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[Aaaaand... IT'S GONE!] 5B bond (1B collateral) 10-13% interest monthly

Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#1 - 2013-07-19 04:29:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Admiral PizzaRoll
Bond has been filled. Thanks for playing.

I'm looking for a 5 bill loan/bond to help kick up my trading a few notches. 1 bill will be collateralized at 10% interest monthly and the rest will be uncollateralized at 13% monthly.

A little back story:
I am the CEO of a small mining/industry corp, though as of late I have been really disillusioned with mining and manufacturing. It is dreadfully boring and not even that profitable compared to some other activities in Eve (unless you have like 3 or 4 alts and Orca boosts, which I don't), so I am trying to move away from it if I can. I respect those who do it, but I'm realizing that it's just not for me.

I had always heard that trading was one of the more profitable ways of making ISK in highsec but I never tried it until recently because I was told that to start you really needed a lot of money to work with. A few weeks ago I decided to try my hand at it with only 500m liquid, and to my surprise in the first two weeks of mostly passively trading (meaning I updated my orders a couple times a day, instead of spending hours and hours a day competing in 0.01 ISK wars) I made about 300m. I'm sitting on just under a billion ISK for trading now, but I am still finding myself seriously limited by what I have to work with.

My goals with this:
1) I would like to expand in almost every way. I want to increase the number of items I trade in, increase the quantities that I can buy at once, and if possible I would like to start trading in another trade hub on top of where I am trading now.

2) I want to buy a freighter. At my current rate it will take me 2-3 weeks to have just enough to buy a freighter, and that would leave me with no money left to trade with. I would like to reach the point where I can comfortably buy a freighter and have plenty of ISK left over for trading. To be clear, I am not buying the freighter with the bond money. I plan on making enough profit for myself during the bond's duration to be able to afford a freighter when it is done. I guess the freighter is something like my reward for doing well.

3) So my overall goal is to reach 3-4b of personal wealth by the end of the bond period. If I hit the 4b that will net me my freighter and more than twice as much ISK for trading as I have now.

These goals are all loose and subject to change depending on how well I'm doing.

The bonds:
Bond filled. Aaaaand it's gone!

I would prefer all of the collateralized bond to be held by one person so they can hold onto the collateral. If it gets split up then we have to deal with third parties or find some odd way of splitting the assets between the bond holders. It's just more trouble than it's worth.

The uncollateralized bonds will be split into 100m increments.

The duration:
The bond will last 30 days, with a possible chance for extension at the end depending on how it is going. If I decide to keep it going, anyone who wants to cash out at the end of 30 days will be allowed to do so. Those who want to stay can choose to get paid the interest from their first month then, or they can apply it to their bond and accrue interest on it during the second month. If bond holders pull out at the end of the first month, I may or may not choose to offer more bonds to replace them.

If, for whatever reason, a bond holder wants/needs their ISK back before the end of the bond period, no interest will be paid out. A notice of 24 hours must be given so I can make sure I have the liquid ISK.

The plan:
Like I explained, the plan is to use 100% of the ISK trading. It will be some combination of station trading and hub-to-hub trading, but the focus will likely be on station trading because it's safer and more passive, and I don't have a freighter so I will not be able to make as much from hub-to-hub trading as a freighter pilot would.

Unfortunately I cannot collateralize the full bond because I just don't have the assets.

This bond war-proof because I don't really need to leave station for station trading.

The risk that I won't make enough to pay the interest is very low. And I guess in the very worst case scenario the items I have as collateral can be sold off to pay it, though I would prefer to keep them. There is a small risk that I won't make enough profit for myself, but in that case I will take a hard look at what I did right and what I did wrong and do my best to change that for the second month.

Any questions can be directed here or in a private mail or chat.
Blueprint Seller
Bring Me Sunshine
#2 - 2013-07-19 04:46:34 UTC
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
1b collateralized (10% interest monthly)

I'll take the collateralised part.
Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#3 - 2013-07-19 05:11:54 UTC
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
1b collateralized (10% interest monthly)

I'll take the collateralised part.

Sounds good. I've got to move it all to one place first. Is Dodixie all right with you?
Blueprint Seller
Bring Me Sunshine
#4 - 2013-07-19 05:33:52 UTC
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
1b collateralized (10% interest monthly)

I'll take the collateralised part.

Sounds good. I've got to move it all to one place first. Is Dodixie all right with you?

Dodixie is fine. What is the nature of the collateral?
Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#5 - 2013-07-19 06:00:47 UTC
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
1b collateralized (10% interest monthly)

I'll take the collateralised part.

Sounds good. I've got to move it all to one place first. Is Dodixie all right with you?

Dodixie is fine. What is the nature of the collateral?

I've got a moderately researched Talos BPO as well as a fit/rigged Mackinaw and Hulk. In total the collateral is worth a bit more than 110% of the bond's value.
#6 - 2013-07-19 06:05:29 UTC

Blueprint Seller
Bring Me Sunshine
#7 - 2013-07-19 06:09:50 UTC
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
1b collateralized (10% interest monthly)

I'll take the collateralised part.

Sounds good. I've got to move it all to one place first. Is Dodixie all right with you?

Dodixie is fine. What is the nature of the collateral?

I've got a moderately researched Talos BPO as well as a fit/rigged Mackinaw and Hulk. In total the collateral is worth a bit more than 110% of the bond's value.

That sounds fine.

Which race of freighter are you looking to buy?
Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#8 - 2013-07-19 06:33:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Admiral PizzaRoll
Blueprint Seller wrote:
That sounds fine.

Which race of freighter are you looking to buy?

Gallente. Obelisk.

I will send you the contract before bed.

I LIKE IT wrote:


Confirming that I have received 500m from I LIKE IT.
Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#9 - 2013-07-19 08:17:52 UTC
Contract for the collateralized bond is up pending Blueprint Seller accepting it.

3.5B worth of uncollateralized bonds remaining.
Blueprint Seller
Bring Me Sunshine
#10 - 2013-07-19 08:43:08 UTC
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
Contract for the collateralized bond is up pending Blueprint Seller accepting it.

Emily Khan
Evan's Angels
#11 - 2013-07-19 14:25:49 UTC
I will toss in 500 million to the un-collateralized pot. I will transfer isk tonight
okoolos rimmer
Napkin Nation
#12 - 2013-07-19 14:35:59 UTC  |  Edited by: okoolos rimmer
I am willing to add 2 Billion to the uncollateralized part at 13% interest. Will send isk today.
Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#13 - 2013-07-19 20:18:21 UTC
Emily Khan wrote:
I will toss in 500 million to the un-collateralized pot. I will transfer isk tonight

okoolos rimmer wrote:
I am willing to add 2 Billion to the uncollateralized part at 13% interest. Will send isk today.

All right, space reserved for both of you.
okoolos rimmer
Napkin Nation
#14 - 2013-07-19 20:46:48 UTC
2B sent
Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#15 - 2013-07-19 20:53:32 UTC
okoolos rimmer wrote:
2B sent

Confirming that I have received the ISK.
Emily Khan
Evan's Angels
#16 - 2013-07-20 02:07:02 UTC
ISK sent
Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#17 - 2013-07-20 02:10:29 UTC
Emily Khan wrote:
ISK sent


1b remaining.
Kethas Protagonist
Protagonist Ventures
#18 - 2013-07-20 07:47:00 UTC
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
1b collateralized (10% interest monthly)

I'll take the collateralised part.

Are people assuming a presumably-savvy scammer wouldn't distract people from the elaborate backstory and writeup by including this overpaid collateralized tranche? Is that what's going on?
Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#19 - 2013-07-20 08:25:44 UTC
Kethas Protagonist wrote:
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
1b collateralized (10% interest monthly)

I'll take the collateralised part.

Are people assuming a presumably-savvy scammer wouldn't distract people from the elaborate backstory and writeup by including this overpaid collateralized tranche? Is that what's going on?

My Exhumers and my only valuable BPO were really the only assets I had to use as collateral. If I had something else to use I would have tried to make it come out closer to 1b, but in total they should add up to less than 1.1b anyway, so I don't see what the problem is. The collateral is high enough that the bond holder doesn't have to worry about shifting market prices on the Exhumers, but still within reason.

Should I have advertised 1.1b collateralized and 3.9b uncollateralized instead? I really don't see the problem here.
Tonsof Gun
Dirty Rats
#20 - 2013-07-20 11:24:22 UTC
He's simply suggesting that you're scamming 4bil and trying to legitimise yourself by offering a bit of collateral and an 'elaborate' back story.

I'll probably kick in the remaining when I get home this evening.


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