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Crime & Punishment

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Crime Charged with Misappropriating Billions in"Merc" Contracts.

First post
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#121 - 2011-11-03 08:05:28 UTC
Funny dont see any rebirth fights you actually fight others why not us ??? let me guess were not worth your troubles. cause were so terribad.
Theodoric Darkwind
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#122 - 2011-11-03 08:59:01 UTC
Oh look its a slapfight between one group of professional jita undock campers and their horde of OOC alts and another group of professional jita undock campers and their horde of OOC alts. How many OOC logis is the average "merc" running these days?
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#123 - 2011-11-03 09:46:39 UTC
Theodoric Darkwind wrote:
Oh look its a slapfight between one group of professional jita undock campers and their horde of OOC alts and another group of professional jita undock campers and their horde of OOC alts. How many OOC logis is the average "merc" running these days?

Standard fleet comp seems to call for one logi per 15-20 combat ships, so probably 3 per merc?

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Goonswarm Federation
#124 - 2011-11-03 13:53:39 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Funny dont see any rebirth fights you actually fight others why not us ??? let me guess were not worth your troubles. cause were so terribad.

Pretty sure Ad0pt has dec'd rebirth. multiple times on contract and usually on resulted in a few kills, anytime we showed up, you guys stayed docked, and cried the "blah blah blah were out numbered" which hasn't changed at all really.

It wasn't that you wern't worth the effort, Everyone in Ad0pt had a terrible case of over-caffinated ADHD at the time, and noone was really going to sit on station for 3 hours and wait for your corp mates balls to drop; we just had better things to do then.

Devils Embrace wrote:
I've been in the Orphanage since it was started, abeit as Autumn Bottom and only recently as Devils Embrace so therefore i could be in those videos. And defence against what?

Ahh.. hey bro, yeah your in a few of those after all. Oh how I miss the old [R4PE.] days, before Spacemonkey's got butthurt because we kicked them out of EC- to many times in one day.. with 3 people and petitioned our corp ticker.. Think the rest happened while you were on Terminal Leave.

Theodoric Darkwind wrote:
Oh look its a slapfight between one group of professional jita undock campers and their horde of OOC alts and another group of professional jita undock campers and their horde of OOC alts. How many OOC logis is the average "merc" running these days?

Has TEST managed to do anything but hide behind GoonSwarm and care to much about forum posting since its creation?
The Logi comment is rather humorous since TEST will bring 30-40 Scimitars in a shield fleet and still somehow manage to whelp it anyway. It is pretty sad how everyone and their mother has 3-10 Guardians/Basi's on standby in Empire.
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#125 - 2011-11-03 16:39:20 UTC
Funny dont see any rebirth fights you actually fight others why not us ??? let me guess were not worth your troubles. cause were so terribad.

Pretty sure Ad0pt has dec'd rebirth. multiple times on contract and usually on resulted in a few kills, anytime we showed up, you guys stayed docked, and cried the "blah blah blah were out numbered" which hasn't changed at all really.

It wasn't that you wern't worth the effort, Everyone in Ad0pt had a terrible case of over-caffinated ADHD at the time, and noone was really going to sit on station for 3 hours and wait for your corp mates balls to drop; we just had better things to do then.

Luls weve fought you many times we bring in fleets to jita you dock up . im sure you confused us with yourselves when we fought.
Goonswarm Federation
#126 - 2011-11-03 20:32:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Xolve
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

Luls weve fought you many times we bring in fleets to jita you dock up . im sure you confused us with yourselves when we fought.

I think your misunderstanding that I don't really play much anymore, came back to squeeze some Rage out of some pubbies masquerading as 'the new best thing' and kind of walked away. I'm more then certain my history with Rebirth goes back to before you even started playing EvE.

You also basing arguments out of thin air again, and while you think it may be fruitful to your cause, you just look like an arrogant kid potentially with a raging case of Asperger's. I think at one point I made a couple dozen ****** pvp recap vids, mainly for the people that I flew with at the time and honestly I care not that you or your corp is not in either of them. Why hunt down a Corporation with 30 some members when we were more frequently at war with alliances with THOUSANDS of members?

Please get over yourself or post on a main with some semblance of a history.

P.S. Soraya - Just in case the stupid is so firmly inground into that hollow cask of skull- this ENTIRE post was in the past tense, I realize your reading comprehension and understanding facilities are vastly limited, but please try and swallow one simple thing- at one point I was a very active member of the 0rphanage, and even an FC (derp - I left Jita); and while many friends remain there, my interests are aligned elsewhere, and namely... thats waiting for Skyrim and New Battlecruisers to come out.
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#127 - 2011-11-04 06:28:17 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

Luls weve fought you many times we bring in fleets to jita you dock up . im sure you confused us with yourselves when we fought.

I think your misunderstanding that I don't really play much anymore, came back to squeeze some Rage out of some pubbies masquerading as 'the new best thing' and kind of walked away. I'm more then certain my history with Rebirth goes back to before you even started playing EvE.

You also basing arguments out of thin air again, and while you think it may be fruitful to your cause, you just look like an arrogant kid potentially with a raging case of Asperger's. I think at one point I made a couple dozen ****** pvp recap vids, mainly for the people that I flew with at the time and honestly I care not that you or your corp is not in either of them. Why hunt down a Corporation with 30 some members when we were more frequently at war with alliances with THOUSANDS of members?

Please get over yourself or post on a main with some semblance of a history.

P.S. Soraya - Just in case the stupid is so firmly inground into that hollow cask of skull- this ENTIRE post was in the past tense, I realize your reading comprehension and understanding facilities are vastly limited, but please try and swallow one simple thing- at one point I was a very active member of the 0rphanage, and even an FC (derp - I left Jita); and while many friends remain there, my interests are aligned elsewhere, and namely... thats waiting for Skyrim and New Battlecruisers to come out.

Yes little boi im sure you think your all cool and mighty i was with prvt way before orphange was even a concept prvt started falling apart vik left helped form orph dont be a tool ***** ive been here sense beta i flew with some of these so called pvpers
why do i think i have no respect for you or any of your little bitches that back you up
fact weve **** you guys up so bad it loltastic.

Goonswarm Federation
#128 - 2011-11-04 07:26:07 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

Yes little boi im sure you think your all cool and mighty i was with prvt way before orphange was even a concept prvt started falling apart vik left helped form orph dont be a tool ***** ive been here sense beta i flew with some of these so called pvpers
why do i think i have no respect for you or any of your little bitches that back you up
fact weve **** you guys up so bad it loltastic.


Your still alt posting, therefore your argument is invalid.

Also- your tears sustain me.
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#129 - 2011-11-04 14:52:11 UTC
Aww so many boo boo bear posters in my epic thread so epic over 100 replys and 7 pages long sweet
Vanessa Hotkiss
#130 - 2011-11-04 18:42:52 UTC
crimes must not go unpunished
Gruben Schloppen
Rellik B00n
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2011-11-04 19:53:15 UTC
an hairy loin saga
[Of a request for change ask: Who Benefits?](
Goonswarm Federation
#132 - 2011-11-04 23:31:49 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Aww so many boo boo bear posters in my epic thread so epic over 100 replys and 7 pages long sweet

The only tears in this thread, are your own.
Devils Embrace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#133 - 2011-11-05 01:59:37 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Funny dont see any rebirth fights you actually fight others why not us ??? let me guess were not worth your troubles. cause were so terribad.

[quote=Devils Embrace]I've been in the Orphanage since it was started, abeit as Autumn Bottom and only recently as Devils Embrace so therefore i could be in those videos. And defence against what?

Ahh.. hey bro, yeah your in a few of those after all. Oh how I miss the old [R4PE.] days, before Spacemonkey's got butthurt because we kicked them out of EC- to many times in one day.. with 3 people and petitioned our corp ticker.. Think the rest happened while you were on Terminal Leave.

Yeah probably, I extended to go to Africa on a Training Mission so still in, it's my last hoorah lol. Anyways glad to hear you're still doing good.

As to soyonara.... A lion doesnt concern himself with a fly, you're just a annoyance, a pest. The Orphanage will be around for a looong time, i mean just look at what LSS tried to do. They failed in the long run as will you. We endure

It's like they usually say about fantasy MMO's and men playing female characters: "If I'm going to spend alot of time watching this character, it might as well have a good looking ass".

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#134 - 2011-11-05 08:10:19 UTC

As to soyonara.... A lion doesnt concern himself with a fly, you're just a annoyance, a pest. The Orphanage will be around for a looong time, i mean just look at what LSS tried to do. They failed in the long run as will you. We endure[/quote]

your right we are a annoyance cause we actually fight u guys and you gotta put down the sensor boosters to add tackle
Goonswarm Federation
#135 - 2011-11-05 16:23:06 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

your right we are a annoyance cause we actually fight u guys and you gotta put down the sensor boosters to add tackle

Please fine me a recent ad0pt loss that didn't have tackle fitted.. The amount of bullshit you pour into your arguments is seriously awe-striking.

Your argument is still invalid, your still posting on an alt, your counter-arguments are weak and based in this fantasyland that rebirth. is actually good in and still not a single gram of **** is given about Rebirth.

Keep making yourself out to be a moron Soraya, you have a way of making things interesting just as most of us figure you have given up and accepted defeat.
Lunas Whisper
Chillwater Ltd
#136 - 2011-11-05 17:05:07 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Zedrik Cayne wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
if your wrong once you bound to be wrong agian.
like i said ive shown all proof to anything others have said you being one of them.
Stating facts is what ive done in this channel and the trolls and haters have posted and reposted and im still here showing the proof.

pitboss advertising in our forum post is the best thing for us . gonna go all eagle no face on yo ass pitboss. while u stay docked up or move to rens funny. We move out you guys try to move in rofl.
proves were reliable and not scamming.

Slow down. You've shown nothing for 'proof'. A killboard does not 'prove' you have been negotiating. And I'm sorry, but your word is not good enough on that.

There is remarkably little proof in this thread. But that's okay, the popcorn machines are going non-stop.

Who are you to ask for proof. your just alitle flaming emoer on the forums nothing else.

He's a successful merc, who people will hire vs you guys. He's showing you the bare bones of diplomacy.

Pops an ibuprophen and continues to read.
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#137 - 2011-11-05 23:11:30 UTC
Lunas Whisper wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Zedrik Cayne wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
if your wrong once you bound to be wrong agian.
like i said ive shown all proof to anything others have said you being one of them.
Stating facts is what ive done in this channel and the trolls and haters have posted and reposted and im still here showing the proof.

pitboss advertising in our forum post is the best thing for us . gonna go all eagle no face on yo ass pitboss. while u stay docked up or move to rens funny. We move out you guys try to move in rofl.
proves were reliable and not scamming.

Slow down. You've shown nothing for 'proof'. A killboard does not 'prove' you have been negotiating. And I'm sorry, but your word is not good enough on that.

There is remarkably little proof in this thread. But that's okay, the popcorn machines are going non-stop.

Who are you to ask for proof. your just alitle flaming emoer on the forums nothing else.

He's a successful merc, who people will hire vs you guys. He's showing you the bare bones of diplomacy.

Pops an ibuprophen and continues to read.

Were succesful mercs. You dont need diplomacy when your pure pwnage like every one has saw during this last 3 weeks of bullshit this threads been up. 33 man merc grief corp just tears apart empire. that is us

instead of posting blah blah go hire that proffesional merc to dec us please i beg of you to put your money up or shut up most likey you wont do neither. Youll just sit there and talk more.
Lunas Whisper
Chillwater Ltd
#138 - 2011-11-05 23:36:14 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Lunas Whisper wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Zedrik Cayne wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
if your wrong once you bound to be wrong agian.
like i said ive shown all proof to anything others have said you being one of them.
Stating facts is what ive done in this channel and the trolls and haters have posted and reposted and im still here showing the proof.

pitboss advertising in our forum post is the best thing for us . gonna go all eagle no face on yo ass pitboss. while u stay docked up or move to rens funny. We move out you guys try to move in rofl.
proves were reliable and not scamming.

Slow down. You've shown nothing for 'proof'. A killboard does not 'prove' you have been negotiating. And I'm sorry, but your word is not good enough on that.

There is remarkably little proof in this thread. But that's okay, the popcorn machines are going non-stop.

Who are you to ask for proof. your just alitle flaming emoer on the forums nothing else.

He's a successful merc, who people will hire vs you guys. He's showing you the bare bones of diplomacy.

Pops an ibuprophen and continues to read.

Were succesful mercs. You dont need diplomacy when your pure pwnage like every one has saw during this last 3 weeks of bullshit this threads been up. 33 man merc grief corp just tears apart empire. that is us

instead of posting blah blah go hire that proffesional merc to dec us please i beg of you to put your money up or shut up most likey you wont do neither. Youll just sit there and talk more.

Yes actually you do need diplomacy. Why should corps or Alliances go for you, when NOIR. is more successful and has a better rep? Because when you absolutely, positively want to make someones life a station sitting heck, you hire NOIR. What do you offer, that can top that? That is where diplomacy, a good sales pitch and a decent rep will do for you.

The epeen don't work for me hun.
ScooterPuff Sr
Shenanigans Mining Hub
#139 - 2011-11-06 00:52:59 UTC  |  Edited by: ScooterPuff Sr
be careful. she's been around since beta.
Goonswarm Federation
#140 - 2011-11-06 03:30:49 UTC
ScooterPuff Sr wrote:
be careful. she's been around since beta.

5b ISK says she can't even describe the UI from beta, few people can, and I assure you, she isnt one of them.