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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#301 - 2013-08-31 12:48:56 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2

Coincidentally, you've posted on this very thread that missions carry ZERO risk while claiming in another thread (and in defense of suicide ganking) that there is no such thing as ZERO risk. Could you explain how this is not contradictory? I'm trying to understand your logic.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#302 - 2013-08-31 12:55:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
But, you agree that there are ways to disrupt these sources of income. Your issue is with they not being disrupted in "that way".
They can be disrupted momentarily if you find out where the money is coming from (you won't), and if they can't relocate (they can) and as long as it's not widely distributed (it is) and as long as it doesn't deal in pure ISK (it often does)…

So when I say that they can't be disrupted that way, I mean that the level of disruption isn't even close to be in the same ballpark — it's a not even the same sport or the same continent — and that the notion that moon goo somehow provides an unassailable advantage is so uninformed I am at a loss for words to describe it.

Coincidentally, you've posted on this very thread that missions carry ZERO risk while claiming in another thread (and in defense of suicide ganking) that there is no such thing as ZERO risk.
Not quite. I said in the other thread that zero risk is what you get if you have zero cost and/or zero probability of a loss. In this case, it's the latter, as long as you avoid such mistakes as forgetting to tank your ship…
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#303 - 2013-08-31 13:28:46 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Tippia wrote:
They can be disrupted momentarily if you find out where the money is coming from (you won't), and if they can't relocate (they can) and as long as it's not widely distributed (it is) and as long as it doesn't deal in pure ISK (it often does)…

The disruption can be just as momentary as it applies to mega alliances. Also, your issue seems to be on the level of large alliances using mission running as a form to make isk in large scales. But could you show actual data indicating that not only this is indeed the case, but that it is hurting the economy as well? In other words, what problem is it you are trying to solve?

So when I say that they can't be disrupted that way, I mean that the level of disruption isn't even close to be in the same ballpark — it's a not even the same sport or the same continent — and that the notion that moon goo somehow provides an unassailable advantage is so uninformed I am at a loss for words to describe it.
Of course it isn't. That's because you're trying to compare a source of income meant to be tapped by the community in general (mission running) to a source of income meant to be tapped by organizations (RXX moons). Apples and oranges. Not only are you trying to compare them, but you think regulating them by the same mechanics and standards used to regulate mechanics meant for alliance gameplay is a good idea. It simply isn't going to work. Of course, you will not only claim it is fact that it will work, but that it is fact that is the way it should be.

Not quite. I said in the other thread that zero risk is what you get if you have zero cost and/or zero probability of a loss. In this case, it's the latter, as long as you avoid such mistakes as forgetting to tank your ship…

Yeah, no. That is not what you said in that specific post. Good try though. Here, allow me to help you remember what it is you said exactly:

Tippia wrote:
In application, nothing ever has probability of 1 (or 0), not even ship losses from ganking (on either side)... It doesn't matter if it's a constant. A risk is a risk is a risk, and costs with p=1 are also risks because they are still a cost-probability duplet.

From here. You said "nothing ever has probability of 1 (or 0)", as in absolute. So to say something has ZERO risk is quite the stretch, to say the least.

Tippia wrote:
The risk in L4s is zero.

From here. Pretty clear what you're saying here as well.

On the one hand you come in the defense of suicide ganking claiming there is no such thing as zero risk. Yet, on the thread against mission running, you claim EXACTLY that. So, the million isk question is: What post is it you're lying in?

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#304 - 2013-08-31 13:55:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
The disruption can be just as momentary as it applies to mega alliances.
No, it can't. The disruption is on a strictly enforced timer, and it can be triggered and repeated across every asset. Even if/when the defenders come to fix things, you can then reset the time and cause it to keep being automatically disabled for the same enforced timeframe.

No such enforced timer exists for other means of making money… well, except maybe ice mining. P

And no, my issue is that E-2 is trying to pretend that moon goo income is unassailable and impossible to compete against. I'm solving this problem by showing that it is neither. In reality, it's actually a fairly small income source that is easy to compete with using… almost anything (maybe highsec P1 production yields worse returns, but that's about it) and that it is easy to win a war of attrition against that kind of income since you can just turn it off for the enemy.

Of course it isn't. That's because you're trying to compare a source of income meant to be tapped by the community in general (mission running) to a source of income meant to be tapped by organizations (RXX moons). Apples and oranges.
…and it's not actually my comparison, but E-2's. I'm pointing out that his assertion that one is problematic because of how much wealth it generates is nonsensical because it doesn't actually generate as much wealth as he seems to think.

You said "nothing ever has probability of 1 (or 0)", as in absolute. So to say something has ZERO risk is quite the stretch, to say the least.
…if by “as an absolute” you mean “depending on the circumstances”. Otherwise, no, I didn't actually say that. That's why, if you had included the full quote, you would have noticed that I didn't say that missions had an unqualified risk of zero.

What I actually said was that “The risk in L4s is zero. The only way to create some is to have no tank at all”. In other words, I said in the other thread that zero risk is what you get if you have zero cost and/or zero probability of a loss. In the case of missions, it's the latter, as long as you avoid such silly mistakes as forgetting to tank your ship.

So on the one hand, I'm demonstrating that suicide ganking is not risk-free as some would claim because such a claim means you've wilfully ignored some of the major risks involved, and on the other hand, I'm saying that if you fit your ship properly, you have no chance of losing your ship to mission rats. The contradiction you're seeing only comes from you skipping large parts of what I'm saying.

So the answer to your question is: neither. Now cough up the million ISK.
The Great Leader
#305 - 2013-08-31 13:59:47 UTC
You're right, it should be

Level 1 mission... 2 million per hour.

Level 2 mission... 4 million per hour.

Level 3 mission... 8 million per hour.

Level 4 Mission... 10 million per hour

The voice of truth.

#306 - 2013-08-31 14:11:26 UTC
The Great Leader wrote:
You're right, it should be

Level 1 mission... 2 million per hour.

Level 2 mission... 4 million per hour.

Level 3 mission... 8 million per hour.

Level 4 Mission... 10 million per hour

When I refitted an Ishtar to pure gank (some 850 dps with 3 Omnis to give it silly good application), it reliably kills a cruiser every 4 seconds and does not need a tank for most level 3s as a result. It also delivers right from the beacon the moment it gets there. if that wasn't what you were using for level 3s, then your concept of them is already broken anyway.

The whole thread was always based on a premise that people flying a crap t1 drake fit that probably isn't even well thought out or anywhere near optimal, deserve 75% of an officer fit mach blitz mission running by people who have spent serious time repeatedly running and learning encounters.

its ********.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#307 - 2013-08-31 14:32:27 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Tippia wrote:
No, it can't. The disruption is on a strictly enforced timer, and it can be triggered and repeated across every asset. Even if/when the defenders come to fix things, you can then reset the time and cause it to keep being automatically disabled for the same enforced timeframe.

Yes it can. If an alliance chooses to have its timers consistently re-enforced due to its own negligence or simply because it has so much territory it couldn't possibly defend it all, well, that sounds like a self-inflicted wound and should not be used in any way to compare on how things should work. No such timers should have to exist in hi sec that emulate null sec behavior. There is no reason for this. Unless of course, as I have pointed out, you can show the problem it is you are trying to fix. Emulation of null sec behavior is neither a problem or a solution to hi sec.

if by “as an absolute” you mean “depending on the circumstances”. Otherwise, no, I didn't actually say that. That's why, if you had included the full quote, you would have noticed that I didn't say that missions had an unqualified risk of zero.

You explicitly said level 4's have zero risk. And yes, you threw in the stipulation "the only way to create some [risk] is to have no tank at all". And you are being disingenuous. You can lose your ship for numerous reasons while doing level 4's. Now if you're going to claim that there is ZERO risk in level 4 missions unless you forget to do "X" or "Y", then be prepared to defend against a ZERO risk stance for everything else in Eve. At that point nothing in Eve carries risk... unless you [forget to] do "X" or "Y".

What I actually said was that “The risk in L4s is zero. The only way to create some is to have no tank at all”. In other words, I said in the other thread that zero risk is what you get if you have zero cost and/or zero probability of a loss. In the case of missions, it's the latter, as long as you avoid such silly mistakes as forgetting to tank your ship.

So then I'll ask you what in Eve carries risk unless you [forget to] do "X" or "Y"? The answer is nothing. So this argument in support of nerfing missions is silly.

So on the one hand, I'm demonstrating that suicide ganking is not risk-free as some would claim because such a claim means you've wilfully ignored some of the major risks involved, and on the other hand, I'm saying that if you fit your ship properly, you have no chance of losing your ship to mission rats. The contradiction you're seeing only comes from you skipping large parts of what I'm saying.

This is simply not true. There are numerous ways to lose your ship while running level 4 missions, and I have to say that you yourself have willfully ignored some of the risks involved.

Listen to yourself. Your own words (above): If you fit your ship properly "you have no chance of losing your ship". That simply is NOT true and dishonest.

But let us assume for a brief moment that what you are saying is fact and true and indeed the only way to lose a ship in a level 4 mission is if you didn't fit a proper tank and that's it. I'm curious in seeing what tank is it that can protect you against triggering an entire room (with warp disrupting frigs) and that still allows you to make the numbers in isk that some claim in this thread. Because I'm inclined to believe that fitting for efficient isk farming to claim these numbers (which you should agree carries risk by your own definition) is quite different than fitting for tank, in which case your per hour rate should be lower. Could you share it so I can take a closer look?

Also, as I mentioned above, I am the owner of a few non-RXX moons (they produce no valuable moon materials) and I net billions per month by simply logging in a few minutes a week. In fact, once it hit me that the income from these moons is significantly more than what I can make by dedicating my time to level 4's I stopped running missions for profit, and rather do it just for fun now when I have some time. But you are down-playing the value of RXX moons! Tens of times more valuable than my own moons! This would boggle my mind if I didn't think you were being dishonest here as well.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#308 - 2013-08-31 14:48:32 UTC
@MatrixSkye Mk2

Don't waste your time on Tippia, he/she's along with the white jacket guy are long time, known null sec mouthpieces with excellent rhetoric skills and you'll never have enough time in your RL life to finish a debate with them.

Also, as you may see, they'll always turn the tables basing on the premise that most of those who read them are not smart enough to read through their endless blah blah and see the final substance in 3 seconds.

Your best option is to infiltrate their posts by association or dissociation in specific threads to make them replicate your own "concept payload" forever and ever, providing a tireless and never ending bumping of what you care about.

Try it, it served me well.
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#309 - 2013-08-31 14:55:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
I like Tippia's posts. My favorite poster actually. He doesn't give up his position easily but in all fairness seldom is he wrong. I like your posts as well VV. You have a very honest demeanor. Matrix has impressed me as well. Really putting the screws to Tippia's arguments is refreshing. Not because Tippia isn't a joy to read but because it's nice to see someone capable of holding their own go on the aggressive against such an intellect.

My point VV is it's a game at the end of the day and well, just remember none of this is that serious.

Ill take 15 pages of nuanced Tippia wordcraft over most of the rest any day of the week.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#310 - 2013-08-31 15:16:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Yes it can.
No. One is mechanically enforced; the other is not. One can be avoided, thus making it a momentary lull in activity; the other cannot. Hit a tower and it's down for 36 hours (or however long the owner decided), and when it is back on line, you immediately put it down for another 36 hours — no ifs, no buts. Camp an NPC alt that you somehow managed to track down, and he's down for the 10 minutes it takes for you to grow tired (or the 20 seconds it takes to switch to another alt and just keep going).

You explicitly said level 4's have zero risk.
…if you fit your ship properly.
The only way for you to lose your ship to an L4 mission is if your ship does not stand up to the punishment the L4 mission provides. Yes, there are other ways to lose your ship while doing an L4, but those are not risks that come from the L4 mission. If you want to mix risks, then ship spinning is massively risky because my inventions my all come out as duds!!1 Of course, that's just nonsense — it's the invention that is risky, not the ship spinning — so we keep the two separate.

So then I'll ask you what in Eve carries risk unless you [forget to] do "X" or "Y"?
Anything that relies on an unavoidable unlimited random element.

So this argument in support of nerfing missions is silly.
…an argument that was made… when? By whom?

But let us assume for a brief moment that what you are saying is fact and true and indeed the only way to lose a ship in a level 4 mission is if you didn't fit a proper tank and that's it. I'm curious in seeing what tank is it that can protect you against triggering an entire room (with warp disrupting frigs) and that still allows you to make the numbers in isk that some claim in this thread.
A PST Ishtar will do for most purposes, or a PST Rattler if you're a sissy who flies battleships… P
And before you go down that road, note that I've already said that once you really push the envelope on income, risk does indeed come creeping in because a lot of that additional pushing comes at the cost of sacrificing large portions of what would otherwise be considered a suitable tank.

Oh, and if you own a couple of non-goo moons, you understand how and why moon goo is far from the unassailable and impossible-to-overcome resource that E-2 claims: you don't even need the goo to yield the same or many times larger income. Do the maths on how much a goo moon can produce. It's not nearly enough as you'd think. That is not to say that you should waste that moon on something completely different, but it means that, no, they really aren't ten times more valuable than yours are. Or, more accurately, that moon harvesting POS does not produce ten times more income than one of your (presumably research) POSes do.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#311 - 2013-08-31 16:24:36 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Tippia wrote:

Yes. Again, if said alliance chooses to allow its POSes to consistently be put into re-enforcement time after time after time again then it sounds like serious alliance incompetence to me and it will need to re-evaluate its territorial control and what it's doing with its resources. But this is NOT a hi sec problem nor should hi sec have to emulate this behavior with its stations. I'm sorry, but that is just silly.

Your issue with the inability to track and stalk NPC alts is just that, an issue with NPC alts. Changing the way mission running works to affect everyone in hi sec alike simply because you take up issue with how NPC alts work sounds to me like nuking your home because you think you have a termite problem; nevermind that you have yet to show in a verifiable way that NPC alts running missions in hi sec is indeed a problem in need of fixing.

Yes, there are other ways to lose your ship while doing an L4

Ah! Finally We're making progress :).

Anything that relies on an unavoidable unlimited random element.

I'm curious, is human error not an "unavoidable unlimited random element"? Could you give some examples on what you consider to be "unavoidable unlimited random element"? Caution on how you answer this because I have a follow-up question :).

A PST Ishtar will do for most purposes, or a PST Rattler if you're a sissy who flies battleships… P
And before you go down that road, note that I've already said that once you really push the envelope on income, risk does indeed come creeping in because a lot of that additional pushing comes at the cost of sacrificing large portions of what would otherwise be considered a suitable tank.

You're finally (some what) coming clean. But what I really wanted to see was the "magic bullet" fitting that you claim can protect you, say from an all-out room agro from any of the tougher missions and compare how it fares in making that crazy insanely amount of isk that is being thrown around here. In any case, this is now moot, because you've admitted that "risk does indeed come creeping in" and that the isk per hour is lowered. So you've essentially closed the door you had initially left open behind you with your original claim.

Oh, and if you own a couple of non-goo moons, you understand how and why moon goo is far from the unassailable and impossible-to-overcome resource that E-2 claims: you don't even need the goo to yield the same or many times larger income. Do the maths on how much a goo moon can produce. It's not nearly enough as you'd think. That is not to say that you should waste that moon on something completely different, but it means that, no, they really aren't ten times more valuable than yours are. Or, more accurately, that moon harvesting POS does not produce ten times more income than one of your (presumably research) POSes do.

I can't speak on what E-2 claimed because, shamefully and admittedly, I haven't read all posts on this thread. What I can say, as a moon owner, I have made multiple times more from my moons than I ever made running missions. My time has always been better spent maintaining my moons. I still run missions for fun when I get around to them, but profit is not my goal with them.

The moral of the story is there are way more lucrative ways to make isk in Eve. MIssion running has its perks. It is a safer way to make isk. But it is not the way to make the isk. Nor is it absolutely safe and without risks.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#312 - 2013-08-31 16:35:34 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
I like Tippia's posts. My favorite poster actually. He doesn't give up his position easily but in all fairness seldom is he wrong. I like your posts as well VV. You have a very honest demeanor. Matrix has impressed me as well. Really putting the screws to Tippia's arguments is refreshing. Not because Tippia isn't a joy to read but because it's nice to see someone capable of holding their own go on the aggressive against such an intellect.

My point VV is it's a game at the end of the day and well, just remember none of this is that serious.

Ill take 15 pages of nuanced Tippia wordcraft over most of the rest any day of the week.

Hello, long time no see!

I understand what you say. Let's say that I have an executive approach to things, I prefer high amounts of activity per given amound of time done, instead of lots of smart sentences flinging around. I am made like that P
Sunshine and Lollipops
#313 - 2013-08-31 16:39:44 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Yes. Again, if said alliance chooses
…except that it's enforced by game mechanics, not player choice. So still no: one is mechanically enforced; the other is not. One can be avoided; the other can not. The only edge case is if the POS owner does not fuel it up, in which case it's still not momentary, but permanent.

Ah! Finally We're making progress :).
If by “progress” you mean staying exactly where we've been all along, yes.

I'm curious, is human error not an "unavoidable unlimited random element"? Could you give some examples on what you consider to be "unavoidable unlimited random element"?
No. Human error is neither a random element, nor unavoidable (and definitely not unlimited). The loot fairy, on the other hand, is.

You're finally (some what) coming clean.
Finally? You haven't been paying attention have you. This is what has been said all along. Maybe you should go back and real all posts…

I can't speak on what E-2 claimed because, shamefully and admittedly, I haven't read all posts on this thread. What I can say, as a moon owner, I have made multiple times more from my moons than I ever made running missions. My time has always been better spent maintaining my moons. I still run missions for fun when I get around to them, but profit is not my goal with them.
…and the point is still that no, moon goo is not the unassailable resource people like to claim. E-2 brought it up because he felt this was a good counter-argument to missions providing too much income, and everything down this path ever since has been a demonstration that, no, it really isn't, especially not compared to L4s. All you're doing is showing that there are things that pay better than L4s, and that's no surprise, but it also only further supports the argument that, no, moon goo isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#314 - 2013-08-31 16:39:52 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Alright highsec people why should something you can do in complete safety be more lucrative than something you cannot do in complete safety?

Alright 0.0 person why do you think high-sec == "complete safety"? Other 0.0 people would like to have word with you Cool

Add bombs, bubbles, nerf concord, make npcs more deadly and add AFK cloaking to highsec then we can agree that highsec is not completely safe.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#315 - 2013-08-31 17:30:15 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Tippia wrote:
except that it's enforced by game mechanics, not player choice. So still no: one is mechanically enforced; the other is not. One can be avoided; the other can not. The only edge case is if the POS owner does not fuel it up, in which case it's still not momentary, but permanent.

Except that players do have a choice in re-enforcing or avoiding re-enforcement of such a timer. You keep repeating yourself as if repetition will make you right or win the argument. I can't do this. I'm letting this rest.

If by “progress” you mean staying exactly where we've been all along, yes.

No, I mean progress as in you do what you do best by moving the goalposts around, except that this time you've actually moved it to a location that makes sense! Thus, progress!

No. Human error is neither a random element, nor unavoidable (and definitely not unlimited).
So with this definition in mind, I'm curious in knowing what it is you consider high risk professions in Eve which preclude events generated by human error.

You haven't been paying attention have you. This is what has been said all along. Maybe you should go back and real all posts…

Ouch. And no, that is not what you have been saying all along. The problem with debating with you is that you rely on highly biased and opinionated myths which you then wrap with paper labeled all over as "fact" and "true". And when you're called out on it, as you have here, then you simply pick up your goalposts, move them around and convolute your responses until they no longer make sense. You get lost in the forest, but are so proud and stubborn that you rather continue walking in deeper to prove that you're right. It's why you always have to have the last word. But your agenda is still crystal clear :P.

…and the point is still that no, moon goo is not the unassailable resource people like to claim. E-2 brought it up because he felt this was a good counter-argument to missions providing too much income, and everything down this path ever since has been a demonstration that, no, it really isn't, especially not compared to L4s. All you're doing is showing that there are things that pay better than L4s, and that's no surprise, but it also only further supports the argument that, no, moon goo isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

And you keep mentioning E-2 like he's relevant here and the cause of this debate, when in fact, since page one of this thread you came out swinging against mission running. You went as far as to say that:

"Yes, L4s are far better — especially for the individual — since a single person can trivially produce the same income as a single moon."

(from here)

This of course, I've shown you is false and a very dishonest reponse. But your argument now is that they [high prized moons] are not the source that E-2 makes them out to be. Which is fine, I agree (if it's true). Nonetheless, you should realize (but you won't) that you are moving the goalposts around again. What makes debating with you difficult is this dishonesty. Not that you're presenting "facts" and "truths".


What usually discredits these threads is the technique used in trying to gain the attention and support for them. Obviously there are heavily opinionated players that want to see hi sec nerfed (usually for self-serving purposes). But the way they go about it is by flinging as much **** to the wall and hope that something sticks. I realize this is why there is so much goalpost moving going around. There necessarily needs to be to keep the thread in motion! It has to continue going around in circles to stay alive. But at the same time it's what ends up discrediting them rather quickly.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#316 - 2013-08-31 17:49:43 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
La Nariz wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Alright highsec people why should something you can do in complete safety be more lucrative than something you cannot do in complete safety?

Alright 0.0 person why do you think high-sec == "complete safety"? Other 0.0 people would like to have word with you Cool

Add bombs, bubbles, nerf concord, make npcs more deadly and add AFK cloaking to highsec then we can agree that highsec is not completely safe.

Another perfect example of flinging **** on the wall. Muddle the definition of "complete safety" and throw it against the wall. Cross your fingers and hope it sticks :P.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#317 - 2013-08-31 17:53:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Except that players do have a choice in re-enforcing or avoiding re-enforcement of such a timer.
Reinforcing = mechanically enforced disruption. Not reinforcing = permanent disruption. And yes, given the speed with which this can happen, the defenders have little to say in the matter (which is why the reinforcement timer exists to begin with).

No, I mean "progress" as in you do what you do best by moving the goalposts around
…if by moving the goalposts you mean staying exactly where I've been all along, yes.

So with this definition in mind, I'm curious in knowing what it is you consider high risk professions in Eve which preclude events generated by human error.
Ganking comes to mind.

Ouch. And no, that is not what you have been saying at all.
Sure it is. You just haven't been paying attention to what I've been saying or what I've been responding to, and instead built up this fantasy world where you imagine a position that I'm holding and then proceed to argue that when it doesn't match up with reality, I've changed my mind. The fact that risk is introduced at the high end of earning was never in question. In fact, I said as much myself on page one. This does not change the fact that L4s offer zero risk unless you don't fit a proper tank. The fact is also that you can make ridiculous amounts of ISK while still being comfortably in that zero-risk zone.

If you want to suggest that I've moved the goalposts, cough up some proof or stop lying.

You keep mentioning E-2 like he's relevant here
…because you picked up a thread he started and tried to provide counters to the arguments I made in opposition to his uninformed nonsense. So he's very much relevant here because his unsupported claims are still what's being discussed.

"Yes, L4s are far better — especially for the individual — since a single person can trivially produce the same income as a single moon" is a a true and entirely honest response to his nonsensical claim that moon goo offer a better source of income than L4s. This has been proven on numerous occasions in this and other threads — hell, you even provided proof for it yourself. If you have any data to prove otherwise (thus contradicting your previous statement), please present it because you certainly haven't so far. Otherwise, stop lying.
Skill Training Online
#318 - 2013-09-01 12:09:33 UTC
I was really hoping we'd get a large push to increase the income to level 1 thru 3 income, instead this thread has been derailed to bash on the 1% of EVE (Moon holders).

Like the IRL 99/1 protests the 99 forget to remember it takes effort to be in the 1%, and the 1% forgets that the 99% are working from an emotional position rather than a logical one, so rather than making a demonstration of philanthropy they throw numbers and spreadsheets around.

Lets discuss buffing level 1 through 3 income.

Thank You Obama!

Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#319 - 2013-09-01 12:12:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Skill Training Online wrote:
I was really hoping we'd get a large push to increase the income to level 1 thru 3 income, instead this thread has been derailed to bash on the 1% of EVE (Moon holders).

Like the IRL 99/1 protests the 99 forget to remember it takes effort to be in the 1%, and the 1% forgets that the 99% are working from an emotional position rather than a logical one, so rather than making a demonstration of philanthropy they throw numbers and spreadsheets around.

Lets discuss buffing level 1 through 3 income.

Yes I agree, being born into a family with great wealth is quite the hardship.

I'm also failry sure you were implying levels 4s should net 16m not 60m.

Upon a second read maybe you were leaning towards buffing the lowers, but what's more likely to happen? Increasing a day 1 players income into the hundreds of millions or reducing the more advanced players mission net from 60m to 16m? Level 1s require but a fraction of the time required to complete a 4.
Skill Training Online
#320 - 2013-09-01 12:32:16 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
Yes I agree, being born into a family with great wealth is quite the hardship.

while your being sarcastic you are are more right than you know.

"It takes a village to raise a child"

The people who generate the initial wealth tend to be obsessive, driven, perfectionists. These are not generally qualities that make good parents. Combine the vanity of the parents where their kids accomplishments that reward trophies can be used as power pieces within the office, and it becomes so damned important that you child wins every time regardless of what they'd rather be doing.

Until the age of 15 when I got the streak of rebellion I was required to spend four hours a day in our batting cage. My mom ended up with a loaded trophy case, and I ended up not having many friends.

"It takes a village to raise a child"

Isolated until 15 leaves you with social adaptation issues, when ti comes to wealth both extremes have their issues. On the low-end physical life-affecting issues, on the high end mental life-affecting issues.

When I turned 18 my dad issued me a business loan, and I was able to employ over 63 employees harvesting, packaging, and shipping Florida oranges across the US. I was working about 80 hours a week at 18. Eventually I decided I had enough so reduced myself to a 9-5 40 hour a week schedule, within a year my reduced effort allowed a competitor to undersell us while moving the product from the tree to the customer faster.

As a 19 year old I had to listen to my dad lecture me, as I watched 63 employees and their families lose benefits, jobs, and then inform them unemployment wouldn't be available due to our method of closure.

The fate of 63 people + myself was a bit too much for me at 19.

This was in July '01, in September '01 I joined the military and my life has been better ever since, and you can ask ANYONE the military is not the best way to make an income. But it is a family.

Thank You Obama!