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EFT v2.35 - Citadel

#1 - 2011-10-21 20:46:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Gripen
EFT version 2.35 (Released: 15 May 2016)
Alternative mirror

Archive file md5 sum is: 7fc1babafe0ec4a7525bcecd1f976642
Archive file sha256 sum is: 825f7a8d1794d1409d9dd6a79e806a32ea3f67afe5e280042601bf772990eb05

If you are new to EFT or have a question check FAQ.txt included to EFT archive before asking here. This little document covers few questions which have been asked multiple times already.

Officially supported platforms: Windows XP, Windows 7. There is no plans for non-Windows versions.

Known issues:
  • Mining Laser Crystals do not list all their skill requirements due to ore reprocessing skills are not included in EFT database
  • Industrial Core I will display incorrect Heavy Water consumption quantity when fitted to Rorqual.

Possible technical issues and workarounds:
  • Issue: Tooltips for missing skills indicator or ship bonuses appear empty without any text.
  • Solution: Create a shortcut for EFT.exe and add /OldHints switch to the Target box. Launch EFT with this shortcut.
  • Issue: Item icons display incorrectly, usually with black background.
  • Solution: If you are using 16-bit screen color depth try switching to 32-bit. Also try "Force high-color icons" option in EFT Preferences.
  • Issue: Some text, most noticeable groupbox captions in Setups window appear bolded and truncated.
  • Solution: This is caused by incompatibility between EFT and your Windows theme. Try a different one or disable use of themes for EFT only (Open Properties dialog for EFT.exe, click "Compatibility" tab and check "Disable visual themes").
  • Issue: On the first start or after an update EFT gives errors on startup like "File not found" or "Read beyond end of file" or "Access violation".
  • Solution: If this happens after an update refer to FAQ.txt for recommended update procedure. If this happens on the first start make sure you've instructed software you are using to extract archive to keep directory structure when extracting files.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#2 - 2011-10-21 20:48:04 UTC
Welcome back.
Wylee Coyote
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-10-21 21:06:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Wylee Coyote
Thank you Gripen!
Andrea Griffin
#4 - 2011-10-21 22:15:52 UTC
Thank you very much for your continued support of this essential Eve Tool. You are a god among men.
Xeno Tech Corp
#5 - 2011-10-21 23:10:30 UTC
Thank you Sir!

Pain is short, and joy is eternal.

Aaron Barton
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-10-21 23:35:55 UTC
Many thanks, Gripen.
FalconX Blast
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-10-24 04:25:51 UTC
I would like a feature that lets me import a "character" via a txt skill plan from EVEMon in addition to the current API import.

This way as I help new players plan to get into a specific fit, I can import the fit, import a skill plan for a new player, and see what other fitting skills they might need to add to their plan. I do this today by manually creating a character to see if I thought of everything.

Or it would be even better if EFT could export a recommended skill plan for a new player that takes into consideration fitting skills (CPU/Powergrid/Upgrade skills etc) for a particular fit that they could then import into EVEmon.

Ice Fire Warriors
#8 - 2011-10-24 05:16:22 UTC
Does this latest version accept the new API codes?
Wylee Coyote
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2011-10-24 05:44:53 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Does this latest version accept the new API codes?

#10 - 2011-10-24 05:58:03 UTC
FalconX Blast wrote:
I would like a feature that lets me import a "character" via a txt skill plan from EVEMon in addition to the current API import.

This way as I help new players plan to get into a specific fit, I can import the fit, import a skill plan for a new player, and see what other fitting skills they might need to add to their plan. I do this today by manually creating a character to see if I thought of everything.

Or it would be even better if EFT could export a recommended skill plan for a new player that takes into consideration fitting skills (CPU/Powergrid/Upgrade skills etc) for a particular fit that they could then import into EVEmon.

When you have a ship fitting open in EFT, with an underskilled charachter, EFT will have a red bar indicating missing skills next to the charachter selection in the fitting window. Hover over this and missing skills will be listed.
Ice Fire Warriors
#11 - 2011-10-24 06:52:42 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Wylee Coyote wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
Does this latest version accept the new API codes?


I appear to have done something wrong then. Downloaded it and it seems to not care for the new APIs. What?

edit: I get an error saying: wininet error #127 : (Unknown WININET error # 127)
Caldari State
#12 - 2011-10-24 12:19:53 UTC
ITT: Gripen, developer of one of the most honored third party Eve utilities, gets only 35 forum "likes."

Also, thanks for the new version!
#13 - 2011-10-24 15:37:57 UTC
No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#14 - 2011-10-24 15:41:49 UTC
Keep up the good work.
#15 - 2011-10-24 16:50:04 UTC
Thanks again!

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Frank Millar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2011-10-24 16:51:08 UTC
Thanks for the update. Cool
Tanya Powers
#17 - 2011-10-24 17:43:34 UTC
Thx for the good job.
Desmont McCallock
#18 - 2011-10-24 19:53:11 UTC
FalconX Blast wrote:
I would like a feature that lets me import a "character" via a txt skill plan from EVEMon in addition to the current API import.

This way as I help new players plan to get into a specific fit, I can import the fit, import a skill plan for a new player, and see what other fitting skills they might need to add to their plan. I do this today by manually creating a character to see if I thought of everything.

Or it would be even better if EFT could export a recommended skill plan for a new player that takes into consideration fitting skills (CPU/Powergrid/Upgrade skills etc) for a particular fit that they could then import into EVEmon.

EVEMon has the ability to export any character in EFT format.
Also from within the Skill Planner you get the ability to export a character in EFT format as it would be after completing that plan.

Thanks for a great app.
Bedlam Escapees
Apocalypse Now.
#19 - 2011-10-24 22:51:30 UTC
I heared rumors about EFT not lasting alot longer due to the new Api's. Can this be confirmed or deny this ?
Aprudena Gist
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#20 - 2011-10-25 11:15:42 UTC
Rhapsodae wrote:
I heared rumors about EFT not lasting alot longer due to the new Api's. Can this be confirmed or deny this ?

This is the first version that works with the new apis and it looks like it has some troubles sometimes but it does work eventually.
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