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"Eve is a game driven by consequences for actions." Not if you're into suicide ganking

Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#261 - 2011-10-25 19:05:10 UTC
Weaselior wrote:

oh dear it turns out ccp noticed us! we're all in for a ban for sure, they sound mad!

You know weasel, you joke but CCP have noticed domineering allinaces causing distruption in the past and made major changes to the game because of it. Just ask a former member of MOO gate camps what their antics did to cause Amarr to be nerfed into the ground for years. Have your fun.. but remember if it does become enough of a game disruptor (I'm not saying it is now) ccp may step in.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Venus Vermillion
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#262 - 2011-10-25 19:24:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Venus Vermillion
I, too, hate people who do not play the game the way I play! Play the game the way I want you to so that my experience is made more enjoyable or I will launch a threadnought and everyone will hear my complaints for weeks on end. I will go out of my way to ensure that every post on the forums is completely devoid of meaningful content and is, instead, full of only whining about people who disagree with my point of view!
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#263 - 2011-10-25 21:36:47 UTC
These threads complaining about suicide attacks are a joke. Learn to play the game - there is some very simple tools that can save your ship 100% of the time, for those that aren't too lazy to use them.

For the "poor helpless miners" out there - you have a directional scanner - use it. When you're mining, stay aligned to a warp-out spot, and constantly check your directional scanner. When you see a brutix or thrasher gang inbound, simply WARP OUT. Problem solved.

The only excuse for dying in a mining barge is that you didn't warp out when the attackers warped in on you. You have complete control over whether your ship dies. Take responsibility, and stop complaining.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Erica Wolfe
#264 - 2011-10-25 21:48:45 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
These threads complaining about suicide attacks are a joke. Learn to play the game - there is some very simple tools that can save your ship 100% of the time, for those that aren't too lazy to use them.

For the "poor helpless miners" out there - you have a directional scanner - use it. When you're mining, stay aligned to a warp-out spot, and constantly check your directional scanner. When you see a brutix or thrasher gang inbound, simply WARP OUT. Problem solved.

The only excuse for dying in a mining barge is that you didn't warp out when the attackers warped in on you. You have complete control over whether your ship dies. Take responsibility, and stop complaining.

The op is only really taking about the insurance payout on gankers who's ships are destroyed by Concord, I happen to agree with her.

It has nothing to do with bs mechanics that you need to learn to play against. It's just a stupid feature period.
rootimus maximus
Caldari State
#265 - 2011-10-25 21:50:09 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Tanya Fox wrote:
What makes me laugh is why do people that gank always think that somebody that speaks out against it mines.
Just like how the victimes always think that someone who condones ganks is a ganker.

not exactly. Usually people who support gankers just like "tears".... While supporters of defense like smart playstyle and industrial part of the game.

You mean the smart playstyle where they tank their mining ships, pay attention to who else is around (and run at the first sign of a potential ganker) and operate in quiet, out of the way systems where gankers will rarely find them? Except if they did that, they wouldn't be on here crying that they were ganked by ebil piwates.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#266 - 2011-10-25 21:56:53 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
For the "poor helpless miners" out there - you have a directional scanner - use it. When you're mining, stay aligned to a warp-out spot and constantly check your directional scanner. When you see a brutix or thrasher gang inbound, simply WARP OUT. Problem solved.


Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Skunk Gracklaw
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#267 - 2011-10-25 22:26:16 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
For the "poor helpless miners" out there - you have a directional scanner - use it. When you're mining, stay aligned to a warp-out spot and constantly check your directional scanner. When you see a brutix or thrasher gang inbound, simply WARP OUT. Problem solved.


He's right. The reason it's funny is because he assumes the miner will be at their keyboard.
The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#268 - 2011-10-26 05:42:04 UTC
A word of advice for those whining about insurance payouts during ganks: It will not save you.



From the leaked stats, destroyers will be getting a massive buff in Winter. Destroyers are dirt cheap, and it will only take two gankers in the new Catalyst to destroy most Hulks with impunity.

And destroyers are so cheap that they are literally not worth insuring.


Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#269 - 2011-10-26 05:56:46 UTC
just increase ehp on hulks to 250k and problem sorted .. do the same for mackinaw and skiff Big smile
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#270 - 2011-10-26 06:08:23 UTC
The Apostle wrote:
Rhes wrote:
The Apostle wrote:
So how about we nerf EVERY tech moon in game Mittens? You know, LEVEL the playing field somewhat.

Isn't communism your thing?

You realize that he's been trying to get tech rebalanced since before he was on the CSM, right?

Rebalanced? You mean he's made enough from it so NOW it needs to be nerfed?

What? So no-one ELSE can have it?

How egalitarian of him...

I believe in EVE if you want something, you go and take it.

Also, quite a few more people like Raiden, NC. and White Noise have a ton of Tech. As it stands, those entities combined hold the majority of it and they're all hostile to Goons.

So, I believe there's plenty of ELSE holding the tech in EVE just fine.

Dual Pane idea: Click!

CCP Please Implement

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#271 - 2011-10-26 10:54:11 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
A word of advice for those whining about insurance payouts during ganks: It will not save you.



From the leaked stats, destroyers will be getting a massive buff in Winter. Destroyers are dirt cheap, and it will only take two gankers in the new Catalyst to destroy most Hulks with impunity.

And destroyers are so cheap that they are literally not worth insuring.

One of these days you will learn to hold the gloating till the fat lady sings ...
(I'd hate to see us losing the new destroyer stats because you goaded a balance dev's ice miner alt)

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

People's Republic ofChina
My Other Capital Ship is Your Mom
#272 - 2011-10-26 12:07:08 UTC
Elise DarkStar wrote:
Tanya Fox wrote:
High sec gate camp with a pick-up or two and people scanning in trade hub systems, is not that highly organised. More like a spider sat in a web with a few lookout giving a heads-up when something interesting is coming their way.

Now if they had to get off their butts and actually go looking for their targets then I might be a little bit impressed.

You have absolutely no clue how much effort goes into effective ganking.

And the waiting around. That's the worst part about suicide ganking really.

I prefer to operate at a loss with Catalysts blowing up Retrievers and Brutix blowing up untanked Hulks. I get my lulz without the effort behind something like a Freighter gank.
People's Republic ofChina
My Other Capital Ship is Your Mom
#273 - 2011-10-26 12:08:46 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
These threads complaining about suicide attacks are a joke. Learn to play the game - there is some very simple tools that can save your ship 100% of the time, for those that aren't too lazy to use them.

For the "poor helpless miners" out there - you have a directional scanner - use it. When you're mining, stay aligned to a warp-out spot, and constantly check your directional scanner. When you see a brutix or thrasher gang inbound, simply WARP OUT. Problem solved.

The only excuse for dying in a mining barge is that you didn't warp out when the attackers warped in on you. You have complete control over whether your ship dies. Take responsibility, and stop complaining.

That only really helps if the suicide ganker isn't a crafty one (hi) and uses a mining barge as a scout ship and warp in point on top of the target on a secondary account.

People's Republic ofChina
My Other Capital Ship is Your Mom
#274 - 2011-10-26 12:11:59 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
The Mittani wrote:
A word of advice for those whining about insurance payouts during ganks: It will not save you.



From the leaked stats, destroyers will be getting a massive buff in Winter. Destroyers are dirt cheap, and it will only take two gankers in the new Catalyst to destroy most Hulks with impunity.

And destroyers are so cheap that they are literally not worth insuring.

One of these days you will learn to hold the gloating till the fat lady sings ...
(I'd hate to see us losing the new destroyer stats because you goaded a balance dev's ice miner alt)

The destroyer changes make me moist and that's not supposed to be part of my gender's physiology. Dev's don't mine ice are you out of your mind? They are intelligent enough to program a game that has some pretty innovative tech server-wise even if the game content is a little lacking, why would you ever think they would do something as unintelligent as ice mining? Waste of time is what it is.