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How to solve the population problem in low sec

Bruce Kemp
Best Kept Dunked
#141 - 2013-08-01 21:17:55 UTC
I regularly see people mining ice in low sec.

Well the ones with balls. Twisted
J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#142 - 2013-08-01 21:22:50 UTC
Bruce Kemp wrote:
I regularly see people mining ice in low sec.

Well the ones with balls. Twisted

A corpie killed an ice miner earlier today and he was like "mining in low-sec, what was he thinking"
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
#143 - 2013-08-01 21:25:49 UTC
There is no low sec population problem.

problem solved.

Dont believe me just look at the map there are plenty of low sec systems with people in there is a massive issue with the concentration of the null sec population.
Tetsuo Tsukaya
Caldari State
#144 - 2013-08-01 21:37:00 UTC
Roime wrote:
I live in lowsec.

Locals here run missions, explore, mine, build **** and trade, harvest gases and moons, rat and shoot each others in the face, and I see zero problems with population.

The main attraction of lowsec is that the people you see in local actually mean something. Some are friends, some enemies, but everyone counts. We don't want the faceless masses around here.

Lowsec is awesome as it is.

Exactly this. Once you get over the idea that there is something CCP can do to get you tons of clueless miner targets to shoot at, low sec is actually pretty awesome the way it is.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#145 - 2013-08-01 22:50:45 UTC
Lowsec is fine, I like the fact that some places are lonely and quiet and the second someone turns up, it's important.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Spenser for Hire
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#146 - 2013-08-01 23:32:22 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
I'm not going to write a wall of text because my solution isn't complicated, ideas don't need to be complicated to be good.

How do you populate low sec? My solution is mining related.

You simply put something there that wont exist anywhere else, preferably a basic mineral like nocxium, mexallon or isogen.
Perhaps CCP could create a new type of asteroid that only contains that mineral.

You need incentive to go to lowsec. Right now it's far easier to just join any nullsec corp and reap the riches in a nullsec belt because those belts are usually alot richer in content than low sec belts, alot safer too.

Imagine if low sec was the only place to mine say, nocxium, sure nocxium prices would spike incredibly but it would make low sec far more interesting for mining corps and populate low sec in no time because where there's money to be made there will be people making it.

You are forced to go to nullsec to get large quantities of morphite, why not force people to go to lowsec to get nocx, mex or isogen?

That's what the game needs, more manipulation of the Players! More Bait and Switch!

The sad thing is that not only will CCP listen to threads like this, CCP has been listening to threads like this for years! Slowly, crafting high-sec so that it is grindy, boring, unproductive, and unprofitable, so that the other sectors of EVE space are more lucative and attractive.

Somebody, (Einstein) said: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Till how long will CCP believe that the solution is to Bait and Switch the players? Suck them into one area of the game with the promise of Sandbox, etc. only to use grindy, pointless, boring play to drive them into the part of the game that you always wanted them to play in???

Here's a novel idea, Why not just improve the gameplay of the lower-sectors of EVE space???
I know. Now all the gate-campers and gankers are angry and feel threatened.

Don't ask me to post with my main! You post with your main first!

Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#147 - 2013-08-02 01:43:56 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
it's not a ccp created problem, ergo nothing is broken
there is no problem to solve from a development viewpoint

you know what it means don't you?

Hint: players speak "if it's not broken don't fix it!" not without reason Lol

in a nutshell ......

the players that don't go to lo-sec, don't go to lo-sec because they don't want to go to lo-sec

it's not complicated, it's not hard to understand

CCP have implemented lots of activities for players to do in lo-sec
FW offensive & Defensive Complexes
FW agents
Standard Mission Agents
Asteroid Belts
Gas Clouds
Ice Mining 'clouds'
L5 mission agents (totally unavailable in high-sec)
NPC ships at asteroid belts
Wormholes and Anomalies
Moons to anchor POS's at
Full Station Services

Other MMO's use 'pre-scripted gameplay' .. (that means developer led, just a fyi)
Eve is all about 'emergent gameplay' ... (that means player led, yes, another fyi moment)
the list above, is a list of tools that players can use, or not use as they see fit, to create their own content

ccp have tried to influence lo-sec activity in recent times ... such as with data-cores.
an act that pretty much destroyed a pre-existing mini-career path in the game
Mycool Jahksn
Amarr Empire
#148 - 2013-08-02 08:05:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Mycool Jahksn
Kitty Bear wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
it's not a ccp created problem, ergo nothing is broken
there is no problem to solve from a development viewpoint

you know what it means don't you?

Hint: players speak "if it's not broken don't fix it!" not without reason Lol

in a nutshell ......

the players that don't go to lo-sec, don't go to lo-sec because they don't want to go to lo-sec

it's not complicated, it's not hard to understand

CCP have implemented lots of activities for players to do in lo-sec
FW offensive & Defensive Complexes
FW agents
Standard Mission Agents
Asteroid Belts
Gas Clouds
Ice Mining 'clouds'
L5 mission agents (totally unavailable in high-sec)
NPC ships at asteroid belts
Wormholes and Anomalies
Moons to anchor POS's at
Full Station Services

Other MMO's use 'pre-scripted gameplay' .. (that means developer led, just a fyi)
Eve is all about 'emergent gameplay' ... (that means player led, yes, another fyi moment)
the list above, is a list of tools that players can use, or not use as they see fit, to create their own content

ccp have tried to influence lo-sec activity in recent times ... such as with data-cores.
an act that pretty much destroyed a pre-existing mini-career path in the game

But none of those aspects that you listed are unique or lucrative enough to make it worthwhile. It has been said a thousand times already; you can get said items or services safely elsewhere.

Also, I don't buy the "lowsec is fine already" talk. Sure, there might be a select few systems that are populated but I fully remember traveling through lowsec space a few days back and it was completely empty. I remember a couple of systems that had a couple of guys in them but they were all docked up safely in the station.

So all you "i do all my shyte in lowsec", explain why people in lowsec spend their entire time sitting in a station?

I'll explain it to you; There isn't anything out there in lowsec space worth undocking for. End of story.

My interests include but are not limited to throwing rocks at bee hives.

There are more stars in the universe than all of the grains of sand on earth.

Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#149 - 2013-08-02 10:45:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
The issues surrounding Low Sec depend upon vastly what you the player see as an "issue." If it's targets, moving to a separate region may be needed or rather actually hunting for them as well. Regardless seeing Low Sec through different views for example Pirates, Faction Warfare, Miners, Missioners etc is what one MUST do in order to improve content and not just for one playstyle.

Low Sec has always had it's own charms and problems mainly depending upon what you are looking to do. If it's Piracy (which is my specialty Pirate) you could go dozens of jumps before finding a target to hunt. Yet that really is the allure is it not? With the introduction of Faction Warfare I am delighted to see content and traffic of a pvp mindset increased and expanded to not just those of us who lie in wait in the shadows to strike.

Yet Low Sec (imo) should be a healthy and vibrant area of Eve that provides content for ALL of Eve's populace. Sadly Low Secs decline began with the diminishing returns on Drone Sites, Plexes, Mining and other areas of PvE or other isk generating content for the usual player.

It's not just for the sake of targets us Pirates are loathe to see the region diminish but rather just seeing people in general is a welcome and positive reinforcement of a type of space we love dwelling in. Yes Low Sec is (naturally) harsh and as such should be. Yet the risk vs reward is not there imo.

Those whom risk the perils of Low Sec should be rewarded. Those who wish to stake a claim here should be of a positive mindset and that their efforts will not be in vain. This is mainly fixed by improving the PvE element of Low Sec. Bring back the profitability of running missions, sites, plexes, etc and you will begin to see more and more people come.

The reason why those whom stay in HS do so is the risk vs reward of moving to LS is simply not there. I also believe Faction Warfare needs to be expanded upon greatly. Major fleet battles should not be left to only those in the vice like controlled systems of Null Sec. Those seeking to Ally with a particular Faction deserves imo to be rewarded with the fights they desperately crave.

We often see trailers pitting faction against faction, mustering dozens of glistening ships in a tempest of battle that has gripped our imagination since the very beginning. These things must come to pass and Faction Warfare is the perfect place to create even more content for those who do not wish to be pawns in the "wars" of Null Sec.

As for Piracy? Gate mechanics are fine (thankfully). We will continue to prey upon those we see, ransom those we catch, pillage and loot those we conquer, and will fly the Jolly Roger as we always have. Yet I honestly think opening the Criminal Factions to newer players would be an excellent way toward making Piracy more legitimate and interesting to a newer playerbase.

Sadly many believe Piracy is an old man's game yet nothing could be further from the truth. A lot of potential is to be had in Low Sec. And those of us whom create the content and live here love every second of it due to it's uniqueness.
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#150 - 2013-08-02 10:55:38 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:

So all you "i do all my shyte in lowsec", explain why people in lowsec spend their entire time sitting in a station?

I'll explain it to you; There isn't anything out there in lowsec space worth undocking for. End of story.

Actually the Story continues for me every time I log on and no it's not spent in a station. You fail to comprehend the actual depth and gratification Low Sec has to offer if only you put forth effort to do so.

I've lived in every different type of Space be it Wormhole, High Sec, Low Sec, Null Sec etc. And Low Sec draws me back due to the intimacy you find with those who dwell in the area. Combat is more intimate especially frigate pvp in Faction Warfare space. Yet aside from FW I see the pve element of Low Sec suffering to the detriment of all players.

Creating content is based upon us the player doing something period. Yet CCP needs to expand upon the building blocks and make Low Sec a place of wealth, resources, and richness of content it once was. This has much more than mere Piracy at stake.

It is literally sandwiching a majority of players either into the play crib regions of High Sec or the pawn sniveling emptiness of Null. WH space is unique in it's own right and I assume I need to speak little on it's rewards and challenges.
Indica Dominant
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#151 - 2013-08-02 11:05:00 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
I'm not going to write a wall of text because my solution isn't complicated, ideas don't need to be complicated to be good.

How do you populate low sec? My solution is mining related.

You simply put something there that wont exist anywhere else, preferably a basic mineral like nocxium, mexallon or isogen.
Perhaps CCP could create a new type of asteroid that only contains that mineral.

You need incentive to go to lowsec. Right now it's far easier to just join any nullsec corp and reap the riches in a nullsec belt because those belts are usually alot richer in content than low sec belts, alot safer too.

Imagine if low sec was the only place to mine say, nocxium, sure nocxium prices would spike incredibly but it would make low sec far more interesting for mining corps and populate low sec in no time because where there's money to be made there will be people making it.

You are forced to go to nullsec to get large quantities of morphite, why not force people to go to lowsec to get nocx, mex or isogen?

So the solution to a low population is to encourage defenseless ships to have to go to lowsec to mine... what a great idea how is it no one ever thought of that before.?
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#152 - 2013-08-02 11:11:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Kourdus
here's a thought from a noob.

how about all the low sec people stop f*ckin worrying so much about what the high-sec miners are doing, and start shooting at the people who are already in low know, the ones that will actually shoot back at you.

stop trolling for easy defenseless kills, and fight each other already.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#153 - 2013-08-02 11:27:35 UTC
Maybe if level 3 missions in low-sec gave the same reward as level 4 missions in high sec, it would encourage people to run missions in low sec without having to risk sacrificing an expensive ship which has no chance of surviving an encounter with other players. They could use a cheaper ship with greater PvP capabilities (like a buffer tanked BC) to run the missions for the same reward as they would receive running level 4s in high-sec. I think that kind of risk vs. reward model would be a lot more appealing for most mission runners and make the game a lot more exciting for them, and for gankers too.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#154 - 2013-08-02 11:39:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Kitty Bear
Riot Girl wrote:
Maybe if level 3 missions in low-sec gave the same reward as level 4 missions in high sec, it would encourage people to run missions in low sec without having to risk sacrificing an expensive ship which has no chance of surviving an encounter with other players. They could use a cheaper ship with greater PvP capabilities (like a buffer tanked BC) to run the missions for the same reward as they would receive running level 4s in high-sec. I think that kind of risk vs. reward model would be a lot more appealing for most mission runners and make the game a lot more exciting for them, and for gankers too.

a global change to the reward scaling for missions ?

might cause a small uproar with a certain crowd, but as possibilities go, it's not unreasonable

@ Mycool

the mineral content of asteroids has recently been altered
high security space is now the least profitable place to be for mining

CCP have made mining lo-sec ores more profitable, and it hasn't worked

the people that want to be in lo-sec are there already
the people that don't want to be there, aren't

you CANNOT make people go to lo-sec
trying just breaks other areas of the game
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#155 - 2013-08-02 11:44:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Riot Girl
Yeah, I'm not saying level 4s should be buffed in low-sec though because I think that could easily be abused. If anything, maybe remove level 4s from low-sec completely and jump straight from level 3s to level 5s. Basically, I'm thinking encourage solo/small gang stuff with cheaper ships, keep level 5s for dreads but get rid of level 4s so you don't get pockets of farmers and multiboxers reaping huge rewards in quiet risk-free spots of low-sec.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#156 - 2013-08-02 11:48:30 UTC
I am making more money in lowsec running anomalies and belts for rats than doing missions in highsec

I disagree

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#157 - 2013-08-02 11:48:54 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Ace Uoweme wrote:

Outside the EvE bubble and certain websites (like Massively) EvE is mentioned like a side note. Which is why the game is at 500k with all the alt accounts. Like with games like EQ/EQII you have to specifically search for them to even know their existence.

And you never understand that this is a great thing. Quality things tend to be like this. Most of us prefer quality over useless quantity.

i guess you would vote against public education too?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#158 - 2013-08-02 15:04:51 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Ace Uoweme wrote:

Outside the EvE bubble and certain websites (like Massively) EvE is mentioned like a side note. Which is why the game is at 500k with all the alt accounts. Like with games like EQ/EQII you have to specifically search for them to even know their existence.

And you never understand that this is a great thing. Quality things tend to be like this. Most of us prefer quality over useless quantity.

i guess you would vote against public education too?

Not really, a good education is quality after all.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#159 - 2013-08-02 15:10:58 UTC
March rabbit wrote:

i guess you would vote against public education too?

Only the low quality stuff. We all need more science and less art/religious education/sex education.
#160 - 2013-08-02 15:55:56 UTC
It's true all the time I can run carebear Lvl4 missions in a ship worth a fair few iskies in High Sec why would I go to Low Sec and risk my shiny chrome BS?

Not only that Lvl4 missions generate me lots more iskies with which to bling my ship with ever more shiny shiny stuffs.

Until such times as I feel like I want to risk a ship scanning down DEDs in Low Sec then running them all the while watching my back I'm not going to go there.

Likewise why would a solo miner go there? Risk is too great.

However, a well organised corp could have miners and fighters to defend the miners......but then that's what you end up doing in Null so........

There's never going to be an easy answer......

Oh and as for news: