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EVE General Discussion

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Fight Club Outfit
#61 - 2013-05-31 14:44:17 UTC
Haulie Berry wrote:
floating in space wrote:
There's nothing wrong with complaining about an expansion you don't like.

I honestly hope some of you are being paid to defend CCP and aren't just volunteering.

It's perfectly fine to dislike an expansion. Different strokes, and all that.

The problem with the OP isn't that they dislike the expansion, but rather that their stated reason for disliking it - that the only thing it does is adjust the scanning system - is completely, utterly bullshit, and so obviously factually incorrect that the OP is, frankly, lying. That's the only word for it.

There's also:

-A rebalance of a ton of mats - High end ores, Ice, and moon minerals.
-POS management improvements
-A metric asston of ship rebalancing
-Navy battlecruisers!
-An assortment of module rebalances
-Capital rigs
-Skill changes/tiericide
-Bunch of visual changes
-Pretty sure I saw something about some performance enhancements, as well.

And this isn't even kindasorta an exhaustive list.

The OP is dead on the nail.

He/she is not saying that the changes being made in this patch are relatively minor and what people really want (yes the vast majority of interested potential players or ex-players = far far more than the current tiny 50k player base) is to see some meaningful expansion to the game, something new like going missioning outside your pod.

S/he refers to to the unity engine prototype that CCP themselves made to showcase an idea they had about exploration on sites where you would get out your ship and actually explore a deserted station. According to these people who go on and on about Jita (they miss understood what Jita was about BTW) no one wants to see amazing things like this in well I ******* do and so do the ******* developers - from day 1 that has always been the idea. How walking on a station is like playing WOW is beyond me. Space Barbie? **** off and engage you brain before giving glib retorts like that out.

Jita was about the frustration players felt at ONLY having the CC added. They wanted so much more. This got hijacked by ******* saying no WiS development should ever take place again. No that is not what we were complaining about! It was the lack of and slow development of WiS as well as major changes still needed in the spaceship game.

I agree that CCP need to grow a pair and sock it to these puritanical Eve boys that want to see the game stagnate into history.

They game is crying out for some real expansions and not these patches to keep the wankers that
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2013-05-31 14:53:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Kidd
Blake Gates Heleneto wrote:

Tell me again how much you are paying for these expansions...

And have you even read the dev blogs pertaining to Odyssey? Or did you see "exploration" and "scanning" and get stuck on that? FYI, there's a whole lot more to it.

Also, if the only thing you seem to care about is walking around with your avatar instead of flying spaceships (which by the way is what this game is all about), then go play WoW. You can walk around Dumbassland all you want to.

Have a terrible day. *rolls eyes*

The level of critical thinking on this forum has taken a noticeable drop.

While the work CCP is putting into refining and fixing game features is much appreciated, it is not exactly an expansion, is it? Lets say that expand or grow. Odyssey, imo, is not an expansion. They're changing ship stats and skill requirements. I've seen this game before. It's a shell game. You just have to guess where they put the pea. I would no more call a shell game an expansion than I would Odyssey. What you put off as an expansion, I see days of reworking already refined fits and then hours re-fitting those ships. No exactly what I consider fun.

There's actually no new content that I'm aware of. I could be wrong. I generally only give CCP's expansions a brief glance since most are not really expansions. The only thing I'm aware of that could be considered an expansion is the click fest that exploration is about to become with the new mini-game.

As for paying for the game, at $15/month that's $180/yr. I've been playing since '09. That's $1,620 so far. With 3 toons, that's $4,860. It's a rather expensive game, comparatively. Frankly, CCP only gives us an expansion about every 3 years. The rest is to make up for shoddy execution.

Don't ban me, bro!

CCP Falcon
#63 - 2013-05-31 14:57:25 UTC

I've been pulling together the patch notes from all our teams and getting them formatted ready for release.

Given the sheer number of bullet points, its safe to say there's a bit more than "tweaking the scanning system and changing the way it works slightly."


CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2013-05-31 15:08:29 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:

I've been pulling together the patch notes from all our teams and getting them formatted ready for release.

Given the sheer number of bullet points, its safe to say there's a bit more than "tweaking the scanning system and changing the way it works slightly."


Falcon strikes again!!

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Ice Fire Warriors
#65 - 2013-05-31 15:20:17 UTC
Eve Online - Where people will complain before its out,while its being deployed, after its out, on the forums, on twitter, all over the internet. New content? RIOT. Tweaking old ideas into better ones? COMPLAIN.

I love you eve online community.
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#66 - 2013-05-31 15:24:15 UTC
The fail is strong in these GD forums of late.
Fight Club Outfit
#67 - 2013-05-31 16:40:45 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:

I've been pulling together the patch notes from all our teams and getting them formatted ready for release.

Given the sheer number of bullet points, its safe to say there's a bit more than "tweaking the scanning system and changing the way it works slightly."


It does not matter how many bullet points there are in the list as they are all just tweaks still and not an expansion. They equate to a patch but not an expansion.

CCP Falcon it is a shame you did not comment on the OPs valid argument that development in this game is very very very slow and perhaps it is about time to stop listening to the Jita Trolls and release some real game expansions like space STATION exploration.

Everyone seems to just put up with the terminally slow pace of progress and some people actively promote it. If it continues like this then the next space MMO that has any depth to it ... Star (cough) Citizen (cough) .... will frankly wipe this game and its 50,000 players off the gaming map.

Time for some real expansions. Time to realise the original goal of Eve. Time to open that freeking station door!!!
Lord Ryan
True Xero
#68 - 2013-05-31 16:51:02 UTC
Sounds like a great expansion. The less they change, the less they break.

Do not assume anything above this line was typed by me. Nerf the Truth, it's inconvenient.

Lord Ryan
True Xero
#69 - 2013-05-31 16:53:06 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:

I've been pulling together the patch notes from all our teams and getting them formatted ready for release.

Given the sheer number of bullet points, its safe to say there's a bit more than "tweaking the scanning system and changing the way it works slightly."


Exactly! You made the lame square thing a circle. You just can't please some people!

Do not assume anything above this line was typed by me. Nerf the Truth, it's inconvenient.

Blake Gates Heleneto
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#70 - 2013-05-31 16:56:10 UTC
Some of you speak so lowly of this game, it's developers and every single step CCP makes. I wonder why the hell you guys even still play and/or continue to pay for a subscription. And you wonder about my goddamn "critical thinking"?! That makes me laugh uncontrollably.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#71 - 2013-05-31 16:57:52 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
Ship rebalancing on its own qualifies as a fairly significant portion of the expansion, because in a game like EVE where meta is everything just a few changed ship stats can drastically change the PVP dynamic.

Take the Crucible expansion, for example, with the tier 3 BCs. Talk about a game changer...

Not to mention there are other very significant balance changes on the way.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Brujo Loco
Brujeria Teologica
#72 - 2013-05-31 16:59:48 UTC
Kult Altol wrote:
Been playing eve for 2 years, slightly underwhelmed by each expansion. But I come to expect this feeling. So meh.

Content here is people to be honest, so I am with you on the meh. Game by itself blows big chunks of rotten pepperoni pizza not even a hobo would eat.

But ahh, the people, I love how most things in the forums, twitter, ingame and out of it end up being like this , now THAT´s entertainment. Big smile

Inner Sayings of BrujoLoco:

Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-05-31 17:10:42 UTC
Brujo Loco wrote:
But ahh, the people, I love how most things in the forums, twitter, ingame and out of it end up being like this , now THAT´s entertainment. Big smile

the most amazing thing of it all is how it fits the way drama goes in this game like a glove.Lol


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Melissa Turner
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2013-05-31 17:23:21 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:

I've been pulling together the patch notes from all our teams and getting them formatted ready for release.

Given the sheer number of bullet points, its safe to say there's a bit more than "tweaking the scanning system and changing the way it works slightly."


Post it or it never happened. Mr. Dev man... its friday and NOW THE COUNTDOWN TO THE 4TH BEGINS!.. that's next tuesday by the way.. so Bullet Point all you want but RELEASE THE OFFICIAL PATCH NOTES NOW!!

not yelling at you CCP Falcon. just am excited to see what you've guys have worked on... and plan on jumping gates back and forth just to see the new animation for weeks to come... Bring home the Bacon CCP!! Bring its HOME!
Leper ofBacon
#75 - 2013-05-31 17:41:17 UTC
Saorlan wrote:

He/she is not saying that the changes being made in this patch are relatively minor and what people really want (yes the vast majority of interested potential players or ex-players = far far more than the current tiny 50k player base) is to see some meaningful expansion to the game, something new like going missioning outside your pod.

S/he refers to to the unity engine prototype that CCP themselves made to showcase an idea they had about exploration on sites where you would get out your ship and actually explore a deserted station. According to these people who go on and on about Jita (they miss understood what Jita was about BTW) no one wants to see amazing things like this in well I ******* do and so do the ******* developers - from day 1 that has always been the idea. How walking on a station is like playing WOW is beyond me. Space Barbie? **** off and engage you brain before giving glib retorts like that out.

CCP pandered far too much to the most obscure demands by even entertaining WiS as a serious idea in the first place. It's terrible because producing the type of game you describe is very unlikely to be done well using a portion of resources of a company which has no proven pedigree to make such a game. There are mounds of terrible games that attempt this type of gameplay as the absolute focus and still cannot pull it off.

To want the game to be something it so fundamentally is not is complete fantasy on the part of you and CCP. Crap, useless content is so much worse than no content.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#76 - 2013-05-31 17:43:57 UTC
Leper ofBacon wrote:

To want the game to be something it so fundamentally is not is complete fantasy on the part of you and CCP. Crap, useless content is so much worse than no content.

Thats right! because adding ANY new content could only make people leave the game!

You stupid xxxxxx.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Koj 'Jok
Caldari State
#77 - 2013-05-31 17:53:01 UTC
I'm just here to argue that we are indeed paying for these expansions. CCP advertizes two expansions per year. This means they are selling us the game not just on what it is now, but what it will become. Since part of what they are selling is this growth, part of our subscription fee can be assumed to be going to this growth. It is nice, though, that we don't have to pay on top of what we already pay.

That being said, I think this is going to be a good (maybe great) expansion as it should drive a ton of player content. It's effects will last a lot longer than the 6 months to the next expansion. I am looking forward to the turmoil that's less than a week away.
Doctor Caprician
The Denisovan Initiative
#78 - 2013-05-31 18:14:57 UTC
As others have stated before me, expansions aren't always about the biggest and best new shiny being added to the already extant content.

Sometimes they're about making the shiny that is already here even more shiny. This means tweaking/balancing various things, iterating on other things to improve their performance/appeal, etc.

I seem to recall a few years ago shortly after I started playing people complained that CCP would just keep dumping new stuff on top of what was already here all the while neglecting to iterate on the old to improve/fix it. I, for one, am glad to see a change in that behavior (However slow it may have been).

Let us not forget though, that while I think it's a fair statement that a large portion of this upcoming expansion is polish and iteration, there are quite a few new items and features. Not the least of which is a complete rewrite of several modes of play (Exporatin (For better or worse) / Hacking / Archaeology / etc.).

Oh, and Navy Battlecruisers. Aw yiss!
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2013-05-31 18:15:20 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:

I've been pulling together the patch notes from all our teams and getting them formatted ready for release.

Given the sheer number of bullet points, its safe to say there's a bit more than "tweaking the scanning system and changing the way it works slightly."


Still, Odyssey sounds like it's going to be more of an update rather than an expansion.
Jame Jarl Retief
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#80 - 2013-05-31 19:05:23 UTC
Blake Gates Heleneto wrote:
Some of you speak so lowly of this game, it's developers and every single step CCP makes. I wonder why the hell you guys even still play and/or continue to pay for a subscription. And you wonder about my goddamn "critical thinking"?! That makes me laugh uncontrollably.

I can only speak for myself, but the only reason I'm still "subscribed" is because I'm just burning down the old PLEXes I had stockpiled. I log in every 17 days or so to queue a new skill, and check the forum periodically to p*** in peoples' cereal when the topic really needs a reality check.

Back to the original topic of the thread, I too am pretty "meh" towards Odyssey. I fully understand that not all expansions can be about me, the last two or three expansions were very FW-heavy, which is what I was doing at the time. Though I do feel that focusing an expansion on pretty much a single feature is a HUGE mistake, because there's more than an even chance that most people won't give a toss about this feature. The last few expansions containing all that FW stuff? Meaningless to everyone who doesn't care about FW, and that is a VAST majority of EVE. Now, Odyssey is coming with exploration. Which really doesn't interest me or anyone I know. And I dare say, most people in EVE aren't doing exploration. An argument can be made that this is because exploration sucked, but it still sucks (I especially don't care for the "boom, catch the containers" mechanic they dreamed up).

Now, go and look at patch notes from other MMOs. Usually, you will find a little of everything in every patch. There's never a "PvE patch" or a "PvP patch". Some patches are sometimes heavy on any one thing, but for the most part it's fairly well balanced between most common facets of the game. That way, most players remain interested.

Then there's the "fix the obviously broken stuff" changes that II see a lot of support for, like tiericide and ship rebalance. And I agree, it's very much needed. But you gotta ask why? Why does a game 10 years old require a MASSIVE rebalance like that? Maybe because balance was laughably bad before? Meaning someone didn't do a very good job? And instead of asking why that is, we're clapping in support of an overhaul in a 10 year old game that should have happened 8-9 years ago? And this is a "feature" of an expansion? Please.

And that's another thing, a lot of bullet point stuff that makes it into EVE patch notes doesn't even make it into patch notes of other MMOs. Because some of the changes are so minor they're not worth even mentioning. I remember quite a few times in other MMOs being pleasantly surprised finding changes to the game world after a patch, and quite often it was relatively major but wasn't mentioned in the patch notes because even so it was a fairly minor change in the grand scheme of things.

And notice how I've been saying "patch" instead of "expansion"? Yeah, because that's what they are. An expansion is something major that greatly changes the game. Look at WoW expansions - the first added flying and a whole new continent, effectively increasing game world by 30% (and that's 30% of actual content, not empty space where you're supposed to create your own content), arenas, heroic difficulty for dungeons, etc., etc. Now THAT is an expansion. The closest thing I saw in EVE that merited the word expansion was Trinity. Remember Trinity? New ship types and total overhaul of all graphics in the game? Now THAT was an expansion.

Bottom line "err...that's it?" is a pretty fair reaction to what EVE patches have been lately. Not surprising, considering they had to downsize the staff and then split their resources on the "fabulous" Dust that nobody outside of EVE fans didn't even noticed and WoD which is still borderline vaporware with no gameplay footage shown after yet. So it's not at all surprising EVE patches are not at all impressive.