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Federation expresses dismay at Republic handling of Broteau

Scope Works
#61 - 2013-06-17 16:25:09 UTC
Niko medes wrote:
The man killed a chieftain in a Minmatar cultural festival, and lest we forget he killed numerous others as well. Let the Minmatar have their justice. It boggles my mind sometimes why my own kind whine over things like this.

"Justice is the only thing that was served here. To extend this trial for the sake of allowing the accused to offer an ineffective defense would have made it a mockery."

Well said Shakor, the man had his chance.. no need to let the man live any longer for his atrocities.

This. All of my this. Who cares if he was killed? He didn't deserve any mercy.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#62 - 2013-06-17 16:44:21 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Niko medes wrote:
The man killed a chieftain in a Minmatar cultural festival, and lest we forget he killed numerous others as well. Let the Minmatar have their justice. It boggles my mind sometimes why my own kind whine over things like this.

"Justice is the only thing that was served here. To extend this trial for the sake of allowing the accused to offer an ineffective defense would have made it a mockery."

Well said Shakor, the man had his chance.. no need to let the man live any longer for his atrocities.

This. All of my this. Who cares if he was killed? He didn't deserve any mercy.

I do not have a problem with him being executed. Anyone with sense could see the decision to extradite was a death sentence in the short term. I will shed no tears over Broteau's death, nor would I shed them for any of his ilk. I have far more important things to do that over.

I do, however, find the second trial itself to have been entirely unnecessary. As has been stated multiple times before in this thread and others, anyone who expected another result from such a trial was naive and fooling themselves at best.

That is what the "show" was. Holding a trial when it did not need to be held. The Federation knew Broteau was dead the moment he was transferred to the Republic and taken across the border. The Republic knew this. Everyone else knew this.

So why waste money on a trial where everything is predetermined? Why allow him to breathe the air that he has no business breathing, even for the two days it took to go through the trial and then execute him?

If it would have been so insulting to the Republic to allow him to live long enough to provide an "ineffective defense", surely it is just as insulting to have made him, the victims and everyone else watch a trial that was scripted as a holovision series, rather than just getting it over and done with as quickly as possible?

If nothing else, at least this part of things is over and done with. It would be nice to move on and try and deal with the rest.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Steffanie Saissore
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#63 - 2013-06-17 16:44:52 UTC
What has been done, has been done and we can agree or disagree with the handling of the situation till we're a blue in the face.

What saddens me the most is, the more this conversation continues, the more attention is given to a terrorist and his action than to the unfortunate victims, survivors, and their families.

Both sides, Republic and Federation, have, by all estimates, done a poor job of handling the situation from the start. Instead of crying foul and pointing fingers, let us take a moment to learn from the mistakes made and move forward.

Remember the fallen.

We travel in the dark of the new moon,

A starry highway traced on the map of the sky

Scope Works
#64 - 2013-06-17 16:49:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Anslo
Honor those gone by learning lesson's from that which took them from us, and never allow them to repeat. Whether it be about security or simply reaching across the stars to actually talk with each other in partnership.

I'll wash my hands of this before it becomes a debate about who knows what and end with this;

May the Ten guide those who died in sorrow through their cultivated Facets, and may they be given a new lease on existence to rejoin us here in a happier life.

Let it be true.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Derin Phobos
Kinetic Technologies
#65 - 2013-06-17 17:28:36 UTC
iyammarrok wrote:

In recent years the Federation has been 'invaded' three times, None of these events have resulted in a counter-invasion. Not when the Amarr or Caldari attacked us with MUCH larger forces.
So why, in the name of sanity, would we attack the Republic for sending a much smaller fleet under FAR more emotionally charged circumstances?

While what you say is technically true, examining the specifics of those invasions yields some interesting data.

1. The Caldari invasion: The response came in the way of the Empyrean War. Whether or not a Gallente counter-invasion would have occurred if the four empires had not agreed to CONCORD's capsuleer proxy war is a matter for some debate, but once that war began, a conventional attack was out of the question. There is also the fact that the Gallente Navy was in a state of turmoil at the time, and in no position to launch such an offensive.

2. The "Amarr" invasion: Calling this an invasion by the Amarr Empire is laughably misleading. It was known before the first shots were ever fired that it was a private navy, one that was confiscated like a child's toy by the Amarrian Empress. Launching an invasion of Amarr space would have been seen as a massive overreaction, and likely gained the ire of CONCORD.

So, neither of these cases truly reflect recent times, where a power and revitalized Gallente Navy was invaded by a legitimate foreign state just far enough to have their sovereignty massively infringed, but not far enough to have suffered a serious blow.
Endeavour Starfleet
#66 - 2013-06-17 17:37:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Endeavour Starfleet
Niko medes wrote:
The man killed a chieftain in a Minmatar cultural festival, and lest we forget he killed numerous others as well. Let the Minmatar have their justice. It boggles my mind sometimes why my own kind whine over things like this.

"Justice is the only thing that was served here. To extend this trial for the sake of allowing the accused to offer an ineffective defense would have made it a mockery."

Well said Shakor, the man had his chance.. no need to let the man live any longer for his atrocities.

So to "Let them have their justice" We just have to forget about the fact that the Federation was INVADED and thousands of Federation Navy personnel killed. Have their justice to continue to insult Federation legal systems trying and sentencing a man who killed federation citizens.

So the rouge Republic gets to have its justice and screw everyone who died by their hand to get it and screw their allies is that correct?

No. There must be a response to this.
Endeavour Starfleet
#67 - 2013-06-17 17:41:19 UTC
Steffanie Saissore wrote:
What has been done, has been done and we can agree or disagree with the handling of the situation till we're a blue in the face.

What saddens me the most is, the more this conversation continues, the more attention is given to a terrorist and his action than to the unfortunate victims, survivors, and their families.

Both sides, Republic and Federation, have, by all estimates, done a poor job of handling the situation from the start. Instead of crying foul and pointing fingers, let us take a moment to learn from the mistakes made and move forward.

Remember the fallen.

The Federation did not invade their allies and kill their military. Please do not compare the response of the Federation which by all estimates have been amazingly patient to that of the savagery of the Republic that now considers their allies sovereignty optional.

This conversation will continue and hopefully the Federation will take action against our so called "Friends" because it must.
Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#68 - 2013-06-17 17:43:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Havohej
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
So to "Let them have their justice" We just have to forget about the fact that the Federation was INVADED and thousands of Federation Navy personnel killed. Have their justice to continue to insult Federation legal systems trying and sentencing a man who killed federation citizens.

So the rouge Republic gets to have its justice and screw everyone who died by their hand to get it and screw their allies is that correct?

No. There must be a response to this.

As far as I'm concerned, that was all part of the justice, not separate from it. A poisonous ally is no ally at all. Perhaps Shakor recognizes this, even if he lacks the political capital to survive cutting that tie just yet.

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

OOC Forums @ Backstage

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2013-06-17 17:48:14 UTC
Rioghal Morgan wrote:
Cipher7 wrote:
10 pages of whining about Coleile (again) in 3....2......1.....

Yes, how dare we be upset at being backstabbed. How dare we!

Mr Morgan,

Commentators on the Colelie incident generally come in two flavors. People who genuinely care about our two peoples and the state of Gallente-Minmatar relations, and "others" assorted haters, state paramilitaries, slavers etc.

To the former, I share your dismay and sadness. We should let diplomacy take its course.

To the latter, no amount of dialogue is going to make a difference.

My comment was for the second group.

Thank you
Endeavour Starfleet
#70 - 2013-06-17 17:50:48 UTC
Funny that you consider the Federation that has done so much to help the people of the Republic a "Poisonous ally" I doubt that any other group would have taken an invasion and killing of its military as some kind of misunderstanding that could be potentially solved by giving the invaders what they want later on.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2013-06-17 18:01:14 UTC
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
Ignore Cypher. He's an armchair chickenhawk who neither feels strongly enough about anything to fight for it in a militia nor operate from a corporation not covered under CONCORD special protections. It is only by hiding behind the Sebiestor Tribe corporation's unassailable position that he feels secure enough to issue his poorly reasoned screed-ettes. In effect he is a child running around saying "Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me!" while the adults talk.

Would you care to make a donation to the Colelie Victims Relief Fund?

All donations go to space operations in support of anyone affected by the Colelie incident.

Thank you
Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#72 - 2013-06-17 18:01:46 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Funny that you consider the Federation that has done so much to help the people of the Republic a "Poisonous ally" I doubt that any other group would have taken an invasion and killing of its military as some kind of misunderstanding that could be potentially solved by giving the invaders what they want later on.

Why wouldn't they? The Federation gains so much by keeping to Republic blue to them:

  • They benefit from injections of art and culture from our artistically and culturally superiors Tribes.
  • They have a more martially proficient ally at their beck and call.
  • They gain a major, friendly trade partner and a woefully open market for their trashy music and smutty daytime holodramas which invariably flop in the State and the Empire.
  • As long as the slaver is looking at us, he isn't looking at them - which is really the core of it.

So why wouldn't the Federation let that whole "you killed lots of people today" thing go? It's not as if they're any better than the Caldari in terms of the government caring about individual citizens' lives.

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

OOC Forums @ Backstage

Steffanie Saissore
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#73 - 2013-06-17 18:02:12 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Steffanie Saissore wrote:
What has been done, has been done and we can agree or disagree with the handling of the situation till we're a blue in the face.

What saddens me the most is, the more this conversation continues, the more attention is given to a terrorist and his action than to the unfortunate victims, survivors, and their families.

Both sides, Republic and Federation, have, by all estimates, done a poor job of handling the situation from the start. Instead of crying foul and pointing fingers, let us take a moment to learn from the mistakes made and move forward.

Remember the fallen.

The Federation did not invade their allies and kill their military. Please do not compare the response of the Federation which by all estimates have been amazingly patient to that of the savagery of the Republic that now considers their allies sovereignty optional.

This conversation will continue and hopefully the Federation will take action against our so called "Friends" because it must.

I did not condone the Republic's handling of the situation at all. However, the Federation cannot simply turn around and invade the Republic. The majority of our fleet is already on alert because of the events in Caldari. To turn around and create another situation simply to appease our apparently bruised ego is not worth the lives that will be sacrificed...and for what gain?

Nation-level politics cannot be played tit-for-tat. I do not agree with the lack of response on the Federation's part regarding the invasion, but that said, an invasion into Minmatar is a fool's errand.

The unfortunate thing here is, not one of us knows what goes on behind the closed doors of the diplomats. I do not like it, but I understand the need for backroom dealings.

Fact of the matter is, the Federation does in fact need the alliance with Minmatar. You are, of course, free to express your dislike and contempt for the whole situation..that is a right you have in the Federation. Now, carefully think about that and consider this: would you rather be in a collar and being preached to or working on the assembly line and wearing a grey uniform in some megacorp?

We travel in the dark of the new moon,

A starry highway traced on the map of the sky

Endeavour Starfleet
#74 - 2013-06-17 18:09:53 UTC
We can't have allies who consider our sov to be optional. War should be on the table even if it ends up being a limited counter-attack. If we outright say "Nope we love our allies and would never do anything to respond to them invading us and killing us" They will have zero reason to take anything else we do seriously and will feel free to kill more when it suits their fancy. Even tho they claim their fight is with the holders.

There are other, better ways to get a proper response from them. Yet if they don't respond to them war may be the only way to preserve Federation sov and to show that being an ally comes with responsibility.
Andrea Okazon
Laurentson INC
#75 - 2013-06-17 18:36:11 UTC
Havohej wrote:

Why wouldn't they? The Federation gains so much by keeping to Republic blue to them:

  • They benefit from injections of art and culture from our artistically and culturally superiors Tribes.
  • They have a more martially proficient ally at their beck and call.
  • They gain a major, friendly trade partner and a woefully open market for their trashy music and smutty daytime holodramas which invariably flop in the State and the Empire.
  • As long as the slaver is looking at us, he isn't looking at them - which is really the core of it.

Holy crap, it's Matar's answer to DK.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#76 - 2013-06-17 18:37:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipher7
Who's DK?

Nevermind, I get it.
Derin Phobos
Kinetic Technologies
#77 - 2013-06-17 18:46:28 UTC
Andrea Okazon wrote:
Havohej wrote:

Why wouldn't they? The Federation gains so much by keeping to Republic blue to them:

  • They benefit from injections of art and culture from our artistically and culturally superiors Tribes.
  • They have a more martially proficient ally at their beck and call.
  • They gain a major, friendly trade partner and a woefully open market for their trashy music and smutty daytime holodramas which invariably flop in the State and the Empire.
  • As long as the slaver is looking at us, he isn't looking at them - which is really the core of it.

Holy crap, it's Matar's answer to DK.

2 of 4. Collect the whole set.
Niko medes
Freeman Technologies
#78 - 2013-06-17 19:19:52 UTC
Morwen Lagann wrote:
Anslo wrote:
Niko medes wrote:
The man killed a chieftain in a Minmatar cultural festival, and lest we forget he killed numerous others as well. Let the Minmatar have their justice. It boggles my mind sometimes why my own kind whine over things like this.

"Justice is the only thing that was served here. To extend this trial for the sake of allowing the accused to offer an ineffective defense would have made it a mockery."

Well said Shakor, the man had his chance.. no need to let the man live any longer for his atrocities.

This. All of my this. Who cares if he was killed? He didn't deserve any mercy.

I do not have a problem with him being executed. Anyone with sense could see the decision to extradite was a death sentence in the short term. I will shed no tears over Broteau's death, nor would I shed them for any of his ilk. I have far more important things to do that over.

I do, however, find the second trial itself to have been entirely unnecessary. As has been stated multiple times before in this thread and others, anyone who expected another result from such a trial was naive and fooling themselves at best.

That is what the "show" was. Holding a trial when it did not need to be held. The Federation knew Broteau was dead the moment he was transferred to the Republic and taken across the border. The Republic knew this. Everyone else knew this.

So why waste money on a trial where everything is predetermined? Why allow him to breathe the air that he has no business breathing, even for the two days it took to go through the trial and then execute him?

If it would have been so insulting to the Republic to allow him to live long enough to provide an "ineffective defense", surely it is just as insulting to have made him, the victims and everyone else watch a trial that was scripted as a holovision series, rather than just getting it over and done with as quickly as possible?

If nothing else, at least this part of things is over and done with. It would be nice to move on and try and deal with the rest.

I personally see the very fact they had a trial at all is a kind gesture to our sensitive culture and legal system. Sure it probably was a waste of time and resources, I have a feeling the Minmatar tribes would agree with your statement. None the less, execution is a powerful tool, it is part of their culture. They used an aspect of our culture and mixed it with their own beliefs, I see that as a show of respect if anything.

The very fact the Gallente politicians were insulted by what occurred shows how unbelievably blind we are as a people. "Do it our way or no way at all" is a mentality that will destroy us and isn't Gallente in the slightest. Lets not turn the Minmatar into another race who vows to destroy our civilization.

My two cents again I suppose.

Endeavour Starfleet
#79 - 2013-06-17 19:24:25 UTC
We don't have to turn anyone. They already are killing our people.
Andrea Okazon
Laurentson INC
#80 - 2013-06-17 19:28:17 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
We don't have to turn anyone. They already are killing our people.

And we killed them right back. The incursion at Colelie was a stupid, awful decision, but let's be clear here. To all those who are saying "We must respond!" ... we did respond.

15 dreadnaughts jumped into Federation space. No dreadnaughts jumped out. That's a response.

Further responses should be at the level of diplomats, officers and politicians making sure this does not happen again. Do any of us have any clear data as to whether or not this is happening? Are we assuming that nothing is happening?