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Dev Blog: A New Live Event for July

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Ambassador Spock
#221 - 2013-07-19 00:51:23 UTC
Rangh Ovaert wrote:

Yeah, I remember we met the other day on a site. But honestly following the other comments and according to my experiences I think you are either quite talented or lucky for making it to Steve. Either way works fine with me Lol

It was all luck - I only ran into a few gate camps and my rather oddly-fitted Gnosis was able to handle them easily. The only trouble I had was flying back to highsec after Steve - in the last nullsec system the gate was bubbled in all directions and camped by 15-20 dessies & BC's. I lost my scout several times trying to find a way, until I finally said "screw it!", warped in at 100 from a good direction, cloaked, and slowboated all the way to the gate. 100 km in an already slow ship, with a 75% velocity penalty, takes a very long time...

The good thing about taking a Gnosis is I never had to worry about the rats - with five large shield extenders I could mosy about and take as much time as I needed to getting the right angle for each shot.

 --  - Ambassador Spock

"Vulcans never bluff."

Kalman Tihanyi
Cosmic Fire
#222 - 2013-07-19 10:22:50 UTC
CCP Eterne wrote:
Calvin Chesterfield wrote:
Do we need to get a shot of some Prime Arkonor mined in our cargo bay, or just a shot of a Prime Arkonor asteroid in space?

Just the asteroid in space.

Where exactly in the rules does it say this? Or are you making it up as you go along?

In the list of screenshots it says 'Prime Arkonor' not 'Prime Arkonor asteroid' I don't see how you can change it after the fact.

In the rules nowhere does it state your ship must be in space, it only says your ship must be visible and uncloaked.
Rob Crowley
State War Academy
#223 - 2013-07-19 11:53:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Rob Crowley
Kalman Tihanyi wrote:
CCP Eterne wrote:
Just the asteroid in space.

Where exactly in the rules does it say this? Or are you making it up as you go along?

In the list of screenshots it says 'Prime Arkonor' not 'Prime Arkonor asteroid' I don't see how you can change it after the fact.

In the rules nowhere does it state your ship must be in space, it only says your ship must be visible and uncloaked.

You just got the dev response confirming what pretty much everybody else already figured when applying some common sense. Are you seriously trying to argue against it? I'd suggest it would be more productive (and interesting) to hop into your ship and make a new screenshot.
Kalman Tihanyi
Cosmic Fire
#224 - 2013-07-19 17:23:01 UTC
You're right, I just like to be pissed about something.

Right now I'm pissed because the carefully set up shot of a sun setting behind a plasma planet has disappeared from my hard drive...and you can see what the fire in my pod did to my hair!
Jin Yuen
Aperture Harmonics
#225 - 2013-07-19 18:23:40 UTC
Now that we are almost done, the prizes are nice, but how about throwing a medal that I can point to and say "I worked for the SOE on this assignment".

All the prizes can be bought or sold and (except for the grand prize) I am left with nothing that commemorates my participation on the event.
Doc Lucius
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#226 - 2013-07-19 19:45:22 UTC
I'm having fun searching for all these sites. However, I am having some frustrations with the Wolf-Rayet star. I've visited a couple dozen wormholes already. Any strategies/tips? Are the wolf-rayet systems evenly distributed between C1, C2, ..., C6 or are they only found in a certain class? It may be all random, but if anyone has some helpful tips, they would be greatly appreciated!
Rob Crowley
State War Academy
#227 - 2013-07-19 21:20:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Rob Crowley
Doc Lucius wrote:
I'm having fun searching for all these sites. However, I am having some frustrations with the Wolf-Rayet star. I've visited a couple dozen wormholes already. Any strategies/tips? Are the wolf-rayet systems evenly distributed between C1, C2, ..., C6 or are they only found in a certain class? It may be all random, but if anyone has some helpful tips, they would be greatly appreciated!

I didn't count them, but at first glance looking through the WH database they seem to be pretty evenly distributed through all classes. There are 162 WRs out of 2498 WH systems so your chances are about 6.5% per new system you check.

I must admit I probably hogged some good karma cause I found 2 of them rather quickly.
Hesod Adee
Caldari State
#228 - 2013-07-19 21:49:48 UTC
Doc Lucius wrote:
I'm having fun searching for all these sites. However, I am having some frustrations with the Wolf-Rayet star. I've visited a couple dozen wormholes already. Any strategies/tips? Are the wolf-rayet systems evenly distributed between C1, C2, ..., C6 or are they only found in a certain class? It may be all random, but if anyone has some helpful tips, they would be greatly appreciated!

How are you checking what kind of wormhole system it is ?

Because some of the obvious methods of checking don't work.
Doc Lucius
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#229 - 2013-07-20 01:25:24 UTC
Thanks for the information. I guess it's just random and I need to keep looking. Re: Hesod I've been using the website and also doing a show info on the sun itself in the system. Thanks again for help.
Haseo Antares
Production N Destruction INC.
#230 - 2013-07-20 02:00:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Haseo Antares
Doc Lucius wrote:
I'm having fun searching for all these sites. However, I am having some frustrations with the Wolf-Rayet star. I've visited a couple dozen wormholes already. Any strategies/tips? Are the wolf-rayet systems evenly distributed between C1, C2, ..., C6 or are they only found in a certain class? It may be all random, but if anyone has some helpful tips, they would be greatly appreciated!

Scan for wormholes in k(known)-space rather than scanning down wormhole chains in J(WH)-space...that way there are less signatures that you need to scan down. I've seen several J-space systems with 80+ signatures. Also, pay close attention to any notifications that may pop up after jumping through a wormhole. If you do not get a pop-up notification about system wide effects, there is zero chance that the system is a Wolf-Rayet. If you do get that notification, enter the locus signature into StaticMapper to identify the environmental effects of the system. Good luck! Cool

We currently have the world's greatest linguists and scientists trying to decode what you just said.

Rangh Ovaert
#231 - 2013-07-20 16:24:01 UTC
Jin Yuen wrote:
Now that we are almost done, the prizes are nice, but how about throwing a medal that I can point to and say "I worked for the SOE on this assignment".

All the prizes can be bought or sold and (except for the grand prize) I am left with nothing that commemorates my participation on the event.

A medal would be great indeed. Also some statistics. SP of players lowest/highest, pod-killed, space-mileage, etc.
Akballah Kassan
Flames Of Chaos
Great Wildlands Conservation Society
#232 - 2013-07-21 02:07:46 UTC
This task is killing me!

I've managed all the parts except finding a Wolf-Rayet Star. I've now checked around 60 systems in Syndicate looking for one of these elusive wormholes and still not found this bloody star! I must have spend five times as long trying to find this star as it took me to complete all the other eight photoshots needed. Evil
Akballah Kassan
Flames Of Chaos
Great Wildlands Conservation Society
#233 - 2013-07-21 17:30:11 UTC
I've checked 60 wormholes now and still haven't found this damn star - it's becoming more like a tedious job than a game!Shocked
Akballah Kassan
Flames Of Chaos
Great Wildlands Conservation Society
#234 - 2013-07-21 19:14:41 UTC

The 62nd Wormhole I checked contained one of those elusive Wolf Rayet Stars!
Rangh Ovaert
#235 - 2013-07-22 13:07:08 UTC
To enhance the effect of self-destruction, I would like to suggest to have a special music for this sequence like Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 in Soylent Green.
Jarvid Myyk Sunrider
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#236 - 2013-07-22 19:55:41 UTC
Wondering if we will be able to get confirmation on whether our photo sets are valid (so if they aren't we can re-take them?). It was mentioned as a possibility, just wondering if it may still happen before contest ends.

Secondly I concur with others who have said a medal would be awesome for people who participated (maybe a medal for each week, or a special one for all three?). Something to point at and say, 'Yes, I did almost die at Steve.'

Great contest, I had a lot of fun whether my entries counted or not. Moar live events please! Big smile
Wolf-Monkey Bastards
#237 - 2013-07-23 01:48:49 UTC  |  Edited by: AyJai
CCP Eterne wrote:
... the planet Eyjafjallajokull, ....

I've been there. I had an alt int J-Space for over 6 months looking for the right one for my corp. I came across it and was like WTF. Yea, trying to find a specific WH system could take quite a long time.

Anyhow this event is really great. Eve has always been engaging, but never felt very immersive. After all the travel for this, I really have a much better appreciation for the vastness and diversity of the Eve universe.

Oh, I guess I should ask if we can go back and do the previous groups? I didn't get to group 2 last week but the contest doesn't end until July 31st.
Astro Raider
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#238 - 2013-07-23 23:32:08 UTC
AyJai wrote:
CCP Eterne wrote:
... the planet Eyjafjallajokull, ....

I've been there. I had an alt int J-Space for over 6 months looking for the right one for my corp. I came across it and was like WTF. Yea, trying to find a specific WH system could take quite a long time.

Anyhow this event is really great. Eve has always been engaging, but never felt very immersive. After all the travel for this, I really have a much better appreciation for the vastness and diversity of the Eve universe.

Oh, I guess I should ask if we can go back and do the previous groups? I didn't get to group 2 last week but the contest doesn't end until July 31st.

You can do them until 31 of July
Psyren Gaterau
Me and my muli
#239 - 2013-07-25 12:22:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Psyren Gaterau
Psyren Gaterau wrote:
Do pictures with the pod count? 5 jump from Steve my Tristan died in a gate camp and I flew the rest of the way with my pod and took the picture with the pod too. Is that a problem?

I asked this a week ago but didn't get a response (which I hope is a sign that it isn't a problem) but could I get a response please.Question
Don't want the death of my trusty Tristan be in vain Blink
Geiko Sul
Mahe Ratu
#240 - 2013-07-26 12:08:59 UTC
More Sanctuary Contest images and additional EvE pics in this link: