage all you Eve griefers to step up your game! Start giving RL crime a try! The rush should be even bigger and if you are even half way smart the lack of consequence should be identical. If you take away my 40 hours of life work product it hurts me the same either way.

I anxiously await inane rebutals from immoral Eve griefers that haven't figured out what life really is, just a fixed amount of time in the 'verse to spend how you choose, being moral or an asshat.


Taking the bait. Eve Online is a game. The time you spend on the game is not an investment for virtual goods. It is entertainment. If some one destroys the virtual goods you have built up, they are not destroying the product of your time. They are not damaging you in real life.

Your second sentence is says a lot.
Eve turns people into real asshats.
Eve has been intentionally designed that way. It is a mechanic of the game.
Ana Vyr
Vyral Technologies
#393 - 2011-11-01 21:01:25 UTC
Is your time worthless to you?

You could argue that playing EvE is a waste of time, and thus any time spent there is worthless.

I would not agree there though. I play EvE to relax and excercise my mind. Thus, my time spent in EvE is some of the more valuable time I have to spend in a given day.

If I spend 20 hours of that time earning the ISK for a Hulk, it gives that Hulk a personal value to me that you can't say doesn't exist.

Outside The Asylum
#394 - 2011-11-01 21:04:48 UTC
Karl Planck wrote:
[quote=Chelone]Let me illustrate the difference in case it isn't clear. I have a child. That child is a serial killer. I think their actions are immoral and cut of communications with them and remove them from my will.

My other child plays eve. He robs me blind and pods my in my 5bil isk pod. I am broke and a sad panda. I think their actions are immoral and cut of communications with them and remove them from my will.

Anything out of place their between those two examples?

Yep. The same thing out of place in all of the examples being used to pretend morals don't matter. It's a ridiculous and laughable comparison that shouldn't mislead anyone over the mental age of 8.

Waiting for the griefers to proceed to reference Hitler so the thread can be over with already.
#395 - 2011-11-01 21:05:45 UTC
most rl morality is the product of biological prompts imo

in eve there is a whole different set of prompts

the mixture of the two often has interesting (if not appealing) results
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#396 - 2011-11-01 21:07:43 UTC
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
This is an aspect of Eve that I find fascinating! Eve turns most folks into real asshats.

In life all we have is our time. If I am serious about spending 40 hours a week building up something in a game and some asshat comes over and 'spodes it becuase "its fun" that person has harmed me in exactly the same manner as if they had destroyed something I might have spent 40 hous in RL working to buy, like a car.

But most folks in Eve aren't smart enough to understand that so the lack of immediate consequence lets them sleep at night as though the didn't do something really evil.

So I would encourage all you Eve griefers to step up your game! Start giving RL crime a try! The rush should be even bigger and if you are even half way smart the lack of consequence should be identical. If you take away my 40 hours of life work product it hurts me the same either way.

I anxiously await inane rebutals from immoral Eve griefers that haven't figured out what life really is, just a fixed amount of time in the 'verse to spend how you choose, being moral or an asshat.


Taking the bait. Eve Online is a game. The time you spend on the game is not an investment for virtual goods. It is entertainment. If some one destroys the virtual goods you have built up, they are not destroying the product of your time. They are not damaging you in real life.

Your second sentence is says a lot.
Eve turns people into real asshats.
Eve has been intentionally designed that way. It is a mechanic of the game.

I agree that Eve is designed to bring out the worst in folks. I find it fascinating that it works so well. And you will never find me saying that has to change.

But tell me this, OK, so if you blow up my POS that's OK becuse its "not real" even though I may have hundreds of hours spent it doesn't matter. But vandalizing my car is bad because it exists in "RL" and is somehow worth more? Even if they take the same amount of my pool of time away? What if I had a hobby of building elaborate replicas of Eve space ships with popcicle sticks? Would it be OK to smash those? I don't "need" them and they aren't worth anything in RL.

You need to take a few philosophy classes and then spend a few years pondering life and what we percieve as reality (some physics classes related to quantum realities would be good too) then come back and tell me in a reality were all we have is finite time why they are any different.

Of course doing that might take away from time gate camping or sucide ganking miners.

Goonswarm Federation
#397 - 2011-11-01 21:10:56 UTC
who says I left it at the door

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Handsome Hussein
#398 - 2011-11-01 21:12:34 UTC
Ana Vyr wrote:
If I spend 20 hours of that time earning the ISK for a Hulk, it gives that Hulk a personal value to me that you can't say doesn't exist.

That makes destroying it all the sweeter.

You're playing a game where anything you fly can be destroyed and you are complaining and judging people specifically because they are destroying those things. You really need to be playing another game.

I buy a PLEX every so often and also pay a subscription. I don't have a lot of time to grind and I don't make a lot of money. OTOH, I don't take it hard if I lose a ship, or multiple ships. If I ran out of ships on both accounts, I would buy another PLEX or tough it out in a n00b ship until I could afford a frigate. This is all part of the game.

As for why I left my morality at the door? I'll make it simple: Because I can. And I'm a ******* saint compared to most of the people who play according to your terms of morality.

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Xien Anh
Xezan Federation
#399 - 2011-11-01 21:17:47 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait. Wait a moment!

Define: Morality!

Big smile

Wasn't he the bad guy in those Shamrock Helms books?

Only a ginger can call a ginger a ginger!

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#400 - 2011-11-01 21:18:15 UTC
Handsome Hussein wrote:
Ana Vyr wrote:
If I spend 20 hours of that time earning the ISK for a Hulk, it gives that Hulk a personal value to me that you can't say doesn't exist.

That makes destroying it all the sweeter..

So just think how awesome it will feel when you smash the windows out of your neighbors house! Be sneaky about it an they will never catch you and it will be just like Eve! Woot!
