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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Noobs, do not be afraid of lowsec. It is where fun is :)

First post
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#21 - 2011-10-24 16:25:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Schmata Bastanold
Justin Credulent wrote:
Lo-sec doesn't pass risk/benefit analysis.

People sit at gates and pod everyone who passes through. I've had 2 day old pilots on exploration missions podded just because it makes someone else happy.

Attacking other players in lo-sec is not worth the security loss for a newbie, because newbies operate between .7 - 1.0, and just a few points lost can bar their access.

All in all, avoid lo-sec. Either stick to hi-sec or null-sec that your Corp/Alliance owns.

Newbies operate in .7-1.0 because all good uncles and aunties tell them they operate there. And on the other hand I constantly stumble upon forum threads where the same old good folks whine about how lowsec is broken and what to do to drive more people into it. Well, maybe just stop telling ghost stories to every noob you can find in the first place?

You can say I know sh*t but I know that first hell will freeze before I let somebody dictate how I should play a game I pay for. If my actions will lead to too much sec status drop and I find myself trapped in lowsec so be it. I'm sure I won't be alone there.

And to be honest all people who blew my ships were cool about it and friendly on convo. So please tell your noobs to stay away from lowsec and lead them into fine art of drilling rocks and killing NPCs but avoid "I know it all" attitude toward rest of us.

As for people sitting at gates - well, I made from Embod to Havrice to Dodixie without being bullied at gates. At least not when I was just passing by and not looking for troubles. So, maybe as in real life - wrong place, wrong time?

But after all, to each his own. I won't tell others what they should do, I just wanted to let other noobs know that there is fun there if one only have a will to leave his/her CQ.

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Aston Bradley
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2011-10-24 16:30:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Aston Bradley
Justin Credulent wrote:
Lo-sec doesn't pass risk/benefit analysis.

People sit at gates and pod everyone who passes through. I've had 2 day old pilots on exploration missions podded just because it makes someone else happy.

Attacking other players in lo-sec is not worth the security loss for a newbie, because newbies operate between .7 - 1.0, and just a few points lost can bar their access.

All in all, avoid lo-sec. Either stick to hi-sec or null-sec that your Corp/Alliance owns.

While you are correct about the problem of security loss, i do not agree on the fact that it's best to avoid lowsec because of it even for a new player.

If pirating is the path one chooses to follow, then loosing standing is the least of his/her worries.

Highsec is boring as hell, and you won't even scratch fhe surface of the game untill you get the balls to leave it behind.

0.0 is viable option only if you join a corp that lives there. You won't find much action in nullsec as a solo PvPer and if you do it will most likely end-up with you being blobbed by a russian corp.

If solo pvp is the way you choose, lowsec is where you need to be. Loosing Standing is a small price to pay compared to the amount of fun you can get there.

[i]FiS should be the priority, but WiS should not be burried!

Don't encourage CCP to make empty promises or Incarna will happen again![/i]

Justin Credulent
Luv You Long Time
#23 - 2011-10-24 17:00:51 UTC
Newbies operate in .7-1.0 because when they go into lo-sec, they start losing ships, getting podded, and are actively hunted for what meager amounts of ransom money they can spare - which is usually all their earnings from weeks of missions.


folks whine about how lowsec is broken and what to do to drive more people into it.

People generally only do what they want to do. If you want someone to do something, you have to figure out how to make them want to do it. Hint: Usually people want to do things that are in their best interest to do. What we see here is that lo-sec is not in most players best interest to explore (except for griefers who prey on other players), so they avoid it.

Well, maybe just stop telling ghost stories to every noob you can find in the first place?

Except for the fact that the stories are true. Maybe you're a pirate who preys on newbies, which would explain your interest in lying to new players about how "fun" and "safe" lo-sec actually is...

You can say I know sh*t but I know that first hell will freeze before I let somebody dictate how I should play a game I pay for.

No need to be so defensive.

If my actions will lead to too much sec status drop and I find myself trapped in lowsec so be it. I'm sure I won't be alone there.

You won't be alone: 15% of EVE players can be found spread across the low-sec systems at any given time, preying on eachother like hungry cannibals.

Null-Sec needs to HTFU and stop crying to CCP. If null-sec wants PvP, they need to stop being carebears and start fighting eachother - after years of bot-mining, they have the ships!

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#24 - 2011-10-24 17:16:24 UTC

This is my main and only toon and to be honest I wish I could be a pirate preying on innocent noobs :)

But of course we are talking about EVE where everybody wants to get you and kill you and probably **** your dog and steal your tv too. Because when you wake up in your clone and your iskies are gone it is end of the world...

And people say I take silly things too seriously...

Everybody can believe what they want. I have first hand experience that lowsec is not so scary as you try to advertise it. it is not safe it is exciting. And now I begin to wonder what interest you might have in keeping noobs in hisec? :)

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Aston Bradley
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2011-10-24 17:22:33 UTC
Justin Credulent wrote:

Except for the fact that the stories are true. Maybe you're a pirate who preys on newbies, which would explain your interest in lying to new players about how "fun" and "safe" lo-sec actually is...

Ah true, lowsec is definity not safe at all Lol.

But in all honesty, if you are planning on starting to live there, better start with cheap t1 frigates than a battlecruiser with t2 modules.

Sure the risks of loosing your ship are very high, but loosing a cheap frigate is no big deal, and it's better to learn the ropes with such ships. So why wait wait when you can already fly them?

As for how fun it is. Matter of perspective friend. I like lowsec and i honestly don't mind loosing a ship there, but i am not going to pretend it's for everyone, as you shouldn't pretend that someone can't actually enjoy the fact that each time you looser a ship, it's a learning experience you won't get by keeping your ass in the safety of highsec.

[i]FiS should be the priority, but WiS should not be burried!

Don't encourage CCP to make empty promises or Incarna will happen again![/i]

David Grogan
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2011-10-24 17:33:28 UTC  |  Edited by: David Grogan
i would love to see a better scale in low sec

right now there is really no difference between a system with 0.4 sec than a system with 0.1 sec

it would be cool if the system's owning faction did deploy faction ships to deal with piracy in low sec but unlike concord in high sec... the faction police CAN be killed by players (but of course the pirate that kills them will take a sec hit per dead npc police he/she kills)

for example:

A pirate attacks a hauler in 0.4 sec..... after 10 seconds the 4x faction police turn up (2x bs 2x cruiser) to help defend the hauler pilot and start attacking the pirates.... if the pirates kill off the police while still tackling the hauler through out the fight they can go n kill the hauler. The pirates can still kill the hauler while fighting the police too though.

A pirate attacks a hauler in 0.3 sec..... after 15 seconds the 4x faction police turn up (2x bc 2x cruiser) to help defend the hauler pilot and start attacking the pirates.... if the pirates kill off the police while still tackling the hauler through out the fight they can go n kill the hauler. The pirates can still kill the hauler while fighting the police too though.

A pirate attacks a hauler in 0.2 sec..... after 20 seconds the 4x faction police turn up (1x bs 2x cruiser 1x frig) to help defend the hauler pilot and start attacking the pirates.... if the pirates kill off the police while still tackling the hauler through out the fight they can go n kill the hauler. The pirates can still kill the hauler while fighting the police too though.

A pirate attacks a hauler in 0.1 sec..... after 25 seconds the 4x faction police turn up (1x bc 2x cruiser 1x frig) to help defend the hauler pilot and start attacking the pirates.... if the pirates kill off the police while still tackling the hauler through out the fight they can go n kill the hauler or if they manage to kill the hauler before the police arrive.

The faction police would warp scram and web too

Also open up moon mining in 0.4 sec systems too.

Everytime you buy something that says "made in china" you are helping the rising unemployment in your own country unless you are from china, Buy locally produced goods and help create more jobs.

Justin Credulent
Luv You Long Time
#27 - 2011-10-24 17:51:28 UTC
And people say I take silly things too seriously

Well you sure seem to take forum arguments pretty seriously.

Null-Sec needs to HTFU and stop crying to CCP. If null-sec wants PvP, they need to stop being carebears and start fighting eachother - after years of bot-mining, they have the ships!

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#28 - 2011-10-24 18:47:26 UTC
Justin Credulent wrote:
And people say I take silly things too seriously

Well you sure seem to take forum arguments pretty seriously.

like pushing buttons, don't we? :)

I always thought forums are for discussions so I dare to discuss but it seems that I am wrong on this too. well, I can agree to disagree with you, don't care especially that a lot of people seem to backup my point of view. but of course we all are just conspiring against you and yours.

I like my ships being blown up in lowsec, you like nice and warm hisec, everybody's happy. of course until some noob gets confused on his route between hisec mission points and finds himself in lowsec where few guys will flash red on him. and there will be shock and tears and ragequit instead of "gf" and going on with their business in another ship. all because he lost his pvp virginity along with much more expensive ship than my rifter.

wow, I got pretty serious on this one, time to pour acid on my face to help me put problems in EVE in more light perspective.

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Justin Credulent
Luv You Long Time
#29 - 2011-10-24 19:03:19 UTC
I got pretty serious on this one

Clearly you're very invested in what I think, and you're upset because I don't think the way you do.

Thanks for the tears. I needed some more sodium in my diet. Cool

Null-Sec needs to HTFU and stop crying to CCP. If null-sec wants PvP, they need to stop being carebears and start fighting eachother - after years of bot-mining, they have the ships!

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#30 - 2011-10-24 19:14:48 UTC
Justin Credulent wrote:
I got pretty serious on this one

Clearly you're very invested in what I think, and you're upset because I don't think the way you do.

Thanks for the tears. I needed some more sodium in my diet. Cool

how dare you milking me for tears?

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The Elenianlightenment
#31 - 2011-10-24 19:16:57 UTC
Justin Credulent wrote:
... Thanks for the tears. I needed some more sodium in my diet. Cool

Lowsex is most certainly worth the risk, I've lived out there for months, and I'm making a pretty steady profit. Low is exciting, risky and most of all fun - plus there's a startling amount of very friendly and polite people out there (even when they're on fire). For the purposes of full disclosure, I'm not even a pirate and I love it out here.

FYI this whole "Mmmm your tears sustain me" crap makes you sound like a child - not a badass. Come up with something original.

-- Beep Beep Imma Jeep.

Aida Nu
Caldari State
#32 - 2011-10-25 11:56:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Aida Nu
I agree with OP.
Im a 2 week old character. Yesterday I put a scrambler on my Kestrel and off I went to lowsec.
I roamed for about 1 hour. Visited 20+ lowsec systems. It felt so exciting jumping into a new system and start scanning for potential targets.
After a while I found a potential target that I thought I might be able to beat so I scanned him down and started warping to his location. My adrenaline was through the roof!!! Ive never had this feeling in ANY game before. Sadly the guy got away before i got a chance to lock him :(
Luck was not smiling on me yesterday and I didnt manage to find anyone that I could take on. But tonight im going out out again!

Also people are so afraid that the second they jump in to lowsec they are going to die. NOT TRUE. I visited so many lowsec systems in Caldari space yesterday and I got out alive.

Dont be afraid of loosing a ship. Buy a cheap frigate, fit it cheaply and go out and have fun! I cant wait for my first kill!

PS, if there are any new players that would like to gang up and roam around and look for trouble contact me ingame :)
Justin Credulent
Luv You Long Time
#33 - 2011-10-25 12:35:16 UTC
FYI this whole "Mmmm your tears sustain me" crap makes you sound like a child - not a badass. Come up with something original.

You sound bitter. Did someone blow you up and say something similar when you whined about it? Awe. :(

Null-Sec needs to HTFU and stop crying to CCP. If null-sec wants PvP, they need to stop being carebears and start fighting eachother - after years of bot-mining, they have the ships!

Zoe Alarhun
The Proactive Reappropriation Corporation
#34 - 2011-10-26 14:05:28 UTC
Good on you lads - more explosions and more pew pew is awesome.
Red Phoenix Rising
#35 - 2011-10-26 15:35:21 UTC
Justin Credulent wrote:
FYI this whole "Mmmm your tears sustain me" crap makes you sound like a child - not a badass. Come up with something original.

You sound bitter. Did someone blow you up and say something similar when you whined about it? Awe. :(

Confirming that your posts make you sound like you're about 12 Justin

Lo-sec isn't everybodys cup of tea but there is definitely excitement to be found down there. Kudos to the OP for taking the plunge and I think that you will fit into the game very well.

This space for rent..
Justin Credulent
Luv You Long Time
#36 - 2011-10-26 16:01:03 UTC
^Got blown up. Bitter over smack.

Null-Sec needs to HTFU and stop crying to CCP. If null-sec wants PvP, they need to stop being carebears and start fighting eachother - after years of bot-mining, they have the ships!

Red Phoenix Rising
#37 - 2011-10-26 17:34:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Cerisia
Justin Credulent wrote:
^Got blown up. Bitter over smack.

Yeah sorry - my mistake, I meant to say 5 - 6ishRoll

1/10 poor troll is poor.
This space for rent..
Blood Fart
Rock Hard Productions
#38 - 2011-10-26 19:12:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Blood Fart
EvE starts at .4

Anything over that is for the brain dead and people who think there is nothing to be gained by loosing....
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2011-10-26 20:43:28 UTC
Toshiro GreyHawk wrote:
The thing is - when people are warning new people about going down to lo sec - it is about going down there to make money - NOT about going down there to fight.

I made my first Billion Isk in lowsec, so I would argue that a little.

I started out grinding missions. By the time I unlocked lvl4 missions, I got so bored that I decided to do something else. I fitted up a 1m isk rifter, and went to lowsec. There I heard of 1/10 DED sites (Serpentis Drug Outlets) and decided to run those. From that, I made more money than I could running missions with the little SP I had. (And little time I had. During a few months, I could only log on for 1 hour at the end of the day, but I managed to average 20-40m isk/hr in that time spent online. I had a few lucky drops too. Shadow Serpentis Tracking Computer - 285m ISK Big smile)

During that time I was training up my skills, getting a T2 fit for my rifter, and learning about D-Scan and the lay of the land. I got into quite a few rifter duels and managed to pull off some victories. I had a blast, along with the proverbial adrenaline/shaking hands. Cool I still only have Min Frig 4, and mediocre gunnery support skills (lvl3s mostly).

Contracting the loot actually got me interested in trading, and that's what I'm doing now. I ran into a bad rut with drops a few months ago, everyone was running those sites, and the only ships I could find to fight were AFs and Dramiels. Sad So I do other things now.

Caveat: If you're new and thinking of doing this, be careful. Sometimes "leet pvpers" camp those DED sites in Ishkurs/Dramiels, so make sure to scan those sites first before warping to 0 at them.

TL;DR: New players - there is a way to make ISK in lowsec as well, and it could even be better isk/hr than running missions if you have very low SP. You only need knowledge, willingness to learn, and willingness to take a few losses here and there.
Anshio Tamark
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#40 - 2011-10-27 11:53:07 UTC
Low-sec isn't worth the increased amount of risk taken. I've recently moved to low-sec, but I have yet to see any actual increase in income from being there.