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KISS ... applied to highsec

Tarn Kugisa
Kugisa Dynamics
#41 - 2013-09-07 05:39:31 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
[serious answer]
- there is no low-level ore mining in low/0.0. All tritanium, etc came from miners of high-sec

I have no idea what you are talking about, I see massive veldspar roids in belts all the time

Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to troll everyone you meet - KuroVolt

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2013-09-07 07:19:13 UTC
Tarn Kugisa wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
[serious answer]
- there is no low-level ore mining in low/0.0. All tritanium, etc came from miners of high-sec

I have no idea what you are talking about, I see massive veldspar roids in belts all the time

TRIBE, nullsec veldspar miners
blue dehazon
Stonegard Arrows
#43 - 2013-09-09 16:45:14 UTC  |  Edited by: blue dehazon
Onictus wrote:
Diablo Ex wrote:
The problem, to be honest, is not in Highsec at all. The reason why people do not go to Nullsec is because the Sov Holders and their NBSI policies.

If we did implement the OP's suggestions, you would find that the SOV Holders would not tolerate the traffic at all. There would be a continuous GANKFEST until the Highsec dwellers simply left the game. Sure, the PvP Killboard Whores would relish the feeding frenzy while it lasted, but Nullsec NBSI simply will not support immigrants.

What do SOV holders have to do with it?

I can't think of about 2 (I'm sure there are more) places in the entire game that high and null ever meet. In fact there are usually 7-8 low sec jumps to null sec at all.

Sov holders don't tolerate immigrants for a variety of reason.
1) Most ships can fit a cyno, from that cyno a LARGE number of people that are not friendly can jump through in anything from a blockade running to a super cap fleet. Personally I don't like repping structures that much, its not a fun activity, particularly when you have a hostile super fleet in range waiting to drop on you.

2) People sorely overestimate how many people a system can support. You get 15 dudes in a fully upgraded system you start running into competition for resourses, forget scanning, someone is already there, you get issues with people warping in etc etc. Not the least of which if I'm in an anomoly and a neutral warps in I'm shooting first and asking questions later. period.

Remember its fair game, there is no aggression mechanics to save you other than might makes right. So the ninja salvagers in high sec need not bother, they just tackle and go to town.

3) Have you ever lived in null? Its a fair amount of work to live out here, Things have to get to market, the markets are no close, the alliance's market systems are easy to crash (you have 2000 people using it not 200,000 a la Jita) POSs need fuel, bridges, need fuel, moving a battleship from a to b without a carrier is a trial that you MUST scout ahead, carriers need fuel....always. You can't just jump in your itty V and set autopilot you won't make it anywhere.

Why the hell should we just "share" because a bunch of people that don't want to be bothered with fleeting up to take, defend or maintain the infastructure want to come out and carebear it up?

I agre to almost all your saying,but ther is a proplem whid large alliances holding or blocking of large parts of 0 sec that remine for the most empty of players,and for neew corp to gett started in 0 sec so marked and neew alliances can be made is not isi,a corperation from hisec will hawe to go deper in to 0sec and be at mercy of those who all redy ocepay route to losec,this is the mine proplem as i se it,those ocepaying acses to lo sec will want monny from new corp or dont want them ther at all
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2013-09-09 16:45:19 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
Tarn Kugisa wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
[serious answer]
- there is no low-level ore mining in low/0.0. All tritanium, etc came from miners of high-sec

I have no idea what you are talking about, I see massive veldspar roids in belts all the time

TRIBE, nullsec veldspar miners

he just has no logical module in his brain.

miner mines asteroid -> asteroid gets smaller and smaller until it is disappear
there are massive veldspar roids -> no one mines these roids

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

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