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Ganking question

Bowaxi Logistics
#21 - 2013-09-04 08:13:34 UTC  |  Edited by: SUBMISSUS
The cloaky blockade runner is the best choice for secure runs but you need to be aware about some important rules:

- create an insta-undock especially in crowded hubs like Jita
Reason: when you undock and align someone in a cheap fitted t1 sensor boosted high DPS Tier 3 might suicide-gank you with one volley just for the chance that the unscannable blockade runner will drop something expensive which covers the loss easily. Happened here one time with my Viator dropping 600m of loot.

- never run autopilot in hi-sec
Reason: you will be killed for sure. Promised!

- when you jump wait first for a few seconds and then warp-cloak
Reason: due to the session timer it happens time by time that the cloak will fail when you decloak too early after the jump and an insta-lock gate camp will catch you. Annoying.

- take care with skills and eventually mods that your ship aligns fast
Reason: some gate camps use fast frigs and the camera tracking not to tackle you - because they would die to gate guns immerdiately - but to uncloak cloaky slow-boats for their fast lockers.

- when you run through famous pirate systems like Rancer create 200-300km gate spots beside or better behind the gates
Reason: it's always better to have eyes on a heavily camped gate first and go around smart-bombers. In Rancer there are 10+ disco Rokh's sitting in groups off the Miroitem gate at the warp-in from Crielere or vice versa. With this method they even can catch careless cloaky haulers. Create finally one spot off the warp-in - optimally beside or behind the gate - where you warp first.

Fly safe!
Sunshine and Lollipops
#22 - 2013-09-04 08:18:22 UTC
- when you run through famous pirate systems like Rancer create 200-300km gate spots beside or better behind the gates
Reason: it's always better to have eyes on a heavily camped gate first and go around smart-bombers. In Rancer there are 10+ disco Rokh's sitting in groups off the Miroitem gate at the warp-in from Crielere or vice versa. With this method they even can catch careless cloaky haulers. Create finally one spot off the warp-in - optimally beside or behind the gate - where you warp first.

His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking… Blink
Shederov Blood
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
#23 - 2013-09-04 08:20:36 UTC
You know the Sigil can comfortably fit 2 large shield extenders and a couple of hardeners now? I still don't recommend carrying 1bil in it, but it might take by surprise few gankers who don't yet realise what they're up against.

Who put the goat in there?

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