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Federation expresses dismay at Republic handling of Broteau

Niko medes
Freeman Technologies
#81 - 2013-06-17 19:36:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Niko medes
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Niko medes wrote:
The man killed a chieftain in a Minmatar cultural festival, and lest we forget he killed numerous others as well. Let the Minmatar have their justice. It boggles my mind sometimes why my own kind whine over things like this.

"Justice is the only thing that was served here. To extend this trial for the sake of allowing the accused to offer an ineffective defense would have made it a mockery."

Well said Shakor, the man had his chance.. no need to let the man live any longer for his atrocities.

So to "Let them have their justice" We just have to forget about the fact that the Federation was INVADED and thousands of Federation Navy personnel killed. Have their justice to continue to insult Federation legal systems trying and sentencing a man who killed federation citizens.

So the rouge Republic gets to have its justice and screw everyone who died by their hand to get it and screw their allies is that correct?

No. There must be a response to this.

Yes, exactly that. Let them have their justice. What happened at Colelie was an incredibly unfortunate misunderstanding. We are a culture that isn't of vengeance or revenge. Should we ever become one it'd be a start to yet another sad age beget by very own arrogance. Minmatar are not Caldari and a senseless, vengeful war, would perhaps be the end of both of our beautiful cultures and civilizations.

The Federation Navy personnel at Colelie fought and died against a small sect of Minmatar who were hellbent on achieving justice, we feared and made a decision. That decision was a tragic one. They died with honor believing they were protecting Gallente from an impending invasion, leave it at that. For you to accuse the entire Minmatar of one fleets actions is a massive dishonor to what both sides were trying to do on that fatefilled day.

Remember what happened, honor the Gallente dead and turn the cheek. Minmatar are a good people with a culture much different than ours. We should have enough sense to understand before we are understood.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#82 - 2013-06-17 19:43:57 UTC
Niko medes wrote:

Yes, exactly that. Let them have their justice. What happened at Colelie was an incredibly unfortunate misunderstanding. We are a culture that isn't of vengeance or revenge. Should we ever become one it'd be a start to yet another sad age beget by very own arrogance. Minmatar are not Caldari and a senseless, vengeful war, would perhaps be the end of both of our beautiful cultures and civilizations.

The Federation Navy personnel at Colelie fought and died against a small sect of Minmatar who were hellbent on achieving justice, we feared and made a decision. That decision was a tragic one. They died with honor believing they were protecting Gallente from an impending invasion, leave it at that. For you to accuse the entire Minmatar of one fleets actions is a massive dishonor to what both sides were trying to do on that fatefilled day.

Remember what happened, honor the Gallente dead and turn the cheek. Minmatar are a good people with a culture much different than ours. We should have enough sense to understand before we are understood.

No, Minmatar are NOT Caldari. We, at least, had a valid causus belli when we invaded Luminaire.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Steffanie Saissore
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#83 - 2013-06-17 19:46:01 UTC
Captain Starfleet...I am curious to see where this goes, so I must ask: let us say that declaring war on the Minmatar is the right course of action for what they did. What is the point of the war then?

Are we going in to take territory away from them? Or their ability to manufacture ship hulls? What is the objective of this war that you want waged? If it is simply to rattle our sabers, beat our chests, and show how tough we are because we're going to kick someone's ass for coming into our backyard, then you have already lost.

War should never be entered into hastily or in the heat of the moment. Without purpose, you will be sacrificing material and people in a pointless effort.

We travel in the dark of the new moon,

A starry highway traced on the map of the sky

Endeavour Starfleet
#84 - 2013-06-17 19:55:50 UTC
Targeting military production would be a better response than taking territory in my opinion. Weaken them and once the Amarr press they will beg to come to the table.

It will show the entire cluster that once other options are exhausted (This assumes we cut ties first without result from them) We WILL fight back.

Then again it likely will not come to that. If we simply end our alliance and let the Amarr press even that advantage they will come to the table. Then after they agree to full reparations to the federation families that suffer without their loved ones due to the attack and apologize for betraying our good will by spitting on our judicial system we can THINK about restarting the alliance.
James Syagrius
#85 - 2013-06-17 22:58:43 UTC
Steffanie Saissore wrote:
What has been done, has been done and we can agree or disagree with the handling of the situation till we're a blue in the face.

What saddens me the most is, the more this conversation continues, the more attention is given to a terrorist and his action than to the unfortunate victims, survivors, and their families.

Both sides, Republic and Federation, have, by all estimates, done a poor job of handling the situation from the start. Instead of crying foul and pointing fingers, let us take a moment to learn from the mistakes made and move forward.

Remember the fallen.

You are most willing to forgive Ma’dame Saissore, one wonders if when “remembering the fallen” you will consider who killed them.

James Syagrius
#86 - 2013-06-17 23:01:11 UTC
Steffanie Saissore wrote:

Fact of the matter is, the Federation does in fact need the alliance with Minmatar.

This Ma’dame is a “fact” I challenge you to prove.
Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2013-06-17 23:27:04 UTC
Niko medes wrote:
What happened at Colelie was an incredibly unfortunate misunderstanding. We are a culture that isn't of vengeance or revenge.

This is perhaps the most ludicrous thing I've read all day. An incredibly unfortunate misunderstanding?

For your own education, I'd recommend you pick up any book on the first Gallente-Caldari war. You will find many cases where the Federation undertook actions specifically for the purpose of vengeance or revenge.

As a culture, the Federation may aim to rise above vengeance and revenge - at least where appropriate. Perhaps your own personal views are that we shouldn't take actions with that purpose. It's naive of you to assume that either of those ideas automatically apply to the Federation as a whole.

Niko medes wrote:
The Federation Navy personnel at Colelie fought and died against a small sect of Minmatar who were hellbent on achieving justice, we feared and made a decision. That decision was a tragic one. They died with honor believing they were protecting Gallente from an impending invasion, leave it at that. For you to accuse the entire Minmatar of one fleets actions is a massive dishonor to what both sides were trying to do on that fatefilled day.

That small sect, by the way, goes by the name "The Republic Fleet". No matter how you couch this, you won't be able to change the fact that it was the Navy of the Republic which invaded, nor that it was they who fired first.

Niko medes wrote:
Remember what happened, honor the Gallente dead and turn the cheek. Minmatar are a good people with a culture much different than ours. We should have enough sense to understand before we are understood.

The Minmatar are a good people with a culture much different than our own. The Republic, on the other hand, is an entirely different animal. In its current form, led by Shakor, it has shown itself to be a loose cannon of a state.

Honor the Federation dead and turn the cheek? Without even a public admission of wrongdoing on the part of the Republic? Without a Republic apology to the friends and families of those Federation dead, and to the Federation as a whole? Without any attempt on the part of the Republic to show that we could expect that something like this would never happen again?

Captain medes, doing so would not honor them. It would merely mean that they would have died for nothing.

Let the Republic stand alone. It's obviously what they want.

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)

Endeavour Starfleet
#88 - 2013-06-18 01:45:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Endeavour Starfleet
I am glad I am not the only one that was rechecking the fluid routers when I actually heard "unfortunate misunderstanding" coming from that Republic apologist.

If the battle was SOMEHOW a misunderstanding the Republic would not have allowed a verdict later on that spit in the face of Federation good will.

It was not a misunderstanding at all.
Erys Charantes
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#89 - 2013-06-18 02:48:07 UTC
A dreadnought flotilla crossing a border and opening fire on that nations military is not a mistake... It's somebody looking for a fight. 'Gunboat diplomacy' only tends to end in anything but war when you significantly outpower the entity you're trying it with... And the Federation certainly isn't low on the scales of power.

If ANYONE who decided to order this ill advised effort thought it would end in any way but badly, they were either delusional, or on narcotics. Those of you who know me, know I'm no nationalist... But I have a great respect for facts. And right now, the fact is, the Gallente Federation can stand on its own. Can the Republic do the same?
#90 - 2013-06-18 02:49:46 UTC
Niko medes wrote:
We are a culture that isn't of vengeance or revenge.

Millions of dead Caldari over the last three hundred years might take exception to that. Oh, and you don't even need a good reason - the Gallente started trying to starve the Caldari on Caldari Prime before Nouvelle Rouvenor even occurred.

By the way, just because we are getting Heth out of the way, don't think that we love the Gallente now. You are still our enemies, and, personally, I think the Gallente are worse as friends.
Endeavour Starfleet
#91 - 2013-06-18 03:00:22 UTC
Vikarion wrote:
Niko medes wrote:
We are a culture that isn't of vengeance or revenge.

Millions of dead Caldari over the last three hundred years might take exception to that. Oh, and you don't even need a good reason - the Gallente started trying to starve the Caldari on Caldari Prime before Nouvelle Rouvenor even occurred.

By the way, just because we are getting Heth out of the way, don't think that we love the Gallente now. You are still our enemies, and, personally, I think the Gallente are worse as friends.

Nobody is expecting you to love us. But it was Heth and his crazed supporters that were actively trying to slow the agreement that will finally end Caldari Prime as a source of conflict. I think it is because most Caldari see things as equal now. We had our prior leaders that did stupid and horrific things that led to the horrific war. You had Heth that held Caldari Prime hostage and ordered its near destruction.

So while I do not see an alliance like we had with the Republic anytime soon. I do believe Federation-Caldari relations will improve if both sides continue to be willing to offer good faith to each other.
Niko medes
Freeman Technologies
#92 - 2013-06-18 04:48:53 UTC
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
Niko medes wrote:
What happened at Colelie was an incredibly unfortunate misunderstanding. We are a culture that isn't of vengeance or revenge.

This is perhaps the most ludicrous thing I've read all day. An incredibly unfortunate misunderstanding?

For your own education, I'd recommend you pick up any book on the first Gallente-Caldari war. You will find many cases where the Federation undertook actions specifically for the purpose of vengeance or revenge.

As a culture, the Federation may aim to rise above vengeance and revenge - at least where appropriate. Perhaps your own personal views are that we shouldn't take actions with that purpose. It's naive of you to assume that either of those ideas automatically apply to the Federation as a whole.

I suppose since our ancestors did it its okay for us to continue? We aim to rise above vengeance and revenge, it's iconic amongst our civilization is it not? Sure we have failed horribly in the past and we are most certainly fighting against the sins of our fathers in our conflicts with the Caldari now. Does this mean we have to succumb to this sin yet again because of what the Minmatar did at Colelie? Let go of this pride if its even that.. it tends to trap our frame of mind quite easily into conflicts that make generations to come suffer horribly.

Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:

That small sect, by the way, goes by the name "The Republic Fleet". No matter how you couch this, you won't be able to change the fact that it was the Navy of the Republic which invaded, nor that it was they who fired first.

I won't deny that at all and I stand by what I said.

Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:

The Minmatar are a good people with a culture much different than our own. The Republic, on the other hand, is an entirely different animal. In its current form, led by Shakor, it has shown itself to be a loose cannon of a state.

Honor the Federation dead and turn the cheek? Without even a public admission of wrongdoing on the part of the Republic? Without a Republic apology to the friends and families of those Federation dead, and to the Federation as a whole? Without any attempt on the part of the Republic to show that we could expect that something like this would never happen again?

Captain medes, doing so would not honor them. It would merely mean that they would have died for nothing.

Let the Republic stand alone. It's obviously what they want.

Captain Akahoshi, first let me make this very clear.. I don't stand with the Republic. I stand with the Minmatar people that will surely succumb to the atrocities of a war with us. Its in our hands to make a choice, and to encourage a war is going to kill more lives on both sides. Minmatar blood will be on our hands.

Turning the cheek is the only clear way to fight something of this nature. The battle of Colelie was a clash of cultural differences that hit the very core of who both the Gallente and Minmatar are. If we say "Lets go to war!" and flex our muscles what are we then? Are we even Gallente in the principle sense?

Let the Republic choose its response for what occurred. If they, as a nation and a political entity have any sense.. they will find it within themselves to apologies, not for their culture or their passion that drives them.. but for the battle that left so many dead. On the other hand, if they decide to bully us with border engagements, let them. I think it's safe to say the Federation will protect what is ours. Minmatar blood would not be on our hands in that scenario, it would be on that of the Republic. The Minmatar are a smart people, they will eventually see who their enemy is within their own nation at that point.

And as I said before, the Federation personnel fought to protect ideals we hold close. They died doing so wouldn't you say? How is that dying for nothing? The Republic Fleet that acted in a rage was unfortunate, but their passion is a part of who they are and they died trying to enact core ideals they also hold close.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2013-06-18 06:13:51 UTC
We let the Sebeistor Tribe observe our trial directly to make sure both parties would agree upon the decision.

Not only did the Republic not have any Gallente observers at their trial, but made a decision that would of made our's impossible to carry out. Once again, The Republic demonstrate a complete disregard for the allies that have done nothing but give and sacrifice for The Republics well being.

We've had more mutual agreements with the Caldari as of late than we have had with our own allies.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#94 - 2013-06-18 07:05:17 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Not only did the Republic not have any Gallente observers at their trial

Did they ask to have observers?
Derin Phobos
Kinetic Technologies
#95 - 2013-06-18 08:05:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Derin Phobos
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
We let the Sebeistor Tribe observe our trial directly to make sure both parties would agree upon the decision.

Not only did the Republic not have any Gallente observers at their trial, but made a decision that would of made our's impossible to carry out. Once again, The Republic demonstrate a complete disregard for the allies that have done nothing but give and sacrifice for The Republics well being.

We've had more mutual agreements with the Caldari as of late than we have had with our own allies.

That is because we tend to act rationally, and in our own best interests. The only exception (a large one, granted) was Heth, and even he was rather predicable due to his constant warmongering against the Gallente. Once his increasing irrationality became a problem, he was removed from power, and soon from life.

I try to avoid taking sides in the politics between the four empires (never close yourself out of a lucrative market without good reason), but in this case I find myself puzzled by the Republic's actions as of late. They don't seem to fit any rational sort of pattern. There is nothing to gain from invading an ally simply because you happen to be upset with them at the moment. In no case has that ever resulted in positive diplomatic relations. And opening fire on an ally in their own space after they (and various 3rd parties) tried everything to resolve the situation without bloodshed...I do not see how that is good decision-making.

Cipher7 wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Not only did the Republic not have any Gallente observers at their trial

Did they ask to have observers?

Given that Republic observers were present at the Federation trial, I would imagine offering to reciprocate would have been the diplomatically correct thing to do.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#96 - 2013-06-18 09:38:19 UTC
Vikarion wrote:
Niko medes wrote:
We are a culture that isn't of vengeance or revenge.

Millions of dead Caldari over the last three hundred years might take exception to that. Oh, and you don't even need a good reason - the Gallente started trying to starve the Caldari on Caldari Prime before Nouvelle Rouvenor even occurred.

The legacy of the dead can guide us only so far, Vikarion. I honour my ancestors as much as any Caldari, but we must remember that the present and future belong to the living and those yet to live.

We have Home again. Haajakin taalo - we have returned. Our promise is kept.

What our people need now is stability, time to collect ourselves, sort out our house and prepare for the future. We must ask ourselves - seriously and fearlessly - what role the Federation will play in that future. Because you can't ignore them, or hide from them, or keep them at bay completely. And, I think, nor should we want to.

They're a big economy, that means big profits. They've got some very good ideas we should give serious thought to adapting for our own ends, ideas that could be adapted for the benefit of the State with no Faustian contract involved. And the same is true in the other direction.

By the way, just because we are getting Heth out of the way, don't think that we love the Gallente now. You are still our enemies, and, personally, I think the Gallente are worse as friends.

That's a false dilemma. There are positions on the relationship spectrum besides "friends" and "enemies". I don't think I want the Federation to be our close and trusted friends - nations, in my view, should not have any close and trusted friends - but we don't have to be the bestest best pals for ever and ever with sunshine and bunnies and hugs and cake in order to benefit from one another, nor does the State automatically benefit from Federal misfortune.

There's a middle ground: formal business, a coolly professional relationship. We trade with them, they trade with us, both sides agree to stay out of each others' domestic affairs. We don't have to like them or adopt their culture, nor they us and ours, but mutual disagreement is not a barrier to co-operation.

The same goes for the Minmatar. I personally very much like the Matari, but I don't expect that the entire State should share my fondness. What I do expect is the recognition that there is in fact no good reason for our peoples to be at war, and that if anything we're a rather better match with the Tribes than we are with our traditional trading partners, the Amarr. The Republic at least don't view us as eventual subjects.

Nations need to hold each other at arm's length, have a clear position on "this is yours, this is ours, we won't interfere in yours, you don't interfere in ours." Nations aren't friends. Nations act in their own interest, unashamedly and without apology.

However, a nation's interests are served better in the long run by a reputation for honourable conduct and honest dealing than by a reputation for cynical exploitation and rip-offs.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Leopold Caine
Stillwater Corporation
#97 - 2013-06-18 09:49:01 UTC
Niko medes wrote:
The Republic Fleet that acted in a rage was unfortunate, but their passion is a part of who they are and they died trying to enact core ideals they also hold close.

Lovely. And then you get offended when I call all republicans warmongering bloodthirsty Shakor's sycophants.
What are we supposed to do, brush it aside and go 'Oh, it's alright. They are republicans, genocide is who they are.' ?
I'd suggest you quit your apologetic tone before you make more of a fool out of yourself.

Steffanie Saissore wrote:
Captain Starfleet...I am curious to see where this goes, so I must ask: let us say that declaring war on the Minmatar is the right course of action for what they did. What is the point of the war then?

I believe the point of the war would be protecting the citizens of the Federation from random outbursts of violence from the Shakorite regime.
It's quite simple, really.
  • Leopold Caine, Domination Malakim

Angels are never far...

Stillwater Corporation Recruitment Open - Angel Cartel Bloc

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#98 - 2013-06-18 10:04:16 UTC
Leopold Caine wrote:

Lovely. And then you get offended when I call all republicans warmongering bloodthirsty Shakor's sycophants.
What are we supposed to do, brush it aside and go 'Oh, it's alright. They are republicans, genocide is who they are.' ?
I'd suggest you quit your apologetic tone before you make more of a fool out of yourself.

As I said earlier, it's only a matter of time before it got bumped up to "The Colelie Genocide."

Even tho there's no stations in Colelie, not sure if it's inhabited.
Leopold Caine
Stillwater Corporation
#99 - 2013-06-18 10:42:14 UTC
Cipher7 wrote:

Even tho there's no stations in Colelie, not sure if it's inhabited.

Given your corporation name, one would expect your knowledge of geography is not that impaired. Colelie is home to the Wiyrkomi Survey station which is used for tourist purposes. It's also home to the endemic species of the Colelian Spider Spruce which grows on the barren planet of Colelie IX. Colelie X itself is a temperate planet, although I'm not sure about the exact number of inhabitants, on either the Survey station or Colelie X.
  • Leopold Caine, Domination Malakim

Angels are never far...

Stillwater Corporation Recruitment Open - Angel Cartel Bloc

Derin Phobos
Kinetic Technologies
#100 - 2013-06-18 10:47:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Derin Phobos
Cipher7 wrote:
Leopold Caine wrote:

Lovely. And then you get offended when I call all republicans warmongering bloodthirsty Shakor's sycophants.
What are we supposed to do, brush it aside and go 'Oh, it's alright. They are republicans, genocide is who they are.' ?
I'd suggest you quit your apologetic tone before you make more of a fool out of yourself.

As I said earlier, it's only a matter of time before it got bumped up to "The Colelie Genocide."

Even tho there's no stations in Colelie, not sure if it's inhabited.

Genocide is "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, Caste, religious, or national group." Some thousands of Federation crewmen consist of a part of a national group, do they not?

Rather than attempting to nitpick verbiage (and failing), it might better serve the Republic for you and other Republic-aligned capsuleers to attempt to repair relations with the Federation capsuleers.