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[Odyssey 1.1] Command Ships

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1781 - 2013-08-22 14:55:55 UTC
I agree with everything Cade Windstalker says. Remove the turret bonus and consider another drone bonus for heavies (or hell, in general) with either more speed, tracking, or range. I mean, if you're going to pigeonhole the Eos into heavies drones, then at least make them viable for combat, since opponents will be pretty much expecting Ogres to get dropped after the changes.

Perhaps contemplate boosting Heavy drone health as well, since they're easily tracked and destroyed.
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1782 - 2013-08-22 15:06:09 UTC
Not as evil as the horrible developer giving skills and modules ridiculous childish names. I just can't get past this. I spend hours of my life living in the scientific wonderland of Eve and now they're giving all my stuff play-school names?

spaceship piloting? A pilot is a noun. It's a ship or light for providing guidance. It's not a verb. The verb is "command", "control", "guide", "operate", even "fly". It should be "starship command" or "spaceship (at a push) command".

"capacitor transferer"? Do me a favour and f*ck right off! "Energy Transfer Array" is the correct name.

Someone in CCP needs to take a long, hard shamefaced look at themselves, and then pick up a book and educate themselves.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#1783 - 2013-08-22 15:28:14 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Not as evil as the horrible developer giving skills and modules ridiculous childish names. I just can't get past this. I spend hours of my life living in the scientific wonderland of Eve and now they're giving all my stuff play-school names?

spaceship piloting? A pilot is a noun. It's a ship or light for providing guidance. It's not a verb. The verb is "command", "control", "guide", "operate", even "fly". It should be "starship command" or "spaceship (at a push) command".

"capacitor transferer"? Do me a favour and f*ck right off! "Energy Transfer Array" is the correct name.

Someone in CCP needs to take a long, hard shamefaced look at themselves, and then pick up a book and educate themselves.

ahahahaha, yes!
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#1784 - 2013-08-22 15:29:02 UTC
Aplier Shivra wrote:
Well, sacrilege had a random capacitor bonus as one of it's hull bonuses, and when rebalancing the hacs, Rise felt generous and decided to remove that as a hull bonus and give the sac a real hull bonus, but leave the increased cap regen as a part of sac's base numbers....

He did far more than that .. he removed the Sacrilege 25% bonus and effectively applied it to ALL the hulls, recharge rate changes as follows:
Sacrilege -24%
Zealot - 15% (WTF!)
Deimos -33% (hahahaha)
Ishtar -21%
Cerberus -30%
Eagle -24%
Vagabond -27%
Muninn -24%

So he was indeed generous, enough to give the Sacrilege bonus to everyone without giving anything to the Sacrilege in return Big smile

Command recharges are a tad low considering they are expected to run links .. but since they are not on-grid as of yet I am more than willing to let it slide as they will have to get a second, third, fourth pass once that fateful day arrives so there is ample time to sort it.

Florian Kuehne
Tech3 Company
#1785 - 2013-08-22 20:09:37 UTC
So i would say:

-bigger dronebay or something in that way like ur changes now. (maybe drones in the eos dont need full cargo/bandwith...)
-better drone bonuses like trackingspeed for heavies but if you plan to rework drones, then hope its quite good in this way too

- DONT change the 10% hp per level OR create something really shiny like reduced damage over a perid of time like small siege mode or someting, ofc with fuel etc.
- dont nerf pg wtf (rip 1600plate)
- let the ship be a tank ship and dont try to force some bad missiles bonuses plz, same for other tankships like vulture, claymore etc.

-pretty beast with the changes

- not enough dps and/or cap in comparision to the astarte

= important notes to the changes, but plz LET THE TANK CS TANK CS AND DPS CS THE DPS CS !!!
Cade Windstalker
#1786 - 2013-08-22 22:32:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cade Windstalker
Florian Kuehne wrote:
So i would say:

-bigger dronebay or something in that way like ur changes now. (maybe drones in the eos dont need full cargo/bandwith...)
-better drone bonuses like trackingspeed for heavies but if you plan to rework drones, then hope its quite good in this way too

- DONT change the 10% hp per level OR create something really shiny like reduced damage over a perid of time like small siege mode or someting, ofc with fuel etc.
- dont nerf pg wtf (rip 1600plate)
- let the ship be a tank ship and dont try to force some bad missiles bonuses plz, same for other tankships like vulture, claymore etc.

-pretty beast with the changes

- not enough dps and/or cap in comparision to the astarte

= important notes to the changes, but plz LET THE TANK CS TANK CS AND DPS CS THE DPS CS !!!

Please do us all a favor and clean this up for grammar and clarity, it's halfway to unreadable as it is right now.

Eos: No idea what you're talking about with "not needing full bandwidth" since with 125 bandwidth it can control the max number of any size of drone already making such a bonus pointless.

It already has a tracking bonus for Heavies, we're talking about the Hybrids tracking bonus that seems a little out of place.

Damnation: No idea where you got the idea for some weird sort of Command siege mod. They've also said repeatedly the 10% HP bonus isn't going anywhere.

For the fittings it's gone from absurdly spacious fittings to still quite generous, especially with high skills and the potential for fitting mods.

Also no idea what you mean with "bad missile bonuses", it's always missiles and missile bonuses, it just gained a bonus like all the other ships and already has two raw tanking bonuses, the most of any ship in the game.

Absolution: see next post for a long form explanation.

The short one is no, it trades cap for damage projection, tracking, instant ammo swapping, and tank. A ship shouldn't remove every down-side of its weapon system.

Fleet vs Field command ships: In case you missed the memo this distinction was removed because it was silly and one of the primary reasons for only having 3 out of the 8 command ships see any serious use before this patch. Now they all get the T2 resist bonuses and they all can deal damage. How effectively varies but they're not arbitrarily walking around lopsided anymore.
Cade Windstalker
#1787 - 2013-08-22 22:37:32 UTC
Aplier Shivra wrote:
Serenity Eon wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
Serenity Eon wrote:
Fozzie, why the hell does every ship have the same capacitor recharge rate (4.5cap/sec) ? The Absolution NEEDS!!! I repeat NEEDS!!! An increased cap recharge rate or an extra midslot. In its Current state it's nothing more than a gimped astarte, which does more DPS and has superior cap stability. Infact i would say its the weakest CS in the game. Are you really that blind to see the obvious jeeze Evil

Optimal range and falloff of Absolution compared to Astarte?

Also inferior, because the Astarte has the luxury of mid slots for tracking computers, while the Abso does not (needed for cap rechargers/boosters). the Astarte also has a falloff bonus X

Don't forget to add that astarte can use faction antimatter and still do better dps even in falloff than conflag at optimal, with double the tracking. Or use null and do the same dps as conflag at same optimal, but with much better falloff, and still much better tracking. All while using half as much capacitor to fire it's turrets, after Absolution's hull bonus to cap use.

So, I was curious how true some of these claims actually were and what the various drawbacks and penalties were to Medium Lasers vs Medium Hybrids. I didn't want to get into Projectiles because, well, those are just a bit too different from one or the other of these weapons and a lot of the contention here is about cap use, which doesn't apply to Projectiles.

Thankfully in terms of range and cap-use the ammo for the two is pretty much lock-step, at least in Tech 1. So Multi-Frequency has the same effect on Optimal and Cap Use as Antimatter does, ect. The damage is a little different but that's to be somewhat expected.

Anyways, here's the spreadsheet. It's a lot more basic than my drones one but that's partly because I didn't want to start drawing erroneous comparisons, like between, say, fittings and tracking, where I'd have to bring in the ships to make it a really fair comparison. The second column of calculations takes into account the 50% cap use reduction from the Absolution but only for the lasers so the hybrids columns are going to be identical. The last column is the tracking multiplied by the optimal range. This precise number is used in the tracking formula and represents how effectively these weapons track at their optimal. The higher the number, the better the tracking at the weapon's optimal range.

First, yes, the cap use on lasers is pretty lousy, especially for the largest sizes, but the tracking at optimal on Blasters doesn't hold up very well either, meaning they need to fight in falloff to come close to the tracking efficiency on Lasers, which severely reduces their DPS (or get an optimal bonus, but no one's yelling about Blaster Eagles yet so I'm not touching that one).

(all numbers without mods) Plus lasers, especially Pulse Lasers, get a lot more variation in engagement range than Blasters do. Medium Blasters, cut off around 15k Optimal + Falloff while Pulse with Scorch stretches out to a grand old 28km. Beams have a bit more overlap with Rails but still manage to have comparable ranges but with the better tracking to apply damage better at those ranges (seriously, rail tracking sucks).

Last, I fit out two Myrmidons in EFT with the largest medium Blasters and Pulse Lasers to get base damage with max skills for 5 turrets. Then I multiplied by the respective damage bonuses for the Astarte and the Absolution to get the damage for these ships.

  • Heavy Neutron w Null- Base Damage: 203 Astarte Damage: 383.796875 Optimal: 6.3 Falloff (with bonus): 13
  • Heavy Pulse w Conflag- Base Damage: 232 Absolution Damage: 435 Optimal: 7.5 Falloff: 5

Result: Void wins out to 5.5 km which should be expected. The Conflag does better damage than Null without taking tracking into account out to around 9.5k, then the falloff bonused Blasters win out to about 13 at which point Scorch kicks in and wins the rest of the way.

Moral of the story, don't pick a fight with a Blaster boat at 0, it's not going to end well.

Other thoughts:

Lasers in general could probably use a glance over from CCP. They trade lousy cap for a lot of bonuses but the trade off itself may be too steep, especially if every ship running them ends up needing a cap use bonus. However, I don't think they're in as bad of a spot as Hybrids were back before the Hybrid buff and they're certainly still useable and have a role to fill.

To everyone complaining that the Absolution sucks: stop looking at situations that blatantly favor the ship you're comparing against and start thinking how to fit and engage your target in a way that benefits the ship you're using.
Florian Kuehne
Tech3 Company
#1788 - 2013-08-23 04:33:01 UTC
You dont know what ideas are?

They said that they want to take away the 10% HP per level of the damnation, you may missed the important ccp statements. Dude, you should try to read what other persons write thanks.
Cade Windstalker
#1789 - 2013-08-23 04:56:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Cade Windstalker
Florian Kuehne wrote:
You dont know what ideas are?

They said that they want to take away the 10% HP per level of the damnation, you may missed the important ccp statements. Dude, you should try to read what other persons write thanks.

No, they've said they don't like how dominant it is but they are not planning on taking it away, they are planning on changing boosting so it's no longer necessary.

Pay careful attention to the bold bit.
Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#1790 - 2013-08-23 05:38:12 UTC
Florian Kuehne wrote:
You dont know what ideas are?

They said that they want to take away the 10% HP per level of the damnation, you may missed the important ccp statements. Dude, you should try to read what other persons write thanks.

Stop being an arrogant brat and Start Reading more then the OP and LP, thank you.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#1791 - 2013-08-23 06:16:58 UTC
So I am on Sisi right now.
Been fitting up the various Command Ships.

Finally got around to the Sleipnir.

Has anyone combat tested one?
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#1792 - 2013-08-23 06:47:44 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Florian Kuehne wrote:
You dont know what ideas are?

They said that they want to take away the 10% HP per level of the damnation, you may missed the important ccp statements. Dude, you should try to read what other persons write thanks.

No, they've said they don't like how dominant it is but they are not planning on taking it away, they are planning on changing boosting so it's no longer necessary.

Pay careful attention to the bold bit.

Yes, the bolded part is where he reiterates that it will in fact be removed .. just not in Odear 1.1. He also basically commits himself himself to a second CC (doubt they'll bother with Damn only) pass when the on-grid change is a bit more tangible.

Or perhaps you think he is malicious/dumb enough to first make it redundant (ie. no necessary) and then leave it in? He, as most Devs, is neither of those .. just misguided at times Big smile
Cade Windstalker
#1793 - 2013-08-23 07:10:53 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Florian Kuehne wrote:
You dont know what ideas are?

They said that they want to take away the 10% HP per level of the damnation, you may missed the important ccp statements. Dude, you should try to read what other persons write thanks.

No, they've said they don't like how dominant it is but they are not planning on taking it away, they are planning on changing boosting so it's no longer necessary.

Pay careful attention to the bold bit.

Yes, the bolded part is where he reiterates that it will in fact be removed .. just not in Odear 1.1. He also basically commits himself himself to a second CC (doubt they'll bother with Damn only) pass when the on-grid change is a bit more tangible.

Or perhaps you think he is malicious/dumb enough to first make it redundant (ie. no necessary) and then leave it in? He, as most Devs, is neither of those .. just misguided at times Big smile

I am, in-fact, almost done with developer school :D

I'm taking that to mean that it's probably going to be re-evaluated but may or may go away. Either way it's not going anywhere right now. At a guess whether or not it goes away in the future is going to depend on whether or not the ship is still extremely dominant after they institute the OGB changes or if drops off sharply in popularity. If it drops off it'll probably get a buff, if it remains extremely popular over other command ships it might get a nerf, or it could kind of fall into line and nothing happens with it if the bonus is still deemed popular and useful to the meta without being game breaking.

Either way though this is all months out and we'll likely see a lot of other changes between here and there.
Klendatu Niban
Gallente Federation
#1794 - 2013-08-23 08:02:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Klendatu Niban
- wrong topic, party was too hard -
Dav Varan
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#1795 - 2013-08-23 08:48:07 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Not as evil as the horrible developer giving skills and modules ridiculous childish names. I just can't get past this. I spend hours of my life living in the scientific wonderland of Eve and now they're giving all my stuff play-school names?

spaceship piloting? A pilot is a noun. It's a ship or light for providing guidance. It's not a verb. The verb is "command", "control", "guide", "operate", even "fly". It should be "starship command" or "spaceship (at a push) command".

"capacitor transferer"? Do me a favour and f*ck right off! "Energy Transfer Array" is the correct name.

Someone in CCP needs to take a long, hard shamefaced look at themselves, and then pick up a book and educate themselves.

Cap is a word used by the player base to describe the content of a ships capacitor.

No one say I'm running out of energy please send me some.
No they say I'm running out of cap please send me some.
or my ship ran out of cap
or I didn't have enough cap to activate my guns.

I don't think I have ever heard anyone on comms describe cap as energy in years.

So cap transferer seems a better name, its now in line with other engineering modules that directly affect cap.

Cade Windstalker
#1796 - 2013-08-23 09:06:02 UTC
Dav Varan wrote:
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Not as evil as the horrible developer giving skills and modules ridiculous childish names. I just can't get past this. I spend hours of my life living in the scientific wonderland of Eve and now they're giving all my stuff play-school names?

spaceship piloting? A pilot is a noun. It's a ship or light for providing guidance. It's not a verb. The verb is "command", "control", "guide", "operate", even "fly". It should be "starship command" or "spaceship (at a push) command".

"capacitor transferer"? Do me a favour and f*ck right off! "Energy Transfer Array" is the correct name.

Someone in CCP needs to take a long, hard shamefaced look at themselves, and then pick up a book and educate themselves.

Cap is a word used by the player base to describe the content of a ships capacitor.

No one say I'm running out of energy please send me some.
No they say I'm running out of cap please send me some.
or my ship ran out of cap
or I didn't have enough cap to activate my guns.

I don't think I have ever heard anyone on comms describe cap as energy in years.

So cap transferer seems a better name, its now in line with other engineering modules that directly affect cap.

Seconded, I fly a Basi fairly regularly and I don't think it'll even take much for me to switch from saying "ET up" to "CT up".

Word tags make things much easier on new players from a usability standpoint, if I'm helping a newbie and he asks about energy modules being able to tell him to search "Capacitor" in the Market or in EFT is very useful.

Spaceship Command, while cooler sounding, is potentially ambiguous. I'm sure there's someone floating around who will say that if a new player can't figure that out they shouldn't be playing Eve, but Eve is a very complex game for someone just diving in and it's easy to get overloaded on information and make silly assumptions. I've spent enough time in Eve University to watch more newbies than I can count go from awe-struck and confused new pilot to seasoned vet to know that any sort of "filter" on the first day will be a bad one.

Also now having typed that all up it occurs to me this entire discussion doesn't belong in this thread >.>
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#1797 - 2013-08-23 09:11:44 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
So I am on Sisi right now.
Been fitting up the various Command Ships.

Finally got around to the Sleipnir.

Has anyone combat tested one?

It's quite magnificent. Mostly like the old sleip, but dual S-large ASB isn't attractive anymore, though classic X-large with dualcapboost seems to be the new way. For gangs, more the dual-med-neut / single ASB/LSE seems to be useful.

Insane's Asylum
#1798 - 2013-08-23 12:51:15 UTC
Valfreyea wrote:
I agree with everything Cade Windstalker says. Remove the turret bonus and consider another drone bonus for heavies (or hell, in general) with either more speed, tracking, or range. I mean, if you're going to pigeonhole the Eos into heavies drones, then at least make them viable for combat, since opponents will be pretty much expecting Ogres to get dropped after the changes.

Perhaps contemplate boosting Heavy drone health as well, since they're easily tracked and destroyed.

Awesome idea imo Smile

But imo should do it like 100 m3 increase in drone bay + instead of 10% hp increase of drone hp make it 15% perhaps.

Just some random ideas.
Valterra Craven
#1799 - 2013-08-23 13:54:12 UTC
Janeway84 wrote:
Valfreyea wrote:
I agree with everything Cade Windstalker says. Remove the turret bonus and consider another drone bonus for heavies (or hell, in general) with either more speed, tracking, or range. I mean, if you're going to pigeonhole the Eos into heavies drones, then at least make them viable for combat, since opponents will be pretty much expecting Ogres to get dropped after the changes.

Perhaps contemplate boosting Heavy drone health as well, since they're easily tracked and destroyed.

Awesome idea imo Smile

But imo should do it like 100 m3 increase in drone bay + instead of 10% hp increase of drone hp make it 15% perhaps.

Just some random ideas.

Here's a random drone idea to make heavies really useful that CCP hasn't thought of before.

Change the turret tracking bonus on the EOS too.....

A drone signature reduction bonus. :)
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#1800 - 2013-08-23 13:55:56 UTC
Dav Varan wrote:
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Not as evil as the horrible developer giving skills and modules ridiculous childish names. I just can't get past this. I spend hours of my life living in the scientific wonderland of Eve and now they're giving all my stuff play-school names?

spaceship piloting? A pilot is a noun. It's a ship or light for providing guidance. It's not a verb. The verb is "command", "control", "guide", "operate", even "fly". It should be "starship command" or "spaceship (at a push) command".

"capacitor transferer"? Do me a favour and f*ck right off! "Energy Transfer Array" is the correct name.

Someone in CCP needs to take a long, hard shamefaced look at themselves, and then pick up a book and educate themselves.

Cap is a word used by the player base to describe the content of a ships capacitor.

No one say I'm running out of energy please send me some.
No they say I'm running out of cap please send me some.
or my ship ran out of cap
or I didn't have enough cap to activate my guns.

I don't think I have ever heard anyone on comms describe cap as energy in years.

So cap transferer seems a better name, its now in line with other engineering modules that directly affect cap.

I think it's literally time to link literally the most relevant debate evar!

But in all honestly, simply because the player base misuses a term does not mean the devs should bend over backwards and change module names to literally make no sense.