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Are any Amarr frigates fit for low-skill PVP?

Miles Winter
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2013-07-24 13:17:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Miles Winter
Lancastor Dex wrote:
As a former RvB member i definitely recommend punisher for fleet fights. It has huge tank bonus and you can reach up to 15k EHP. That means you wont get primaried and you will survive long enough on battlefied to actualy enjoy the fight.

This is precisely the problem I was having with other frigates - Running with a max of maybe 1500-4000 EHP, I was melting in fleet fights within seconds, before I could even react to it.

Learning how to fly and shoot in a fight doesn't really work when you die without a chance to actually start doing something.

With the Punisher, I've actually been able to warp out, repair, warp back in, fight some more.

My best moment so far was when we caught a Red Vengeance (Flown by Malfactor) in Otela - He warped 250km's off the front of the Otela - Josamento gate, our FC jumped in and tackled him and then had us warp in on top of the Vengeance, but the guy was running an MWD and nobody managed to land a Scrambler because he was so quick and he was burning to the gate fast.

FC ordered some of us to warp to the gate and meet him from the other direction - MissTinkerer and I warped, then spun around and slowboated out to meet him - landed our scrams as he came into range and finished him off. (I hardly contributed in damage, but he melted about 500m in front of me, so I got first pick of the loot Big smile)
W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#42 - 2013-07-24 21:17:38 UTC  |  Edited by: W0lf Crendraven
Garviel Tarrant wrote:
Taoist Dragon wrote:
Punisher is fine.

Get under the guns of a punisher? never had it happen. fit a metastasis or two and you have a nice combo then.

Range dictation? fit a sodding web rather than scram. most people don't bloody notice anyways.

Seriously guys stop thinking like sheep and go out and try new ****. pvp is 90% psychology and 10% numbers when you get right down to it :)

Ok the punisher can probably kill the occasional awful person that doesn't notice if he is scrammed or not, i'll give you that.

But even then it won't track perfectly and its dps is pretty damn low already.

You only get problems vs ab frigs in a punisher (vs mwd/web/scram, ab+ scram = range control), not many of those run around atm due to "condors", and via manual piloting you can even hit ab frigs quite alright (, dont listen to the bads commenting, notice how he manually lowers transversal in his punisher to track better, also nice torm/coercer action with good manual piloting utube links as for some reason for me the link is broken ). It certainly isnt the greatest t1 frigate, it however is far from useless.

The Tormentor is one of the better t1 frigates and you can do quite a lot with it, nearly 200dps with heat at 11km is a lot more then most t1 frigates can do, combined with the power of a saar this means that you have a beast of a t1 frigate that really can do a lot. T2 Ammo is crucial tho and the only thing that makes it viable.

Both the punisher and the tormentor can reach a 18km optimal with scorch (2 t2 locus + 1 t2) and both can put out over 150dps, again nearly 200for the torm, meaning a unprepared opponent will be dead quite quickly (the punisher does more dps then some slicers and the torm outdamages pretty much all slicers), the drawback is that to do that you require isk and a high amount of sp. However no one will every expect a punisher to kite at 18km.

The slicer basicely is a one trick pony (bar a few fits you can use) as the scram version is quite bad, high speed + good dps at 20km = a very good kiting frigate.

The crucifier, it can be one of the most deadly frigates in this game, scarm + web + ab + bonused td = a sick scram kiter. Due to the bonused td the enemy range is basicely 0 as long as his dps is turret reliant.

( some ok examples in this video, it however is with hg snakes)

The executioner is nothing to write home about, its a tormentor without dps or tank but with speed, no a good ship.

The afs are both good, sentinel is ok but nothing will every fight a sentinel, bombers are bombers, the combat ceptor is a slicer in worth and not worth mentioning, the malediction is a very nice ship but it underperforms unless you know exactly what to do.

Heretic is a pretty good ship, it doesnt even need the dictor skill above 1 to be good, people compare it to dessies and think its bad for pure combat but if you compare it to a af its well worth it, its pretty much the same price, it is unknown so people will fight you, its combat ability/speed is pretty on par with most afs and in total its a good ship. Just think of it as a af not a destroyer.

Dragoon, good kiter, subpar brawler.

Coercer, good brawler/good kiter, extremly weak to td kiting making it a bit iffy for fw lowsec due to condors and other td kiter. In total nearly as good as a arty thrasher, very predicatble tho and easy to counter for a good pilot.

Cruor, not worth the isk, Succubus, not worth the isk.

(also the arbi is **** (bad))

For kiting

Fly tormentor -> transition into slicer -> go into omen-> omen navy -> Legion

The shield harbi also is a good ship to fly.

For brawling

Fly Punisher -> retribution/vengeance-> Brawling omen/maller -> Sacri-> legion

(legion is the best, but that doesnt mean that you must fly it, its just a progression you could take).
The VC's
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2013-07-24 22:39:45 UTC

Some textbook punisher there.
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#44 - 2013-07-24 23:17:29 UTC
The VC's wrote:

Some textbook punisher there.


The punisher has always been a decent ship if you are willing to lern how to handle it.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Amarr Empire
#45 - 2013-07-25 04:08:54 UTC
Kiting coercer is very lowskill-friendly. All you need is Scorch and overheat. It has wide range of targets.
Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2013-07-25 09:07:58 UTC
Out of interest,

Does anyone have any recommended navy Omen fits?

I have pulled a very fast kiting fit from battleclinic, but having hardly any tank on such a pricey ship concerns me.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

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