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What do we want from the Tech 3 rebalance?

First post
Claire Raynor
#61 - 2013-06-13 12:36:57 UTC
What do I want from the tech 3 rebalance? A subtle change, (if we really have to even have one), please.

My DPS/TANK T3 has double the tank of my Faction Battlecruiser - plus it gets lower sig, longer range guns, more speed, and a 35 KM web. Nice. The same DPS/TANK T3 - does slightly less DPS than my HAC - it has 50% more tank - the same velocity, sig, etc - but also the 35 KM Web.

So - yeah - I'd take the T3 over the new super expensive old-battlecruisers - and probably over a HAC - for DPS/Tank roles. Maybe it needs calmed down a bit. . . . maybe. . . But . . .

What I don't want is for the T3 to become configurable to be - a HAC but less good - Or a Recon but less good - Or a Command Ship but less good - Or a something else but less good. Because for the cost - you'd obviously just by the good versions.

I guess CCP will balance the "HAC" T3's down to be only as good as the racial HACs but try and find a different angle for them. They'll do the same with the "command ship" version, and the same with the "recon" configuration. We'll probably end up with the T3s being only slightly better/different from the existing racial T2 ships if configured to be them - or worse than them - with the "Extra" feature. I imagine that in the furture my T3 will be both worse than the HAC in terms of gank and tank, but might have a reduced but still longer web range.

And then I wouldn't bother with it.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2013-06-13 12:46:39 UTC
Can I have your T3 then ;)

They are supposed to be configurable to do many roles just not as good as the T2 versions.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#63 - 2013-06-13 20:56:44 UTC
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
Buff T2s, they're ridiculously weak at the moment. T3s are where they should be.

Flatly buffing T2s from their current level would completely undermine the T1 rebalances that took place over the last couple of expansions.
What does "flatly" buffing mean? Do you mean buff everything by equal amounts? Well who said anything about that?

"Buff T2's, they're ridiculously weak" sounds pretty much like an across-the-board 'buff everything' statement to me.

Clearly some HACs need less work than others, e.g. zealot probably only needs a speed buff, but the cerberus? That thing needs a lot of love.

Why does the zealot need a speed buff? It already out DPS's, outranges, and out tanks the T1 version. In case you hadn't been paying attention, the point of T2 come the rebalance is that it's more specialised than T1, not better at everything..

The zealot is fine as it is, and depending how tightly CCP applies the 'more specialised, not better' doctrine might even be due a slight nerfing.

Tiericide was meant to eliminate tiers, not make T2 obsolete. Interceptors are in dire need of rework. HACs needed work even before tiericide. If you object to this then I think you haven't undocked in a very long time.

HACs need work, yes. What they don't need is to consign the T1s back to the 'outright inferior, only fly this if you're too new or too poor for a T2' status they were a year ago.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#64 - 2013-06-13 21:03:37 UTC
Sigras wrote:
It is my contention that Eve doesnt allow for a ship that is "more generalized" than T1 and less powerful than T2

What does more generalized even mean? That it can fill multiple roles/lines? Thats useless if your ship has to dock to do it. Why not just have another ship in the station? especially if you have to carry around all of the subsystems/fittings to refit your ship anyway.

Scripts for everything! Versatility achieved.
Liandri Industrial
#65 - 2013-06-14 00:07:36 UTC
They should have roughly 10% more EHP than a Navy cruiser.
MisterAl tt1
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#66 - 2013-06-14 00:35:01 UTC
T3 is a ship of wormholes. CCP won't listen to what changes we want them to do, but I hope they will hear that T3s should not be nerfed to the oblivion, for only those ships are useful in wormholes on a large scale. Simple example: you find someone farming a site with capitals. You drop them. You've got an enemy capital fleet + sleepers burning names on your armors in random. What other fleet composition but T3s+logis can handle that OK? BS maybe, but you can't bring a BS-fleet for the mass factor. Other option is blob, not really wh's specialization.
Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#67 - 2013-06-14 01:08:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Iyacia Cyric'ai
Scatim Helicon wrote:
"Buff T2's, they're ridiculously weak" sounds pretty much like an across-the-board 'buff everything' statement to me.
No it means exactly what it says, they're weak and need to be buffed. There's no implication of "Buff everything by the exact same amount".

Scatim Helicon wrote:
Why does the zealot need a speed buff? It already out DPS's, outranges, and out tanks the T1 version. In case you hadn't been paying attention, the point of T2 come the rebalance is that it's more specialised than T1, not better at everything..

The zealot is fine as it is, and depending how tightly CCP applies the 'more specialised, not better' doctrine might even be due a slight nerfing.
Navy omen projects damage just the same with similar DPS. The only thing the Zealot has better is tank. Is the Zealot's specialisation tanking? Because I thought that was the for the Sacrilege. The Zealot's lack of drones already make it more vulnerable to frigate/dessies tackle and therefore it's less viable as a solo boat. Its role is already narrowed. Speed is relevant to controlling range and damage application. And if that's not what the Zealot is specialised for I don't know what is.

Scatim Helicon wrote:
HACs need work, yes. What they don't need is to consign the T1s back to the 'outright inferior, only fly this if you're too new or too poor for a T2' status they were a year ago.
T1 Cruisers were used before, but it was primarily the Rupture/Thorax/Caracal because they outclassed the other t1 cruisers tremendously. The Broadsword didn't stop people flying the Rupture, nor did the Deimos for the Thorax. And the Cerb was never that great so people just flew the Caracal (especially in FW as frig killers).

The primary aim was to make the T1s balanced with each other. No one flew the Omen because other t1 Cruisers were better, not even counting the T2s. T2 should be able to do roughly what the T1s can with the exception of being better at 1 particular thing, so that the only reason you have to fly the T2 is when you want to be able to do that 1 thing. The Zealot projects damage better than the Omen, for like what 3-5 seconds before the Omen's speed catches up? And the Noman projects damage the same as the Zealot with the added bonus of having drones for when light tackle get under its guns. So why fly the Zealot then? What is it excelling at?
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2013-06-14 01:39:53 UTC
The reality is, we will have to wait till all other ships are rebalanced to see where T3 can fit.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Goonswarm Federation
#69 - 2013-06-29 21:55:03 UTC
I would like to see the ability to switch subsystems
and modules in-space, on-the-fly, on-its-own. That
would be real versatility like no other ship class has
to offer. Then it would be okay if the performance
was brought down a bit to compensate.

Scan with your nullified scanner, change into dps+
specific tank to run the site you found, switch to
combat as someone appears on dscan/local.
That's basically the idea. It would also make for
great tactical combat.
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#70 - 2013-06-29 22:55:46 UTC
Hennrik wrote:
I would like to see the ability to switch subsystems
and modules in-space, on-the-fly, on-its-own. That
would be real versatility like no other ship class has
to offer. Then it would be okay if the performance
was brought down a bit to compensate.

Scan with your nullified scanner, change into dps+
specific tank to run the site you found, switch to
combat as someone appears on dscan/local.
That's basically the idea. It would also make for
great tactical combat.

No. If you think more in-depth, you will see why.
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#71 - 2013-06-30 04:22:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Commander Ted
I would like it so that there aren't only a small handful of viable fits despite being millions of subsystem combinations.

I would like it so a t3 isn't the ultimate ship at everything.

Like CCP says it should be a ship capable of multiple roles at once but not capable of doing any of them as well as a hac.

For example a jamming tengu should be capable of being covert ops or tank fit at the cost of having less jam strength or range than a falcon, and being able to attach links/logi/guns.
Sounds OP don't it.

I mean what is the point of a link fitted tech 3 if it is just going to be weaker than a command ship? It should be capable of doing multiple things at once. Would it be that OP if my fleet boosting ship was helping spider tank?

Also subsystems themselves really need to be rethought. The way I can currently mix and match doesn't leave very many options. Covert Ops subsystems should be a type of tank IMO. Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2013-06-30 06:18:26 UTC
Commander Ted wrote:
Like CCP says it should be a ship capable of multiple roles at once but not capable of doing any of them as well as a hac.

I never recall them saying they should be able to full multiple roles at the same time.

They are supposed to be able to fill multiple roles, but not as well as there T2 counterparts.
They can be a logistic ship, though that subsystem needs a lot of work before it can eve come close to reaching T1 levels.
They can be E-War ships, though the Tengu is the only one that has the ability to come close to the effectiveness its T2 counterpart.
They can be HAC, they all out class these but that is mostly because HAC need a lot of work.
They can be covert exploration ships, they do this quite well. There is no cruiser counterpart to this configuration.
They can be a Command Ship, this configuration is OP and needs to be redone like their plan. +2%/level to 3 link types.

Then they can also be mild mixes of many of these configurations as well, but will never perform up to the mimicked configuration of the T2 ship.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Morene Darkstar
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-06-30 06:57:26 UTC
I would love for the Logi aspect of T3's to be buffed. In my opinion they should rep more with worse range (they really need a range bonus) while the T2 Logi stay the same. It's a shame they almost never get used.
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#74 - 2013-06-30 13:15:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Commander Ted
Omnathious Deninard wrote:

I never recall them saying they should be able to full multiple roles at the same time.

They are supposed to be able to fill multiple roles, but not as well as there T2 counterparts.
They can be a logistic ship, though that subsystem needs a lot of work before it can eve come close to reaching T1 levels.
They can be E-War ships, though the Tengu is the only one that has the ability to come close to the effectiveness its T2 counterpart.
They can be HAC, they all out class these but that is mostly because HAC need a lot of work.
They can be covert exploration ships, they do this quite well. There is no cruiser counterpart to this configuration.
They can be a Command Ship, this configuration is OP and needs to be redone like their plan. +2%/level to 3 link types.

Then they can also be mild mixes of many of these configurations as well, but will never perform up to the mimicked configuration of the T2 ship.

CCP said tech 3 ships should be capable of generalization, being locked in to the role of a billion isk falcon is specialization.
Then what is the point of a tech 3 ship?
A billion isk for a hull that is better served by buying a falcon, basilisk, and hac all at the same time?

The reason it outclasses a hac right now is because T3s can get battleship dps and tank on a cruisers hull, or still remain an effective combat ship with covert ops capability.
HACS should NEVER come close to the current t3 capabilities. When HACS are rebalanced there abilties will probably all fall near where the best hacs are with maybe a few unique bonuses to MWD sig or something.
None of those subsystems should be as good as there specialized counterparts, thats the point! I should be able to do multiple things at once.

If link fitted T3s are simply weaker than command ships then what the hell is the point of a link fitted t3? If it is a covert ops fitted link ship then it has a purpose.

What is the point of a T3 if in combat it is weaker than a hac and able to do nothing else?
Well if it is capable of being an active tanked missile brawler then there is a point. Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2013-06-30 13:43:46 UTC
Commander Ted wrote:
CCP said tech 3 ships should be capable of generalization, being locked in to the role of a billion isk falcon is specialization.
Then what is the point of a tech 3 ship?

They are only a billion if you chose to faction fit them, a t2 fit costs about 500m.
The great thing about T3 is that they are not locked into any role, when was the last time you put RR on your falcon?
What about a full rack of missiles on your Basilisk?
How about trying to use your HAC as a cloaky E-war ship?

A single T3 can do all these roles without needing to buy a new hull.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#76 - 2013-06-30 13:45:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Commander Ted
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
Commander Ted wrote:
CCP said tech 3 ships should be capable of generalization, being locked in to the role of a billion isk falcon is specialization.
Then what is the point of a tech 3 ship?

They are only a billion if you chose to faction fit them, a t2 fit costs about 500m.
The great thing about T3 is that they are not locked into any role, when was the last time you put RR on your falcon?
What about a full rack of missiles on your Basilisk?
How about trying to use your HAC as a cloaky E-war ship?

A single T3 can do all these roles without needing to buy a new hull.

To bad that is as much isk as 3 t2 cruisers, and I need to buy new subsystems for every refit putting the price way higher up.

So tell me again why the **** I would want to fly one? Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2013-06-30 18:38:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Omnathious Deninard
Commander Ted wrote:
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
Commander Ted wrote:
CCP said tech 3 ships should be capable of generalization, being locked in to the role of a billion isk falcon is specialization.
Then what is the point of a tech 3 ship?

They are only a billion if you chose to faction fit them, a t2 fit costs about 500m.
The great thing about T3 is that they are not locked into any role, when was the last time you put RR on your falcon?
What about a full rack of missiles on your Basilisk?
How about trying to use your HAC as a cloaky E-war ship?

A single T3 can do all these roles without needing to buy a new hull.

To bad that is as much isk as 3 t2 cruisers, and I need to buy new subsystems for every refit putting the price way higher up.

So tell me again why the **** I would want to fly one?

It would seem you shouldn't, as you don't seem to see the usefulness of them. I will to continue to fly them unless the balance pass makes them horrible.
Edit: prices at Jita
Falcon 160mill
Cerberus 160mill
Eagle 120mill
Basilisk 100mill
Nighthawk 160mill
Buzzard 23mill
Total cost 723mill. 6 ships.

Tengu with all subsystem 862mill. 1 ship

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Scuzzy Logic
Space Spuds
#78 - 2013-06-30 20:10:48 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
I want the Legion to not suck compared to the other T3s.

This. Balance this **** out, it's like the Legion got the leftovers of what the other T3s ended up with, especially the Tengu.

Someone else mentioned that only a few of their platform have EWAR. This is also a problem.

Basically, I suggest that we take out a lot of the under used (that being, the useless) subsystems, and turn them into more specialized options.

But, the thing with T3s is, that they are an interesting dichotomy with regards to their performance.

If they aren't tip top in performance, no one will use them in comparison to T2 cruisers, because if T3s aren't awesome, then they are just T2s that you lose skillpoints for dying in. No one will fly them if that happens.

Conversely, you have to make sure that the T3s do not outright invalidate the T2s at any role the T2 is supposed to excel at.

To this end, I would suggest that T3s not be permitted to fire Interdiction effects of any kind. They should be able to duck them, with their superior technology, but they should not be able to use them. The entire point of Interdiction vessels is their ability to use these mods, let them keep that ability.

The sheer fact they CAN be interdiction nullified makes your point moot. They will be flown.
Besides, they're the only ship that get a scanning bonus with half a tank, making them the only option for WH-Hacking unless you're in a blob (CCP loves blobs, look at loot spew).
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#79 - 2013-07-01 02:44:52 UTC
It would be cool if Legions had enough powergrid to actually fit modules on them. Also it might be a good idea to give utility highslots to a ship that gets Ewar bonuses to highslot modules, just sayin.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#80 - 2013-07-01 09:49:59 UTC
You know what, they will probably end up just plain nerfing everything to the ground, cutting stats for 50% and be done with it. On a serious note now, tengu is mostly used and really OP compared to other T3's.