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(PI) Planetary Profit Calculator

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-10-20 01:32:47 UTC  |  Edited by: electrostatus
Newest Version (1.F):

What is the Planetary Profit Calculator? It determines the cost of any PI product, including taxes, depending on how you are making the product. This is the new forum thread for it, old forum thread located here.

[Download Link] current version: 1.F

Main screen screenshot

So how does it work? Upon downloading and extracting, you’ll find inside the extracted folder a file called ‘Planetary Profit Calculator.exe’ with a fancy rocket icon. Run that. To start finding out the costs of your product, You’ll want to hit the ‘add new plan’ button. That’ll bring up this window. Give it a name (or the program will pick one for you) and select the planet you are working on. If your final product requires more than one single planet, select ‘Plan’ from the plan/planet box. Select your final product (the one you’re ultimately going to sell/use) and select what initial products you are starting with. If your initial products are not all of the same level, hit the ‘be picky’ button. This will allow you to select any of the component products that the final product needs. Once you’ve made your selection, hit the ‘add product’ button. Depending on what the final product level is, you are allowed several final products per plan. Hit the finish button when you’re finished (obviously) and the window shall close.

The program now has added your plan as a tab. Go to that tab now. You’ll see something like this. The icons have been changed since this picture. Each product used to make your final product is listed. On each product in the upper window is a drop-down box. This is what you do with the product just before it is consumed to make the product above. I.E. are you importing this product? Exporting it, moving it to another planet and importing it? Or just processing it (stays on planet)? Select the right icon for each product.

The lower window allows you to set the prices of your initial products, and gives you information about the amounts and volumes needed to build an n amount of your final product. The main tab gives an overview of each plan by showing the incurred taxes and the cost per unit. You may set the price that you wish to sell it at, as well as how many you wish to sell, and it will determine your profit and profit margin.

The taxes tab lists how the taxes currently work and if you wish, double-clicking on any of the numbers in the table will allow you to change said number. The taxes are then recalculated. Also on this tab has a spot to pick up the prices from eve If you’re ever confused on something, there are tips hidden in the mouse-over text. On plan tabs there is a little blue ‘i’ icon, which hovering over will give information about the plan tab itself.

So that was a brief overview, and the older thread also goes through an example. So give it a whirl!

Asteroid Timer: Know exactly when that roid depletes! PI Profit Calculator: calculates your profits and taxes of any PI product depending on how you built them!

Mega Global Compucon
#2 - 2011-10-21 13:47:51 UTC
I like it. Keep up the good work.
Akari Kiara
Vadimus Quarrier Works
#3 - 2011-10-29 16:44:43 UTC
i would like to extend wishes of keeping up good work
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-11-26 02:35:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Alisarina
this is a good program but what it needs is the ability to import from eve central the prices. If it does this already I cannot get it to work. I just have the whole first tab gray out and not be able to be used at all until i close the program and restart it again.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2011-11-26 02:45:10 UTC  |  Edited by: electrostatus
On the taxes tab there's a section to import eve central prices. If just that section is graying out, then it got the prices. If the whole tab grayed out (or the whole program) then well that's a bug I've only ever seen when it fails to load data correctly. And I've only seen that when I changed/moved some code around and didn't fix it. How exactly does it gray out?

Asteroid Timer: Know exactly when that roid depletes! PI Profit Calculator: calculates your profits and taxes of any PI product depending on how you built them!

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2011-11-26 03:22:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Alisarina
ok working now, must of been eve central hickup or something like that.

It's a nice tool. Is there a way to relate amount of factories to final product? Or am I just really inept this afternoon and not noticing how.

EDIT: I know i can do the mental math to work out the final output but all the same, could be a handy time saver.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-11-27 18:02:20 UTC
There’s the spot on the main tab that allows you to input the number of buildings you have. Or are you asking that the program calculate those numbers for you? I’m not seeing it as a handy time saver as you already have your planet set up (unless you’re just looking at production plans you don’t have set up). I would also have no way of knowing how many buildings are used in parallel production, as the maximum number of those is determined by powergrid and cpu leftover from links. The best the program could do is to determine the minimum number of buildings needed, and I’m not seeing that as any real useful information.

Asteroid Timer: Know exactly when that roid depletes! PI Profit Calculator: calculates your profits and taxes of any PI product depending on how you built them!

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-11-30 01:48:03 UTC
With the new changes to PI, its time for an update!
Version 1.F:


  • new tax rates
  • settable tariffs (defaults to 10%)
  • suggested retail value (hover mouse over sell at box)
  • now uses minimum sell prices instead of median(and maximum buy for above)
  • slight rewording of info on the info
  • new forum link
  • some kind of pointless checkbox

To keep your plans from the older version, copy the file ‘PlanData.xml’ from the old version folder and place it in the newer version’s folder.

If you are working where the tariff is not at 10% or exporting at one place and importing at another place that has a different tariff (or the opposite), you can set these tariffs so the program may take them into account. In a plan tab, right click on the product’s name in the upper table. This brings up a small box where you can set the tariff rates. Once you’ve entered them, you can hit enter or close it and the values will be stored. Hover over the tax portion to see the tariffs.

Useless data: as of today, version 1.E has been downloaded 903 times.

Asteroid Timer: Know exactly when that roid depletes! PI Profit Calculator: calculates your profits and taxes of any PI product depending on how you built them!

The Kiwis
#9 - 2012-01-22 21:05:54 UTC
Cool program :)

I cant get it to work out profit.

I see in prices.xml:
product buy="9500.0" name="Coolant" sell="4900.0"

And I have a plan to create Coolant
I put in zero for the 2 PO items.
(it says "Notes: click to start" what ever that means).

However in the Summary box, everything is 0, except:
Sell Price 10000.00
Quantity 5
Profit -55,000 ISK
Profit margin -1

Why isn't it calculating profit? And it doesn't look to be using the price from prices.xml
Kaedaar OLeary
ADK Industries
#10 - 2012-01-24 01:53:27 UTC
Have the same problem. Any solution?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-01-25 02:04:11 UTC
The buy and sell price in the xml of a final product aren't used to calculate the cost of the final product. The buy price is seen when you hover the mouse over the sell price box on the main tab. the sell price in the xml is what you have paid/ the price of it if you paid for the product if its being used as an initial product. Now that I think of it, the names probably should be the other way around. In other words, don't try to make sense of what's stored in the xml's. The program does that.

As for what you're seeing, its not an error. It's something I forgot I had added. When the program sees that you have spent absolutely nothing to make your product, it deliberately gives a wrong number. At the time, this was impossible because you had to spend something (taxes) to actually sell the product. But now since taxes could be zero, this might no longer apply. Then again, initial products you mine extract might not be free and should be given a price. The 'Notes: click to start' I thought was apparent. click there and start typing notes.

I don't have much time to work on this program right now though, so I currently can't remove what you're seeing.

Asteroid Timer: Know exactly when that roid depletes! PI Profit Calculator: calculates your profits and taxes of any PI product depending on how you built them!

White Cottage Holdings
#12 - 2012-04-17 16:16:43 UTC
This tool is pretty good. I'd offer a suggestion though, for the benefit of the hard-core industrialists amongst us.

Some of us utilize all our PI production as ingredients of station manufacture production, which winds up being the final product. However, there's no way to indicate that in your tool.

I suggest there be a means to set any blueprint containing planetary interaction products as material requirements as the 'final product' with the planetary ingredients marked as 'Export for further production'.

Keep up the good work,
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-04-18 15:52:10 UTC
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Add in the products that use the PI materials, like another level above 5? or have the export/import options in the dropdown box have a 'export for further production' option?
I may have some time to return to working on the program "soon", but don't hold your breath.
And the current version of the program has passed 1000 downloads!

Asteroid Timer: Know exactly when that roid depletes! PI Profit Calculator: calculates your profits and taxes of any PI product depending on how you built them!

#14 - 2012-04-19 19:33:58 UTC  |  Edited by: LifeHatesMe
electrostatus wrote:
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Add in the products that use the PI materials, like another level above 5? or have the export/import options in the dropdown box have a 'export for further production' option?
I may have some time to return to working on the program "soon", but don't hold your breath.
And the current version of the program has passed 1000 downloads!
I too found the interface cumbersome. Maybe if I had some free time I would invest in using it.

At the moment. Alot of it seems designed for a programmer, and not for a brain dead user who doesn't know or want to know how the code is written. I added a colony for a Plasma planet, then I put that I wanted to create Uranium. And that was that.. I was lost on how to do anything else with the code. It didn't ask me how much minerals I was mining, or what the profit margin was. So I gave up after that.

More importantly, it doesn't compare costs, and I have no idea how it pulls average pricing. Is this tool working? Or what? A guide on youtube or something might be helpful.