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How to deal with market bots

#41 - 2013-08-15 19:58:14 UTC
Yeeaaaah....lots of distracting points. I could argue a lot of them but I'm all about keeping the thread on topic and how to deal with a problem that spans the galaxy.

I think some people haven't even bothered to read the OP or corresponding posts but instead just want to argue or have the thread just disappear.

My desire is to share my experience.
Again the tactics I have listed have been effective for myself against bots not people.
One would be setting themselves up for tears if they attempted such strategies against active traders as these tactics would blow up in their face and they could end up wasting a lot of isk.

The point of this thread is to focus on tactics when one is facing a bot not fruitlessly arguing who is or is not a bot and just how many bots exist.
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