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contract thieves

New Eden Tank Testing Services
#21 - 2013-06-17 17:58:32 UTC
Tesal wrote:
Whenever you make a courier contract, always over collateralize your stuff. It costs you nothing and takes away all the risk. You can actually turn a profit when they fail your contract. Undercollateralizing is just plain silly.

Exactly. If you don't want the courier to fail the contract you are doing it wrong.

Let's say you're region trading using public courier contracts. You have a reasonable prospect of Item X selling at a 25% premium in Station Y. You buy your stock, collateral replacement + 25% and ship it. If the contract fails you just instantly made your entire maximum projected margin without the hassle of a sell order.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Bifrost Light Industries
#22 - 2013-06-18 22:56:34 UTC
UKBigWolf wrote:
With courier contracts, ALWAYS overvalue your items [..] or use Red Frog

Overvalue AND use Red Frog. RF doesn't promise any different behavior -- undervalued contracts may still get stolen. Their website explicitly states to properly collateralize your contract.


Q4: How much collateral should I put on the contract?

A: Put an amount equal to or greater than the value of the cargo in the contract. Do NOT put an amount that is less than the value of the items in the contract.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#23 - 2013-06-19 04:54:56 UTC
Zappity wrote:
Tesal wrote:
Whenever you make a courier contract, always over collateralize your stuff. It costs you nothing and takes away all the risk. You can actually turn a profit when they fail your contract. Undercollateralizing is just plain silly.

Exactly. If you don't want the courier to fail the contract you are doing it wrong.

Let's say you're region trading using public courier contracts. You have a reasonable prospect of Item X selling at a 25% premium in Station Y. You buy your stock, collateral replacement + 25% and ship it. If the contract fails you just instantly made your entire maximum projected margin without the hassle of a sell order.

This. This all the way.

I go by the following:

Case 1: I want the item that's being hauled at a particular place (e.g. it's a component in T2 production that I'm running low low low on): Collateralize at 150% of item replacement price.

Case 2: I'm moving the item to somewhere to sell it: Collateralize at 110-120% of projected sale price.

Case 3: I'm fishing for suckers: Collateralize at replacement price plus a billion ISK or more. Best used if the route is inherently dangerous but does not look to be (Odette to Dodixie in a freighter size load, Perimeter to Jita when Burn Jita is on, etc).

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Nyancat Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-06-19 12:43:11 UTC
Mattias Uta wrote:
well it's screwed me up big time, i was relying on all of that gear, and losing it has left me broke, unable to continue pvp.

Don't worry, man! You can always continue PvP! Hell, I've seen rookie ship fleets take down battlecruisers!

If you have absolutely nothing left, just do it the old way - start with L1 missions and work your way up to L4 again (or, for much, much, faster results, blitz L4's with a friend). You'll be ready in no time!
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