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Crime & Punishment

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Crime Charged with Misappropriating Billions in"Merc" Contracts.

First post
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#61 - 2011-10-28 20:33:25 UTC
Alekseyev Karrde wrote:
Sivor Detmen wrote:
Alekseyev Karrde wrote:
Gob Squad got banned from Merc Contracts for scamming (second offense of their core leadership) and went through the following stages of grief:

4. Convince Devils Warriors and Ad0pt to form a new mercenary association (Noir. got an invite from Devils but i laughed my way right out of that convo lol), which would have its own channel, entirely different from Merc Contracts, where I presume people could offer contract to all the **** scammercs who got thrown out of the good channel

5. About a week or two later association breaks up for reasons unknown (presumably because it was an utterly ******** idea) with God Squad now being mad at Pitboss who previously had been somewhat sympathetic

I think you need to rework your "facts/information" about the mercenary association. And calling us DEVILs or the 0rphanage scammers is ridiculous.

Thinking too much of yourself sometimes has these effects... you jump into conclusions.


Slow your roll G, never said Devil's were scammers. I just pointed out that after God Squad's scamming controversy you formed an association with them to compete with the Merc Contracts channel, with the only discernible difference being your association would welcome those not in the Merc Contracts channel. Since God Squad was in the mix and this association was formed as a direct response to their removal, scamming was self evidently one reason such an alliance wouldnt be welcome in Merc Contracts but would be welcome with your new group.

That's how it was presented to me by Devil's Warriors when approached. If I "think too much of myself", please indicate what part I'm describing incorrectly. Alternatively, eat a ****?

awww mad bro?
Lex Alandar
Q Division Five
#62 - 2011-10-28 20:42:29 UTC
Well, what an excellent read!

We've got tears, hypocrisy, rage, whining, mistaken identity...the works


Godsquad: "waaaah they fit sensor boosters they aren't real pirates!!"

*next day* "hey guys, Imma put 3x sebos on my mach, kkkk?"

0rphanage: "let's post lots and lots on the forums but not post our losses"

Noir. (Aleks): "you are all idiots."

Rest of merc community: "who the f is godsquad?"

Pollo: "Pollo is POLLO!!!!"

Keanu: "I'm keanu reeeeves *smug*"

hrm, on second thought, seems like business as usual.

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#63 - 2011-10-28 20:44:51 UTC
Lex Alandar wrote:
Well, what an excellent read!

We've got tears, hypocrisy, rage, whining, mistaken identity...the works


Godsquad: "waaaah they fit sensor boosters they aren't real pirates!!"

*next day* "hey guys, Imma put 3x sebos on my mach, kkkk?"

0rphanage: "let's post lots and lots on the forums but not post our losses"

Noir. (Aleks): "you are all idiots."

Rest of merc community: "who the f is godsquad?"

Pollo: "Pollo is POLLO!!!!"

Keanu: "I'm keanu reeeeves *smug*"

hrm, on second thought, seems like business as usual.

best recap post thus far
Sivor Detmen
Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction
#64 - 2011-10-29 00:42:05 UTC
Alekseyev Karrde wrote:
Sivor Detmen wrote:
Alekseyev Karrde wrote:
Gob Squad got banned from Merc Contracts for scamming (second offense of their core leadership) and went through the following stages of grief:

4. Convince Devils Warriors and Ad0pt to form a new mercenary association (Noir. got an invite from Devils but i laughed my way right out of that convo lol), which would have its own channel, entirely different from Merc Contracts, where I presume people could offer contract to all the **** scammercs who got thrown out of the good channel

5. About a week or two later association breaks up for reasons unknown (presumably because it was an utterly ******** idea) with God Squad now being mad at Pitboss who previously had been somewhat sympathetic

I think you need to rework your "facts/information" about the mercenary association. And calling us DEVILs or the 0rphanage scammers is ridiculous.

Thinking too much of yourself sometimes has these effects... you jump into conclusions.


Slow your roll G, never said Devil's were scammers. I just pointed out that after God Squad's scamming controversy you formed an association with them to compete with the Merc Contracts channel, with the only discernible difference being your association would welcome those not in the Merc Contracts channel. Since God Squad was in the mix and this association was formed as a direct response to their removal, scamming was self evidently one reason such an alliance wouldnt be welcome in Merc Contracts but would be welcome with your new group.

That's how it was presented to me by Devil's Warriors when approached. If I "think too much of myself", please indicate what part I'm describing incorrectly. Alternatively, eat a ****?

You are wrong Alek. The association between 0rphanage, DEVILs and God Squad was started weeks before the scamming problems. The idea was mutual aid/Cooperation/non aggression.

The was never a plan to create another merc channel to compete with the existing one although there was a common channel just for the members of those alliances (intel/organization in common decs, etc...). Not for taking contracts.

Why the hell would we want to create another merc channel? We were all listed back then and Pit runs the Merc Channel.

After the scamming problems and some cooperation problems during Kai's absence God squad role was frozen until that issue was sorted. They were kicked from the merc channel at that time as well.

They kicked Bao after Kai's return and despite there was rumours of other players in there still involved with Bao 0rphanage and DEVILs decided to keep the association with God Squad (seems like it was a mistake). Our thought was why punish an entire alliance just because one guy?

This however wasn't done by the merc channel mods. Even at that time there wasn't any plans to create a new channel.
The DEVILs were never approached with this idea and i'm sure Pit wasn't either.

So you probably misunderstood some things that were proposed/said to you and jumped to conclusions.

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#65 - 2011-10-29 01:57:52 UTC
Sivor Detmen wrote:
Alekseyev Karrde wrote:
Sivor Detmen wrote:
Alekseyev Karrde wrote:
Gob Squad got banned from Merc Contracts for scamming (second offense of their core leadership) and went through the following stages of grief:

4. Convince Devils Warriors and Ad0pt to form a new mercenary association (Noir. got an invite from Devils but i laughed my way right out of that convo lol), which would have its own channel, entirely different from Merc Contracts, where I presume people could offer contract to all the **** scammercs who got thrown out of the good channel

5. About a week or two later association breaks up for reasons unknown (presumably because it was an utterly ******** idea) with God Squad now being mad at Pitboss who previously had been somewhat sympathetic

I think you need to rework your "facts/information" about the mercenary association. And calling us DEVILs or the 0rphanage scammers is ridiculous.

Thinking too much of yourself sometimes has these effects... you jump into conclusions.


Slow your roll G, never said Devil's were scammers. I just pointed out that after God Squad's scamming controversy you formed an association with them to compete with the Merc Contracts channel, with the only discernible difference being your association would welcome those not in the Merc Contracts channel. Since God Squad was in the mix and this association was formed as a direct response to their removal, scamming was self evidently one reason such an alliance wouldnt be welcome in Merc Contracts but would be welcome with your new group.

That's how it was presented to me by Devil's Warriors when approached. If I "think too much of myself", please indicate what part I'm describing incorrectly. Alternatively, eat a ****?

You are wrong Alek. The association between 0rphanage, DEVILs and God Squad was started weeks before the scamming problems. The idea was mutual aid/Cooperation/non aggression.

The was never a plan to create another merc channel to compete with the existing one although there was a common channel just for the members of those alliances (intel/organization in common decs, etc...). Not for taking contracts.

Why the hell would we want to create another merc channel? We were all listed back then and Pit runs the Merc Channel.

After the scamming problems and some cooperation problems during Kai's absence God squad role was frozen until that issue was sorted. They were kicked from the merc channel at that time as well.

They kicked Bao after Kai's return and despite there was rumours of other players in there still involved with Bao 0rphanage and DEVILs decided to keep the association with God Squad (seems like it was a mistake). Our thought was why punish an entire alliance just because one guy?

This however wasn't done by the merc channel mods. Even at that time there wasn't any plans to create a new channel.
The DEVILs were never approached with this idea and i'm sure Pit wasn't either.

So you probably misunderstood some things that were proposed/said to you and jumped to conclusions.

All true. No one helped uncle bao he did it all himself with the proof provided in his forum thread that I linked previous.
To our defence all the loligagging around from the merc channel is what causes alot of this prior conflict. That is why this will be a long long battle of back and fourth. Ive proved everything ive had to and have seen nothing from adopt or any of the other whiners thus far tbh seems like alot of mercs were jelouse of us and didnt want us back in because were so awsome at what we do.
there is alot of typos whoopdie do im sick no kisses for any of you nor hugs for that matter
Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#66 - 2011-10-29 02:23:46 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

To our defence all the loligagging around from the merc channel is what causes alot of this prior conflict. That is why this will be a long long battle of back and fourth. Ive proved everything ive had to and have seen nothing from adopt or any of the other whiners thus far tbh seems like alot of mercs were jelouse of us and didnt want us back in because were so awsome at what we do.
there is alot of typos whoopdie do im sick no kisses for any of you nor hugs for that matter

I don't think you get it. Allow me to give you a slightly bigger picture.

This isn't a battle of back and forth... Through mismanagement/whatever you got yourselves removed from the merc channel. You want back in said channel.

And they said 'no'.

So now you're all over the forums trying to 'prove' something. *rawr* we are good and adopt sucks..*rawr* we will go and kill everyone in the merc contracts channel..*rawr* you all suck...*rawr* we can keep wardecs up on everyone forever.

You've lost the main 'battle'. Your name is mud with respect to the one place where you can be pretty sure to get a good merc experience. Any one hiring you guys who even mildly reads the forums will see this stuff. And there will be doubt in their minds.

You know how to get back in their good graces? Spend some time doing merc work outside the channel. Spin up an advert thread. Keep it clean, stop whining. I'm sure that a good track record for a while along with reasoned conversation with the pitboss and Alek will get you back in.

I'm not sure you can do it anymore tho. Exactly how is this a good business practice spraying feces all over the forums like a clueless monkey.

You guys are good enough mercs when used as a blunt instrument. No question. But goddamn you lack finesse and intelligence. Why don't you go and do what you are good at, and maybe the merc contracts channel will let you back in.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#67 - 2011-10-29 03:26:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Soraya Nilaighan
Zedrik Cayne wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

To our defence all the loligagging around from the merc channel is what causes alot of this prior conflict. That is why this will be a long long battle of back and fourth. Ive proved everything ive had to and have seen nothing from adopt or any of the other whiners thus far tbh seems like alot of mercs were jelouse of us and didnt want us back in because were so awsome at what we do.
there is alot of typos whoopdie do im sick no kisses for any of you nor hugs for that matter

I don't think you get it. Allow me to give you a slightly bigger picture.

This isn't a battle of back and forth... Through mismanagement/whatever you got yourselves removed from the merc channel. You want back in said channel.

And they said 'no'.

So now you're all over the forums trying to 'prove' something. *rawr* we are good and adopt sucks..*rawr* we will go and kill everyone in the merc contracts channel..*rawr* you all suck...*rawr* we can keep wardecs up on everyone forever.

You've lost the main 'battle'. Your name is mud with respect to the one place where you can be pretty sure to get a good merc experience. Any one hiring you guys who even mildly reads the forums will see this stuff. And there will be doubt in their minds.

You know how to get back in their good graces? Spend some time doing merc work outside the channel. Spin up an advert thread. Keep it clean, stop whining. I'm sure that a good track record for a while along with reasoned conversation with the pitboss and Alek will get you back in.

I'm not sure you can do it anymore tho. Exactly how is this a good business practice spraying ***** all over the forums like a clueless monkey.

You guys are good enough mercs when used as a blunt instrument. No question. But goddamn you lack finesse and intelligence. Why don't you go and do what you are good at, and maybe the merc contracts channel will let you back in.

you said it urself
You guys are good enough mercs when used as a blunt instrument. No question. But goddamn you lack finesse and intelligence. Why don't you go and do what you are good at, and maybe the merc contracts channel will let you back in.

"WE take Pride in being the best and having to prove it when people cant stop you like aparantly adopt has shown.
Join us in our pub so hear the tears moar."

kisses hugs and rawrrrss
Rasz Lin
#68 - 2011-10-29 07:22:06 UTC

Interesting. So a guy from Oprhanage (nanomonkey2002) manages to lose ~30B in 30 minutes to 8 frigates. Kills are API verified and on both killboards, yet BC deleted the killmails?
Devils Embrace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2011-10-29 11:43:36 UTC
Yeah if you bothered to read the comments on said losses you would understand. And yes i left ADOPT for a bit but it was something planned way before this END crap happened. I will be back to Orphanage soon enough i just have RL issues(military) to deal with these next few months

It's like they usually say about fantasy MMO's and men playing female characters: "If I'm going to spend alot of time watching this character, it might as well have a good looking ass".

Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#70 - 2011-10-29 12:35:54 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

you said it urself
You guys are good enough mercs when used as a blunt instrument. No question. But goddamn you lack finesse and intelligence. Why don't you go and do what you are good at, and maybe the merc contracts channel will let you back in.

"WE take Pride in being the best and having to prove it when people cant stop you like aparantly adopt has shown.
Join us in our pub so hear the tears moar."

kisses hugs and rawrrrss

Yes, but that still won't get you back into the merc channels.

If you don't *want* to get back in there... Keep throwing poop all over the forums.

Otherwise, maybe you could actually think for a moment, chill out, and figure out a way to get back in there. It seems to be rather important to you (as a collecgtive). (Even though, since you can keep the wardec up against adopt apparently do not need isk. So you do not *need* contracts.)

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Pollo Rico
Pollo Hermano
#71 - 2011-10-29 14:55:40 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Lex Alandar wrote:

Godsquad: "waaaah they fit sensor boosters they aren't real pirates!!"
*next day* "hey guys, Imma put 3x sebos on my mach, kkkk?"
0rphanage: "let's post lots and lots on the forums but not post our losses"
Noir. (Aleks): "you are all idiots."
Rest of merc community: "who the f is godsquad?"
Pollo: "Pollo is POLLO!!!!"
Keanu: "I'm keanu reeeeves *smug*"

best recap post thus far

Pollo, he approves.

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#72 - 2011-10-29 16:52:41 UTC
Devils Embrace wrote:
Yeah if you bothered to read the comments on said losses you would understand. And yes i left ADOPT for a bit but it was something planned way before this END crap happened. I will be back to Orphanage soon enough i just have RL issues(military) to deal with these next few months

I do not serve. Good luck I hope it all works out for you sir.

as to zedrick
We tried o so hard for months to get this squared away this was the end result when adopt would not reciprocate.

aww pollo gm took away your funny's how useless are you now
Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#73 - 2011-10-30 12:02:46 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
as to zedrick
We tried o so hard for months to get this squared away this was the end result when adopt would not reciprocate.

aww pollo gm took away your funny's how useless are you now

Months? You're kidding me right? Bao outed you on September 25th. It is now October 30th.

Your diplomatic efforts to get this resolved must have been legendary! Roll

like I said.....'Blunt instrument'

I wouldn't trust any of you to negotiate or speak rationally for any significant length of time without getting a recto cranial inversion and leaving a private conversation/channel or muting/kicking the person who is saying something you don't like.

So I can just imagine how 'trying hard' went for you.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

State War Academy
Caldari State
#74 - 2011-10-30 16:30:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Xolve
Rasz Lin wrote:

Interesting. So a guy from Oprhanage (nanomonkey2002) manages to lose ~30B in 30 minutes to 8 frigates. Kills are API verified and on both killboards, yet BC deleted the killmails?

The best part of all this, is after I get the machariel and harby ganked (pesky vindi got out) and losing my own Mach (**** fit for the purpose of irony, based on the leaked 'You and Your Sensor Booster' mail from PB that Kai ridiculed the day before)

Kai rages, kills 3 faction fitted Navy BS's that he paid for with his own ISK..

Then doesn't even get points for them on Battleclinic.

Punishing Unethical Conduct has never tasted sweeter.

For the record, I wasn't acting as an 'agent of the 0rphanage' or what ever that nonsense was that Kai was spouting off about, I just don't like him, or most of his corp for that matter.

Kai86 wrote:

just note
From: Kai86
Sent: 2011.10.28 07:13
To: (a member of adopt),

we did this in response to aeiron varr's implantation into our corp with the twin mach losses.

due to this we will hit you from inside as well as outside each day until your KB is GONE unless you replace the killed mach. you have 48 hours to respond or the next day you will lose a trillion isk on BC and we will ensure that your KB suffers greatly every day after this.

ROFL. So you blew up a couple bil of your own ISK, to get a Mach replaced? LOL.

They are 700m on the market you insolent douche.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#75 - 2011-10-30 17:05:36 UTC
Who actualy cares about THE GOD SQUAD ? they suck at wath they do, tbh they should just biomass their toons hehe
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#76 - 2011-10-30 21:40:38 UTC
Taint wrote:
Who actualy cares about THE GOD SQUAD ? they suck at wath they do, tbh they should just biomass their toons hehe

Aww you seem to hate us pretty bad to comment on us . We musta done something right to make you such a boo boo bear

hugs and kisses for all

but remember people this isnt about us Rebirth its about how fail adopt is remember that
Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#77 - 2011-10-30 23:51:23 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Taint wrote:
Who actualy cares about THE GOD SQUAD ? they suck at wath they do, tbh they should just biomass their toons hehe

Aww you seem to hate us pretty bad to comment on us . We musta done something right to make you such a boo boo bear

hugs and kisses for all

but remember people this isnt about us Rebirth its about how fail adopt is remember that

BZZZT! Wrong..this thread is now about how fail you guys are at 'damage control' and 'spin'.. (AKA: The only damage control you guys can do is a low-slot item, and the only spin you have is 'in station' (thank you CCP for giving it back, otherwise they would have none at all))

And I don't hate you guys...I just think you're doing yourselves a disservice by making fools of yourselves.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#78 - 2011-10-31 00:00:56 UTC
Zedrik Cayne wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Taint wrote:
Who actualy cares about THE GOD SQUAD ? they suck at wath they do, tbh they should just biomass their toons hehe

Aww you seem to hate us pretty bad to comment on us . We musta done something right to make you such a boo boo bear

hugs and kisses for all

but remember people this isnt about us Rebirth its about how fail adopt is remember that

BZZZT! Wrong..this thread is now about how fail you guys are at 'damage control' and 'spin'.. (AKA: The only damage control you guys can do is a low-slot item, and the only spin you have is 'in station' (thank you CCP for giving it back, otherwise they would have none at all))

And I don't hate you guys...I just think you're doing yourselves a disservice by making fools of yourselves.

Sit back and relax bro its ok i promise one day youll get outa your moms house and stop trying so hard on the net to be a serious troll
Lorkin Desal
That Hole Over There
#79 - 2011-10-31 00:06:42 UTC
came expecting tears. was not disapointed. did not bother with grammar in this forums post.
Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#80 - 2011-10-31 01:21:51 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Sit back and relax bro its ok i promise one day youll get outa your moms house and stop trying so hard on the net to be a serious troll

And if this is the same level of 'argument' you have been using to try and get back into the merc is little wonder that you are not back yet.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon