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Eve Too Nasty

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Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#181 - 2013-08-26 01:23:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
To add something to this issue... If a Dev is reading this...

If this answer to what griefing is defined as lies in a dev post somewhere buried in the forums, this is not acceptable as it is not readily accessible and known to players looking up the rules which is assumed to be on the EULA and bans and suspensions page.

I would argue that both the EULA and the bans and suspension pages need their language updated to include the word "griefing" and have a solid definition of what this actually means so that there is no future confusion.

Then the wiki page should be updated to reflect this fact and remove the aforementioned examples of non-bannable griefing.

Otherwise, it just leaves a big gray area that everyone gets upset about as I can by the wiki page itself have examples of non-bannable griefing and add examples of actual bannable griefing.

Until the EULA and bans and suspension page is updated with the exact word "griefing" as a bannable offense with it precisely defined, I will have to continue to say that griefing does occur in EVE on a daily basis and some forms of griefing are not bannable.

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Goonswarm Federation
#182 - 2013-08-26 02:45:32 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

The freaking casuals need to understand that by undocking, they consent to PvP.

Yes, and thank you for not saying "give permission".

When I drive out onto the street in a car, I am consenting to the possibility of a deadly accident. It may happen indeed. But nobody has 'permission' to do so.

There is a distinct difference. And players like this poster can't see the difference.

EVE is honestly a lot like real life tbh.

It's more like a football game. You try like hell to avoid being tackled, but you still shouldn't complain to the police if it happens.

EVE isn't a game where procedures are known like football. Its an open sandbox.

The rules do not say you must tackle other people in ordert to score a touchdown. You basically chose your own touchdown criteria and proceed accordingly.

The rules of EVE do not specifically say you must blow up other ships. You can if you feel like it, but there is no rules that say kills win you the game. Well it might feel that way for for some, but for others the touchdown criteria is their wallet size or how many EVE friends they have.

That is the wonderful thing about EVE actually. You don't have to play by others rules to win the way you want to win.

In that regard, those who simply chose to win by killing others are playing in a way that is not compatible to how others are playing the game.

In this regard, you are not consenting to be killed everytime you undock because that is not how you are playing the game. It maybe how other people play the game though.

I'm not saying ganking is bad or anything. Personally, I have no problem with killing people who don't consent. It makes it seem more tasty.

it is like 3rd parties liabilities insurance. you didn't inflict the damage, you may / may not have caused the accident or damage, but yet it happened. SH1T happens both in real world and in EVE, you have no 2nd chance in real life, but in da game its just infinite pixels, deal with it.

PS. have you ever tried D3? the only way I play D3 is the hardcore mode, where death of a char is perma. hell it is fun Lol

RIP Iron Lady

Moneta Curran
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#183 - 2013-08-26 06:18:14 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Until the EULA and bans and suspension page is updated with the exact word "griefing" as a bannable offense with it precisely defined, I will have to continue to say that griefing does occur in EVE on a daily basis and some forms of griefing are not bannable.

By your own, limp-wristed definition.

CCP Falcon
#184 - 2013-08-26 10:15:01 UTC
Thread locked at the request of the original poster.

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

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