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[IDEA] Give skill points as a reward for completing PvE missions/Ratting/Bounty's

First post
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#41 - 2013-07-03 12:50:18 UTC
Anna Djan wrote:
I think this is the worst idea I've seen in this section....

I smell a troll.

How am I trolling? All I have done is come up with a good idea to get new players into the game and attempted to defend my position.
Balthazar Lestrane
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#42 - 2013-07-03 12:51:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Balthazar Lestrane
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Zor'katar wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
I'm not defining the game by it's PvE content. I'm saying that there needs to be a way for new players to be able to catch up with the older players a lot quicker than there currently is. I think there needs to be a way to speed up the process and make sure you can get a good character that can actually do stuff in this game faster than the 18 months it currently takes.

Perhaps you can start by telling us what it takes 18 months to do. I can't think of anything other than cap ships, which aren't intended for noobs anyway.

Well I was being figurative not literal but the point was it takes a f**king long time to be able to get anywhere in this game and I think there need to be a way to speed up the process.

Buy implants, use neural remaps but FFS leave the Skillpoint progression system ALONE. Inject Patience 5 or Advanced Patience Techniques but the unanimous outcry that this idea is terribad warrants no further discussion.


But you do grind, you grind for ISK, you grind for LP's. And I'm not talking about bypassing the game, I'm talking about giving player s a reason to PLAY the game and not just sit in a station and slowly watch there SP's tick over one at a time.

If you cannot find a reason to play, THEN GIVE ME ALL YOUR ISK AND STOP THIS NONSENSE.

It isn't the developers job to inspire you to play EVE, it's their job to provide the tools which makes playing EVE inspiring. Sheesh.

Edit: If you need further convincing that SP are meaningless with what you can do in EVE, refer to this thread:
Azn Empire
#43 - 2013-07-03 12:54:08 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Hell no. We do not need an SP grind mechanic in Eve. The lack of having to grind, one of the best things about Eve's SP system. There was an SP grind system in the game at one time, but it was abused. Just like your idea would be abused.

If you are really that focused on bypassing the learning how to play stage, then use the current time bypass, either grind or trade for lots of ISK and buy a high SP char.

But you do grind, you grind for ISK, you grind for LP's. And I'm not talking about bypassing the game, I'm talking about giving player s a reason to PLAY the game and not just sit in a station and slowly watch there SP's tick over one at a time.
YOU may grind for those things, I don't. This game's beauty is that you can do it without the grind.

This idea was tried already and it failed. There is no reason for it. It doesn't solve any problem, yet introduces the problem of people merely playing to engage in meaningless repetition and time-sinking.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Anna Djan
Banana Corp
#44 - 2013-07-03 12:56:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Anna Djan
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Anna Djan wrote:
I think this is the worst idea I've seen in this section....

I smell a troll.

How am I trolling? All I have done is come up with a good idea to get new players into the game and attempted to defend my position.

You believe it's a good idea, I don't. In fact I think it's the worst idea I've seen on these forums recently.

In no way will I believe or condone that because I work, have commitments and have a life outside a game should I be at a disadvantage in progression that anyone else.

When I log on I want to choose what I do, not be dictated that I have to grind f**king MISSIONS of all things, the worst thing in the game to do.
Matari Recreation
#45 - 2013-07-03 12:57:14 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
'Anywhere' being nearly any corp in this game that does anything fun. Look at the recruitment channel and see just how many null-sec corp's require a 15 million SP requirement to get in. Certainly the good ones do. And now think of just how long it takes to get 15 million SP's in this game, yea a damn long time.

Corporations set minimum SP requirements because they want their members to have a certain level of game experience, and SP is a convenient way to approximate that. There's nothing magical about the particular number they give. If a corp requires 15 million SP to join, and CCP starts giving out 5 million free SP to new players, then the corporation will probably raise the minimum to 20 million. If you ask them what actual skills they require, you'll find that the SP count of that is significantly less.

Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
And what can you do prior to getting those SP's? Mission running? Faction Warfare maybe. Not a whole hell of a lot else for the first year of playing the game.

Often corps will have (or be affiliated with) a separate noob training corp. Talk to their recruiters and ask where they would recommend you start.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2013-07-03 12:57:26 UTC
Balthazar Lestrane wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Zor'katar wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
I'm not defining the game by it's PvE content. I'm saying that there needs to be a way for new players to be able to catch up with the older players a lot quicker than there currently is. I think there needs to be a way to speed up the process and make sure you can get a good character that can actually do stuff in this game faster than the 18 months it currently takes.

Perhaps you can start by telling us what it takes 18 months to do. I can't think of anything other than cap ships, which aren't intended for noobs anyway.

Well I was being figurative not literal but the point was it takes a f**king long time to be able to get anywhere in this game and I think there need to be a way to speed up the process.

Buy implants, use neural remaps but FFS leave the Skillpoint progression system ALONE. Inject Patience 5 or Advanced Patience Techniques but the unanimous outcry that this idea is terribad warrants no further discussion.


But you do grind, you grind for ISK, you grind for LP's. And I'm not talking about bypassing the game, I'm talking about giving player s a reason to PLAY the game and not just sit in a station and slowly watch there SP's tick over one at a time.

If you cannot find a reason a play, THEN GIVE ME ALL YOUR ISK AND STOP THIS NON-SENSE.

It isn't the developers job to inspire you to play EVE, it's their job to provide the tools which makes playing EVE inspiring. Sheesh.

But I want to find a reason to play the game, I want to fly around in a big shiny battleship and kill stuff, I want to be a part of huge fleet battles with my alliance, but I can't, cause my character is less than 3 months old and I won't be able to be any good at that stuff for at least another year at best.

As to your last point it is the developers job to inspire me to play the game, that's their only job.
Azn Empire
#47 - 2013-07-03 12:59:46 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
But I want to find a reason to play the game, I want to fly around in a big shiny battleship and kill stuff, I want to be a part of huge fleet battles with my alliance, but I can't, cause my character is less than 3 months old and I won't be able to be any good at that stuff for at least another year at best.

As to your last point it is the developers job to inspire me to play the game, that's their only job.
If your idea of being good is having lots of level 5 skills, then sorry no. You need skillz as well as SP to play this game. But as you already know you could bypass the learning time and buy a char, it kinda makes this threads idea moot.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Anna Djan
Banana Corp
#48 - 2013-07-03 13:00:26 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

But I want to find a reason to play the game, I want to fly around in a big shiny battleship and kill stuff, I want to be a part of huge fleet battles with my alliance, but I can't, cause my character is less than 3 months old and I won't be able to be any good at that stuff for at least another year at best.

As to your last point it is the developers job to inspire me to play the game, that's their only job.

heh, you believe SP equates to skill :)
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2013-07-03 13:01:59 UTC
Zor'katar wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
'Anywhere' being nearly any corp in this game that does anything fun. Look at the recruitment channel and see just how many null-sec corp's require a 15 million SP requirement to get in. Certainly the good ones do. And now think of just how long it takes to get 15 million SP's in this game, yea a damn long time.

Corporations set minimum SP requirements because they want their members to have a certain level of game experience, and SP is a convenient way to approximate that. There's nothing magical about the particular number they give. If a corp requires 15 million SP to join, and CCP starts giving out 5 million free SP to new players, then the corporation will probably raise the minimum to 20 million. If you ask them what actual skills they require, you'll find that the SP count of that is significantly less.

Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
And what can you do prior to getting those SP's? Mission running? Faction Warfare maybe. Not a whole hell of a lot else for the first year of playing the game.

Often corps will have (or be affiliated with) a separate noob training corp. Talk to their recruiters and ask where they would recommend you start.

Yes corporations set those minimum SP requirement's but when I can sit in a station for 18 months doing nothing to gain those SP's, then how does it prove my experience level? But wait, with my idea a player can gain those 15 million SP's (or whatever it might be) after only 7 months by getting out and doing stuff and a corporation can see that by simply looking at the birth date of a character.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2013-07-03 13:02:39 UTC
Anna Djan wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

But I want to find a reason to play the game, I want to fly around in a big shiny battleship and kill stuff, I want to be a part of huge fleet battles with my alliance, but I can't, cause my character is less than 3 months old and I won't be able to be any good at that stuff for at least another year at best.

As to your last point it is the developers job to inspire me to play the game, that's their only job.

heh, you believe SP equates to skill :)

Man you haven't read anything I have just said have have you?
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2013-07-03 13:03:23 UTC
Anna Djan wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Anna Djan wrote:
I think this is the worst idea I've seen in this section....

I smell a troll.

How am I trolling? All I have done is come up with a good idea to get new players into the game and attempted to defend my position.

You believe it's a good idea, I don't. In fact I think it's the worst idea I've seen on these forums recently.

Ahh so I'm a troll because I have a different opinion to you?
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2013-07-03 13:07:40 UTC
Anna Djan wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

But I want to find a reason to play the game, I want to fly around in a big shiny battleship and kill stuff, I want to be a part of huge fleet battles with my alliance, but I can't, cause my character is less than 3 months old and I won't be able to be any good at that stuff for at least another year at best.

As to your last point it is the developers job to inspire me to play the game, that's their only job.

heh, you believe SP equates to skill :)

No absolutely not, but I believe you can't start truly learning how to play this game until you can get into the big corp's and get some solid pvp experience under your belt and I also believe that it shouldn't take such a long time to be able to even have a chance at joining one of these larger corp's. So SP's do not equal skill but you need SP's to have the chance of gaining skill.
Azn Empire
#53 - 2013-07-03 13:07:50 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Anna Djan wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

But I want to find a reason to play the game, I want to fly around in a big shiny battleship and kill stuff, I want to be a part of huge fleet battles with my alliance, but I can't, cause my character is less than 3 months old and I won't be able to be any good at that stuff for at least another year at best.

As to your last point it is the developers job to inspire me to play the game, that's their only job.

heh, you believe SP equates to skill :)

Man you haven't read anything I have just said have have you?
But you seem not to know what you're saying anyway. Why would you sit in a station for 18 months simply training? The whole idea is to be using and learning to use the equipment as you get it.

Plus I have a feeling you think level 5 is the only option here, it's not. It takes 71 days of none optimized attributes to get into a Maelstrom, it takes a total of 163 days to do that with tech 2 guns.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Anna Djan
Banana Corp
#54 - 2013-07-03 13:10:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Anna Djan
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

Ahh so I'm a troll because I have a different opinion to you?

It's the only explanation for such a terrible idea.

1) Because you think Mission grinding is a good idea.
2) You think more spare time should give you an advantage over others in progression.
3) It's the mindset of an theme park MMO, immature mind.
4) You have no imagination to play your own way, so you want everyone to play YOUR way.

Want me to continue?

Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
No absolutely not, but I believe you can't start truly learning how to play this game until you can get into the big corp's and get some solid pvp experience under your belt and I also believe that it shouldn't take such a long time to be able to even have a chance at joining one of these larger corp's. So SP's do not equal skill but you need SP's to have the chance of gaining skill.

PvPing in big blobs requires one thing:
Listening to the smartest guy there (FC), flying the doctrine required and doing exactly what you are told.

If you want to truly learn about pvp, the mechanics... buy yourself 1000 frigs and go solo fight around lowsec, loss 1000 frigates, learn from them and try again.

Next jump in a cruiser and repeat and so on so forth.
Matari Recreation
#55 - 2013-07-03 13:10:56 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
I want to fly around in a big shiny battleship and kill stuff,

Big shiny battleships are very expensive, and trying to short-circuit the huge amount of learning curve this game has will only make you broke fast.

Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
I want to be a part of huge fleet battles with my alliance, but I can't, cause my character is less than 3 months old and I won't be able to be any good at that stuff for at least another year at best.

Keep looking. It's not my area, but from what I understand there are null alliances that are happy to accept and train new players.

Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
As to your last point it is the developers job to inspire me to play the game, that's their only job.

Eve is a sandbox game. CCP provides the tools, but it's up to the players to decide what to do with them.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2013-07-03 13:12:45 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Anna Djan wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

But I want to find a reason to play the game, I want to fly around in a big shiny battleship and kill stuff, I want to be a part of huge fleet battles with my alliance, but I can't, cause my character is less than 3 months old and I won't be able to be any good at that stuff for at least another year at best.

As to your last point it is the developers job to inspire me to play the game, that's their only job.

heh, you believe SP equates to skill :)

Man you haven't read anything I have just said have have you?
But you seem not to know what you're saying anyway. Why would you sit in a station for 18 months simply training? The whole idea is to be using and learning to use the equipment as you get it.

Plus I have a feeling you think level 5 is the only option here, it's not. It takes 71 days of none optimized attributes to get into a Maelstrom, it takes a total of 163 days to do that with tech 2 guns.

But surely your aware that just being able to sit in the ship does not mean your going to be able to do anything in it?

Azn Empire
#57 - 2013-07-03 13:15:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

Man you haven't read anything I have just said have have you?
But you seem not to know what you're saying anyway. Why would you sit in a station for 18 months simply training? The whole idea is to be using and learning to use the equipment as you get it.

Plus I have a feeling you think level 5 is the only option here, it's not. It takes 71 days of none optimized attributes to get into a Maelstrom, it takes a total of 163 days to do that with tech 2 guns.

But surely your aware that just being able to sit in the ship does not mean your going to be able to do anything in it?

Which means your idea is even worse. Why would getting into a ship faster, be any better than now? It won't, hence the reason for skillz, as well as SP.

Oh and those times I gave are being able to use it, not just sit in it. Blink

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Daniel Plain
#58 - 2013-07-03 13:18:01 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Anna Djan wrote:
I think this is the worst idea I've seen in this section....

I smell a troll.

How am I trolling? All I have done is come up with a good idea to get new players into the game and attempted to defend my position.

i like how you try to help new players by forcing both new and old players into running missions (arguably the most boring part of the game)...

I should buy an Ishtar.

Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2013-07-03 13:18:36 UTC
Anna Djan wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

Ahh so I'm a troll because I have a different opinion to you?

It's the only explanation for such a terrible idea.

1) Because you think Mission grinding is a good idea.
2) You think more spare time should give you an advantage over others in progression.
3) It's the mindset of an theme park MMO, immature mind.
4) You have no imagination to play your own way, so you want everyone to play YOUR way.

Want me to continue?

1) Never once have I said mission grinding is a good idea, I have said PvE in this sucks and is boring but that my idea gives people a reason to do it.
2) Players who can devote more time to a game should be rewarded more than someone who plays less, that should be a simple suggestion.
3) Theme Park MMO's are currently the most popular type of MMO on the market and are played an enjoyed by millions upon millions of people around the world. Is it only the immature that play Theme Park games?
4) Err I don't know where your getting this stuff from and I have never once told people how they should play this game. I suggested gaining SP's for EVERYTHING you can do in this game, not just mission running.

Want me to continue?
Balthazar Lestrane
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#60 - 2013-07-03 13:19:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Balthazar Lestrane
Forum derp.