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Federation expresses dismay at Republic handling of Broteau

Narcisa De Fontaine
Core Medical Group
#121 - 2013-06-18 19:52:57 UTC
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:

That's absolutely beside the point.

I frankly don't care about Broteau. I'm pleased that he's dead, and I'm perfectly willing to let him fade into the obscurity that he so richly deserves.

I'm not arguing for the Federation severing ties with the Republic as some sort of revenge for the attack at Colelie. I'm arguing for it because the Republic under Shakor has repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to ignore any treaty or alliance in pursuit of their goals, large or small. No matter what the cost to the Federation.

Simply put, they are not a friend worth keeping.

The circumstances at work in this affair were rare and trying, but those really are the times when we discover the strength of our alliances and friendships, for better or for worse.

That's what I have trouble trying to say - this isn't about Broteau whatsoever. No one cares about him anymore. It's about our friendships not being able to take the strain of his actions.

I'm not quite ready to tear up all of the treaties and close the border yet, but I don't think it's right to say that Colelie has been settled. I want to hear more from the senate about the steps they intend to take. This episode has shown there's something deeply wrong with the state of our alliance. We have to strip it down and take a pragmatic view on whether or not it is something that can be fixed, not patch it over until the same thing happens again months or years down the line.

To say that the Navy's response to the Republic's attack was in itself satisfaction for the attack doesn't work for me. It's almost as bad as Musana trying to excuse the whole affair by saying Colelie shouldn't matter because the Shakorites didn't succeed in destroying the Federal capital fleet.

Scope Works
#122 - 2013-06-18 19:56:40 UTC
Narcisa De Fontaine wrote:
To say that the Navy's response to the Republic's attack was in itself satisfaction for the attack doesn't work for me. It's almost as bad as Musana trying to excuse the whole affair by saying Colelie shouldn't matter because the Shakorites didn't succeed in destroying the Federal capital fleet.

If by action you mean rebuilding or restructuring the alliance, then yeah, that probably should be looked at. But more military action against them? No.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Narcisa De Fontaine
Core Medical Group
#123 - 2013-06-18 19:58:37 UTC
Anslo wrote:

If by action you mean rebuilding or restructuring the alliance, then yeah, that probably should be looked at. But more military action against them? No.

I'm not in favor of more killing. As I already said, I don't want to tear up treaties or close the border.

Someone has to be accountable for Colelie, and reparations have to be made.
Scope Works
#124 - 2013-06-18 20:00:26 UTC
Narcisa De Fontaine wrote:
Anslo wrote:

If by action you mean rebuilding or restructuring the alliance, then yeah, that probably should be looked at. But more military action against them? No.

I'm not in favor of more killing. As I already said, I don't want to tear up treaties or close the border.

Someone has to be accountable for Colelie, and reparations have to be made.

It was a screw up on both sides in my opinion, but more or less I agree. People should come to a table, have a pint, and sit down and talk. Border closing or cannon/blaster firing aren't going to solve much.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Narcisa De Fontaine
Core Medical Group
#125 - 2013-06-18 20:04:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Narcisa De Fontaine
Anslo wrote:

It was a screw up on both sides in my opinion, but more or less I agree. People should come to a table, have a pint, and sit down and talk. Border closing or cannon/blaster firing aren't going to solve much.

Please don't mistake me. I'm not in favor of Roden bending over backwards to humor or further accommodate the Shakor regime and their nasty habit of biting people's hands.

Instead, a frank discussion on whether both sides can agree there is any value in the alliance at all.
Scope Works
#126 - 2013-06-18 20:06:17 UTC
Narcisa De Fontaine wrote:
Please don't mistake me. I'm not in favor of Roden bending over backwards to humor or further accommodate the Shakor regime's nasty habit of biting people's hands.

Instead, a frank discussion on whether both sides can agree there is any value in the alliance at all.

I'd say there's value, in terms of defense against something. Here's a hint to the something. It's big, gold, occasionally pointy, has a penchant for chains, and melts things with a really really hot beam.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Narcisa De Fontaine
Core Medical Group
#127 - 2013-06-18 20:18:33 UTC
Anslo wrote:

I'd say there's value, in terms of defense against something. Here's a hint to the something. It's big, gold, occasionally pointy, has a penchant for chains, and melts things with a really really hot beam.

Where it is pointy, it's overwhelmingly pointed at the Republic. I'll be cynical and say that if we did go our separate ways, the Empire isn't so much our problem if they're both kept busy tearing chunks from one another.

People often make a pastime out of overstating the danger that the Amarrian's reclaiming poses to us. I wouldn't dream of saying it's not something to consider, but to that particular end I'm quite sure that the alliance is worth substantially more to the Republic than it is to us.

Scope Works
#128 - 2013-06-18 20:24:48 UTC
Narcisa De Fontaine wrote:
Where it is pointy, it's overwhelmingly pointed at the Republic. I'll be cynical and say that if we did go our separate ways, the Empire isn't so much our problem if they're both kept busy tearing chunks from one another.

Once they're done with the Minmatar and absorb them, they turn to us. Just because the Minmatar are their first priority for reclaiming does not mean they won't reclaim us. Hell, they even stated they want to.

People often make a pastime out of overstating the danger that the Amarrian's reclaiming poses to us. I wouldn't dream of saying it's not something to consider, but to that particular end I'm quite sure that the alliance is worth substantially more to the Republic than it is to us.

For now. Give it a few years when they come breaking down our door to save our souls. The Amarr are mentioned as a danger a lot for a reason.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Gabriel Darkefyre
Electus Matari
#129 - 2013-06-18 21:02:24 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Narcisa De Fontaine wrote:
Please don't mistake me. I'm not in favor of Roden bending over backwards to humor or further accommodate the Shakor regime's nasty habit of biting people's hands.

Instead, a frank discussion on whether both sides can agree there is any value in the alliance at all.

I'd say there's value, in terms of defense against something. Here's a hint to the something. It's big, gold, occasionally pointy, has a penchant for chains, and melts things with a really really hot beam.

Setting the Military Aspects to the side, there are a lot of other reasons for the Alliance to continue. There's far more than just Words on a Treaty binding our peoples together. We have been brothers for many years, both figuratively and literally. A Third of the Federation is made up of those of Matari Decent and, to be brutally honest, any who would claim that the Federal Matari only look to their own for lovers are delusional. I'm living proof of that.
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#130 - 2013-06-18 22:30:02 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Narcisa De Fontaine wrote:
Where it is pointy, it's overwhelmingly pointed at the Republic. I'll be cynical and say that if we did go our separate ways, the Empire isn't so much our problem if they're both kept busy tearing chunks from one another.

Once they're done with the Minmatar and absorb them, they turn to us. Just because the Minmatar are their first priority for reclaiming does not mean they won't reclaim us. Hell, they even stated they want to.

People often make a pastime out of overstating the danger that the Amarrian's reclaiming poses to us. I wouldn't dream of saying it's not something to consider, but to that particular end I'm quite sure that the alliance is worth substantially more to the Republic than it is to us.

For now. Give it a few years when they come breaking down our door to save our souls. The Amarr are mentioned as a danger a lot for a reason.

Many in the Federation seem to believe that the Amarrs would stop being an imperialist once the Republic is absorb by empire.. Such a wishful thinking!

But let us explore such possibility for a sec?

Let's say the Amarr are successful at completely destroying the Republic. Where does that leave the Federation? The Gallentee would suddenly be surrounded by enemies on all sides with no help in sight.

And let's not forget who is a close second on the Amarr priority list. The "Feds" .

Guess who the Caldari have being at war with many times and is responsible for kicking the State out of Caldari Prime. The "Feds".

Guess who probably yearns they still control Caldari Prime? "The State".

Only choice left would be to seek an alliance with the State to counter the Amarr threat, putting the State in a great position politically. Do you think the State would not abuse its unique positon? For example in exchange for an alliance with the State, the Federation have to give up Luminaire 0.o?

What would Caldari gain with an alliance with the Gallentee other then to gain a buffer between them and the Amarr?

Also guess who would be busy trying to sweet talk the Caldari? "The Amarr"

Guess who had a better relation with the State up to this point? "The Amarr"

Guess who will probably become the most menancingly powerful Empire in New Eden due to newfound riches? "The Amarr"

My fav, guess who had a hand in the Minmatar rebellion ?
Please read under Minmatar Rebellion tab :

To all the Gallentee who believe that they will be fare better once the Republic is gone, can you answer me one question?

Do you believe that the Federation can fight a war on two opposite fronts?

I'll await your answer..
Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#131 - 2013-06-18 23:02:49 UTC
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso wrote:
To all the Gallentee who believe that they will be fare better once the Republic is gone, can you answer me one question?

Do you believe that the Federation can fight a war on two opposite fronts?

History suggests that the Federation wouldn't have to.

First contact between the Federation and the Empire occurred during the first Caldari-Gallente war. The Amarr Empire was at the peak of its strength, having enslaved practically the entire Matari population and not yet having suffered its ignoble defeat at the hands of the Jove. Yet the Federation and the Empire arrived at a detente largely because both recognized that a war between them would go poorly for both.

Gabriel Darkefyre wrote:
Setting the Military Aspects to the side, there are a lot of other reasons for the Alliance to continue. There's far more than just Words on a Treaty binding our peoples together. We have been brothers for many years...

Electus Matari has publicly stated that they participated in the battle on the side of the Republic, and that they would similarly support the Republic should additional fighting between the Republic and the Federation break out. Tell me, as a pilot for Electus Matari, are you willing to work to change that decision?

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)

Andreus Ixiris
Stay Feral
#132 - 2013-06-18 23:19:26 UTC
The Amarr Empire - by their own implicit admission in the signing of the Gallente-Amarr Free Trade Agreement - didn't have the military strength to conquer the Federation outright when it wasn't trying to fight a war with the Minmatar, didn't have the Blood Raiders or Sansha's Nation to worry about and weren't having to conduct a significant amount of their military effort through a proxy state.

The Amarr Empire is most certainly a serious danger to the Federation, but not one that is so great we need ignore all other diplomatic concerns in the face of it.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#133 - 2013-06-18 23:21:58 UTC
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso wrote:
To all the Gallentee who believe that they will be fare better once the Republic is gone, can you answer me one question?

Do you believe that the Federation can fight a war on two opposite fronts?

History suggests that the Federation wouldn't have to.

First contact between the Federation and the Empire occurred during the first Caldari-Gallente war. The Amarr Empire was at the peak of its strength, having enslaved practically the entire Matari population and not yet having suffered its ignoble defeat at the hands of the Jove. Yet the Federation and the Empire arrived at a detente largely because both recognized that a war between them would go poorly for both.

Great answer!

Now let me follow up with this question.

Hypothetically speaking :

Why should the Empire follow the same policy again if the same exact scenario was to repeat itself , considering last time they use said policy, you guys paid them back by inciting a rebellion in its territories?
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#134 - 2013-06-18 23:45:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Makkal Hanaya
I'll point out that the Kingdom, which is smaller than State and much smaller than the Federation, managed to be independent from the Empire for 300 years simply because capturing us would have been too costly. Also, we didn't attempt to invade them.

If the Empire reacquired the Republic territory, it would spend thousands of years attempting to reintegrate the Matari. Much like a python that eats a rabbit and then spends the week digesting it.

If the Empire did attempt to attack the Federation after that, I doubt the State would help. While I doubt the two will ever kiss, make up, and become best buddies, State/Federation hostility is on the wane.

In the future, I expect the State will drop its 'alliance' and become a neutral, self-interested party. Selling everyone weapons but not letting anyone get too powerful.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Narcisa De Fontaine
Core Medical Group
#135 - 2013-06-18 23:52:49 UTC
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso wrote:

Why should the Empire follow the same policy again if the same exact scenario was to repeat itself , considering last time they use said policy, you guys paid them back by inciting a rebellion in its territories?

Oh, it's so precious when the Shakorite apologists use the Amarrians as some sort of boogeymen to worry us into coughing up more concessions, and doing things their way.

It's a tired act, we're getting wise to it.
Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#136 - 2013-06-19 00:14:36 UTC
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso wrote:
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso wrote:
To all the Gallentee who believe that they will be fare better once the Republic is gone, can you answer me one question?

Do you believe that the Federation can fight a war on two opposite fronts?

History suggests that the Federation wouldn't have to.

First contact between the Federation and the Empire occurred during the first Caldari-Gallente war. The Amarr Empire was at the peak of its strength, having enslaved practically the entire Matari population and not yet having suffered its ignoble defeat at the hands of the Jove. Yet the Federation and the Empire arrived at a detente largely because both recognized that a war between them would go poorly for both.

Great answer!

Now let me follow up with this question.

Hypothetically speaking :

Why should the Empire follow the same policy again if the same exact scenario was to repeat itself , considering last time they use said policy, you guys paid them back by inciting a rebellion in its territories?

I'll see your hypothetical question, and I'll raise you a less hypothetical question:

Why should the Federation consider the Amarr Empire a greater threat than the Republic? The Empire has never, to my knowledge, broken a treaty that it has signed. The Republic, on the other hand...

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)

James Syagrius
#137 - 2013-06-19 01:38:50 UTC
Narcisa De Fontaine wrote:
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso wrote:

Why should the Empire follow the same policy again if the same exact scenario was to repeat itself , considering last time they use said policy, you guys paid them back by inciting a rebellion in its territories?

Oh, it's so precious when the Shakorite apologists use the Amarrians as some sort of boogeymen to worry us into coughing up more concessions, and doing things their way.

It's a tired act, we're getting wise to it.

Indeed so.

I have found the Amarrians to be accommodating hosts and honest commercial partners.

Not to mention hygienic in their persons.....

The fear mongering by the Tribal element is in itself testament to their fear.

Let then the Tribes stand alone.
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#138 - 2013-06-19 01:43:59 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
The Amarr Empire - by their own implicit admission in the signing of the Gallente-Amarr Free Trade Agreement - didn't have the military strength to conquer the Federation outright when it wasn't trying to fight a war with the Minmatar, didn't have the Blood Raiders or Sansha's Nation to worry about and weren't having to conduct a significant amount of their military effort through a proxy state.

The Amarr Empire is most certainly a serious danger to the Federation, but not one that is so great we need ignore all other diplomatic concerns in the face of it.

I agree with you Ixiris, but another thing too to remember is that the Amarrs are straight up cowards!
Only attacking the weak when they vastly outnumber them or guarenteed a total victory because their opponent have a weak military.

Give me an example when the Empire tried to invade a competent opponent not because of gross intelligence failure or their opponent was not already militarily weak. You probably will not found one because their is none.

We , the Tribes, were only invaded only because of our naivete. Even though we were technologically advance, we were peaceful and therefore for some reason or another did not develop our military.

Which exactly why the Federation did not get invaded, when the Empire came into contact with the Federation, the Federation had a competant militay that could match the Empire's.

While theirs were only equip to deal with underequipped Minmatar Rebels and not to wage a major war. But they were certainly willing to wait for the Caldari to do drain the Federation enough in order to launch an invasion later.

That is why they went and launch an invasion of the Jove because they perceive the Jove to have been weak and powerless. But what a rude awakening that was for them.

but back to the original subject, given that when the Amarr and Gallentee made contact, the Caldari still was neutral to the Empire. But given the state of affairs now, with the Cal/Amarr signing the Caldari-Amarr Declaration of Friendship. A pact that agreed to respect the sovereignty, not interfere in the internal affairs, and share intelligence on the enemies of the other side, which is still in place today. By the way, I wonder who are the enemies they are talking about?

How wishing the Republic to disappear be a good thing for the Federation?

You can dissolve the alliance, understandable, but watching your enemy suddenly gain more resources and use said resources to build a more potent military is simply suicide.

That goes for both the Republic and the Federation.. Again no problem with dissolving alliances.
Panopticon Engineering
#139 - 2013-06-19 02:00:04 UTC
Despite the fact that I knew this would happen, and that Broteau totally deserved this, I am still disgusted that the Republic would do this. The Republic had no right to put him on trial, no right to sentence him, and especially no right to execute him.

The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2013-06-19 02:01:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
Makkal Hanaya wrote:
I'll point out that the Kingdom, which is smaller than State and much smaller than the Federation, managed to be independent from the Empire for 300 years simply because capturing us would have been too costly. Also, we didn't attempt to invade them.

If the Empire reacquired the Republic territory, it would spend thousands of years attempting to reintegrate the Matari. Much like a python that eats a rabbit and then spends the week digesting it.

If the Empire did attempt to attack the Federation after that, I doubt the State would help. While I doubt the two will ever kiss, make up, and become best buddies, State/Federation hostility is on the wane.

In the future, I expect the State will drop its 'alliance' and become a neutral, self-interested party. Selling everyone weapons but not letting anyone get too powerful.

There was an attempt to invade the Khanid Kingdom by Emperor Heideran. It was just too painful military for the Empire to continue. But if for whatever reason, the Kingdom stop being military competent, then they would cease to exist.

Like I stated earlier in this thread the Empire are ourtright cowards. They only invade when they are guaranteed outright victory. The only thing they seem to understand really well is force. That is what history has taught us.

That is why I believe for the Republic to continue to exist, it only needs to keep a strong military. It does not have to be strong enough to launch an offensive war, just have to be good enough to make any Amarr military invasion painful.