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Are hybrids inherently broken and impossible to fix?

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-10-20 08:32:03 UTC  |  Edited by: DarkAegix
It is possible that a satisfactory hybrid rebalance will remain unattainable for CCP. I'll be using blasters as an example, since they're the main point of my concern.

TL;DR - Blaster boats are too slow, and will always remain that way.

Let's go over the flaws of blasters:
-Barely any extra DPS compared to other weapon systems (Can be fixed, of course)
-Terrible range (This is by design, and thus must be kept short)
-Awful tracking for their operational range (Can be fixed)
-Absurd fitting requirements (Simply reduce blaster powergrid requirements, or buff the powergrid of blaster boats)
-Armour tanks and Gallente are slow, and enemies may simply kite them to death

Note the last point. I don't think CCP are willing to change it. I will list several options below, as well as an explanation as to why neither of them are optimal:
-Buff the range of blasters? No. Blasters are designed as close-range weapons, and not even pro-hybrid buff supporters want AC/pulse laser territory trodden on.
-Reduce the penalty of armour tanks? Dangerous! This will affect half, perhaps more, of the ships in EVE! In my opinion, the shield/armour comparative sacrifices are well balanced, and this option will skew it.
-Make Gallente faster! Seems obvious, right? Apparently this cannot happen.... CCP want Minmatar to be the fastest race, because they would like to keep the "racial stereotypes" of EVE intact. IIRC, this was said in the May CSM minutes.

There are several reasons why that last point is particularly insurmountable. If CCP were to make Gallente ever so slightly slower than Minmatar, then the armour tanks will slow down Gallente and the nanos will speed up Minmatar. There will be a large speed difference, and blaster boats will be kited, perhaps even by Cadari ships as well.

In order for Gallente to be able to get into range of all the other shield nano ships, blaster boats will need to be much faster than Minmatar so that once the armour/shield modifications come in, the gap is not as large.

Gallente could shield tank, but then where would the webs go? Furthermore, we'd basically have 2.75 shield tanking races, and then Amarr and a tiny portion of Minmatar Ugh
Gallente could receive specific bonuses to reduce the speed penalty of armour, but there are more problems.
If blaster boats all receive a a free bonus, then other ships will be missing out.
If blaster boats have one of their bonuses replaced with an armour penalty reduction bonus, then there is effectively a useless bonus there for the sole purpose of covering the flaws of a ship which shouldn't be there in the first place. Minmatar will get their double damage bonuses, Caldari will get their damage-shield resist bonuses and Amarr will get damage-armour resist bonuses. All of which are useful.

Hybrids and Gallente are incompatible by design.
#2 - 2011-10-20 08:39:06 UTC
I agree blasters design is contradicting it self on every occasion.

Short range (shorter the range you need better tracking ) - limited tracking
Short range - armor tanked by design( i always fly shield blaster ships :D )
Blaster eat a lot of capacitor - bonus for armor tanking for ships

Sunshine and Lollipops
#3 - 2011-10-20 09:01:30 UTC
Not as such no.

Blasters just need to be on a different platform — something fast and agile that lets that short range come into play — and they need to have the tracking to support that short range.

Rails are more problematic. They have a niche, but that niche is irrelevant in today's fleet doctrine. Perhaps they should simply be turned into the “blasters” of the long-range weapon systems: shorter range than the others, but more damage (or at least more DPS).

And yes, there are also issues of fitting space and cap draw and the like, which are especially tricky to get right since two races use these weapons, and they have quite different fitting space layouts (Gallente has more grid to fit armour tanks; Caldari has more CPU to fit shields; hybrids use up a lot of both, but giving both races more of both would make them a bit too versatile).
Deviana Sevidon
Jades Falcon Guards
#4 - 2011-10-20 09:22:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Deviana Sevidon
It might help if they give all hybrid turret ship something like a build in hidden bonus, that lower the effect of the mass increase of plates, but that would also be only a bandaid solution.

I think they basis idea of gallente and hybrid ships was, that ships that usually have the flexibility of a large dronebay are given turrets that work only really well at extreme ranges, either extremely close or at a extreme distance. With a lot of gameplay changes: increase of ship HP, increase of plate bonus HP, nerf of sensor dampeners and tracking computers, the flaws of the design became quite obvious. if 10,058 Goon voices cried out and were suddenly silenced.

Goodwill George
For a fistful of Veldspar
#5 - 2011-10-20 09:34:56 UTC
While it's true, that tracking, PG, and other minor adjustments could be done to improve hybrids themselves, it's the ships that are the main issue.

Why wouldn't it be possible to start tweaking the Gallente blaster ships and the Caldari gunships? Why wouldn't it be possible to tweak the T2 ammo?

That being said, the best way to fix the Ferox would be to give it a bonus to medium autocannon falloff.Pirate
Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#6 - 2011-10-20 10:51:35 UTC
Tweak Grid on gallente boats, and give them a MWD speed boost. Make them SUPER fast in a straight line, but with the agility of a hyperspeed brick. That leaves Minmitar as fast and agile, the rally cars of eve, and gallente the top fuel dragsters...

bump up the damage of blasters to make them be the face meltingly awesome weapons they should be.. Short range, super deeps.

And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.

Orion Guardian
#7 - 2011-10-20 11:00:35 UTC
Rails: I think Rails should have a DPS role like Lasers do, but because of the Pulse Laser Range (up to 80km with T2 ammo on BSes) even using Short Range T2 Ammo in a Railgun is inferior.

At the same time Railguns are Long-Range guns but the really long range is not needed in todays fleets (Especially Rokh Ranges at 350km+ which are not useful at the hardcoded 249km lock range max).

In my opinion the aim should be: For everything above Pulse Laser Range Railguns should have the most DPS.

Blasters: Need more tracking to support their short Range. Other than that: They are not really suited for Work on BSes due to the Speed. that is a Problem, and one that cannot be solved easily. Speeding up Gallente would be weird. Shield Tanking them as well. So I am out of ideas there
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#8 - 2011-10-20 11:31:37 UTC  |  Edited by: GeeShizzle MacCloud
the way i see it is that gallente and blasters have a major issue of not getting their optimal because of their ships design.

the OP's thoughts seem to confirm this in my head anyways. A lot of people seem to bundle speed with agility without really grasping exactly what the difference is.

for example the misheald belief that minmatar should be the fastest race. In my mind Minmatar should be the most agile race.

if you want a RL comparison think of gallente ships to be drag racers and minmatars to be F1 racecars. you initially think of F1's to be the fastest but theyre actually not, theyre just muuuuch faster round corners etc...

Same way Minmatar can keep their traversal up and kite. Gallente shouldnt be able to.

Gallente should have biiiiiig straight line speed! but baaad base align speed. which would only worsen with an armor tank.

Further proof of this is in the fact Gallente ships are often bonused with web bonuses. but i honnestly believe that those web bonuses sould be on more ships and have slightly higher range bonuses than they do now.

so along with the hybrid buff there should be a fix for some gallente ships to make them more effective in gang and fleet pvp.

an example of this should be:

Fix Brutix's base velocity to 190m/s and its inertia modifyer to 0.40

" Gallentes Brutix should have its current bonuses removed, and have a 5% armor resists per level and 7.5 to 10% bonus to stasis web range per level "

this would put it more in the frame of having some buffer tank and have some combat effectiveness
Keep It Simple Software Group
#9 - 2011-10-20 11:53:13 UTC
To 'really' fix blasters CCP will probably have to bite the bullet on one of these points: either overhaul the blaster boats to be faster or more agile; or increase range of blasters. No amount of tweaking the tracking and wacky ideas about alpha are going to solve the simple issue that blasters (hybrids) are themselves not the whole issue.

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Angel Lust
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2011-10-20 12:02:57 UTC
Its somethig strange with tracking on blasters an rails allso...
On blasters you have to be inside sweetspot to do damage...
Inside 5k with large blasters you dont hit anything..... outside 25k... no.
Rails variate dps badly from shot to shot... eaven on targets standing still.
So... something is wrong.
Im talking about large gunns here.....
Kikia Truzhari
Teraa Matar
#11 - 2011-10-20 12:20:29 UTC
You're looking at this the wrong way. Blasters aren't supposed to always be good anymore then autocannons or lasers are.

Minmatar are supposed to be able to kite the other races, its what they do.
Amarrians are supposed to be able to outrange the minmatar to cut through their kiting.

Its rock paper scissors, don't look at making blasters good against everything, that'd just make them OP, look at making their ships useful and able to take on about 2/3 to 5/6 of the ships in eve if you're flying them well. There are all sorts of ways to go about this, here's just a few examples of how you could shuffle the bonuses around on Gallentean ships to make them ideal blasterboats:

*Give a huge bonus to MWD speed but spike its cap usage enough that if it can't run it for more then a cycle or two, allowing the skilled Gallentean pilot to suddenly go from being helpless and trapped under your guns to charging you down throwing on webs and scrams. They wouldn't be able to kite with it, cause they'd cap out too quick and wouldn't be able to do sort of important things like fire their guns but it'd give enough of a burst of speed to run down someone whose trying to keep at range.

*Give bonuses to plates on Gallentean ships so they don't hurt their speed as much, allowing them to go fairly quickly while plated.

*Give bonuses to webs, enough to put webs back where they were before the web nerf on certain Gallentean ships.

That said, blasters do still need a huge tracking increase as well as a bit of a DPS increase, to the point where if pretty much any ship of equal class or smaller manages to get trapped inside a blasterboat's optimal, it just melts.

Honestly, blasters shouldn't be that hard to fix once CCP sits down and starts working on them. I'm much less sure how you'd go about fixing railguns. You can't give them the most range, because in fleet fights and sniper situations you sit at the range of your least high range weapons. You can't give them huge dps or volley cause that starts to encroach on arties or beams. Blasters have a role and a place where they fit. Railguns seem to have much less of a definable role.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#12 - 2011-10-20 12:36:44 UTC
Kikia Truzhari wrote:
You're looking at this the wrong way. Blasters aren't supposed to always be good anymore then autocannons or lasers are.

Minmatar are supposed to be able to kite the other races, its what they do.
Amarrians are supposed to be able to outrange the minmatar to cut through their kiting.

Its rock paper scissors
The problem is that that's not rock paper scissors — that's stone-scissors and anti-celluloid-rock. There is no room left for paper in the equation, and it doesn't serve any purpose…
Wot I Think
#13 - 2011-10-20 12:49:11 UTC
Set the optimal for blasters to

Small: 5k
Medium 10k
large 20k

and you win EVE.

Sam Bowein
Sense Amid Madness
#14 - 2011-10-20 13:10:30 UTC
You're right, blasters and gallente ships are basically incompatible.

But I believe they can still be fixed. For example, you could give give blaster boats a lot of hull hit points, thus removing the need to add an armour tank (as a simple DCII could give you enough buffer).

Then, you can put hybrid or astronautic rigs that will balance the ship inherent weaknesses (range and speed) :D
XS Tech
#15 - 2011-10-20 13:19:14 UTC
Tallianna Avenkarde wrote:
Tweak Grid on gallente boats, and give them a MWD speed boost. Make them SUPER fast in a straight line,

...They've gone plaid!

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

GeeShizzle MacCloud
#16 - 2011-10-20 13:52:22 UTC
tbh with rails u cant go DPS and u cant go for alpha.. so you have to think what sort of fleet combat niche can be filled with it.

i see them as the longest range (but keep it within 250km plz!) and fastest tracking of all long range weapon systems, but the worst alpha, with better dps than beams. they need to have a high rof.

the interesting addition should be to sensors, like the railgun turret ties itself into the sensor systems of ships and boosts it. so a small bonus per turret to sensor resolution, lock range, and sensor strength.
this would allow it to become the backbone of a fleet type that can swap targets fast and apply damage fast at range to beat logi lock times and pilots broadcast times.
Apollo Gabriel
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#17 - 2011-10-20 14:15:52 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Not as such no.

Blasters just need to be on a different platform — something fast and agile that lets that short range come into play — and they need to have the tracking to support that short range.

Rails are more problematic. They have a niche, but that niche is irrelevant in today's fleet doctrine. Perhaps they should simply be turned into the “blasters” of the long-range weapon systems: shorter range than the others, but more damage (or at least more DPS).

And yes, there are also issues of fitting space and cap draw and the like, which are especially tricky to get right since two races use these weapons, and they have quite different fitting space layouts (Gallente has more grid to fit armour tanks; Caldari has more CPU to fit shields; hybrids use up a lot of both, but giving both races more of both would make them a bit too versatile).

Had minmatar had hybrid weapon stats, it would have made more sense.
Always ... Never ... Forget to check your references.   Peace out Zulu! Hope you land well!
Alara IonStorm
#18 - 2011-10-20 14:26:10 UTC
Orion GUardian wrote:
Rails: I think Rails should have a DPS role like Lasers do, but because of the Pulse Laser Range (up to 80km with T2 ammo on BSes) even using Short Range T2 Ammo in a Railgun is inferior.

At the same time Railguns are Long-Range guns but the really long range is not needed in todays fleets (Especially Rokh Ranges at 350km+ which are not useful at the hardcoded 249km lock range max).

In my opinion the aim should be: For everything above Pulse Laser Range Railguns should have the most DPS.

Blasters: Need more tracking to support their short Range. Other than that: They are not really suited for Work on BSes due to the Speed. that is a Problem, and one that cannot be solved easily. Speeding up Gallente would be weird. Shield Tanking them as well. So I am out of ideas there

I agree, beams are pretty much obsolete in PvP as well with Scorch and Arty is so good people would rather put 1400mm's on there Baddons then bonused Beams.

I really hope Rails become PvP viable.
Sobaan Tuan
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2011-10-20 15:18:45 UTC
Angel Lust wrote:
Its somethig strange with tracking on blasters an rails allso...
On blasters you have to be inside sweetspot to do damage...
Inside 5k with large blasters you dont hit anything..... outside 25k... no.
Rails variate dps badly from shot to shot... eaven on targets standing still.
So... something is wrong.
Im talking about large gunns here.....

are you sure about this?
Dusty Meg
Echelon Research
Goonswarm Federation
#20 - 2011-10-20 15:24:40 UTC
Dunno if you read dev blogs but as stated in this one
The balance is coming in winter

Creater of the EVE animated influence map

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