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CCP! Please clarify the future plans for WiS!

First post
Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#561 - 2011-10-30 10:08:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Myfanwy Heimdal
The problem with the community and its stance with WIS was that CCP themselves poisoned it.

It is now tainted and polluted in the minds of many.

The problem goes back to the time that WiS was going to be non-optional. We were told that a future release, perhaps one the releases we had by now, would have forced us to walk in stations.

WiS didn't work for a lot of people. Cards overheated and the graphics of the character walking was, and still is, poor. We were told that we were to get used to it because in the future, every time we docked that is what we were going to get.

As a consequence of this WiS we were told that we could have a NeX store where we could, possibly, buy game changing items for real life cash courtesy of this new currency.

We all saw what happened next.

Yes, CCP has back-pedelled on the compulsory requirement on WiS, yes it has gone back on pay-to-win or the possibiliy of pay-to-win. But the fact remains that we have this useless curerrency, clothes which look dreadful when the character walks and, above all, to many the chalice is well and truly poisoned.

What's my view on this? The same that it's always been. I have no problems with WiS as an option. It should be as much as option as is Planetary Interaction but having seen what little has been done with so many resources over so long a period of time I don't believe that CCP can and will deliver WiS as we envisage. I also believe that CCP had better get its core product back on track whilst it works out what do with this collosal strategical mis-managment of affairs. For this I have been mis-labelled a WiS hater. No, I am not, I doubt it but I wouldn't mind a working version which offers something.

Players have blamed others for the job-losses. That is misplaced blame. The fault lay entirely with CCP for the poor planning and misdirection of resouces as well as making the mistake of attempting to break the sandbox.

If CCP put every man, woman and child in their offices into WiS development then it wouldn't be delivered before the game collapses. Anyone who has been in software will have, or should have, read 'The Mythical Man Month' will know what I mean.

The only way that CCP can save this game is to sort out the mess that are the broken spaceships. Then, and only then, can they look at WiS again and, first, to properly determine if it can be done and then, secondly, determine what can be done and, thirdly, go and implement something.

And, all the while, they have to remember that they have given the player base a poisoned chalice in the past and they have to turn people's memories around. The fault, all along, lies with CCP's management and everyone, particularly those who have lost their jobs, have paid for it.

Most of the co-called WiS haters' aren't haters of WiS they hate the idea of the of development resources being taken away from the core concept of the game and the fact that CCP treated the players badly. For these players then can be forgiven for demanding the CCP wins back their trust and WiS is a core concern for their distrust.

edited due to the forum eating up characters

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#562 - 2011-10-30 10:12:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Myfanwy Heimdal
Holy Double Posting Forum Code, Batman

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#563 - 2011-10-30 10:58:28 UTC
Myfanwy Heimdal wrote:
The problem with the community and its stance with WIS was that CCP themselves poisoned it.

It is now tainted and polluted in the minds of many.

Someone wants to be naughty in WiS and play Doctor really bad...Lol

The problem with WiS is that CCP came up with it and like a drug, you junkies won't give up your unhealthy addiction to it which has also affected your mind for too long... like syphilis.

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

#564 - 2011-10-30 12:06:15 UTC
Myfanwy Heimdal wrote:

The only way that CCP can save this game is to sort out the mess that are the broken spaceships. Then, and only then, can they look at WiS again and, first, to properly determine if it can be done and then, secondly, determine what can be done and, thirdly, go and implement something.

edited due to the forum eating up characters

I would have no problem waiting awhile for them to work out some core issues. I would of liked to of seen a better balance between the development of wis and fis in the past. I find it sad that wis got connected to the nex pay to win thing. In my mind, they were completely different, but I can see how a community that was ignored for so long got incarna and then got nex would connect them together. Incarna is pointless to the eve gamer and nex was stepping over the line. Although incarna probably was not pointless to the dev team as they could workout bugs from a rather large test sample, however, to use TQ as that test sample was a huge mistake. Incarna had no point, nothing to do, and couldn't even interact with others.

CCP made mistakes. Lots of them. As they move forward from this and pay attention to thier core, I would ask them to not forget about wis. The concept was and still is really cool, but this time balance the development better. If incarna also came with a bunch of new things like what they are planning for the winter, then I think people would not of been all up in arms about it. Then there is the long time spent getting to incarna that made people feel ignored, which was also wrong. The balance was completely off.

It maybe unrealistic for them to take a look at wis after the winter expansion because they still have dust as a huge project. But surely after dust, i'd like to see some balanced development between wis and fis. It shouldn't be an option of all wis or all fis. My current fear is that wis is on permanent ice. Having some small team doing some planning or what ever would show that it is not permanently shelved and they wouldn't have to commit any to any date of when something will be ready. I personally think that may be what is left at wod working on aspects that can be used in both games, but thats probably just hopeful thinking because I don't see why it would have to be a secret.
Caldari State
#565 - 2011-10-30 12:40:26 UTC
FiS is currently what it is all about and CCP shouldn't stop working to improve/fix content that we are faced with today.

WiS is in a very early stage, and i assume it won't add any meaningful game play soon, even if it was a priority project.

WiS has potential however and while i prefer that FiS takes precedent , WiS shouldn't be abandoned.

I understand that as a company CCP has grown and now has about 8x more employees as it started with?

Why not take on a challenge, make FiS and WiS a simultaneous project and impress all your customers with your eagerness to please.
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#566 - 2011-10-31 00:31:06 UTC
Che Biko wrote:
Well, as long as we are trying to bend statistics to our viewpoint I might as well join the party.

1st post: "We want WiS" 88 likes around time of this post.
2nd post: "Abandon WiS" 29 likes around time of this post.
3rd post: "most people DO want walking in stations, just not the way it was implemented." 33 likes around the time of this post.
Make of this what you will. Considering I'm willing to concede that in the rest of the posts the pro/con WiS posts likes are split 50/50, (although I think most likes would be in favour of WiS, at least as long as it does not mean abandoning FiS) that still means a majority of those that a least read some of this thread are in favour of eventually releasing Incarna.

Thanks for adding that all up!

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#567 - 2011-10-31 03:28:10 UTC
Phantom Slave wrote:
I for one hope that CCP puts at least part of their development team on WiS. Maybe just 1 team dedicated to it. The potential for WiS is so awesome, even if it never gets used for more than a glorified lobby where people can sit at a bar or balcony and talk. Slowly add small features to it, not full-blown expansions. Every month add a little bit. A few Agents here and there, maybe add a balcony where you can see the Empress Jamyl in the distance with a full ensemble of guards and spectators.

I don't roleplay, at least not in the sense that true RPers do. What I do is I look at the environment and back story, and connect myself with it so I have a more meaningful experience. Maybe give us the ability to speak with our lvl 4 agents "off the grid" to get some secret missions with dark political implications. The potential here is so enormous it's no wonder you haven't built anything for it. Where do you start?

Start small! Get us the multi-player aspect, with some NPC run bars and NPC's walking around in the distance to give it some feeling of life. Then give us something else that's small in the next patch. Then something small in the next. Give a general focus to what you want us to eventually have, and just put pieces here and there.

Give us something! I hate to see this technology show up and then the code start collecting dust like what happened to FW. I don't want to wait however many years those FW guys have been waiting, just to see another iteration on WiS.

Give everybody what they want. Give us our WiS, even in small pieces. Focus on FiS, as you should. It's what everybody wants to some degree. But there's a lot of us out there that want WiS just as bad.

CCP has said over and over that you're focusing on what the players want. Do us a favor and do exactly that. Work on what *all* of us want, not just the majority. Even if it only happens every 3 months or so, throw us a bone!

this is what I would think Ideal

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

Azahni Vah'nos
Vah'nos Family
#568 - 2011-10-31 04:12:28 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
Che Biko wrote:
Well, as long as we are trying to bend statistics to our viewpoint I might as well join the party.

1st post: "We want WiS" 88 likes around time of this post.
2nd post: "Abandon WiS" 29 likes around time of this post.
3rd post: "most people DO want walking in stations, just not the way it was implemented." 33 likes around the time of this post.
Make of this what you will. Considering I'm willing to concede that in the rest of the posts the pro/con WiS posts likes are split 50/50, (although I think most likes would be in favour of WiS, at least as long as it does not mean abandoning FiS) that still means a majority of those that a least read some of this thread are in favour of eventually releasing Incarna.

Thanks for adding that all up!


Do you really want the break-up of likes in this thread?

12% = Want WiS over any additional FiS content.

11% = Have a shovel in hand ready to bury WiS. They don't want it at all.

29% = People who like the concept of WiS, but do not like the way it has been implemented and many feel it needs engaging gameplay.

23% = Think FiS should always take precedence, but like and want WiS as well.

25% = Anything from pure trolling to discussion points and other things that didn't fit into the above categories.

So it seems most people would like to see WiS, just not in it's current form but more like what was Ambulation with sandbox elements rather than 'oh look shiny' for 5 minutes NEX Store crap. People want something that actually adds fun and interesting things to do, rather than stand around in a station staring at each others $70 monocles, etc. And if push comes to shove they prefer FiS over WiS.

Also note that it's hard to accept some of the likes in this thread for anything other than some mini meta-gaming, especially when you see the same people with pretty much the same amount of likes to all their posts. Either these people have their own personal fanboys/fangirls or they have some alts, I'm guessing the latter.

Nex (Cash Shop) / Aurum - removing sand from the sandbox since Incarna. Currently the only use for aurum is to buy virtual items in the in-game store, but Cockerill expects to expand its uses in the future.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#569 - 2011-10-31 04:34:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Azahni Vah'nos wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
Che Biko wrote:
Well, as long as we are trying to bend statistics to our viewpoint I might as well join the party.

1st post: "We want WiS" 88 likes around time of this post.
2nd post: "Abandon WiS" 29 likes around time of this post.
3rd post: "most people DO want walking in stations, just not the way it was implemented." 33 likes around the time of this post.
Make of this what you will. Considering I'm willing to concede that in the rest of the posts the pro/con WiS posts likes are split 50/50, (although I think most likes would be in favour of WiS, at least as long as it does not mean abandoning FiS) that still means a majority of those that a least read some of this thread are in favour of eventually releasing Incarna.

Thanks for adding that all up!


Do you really want the break-up of likes in this thread?

12% = Want WiS over any additional FiS content.

11% = Have a shovel in hand ready to bury WiS. They don't want it at all.

29% = People who like the concept of WiS, but do not like the way it has been implemented and many feel it needs engaging gameplay.

23% = Think FiS should always take precedence, but like and want WiS as well.

25% = Anything from pure trolling to discussion points and other things that didn't fit into the above categories.

So it seems most people would like to see WiS, just not in it's current form but more like what was Ambulation with sandbox elements rather than 'oh look shiny' for 5 minutes NEX Store crap. People want something that actually adds fun and interesting things to do, rather than stand around in a station staring at each others $70 monocles, etc. And if push comes to shove they prefer FiS over WiS.

Also note that it's hard to accept some of the likes in this thread for anything other than some mini meta-gaming, especially when you see the same people with pretty much the same amount of likes to all their posts. Either these people have their own personal fanboys/fangirls or they have some alts, I'm guessing the latter.

Thanks for the break down, that's actually very informative.

I wonder about that last bit too in a lot of threads. Just for the record, if anyone ever asks to see my list of likes I suppose I could screenshot it and post it on EVE files (bless Chribba's stoney heart), but I don't think the way it's set up that a screenshot would be very informative. Sad

I do have a small army of alts, but the only time they have ever been logged into CCP's web site is if I need to get an API key for them.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#570 - 2011-10-31 04:47:22 UTC
I have changed my mind and redacted my statement that I was willing to concede that the rest of the pro/con post likes was spread 50/50. After reviewing the thread again, it is clear to me that the majority of the post and likes in this thread are in favour of WiS in some form at some point in time.

Also, I would like to see one of those that claim the majority don't want WiS to link me a thread with nearly 30 pages where most posts/likes are against WiS, with a title similar to "Abandon WiS". I think there is one here on GD, but it appears to be rather inactive as I can't find it anymore.
Ranka Mei
TANoshii Incorporated
#571 - 2011-10-31 05:06:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranka Mei
I believe those in the pro WiS camp (yours truly included) are not liking CCP's all-out 'either/or' policy. First they completely ignored FiS, wanting to force WiS down our throats at all cost; and now they're about to make the same mistake twice: doing a full 180C, going FiS only.

CCP, why go from one extreme to the other?! Panic? Sure, I buy that. But you'd think it should have subsided by now, and been replaced with a more moderate sense of taking the middle ground.

-- "All your monies AUR belong to us!" -- CCP

Caldari State
#572 - 2011-10-31 05:07:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Cypermethren
Calm down everyone.

WiS has been out in full for ages. It is know as "Second Life" tho.

People have even built a town with eve themes in there, go find it yourselves.

Play that stupid ass barbie game and leave us alone to play with our spaceships.

This is honest to god sibling rivalry. Get you're effing barbies out of the sandpit, this is where we play with the tonka trucks girl.

P.s - Mass unsubs bringing subscriber numbers to an alltime low - t he reason put in the cancel subscription box = Walking in Stations crap instead of you giving us FiS stuff

CCP announces they're working on FiS again. LArge % of subscribers resub.

Hint - those people would not have come back otherwise. Our threats were not empty.

Feel free to try and pull a similar senario, but you WiS'ers are but a speck of dust compared to the sea of FiSers
Azahni Vah'nos
Vah'nos Family
#573 - 2011-10-31 05:12:17 UTC
Che Biko wrote:
I have changed my mind and redacted my statement that I was willing to concede that the rest of the pro/con post likes was spread 50/50. After reviewing the thread again, it is clear to me that the majority of the post and likes in this thread are in favour of WiS in some form at some point in time.

Also, I would like to see one of those that claim the majority don't want WiS to link me a thread with nearly 30 pages where most posts/likes are against WiS, with a title similar to "Abandon WiS". I think there is one here on GD, but it appears to be rather inactive as I can't find it anymore.

That wont happen because the CCP forum moderators close any other threads with WiS/FiS discussion and direct them here. So a pro dump WiS thread wont pop up on the forum and if it does it wont last long.

We can only base stats off of what we see in this thread and remembering also that only a small portion of the userbase use the forums anyway. Hence the suggestion of using a poll at login if CCP want more accurate figures on who would like to see what.

Nex (Cash Shop) / Aurum - removing sand from the sandbox since Incarna. Currently the only use for aurum is to buy virtual items in the in-game store, but Cockerill expects to expand its uses in the future.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#574 - 2011-10-31 05:20:41 UTC
Cypermethren wrote:
Calm down everyone.

WiS has been out in full for ages. It is know as "Second Life" tho.

People have even built a town with eve themes in there, go find it yourselves.

Play that stupid ass barbie game and leave us alone to play with our spaceships.

This is honest to god sibling rivalry. Get you're effing barbies out of the sandpit, this is where we play with the tonka trucks girl.

P.s - Mass unsubs bringing subscriber numbers to an alltime low - t he reason put in the cancel subscription box = Walking in Stations crap instead of you giving us FiS stuff

CCP announces they're working on FiS again. LArge % of subscribers resub.

Hint - those people would not have come back otherwise. Our threats were not empty.

Feel free to try and pull a similar senario, but you WiS'ers are but a speck of dust compared to the sea of FiSers

The people that unsubbed were upset with good reason. Many of us were as well.

Most of us have no problem acknowledging how screwed up the handling of WIS development and release was, and we do not want to revisit that.

What most of us WOULD like is for the original concepts behind WIS to be realized, for a sensible plan to be made ahead of time, and for work on that concept to begin when possible WITHOUT stomping on FIS content development.

It's all in the thread my friend.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Emad X
Best Feeders NA Inc.
#575 - 2011-10-31 05:43:06 UTC
Myfanwy Heimdal wrote:
Walking in Stations is a huge task and one which really hadn't been thought out properly.

We're talking stations of over 20 km in size. How are we going to walk around that lot? What are we going to do in there? In fact, what is in all those thousands of miles of corridors and how are we going to interact?

I've seen other games where we've had taverns in towns where players could meet and, always, they're empty. So, if we're wanting an Eve version of Mallory's Bar (The Gap) or that bar from Total Recall then we're going to have to have something worth our while going around walking in stations.

When I was playing other games I never once saw the point of towns or cities where we could meet other players. Not once did I say I'll spend the evening playing BadgerQuest or whatever and spend the time sitting around in a town. And neither did I once run into any players who were hanging around like extras in Westerns lounging around on the boardwalks.

In every MMO that I have played, players would come into town - because the had to - get whatever it was they had to have done done as fast as they could - and then beetle off to do some whatever they did out of the towns.

So, please tell me, and I mean this most sincerely, what possibly could CCP do to make walking in stations interesting or purposeful to the majority of players? I have, at the moment no interest in WiS and I can't see me every having any interest in doing so. CCP would have to pull a massive rabbit out of a hat to make me interested. And if they tried to force us to leave the pod to find an agent/repairshop/refinery then the recent rage would be nothing compared to that storm.

Walking In Stations/ It's not going to work.


If you can do everything in the station without having to walk around for 20 minutes by using the normal interface and menus, then you're not gonna walk around for 20 minutes. The only alternative would be to force everyone to walk around by removing the menus and interface, which would be the worst idea of all time.

Without adding some sort of gameplay element that interests people, wasting any more time in developing WiS would be pointless.
#576 - 2011-10-31 05:51:50 UTC
Ranka Mei wrote:
I believe those in the pro WiS camp (yours truly included) are not liking CCP's all-out 'either/or' policy. First they completely ignored FiS, wanting to force WiS down our throats at all cost; and now they're about the make the same mistake twice: doing a full 180C, going FiS only.

CCP, why go from one extreme to the other?! Panic? Sure, I buy that. But you'd think it should have subsided by now, and been replaced with a more moderate sense of taking the middle ground.

it's either/or because resources are finite, so finite they had to fire a lot of people, sad but true

TA on wis: "when we have a feature that is its own functional ecosystem of gameplay then hooks into the greater ecosystem of EVE as a whole, and it provides good replayability."

Caldari State
#577 - 2011-10-31 06:01:14 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Cypermethren wrote:
Calm down everyone.

WiS has been out in full for ages. It is know as "Second Life" tho.

People have even built a town with eve themes in there, go find it yourselves.

Play that stupid ass barbie game and leave us alone to play with our spaceships.

This is honest to god sibling rivalry. Get you're effing barbies out of the sandpit, this is where we play with the tonka trucks girl.

P.s - Mass unsubs bringing subscriber numbers to an alltime low - t he reason put in the cancel subscription box = Walking in Stations crap instead of you giving us FiS stuff

CCP announces they're working on FiS again. LArge % of subscribers resub.

Hint - those people would not have come back otherwise. Our threats were not empty.

Feel free to try and pull a similar senario, but you WiS'ers are but a speck of dust compared to the sea of FiSers

The people that unsubbed were upset with good reason. Many of us were as well.

Most of us have no problem acknowledging how screwed up the handling of WIS development and release was, and we do not want to revisit that.

What most of us WOULD like is for the original concepts behind WIS to be realized, for a sensible plan to be made ahead of time, and for work on that concept to begin when possible WITHOUT stomping on FIS content development.

It's all in the thread my friend.

the problem is they released teaser video's YEARS back, of a dude walking thru a station, a pub, into a war room complete with holo display. That set the expectations. CCP knew this.

They give us Mr Gimpy locked in solitary confinment instead.

Whatever they had - its obvious they somehow fubard it up, big time.

My hopes for WiS died with Incarna. And never again will i ever want CCP to work on it anywhere near as much because we know damn well if they do FiS suffers - and 99% of eve content = FiS.

Can you believe how much work is being done, how many promices are finaly being forfilled, and dreams realised since CCP realised they ****** up and did a massive reshuffle? Its insane. And eve has been starved these resources for far, far too long.

I am glad this whole debarcle happend, if it did not, many of us would still be Unsubbed.

And i am sorry to you WiSers, but its obvious CCP can never forfill that promice without shafting the rest of eve, so may you're hopes of space barbies die quietly and go away so we can enjoy FiS as it's reborn once more.
Valkris Arkayne
Caldari State
#578 - 2011-10-31 06:04:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Valkris Arkayne
Emad X wrote:
..Without adding some sort of gameplay element that interests people, wasting any more time in developing WiS would be pointless...

I believe this is exactly what most WiS supporters desire - RELEVANT gameplay.

I don't think anyone is recommending that we have a game where we just 'sit around in bars'. As you pointed out, that's not human nature. WiS supporters (such as myself) are encouraging CCP to design relevant, engaging gameplay that augments FiS, giving us additional EVE -related activities for those evenings when the Corp is quiet. We already have the best Spaceship Sim available and we all agree CCP needs to fix portions of it, but adding additional gameplay options will only serve to bring in more players (and their wallets). After 8 years, growth will require significant additions beyond improved nebulae and ship trails.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#579 - 2011-10-31 06:09:49 UTC
Wow Alot of reading.

I am for WIS but not at the starving of FIS. WIS will bring in a larger player base and help fight the law of attrition which will happen to any game no matter who awsome it is.

WIS is using Carbon and to the sounds of it it is ready to start implementing stuff.
The CQ are complete and have been built in sections so those elements can be reused to build the additional components of Eve's WIS.

In the original design of eve – the script – had walking in station and in 2008/7 CCP felt it that technology had progressed far along enough to implement this original feature. I was scraped, and Carbon was developed in hope use the same technology to build 2 games, Eve's Online WIS and WoD.

The Unreal Engine is only being used for Dust 514 not WIS

Wis is the test bed for WOD. Progressing with WIS does not need WOD to keep going, and any development for WIS will go towards WOD's future. Just the leveraging support from WOD just won't be there.

CCP trys to be transparent to the community, which often back fires as the vocal community begins to demand and dictate what CCP is to do. Any attempt to be visionary will meet extreme resistance as the vocal community suffering from group think, Preferring to have the devil they know than the unknown.
The denying of core play like FIS for evegate, PI, and the development of Incarna, items that FIS players don't see as benefit to them, just strengthened their fears. With that Faith of fickle players will disappear quickly.

Now CCP, is switching gears, with sincerity and cut jobs. It has shown its hand. We the vocal community has a say in the direction of what CCP, and Eve has to say. If that is the case we need to be responsible in our actions.

So I say with my voice that WIS should be developed, but at a slower speed. I an not one for cancelling my subscription if they don't though, but I if they do, I will be able to attract some of my friends into the game that think this is just a game of ships.

For those who think the WIS is useless. Let me say this

I am more than a Machine I am a human.
-I want to control a small market that can only be reached in side the station, where I can sell and buy from people I choose to interact with.
-I want a place that my casual playing friends who now have girl friends or now have family can still say hi to me and join me in a game of something that lasts only 30 mins.
--->Mini Games, Virtual 1V1 Simulators. Gambling games.
-I want a place the the players can set the security of the station to allow sections of the station to be similar security levels like eve in space... Paying the right prices... NPC stations have the Highest security unless they are Pirate factions Stations. The lower rating areas contain the Seedier elements of the station, Slaves, Boosters, assassination missions. The higher rating areas would be Stock Exchanges, high class promenade deck, Legal NPC givers, often seen on the station tab.
- I want to have Bots that I can program to missions for eve players to complete though the use of book marks, unique markers, and collection of Corpses.
- I want command centres that have Interactive star maps that provide real time intel collecting information and live footage from the front lines.
- Ability to build/ sell Clothing though Items collected from Dust 514 – I will have an alt that place Dust 514 that not only will be shooting people but be collecting goods in the middle of a fire fight- The spoils of war. Ninja Loot!
- Have Live events stream to the Local WIS bar near you. Ships built to stream live action Video to WIS screens opening up the ability to eve become a Spectator's Sport. Something that filling up the void in games covered in this talk about “Pro Gaming” - All Eve tournaments on constant loop feed.
- Allow me to Set up a repair shop in the station, taking repair out of NPC hands into mine. Allow me to add a temp bonus to a ship
-Eventually I would like WIS to turn in to Walking in space so I can disembark from my ship into sleeper sites and explore those instances and kill or be killed, Chance of coming across griefers, who blow up my ship etc as covered in Fan fest.
-And what would be expected
--> I want to have a bar I can sit and Do some role playing – which is what Most WIS disliker think all WIS can be.
--> Allow me to buy/Make Stuff to decorate me apartment.

That is my opinion.

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#580 - 2011-10-31 08:52:39 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Emad X wrote:
Myfanwy Heimdal wrote:
Walking in Stations is a huge task and one which really hadn't been thought out properly.

We're talking stations of over 20 km in size. How are we going to walk around that lot? What are we going to do in there? In fact, what is in all those thousands of miles of corridors and how are we going to interact?

I've seen other games where we've had taverns in towns where players could meet and, always, they're empty. So, if we're wanting an Eve version of Mallory's Bar (The Gap) or that bar from Total Recall then we're going to have to have something worth our while going around walking in stations.

When I was playing other games I never once saw the point of towns or cities where we could meet other players. Not once did I say I'll spend the evening playing BadgerQuest or whatever and spend the time sitting around in a town. And neither did I once run into any players who were hanging around like extras in Westerns lounging around on the boardwalks.

In every MMO that I have played, players would come into town - because the had to - get whatever it was they had to have done done as fast as they could - and then beetle off to do some whatever they did out of the towns.

So, please tell me, and I mean this most sincerely, what possibly could CCP do to make walking in stations interesting or purposeful to the majority of players? I have, at the moment no interest in WiS and I can't see me every having any interest in doing so. CCP would have to pull a massive rabbit out of a hat to make me interested. And if they tried to force us to leave the pod to find an agent/repairshop/refinery then the recent rage would be nothing compared to that storm.

Walking In Stations/ It's not going to work.


If you can do everything in the station without having to walk around for 20 minutes by using the normal interface and menus, then you're not gonna walk around for 20 minutes. The only alternative would be to force everyone to walk around by removing the menus and interface, which would be the worst idea of all time.

Without adding some sort of gameplay element that interests people, wasting any more time in developing WiS would be pointless.

That must have been where you stopped reading this thread cuz all those questions were answered later.