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[Odyssey] Navy Battleships

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Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#801 - 2013-05-15 21:21:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Gypsio III
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
I'm not sold on your claim that signature radius has the biggest effect on missile damage and that target painters provide the largest boost. I need to go home and model it in a spreadsheet and apply effects from TPs, webs, and various bonuses to fully judge. I've been wanting to do this for a while now though so...

Well, it's messy really. In terms of reducing the degree of damage mitigated by speed, a 60% web has the same effect as a 150% painter. Since 60% webs are quite common and 150% painters are, er, quite rare, then this suggests that speed is more important.

However... no amount of webbing will make a missile with a large explosion radius do full damage to a ship with a smaller sig radius., because of the hard cap of [explorad]/[sig]. The only way to get round that is via sig or explorad issues - hence the entirely reasonable claim that painters are the best mod, in conjunction with the limited range of webs in PVE applications.

This means that the CNR's 5% explorad bonus is much more powerful than the Typhoon's explovel bonus, because the explorad bonus is useful in all cases of damage mitigation, while the explovel bonus cannot bypass the signature hard cap.
Trolly McForumalt
#802 - 2013-05-15 21:22:11 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Ok, one more time:
- Cruise Golem > PVE Cruise CNR
- Torp Golem > PVE Torp CNR
- Torp SNI > PVP Torp CNR
- Torp Phoon > PVP Torp CNR
- Cruise Phoon > PVP Cruise CNR
- Cruise PhoonFI > PVP Cruise CNR

I mean, this list really goes on and on. The ship is completely without a role. No, we do not need to wait for the marauder balance pass before pointing out that the current proposal for the CNR is kinda ****.


You said 'The NApoc isn't obsoleted by the Paladin' but after the marauder balance pass it very well might be. It might be that they want the marauders to be relevant in pvp and be better than their T1 and Navy counterparts. We don't know.

I agree about the regular and Fleet Typhoons being so much better. Don't have any suggestions on possible changes though.

Why is the SNI automatically better than the CNR with torps? Is it the tank? Easier fitting due to only having to fit 6 launchers? Is the explosion radius and range bonuses not a good enough offset?
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#803 - 2013-05-15 21:27:25 UTC
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
Ok, one more time:
- Cruise Golem > PVE Cruise CNR
- Torp Golem > PVE Torp CNR
- Torp SNI > PVP Torp CNR
- Torp Phoon > PVP Torp CNR
- Cruise Phoon > PVP Cruise CNR
- Cruise PhoonFI > PVP Cruise CNR

I mean, this list really goes on and on. The ship is completely without a role. No, we do not need to wait for the marauder balance pass before pointing out that the current proposal for the CNR is kinda ****.


You said 'The NApoc isn't obsoleted by the Paladin' but after the marauder balance pass it very well might be. It might be that they want the marauders to be relevant in pvp and be better than their T1 and Navy counterparts. We don't know.

I agree about the regular and Fleet Typhoons being so much better. Don't have any suggestions on possible changes though.

Why is the SNI automatically better than the CNR with torps? Is it the tank? Easier fitting due to only having to fit 6 launchers? Is the explosion radius and range bonuses not a good enough offset?

You are really reaching if you're trying to pitch a totally non-existent undisclosed potential possible future Marauder buff will make the Paladin totally obsolete the NApoc. Definitely living up to your name here.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#804 - 2013-05-15 21:29:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Gypsio III wrote:

This means that the CNR's 5% explorad bonus is much more powerful than the Typhoon's explovel bonus, because the explorad bonus is useful in all cases of damage mitigation, while the explovel bonus cannot bypass the signature hard cap.

It also means that the Golem's damage application bonuses (explo velocity + painter) are extraordinarily powerful for damage application.


Ed: Grammar

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#805 - 2013-05-15 21:31:22 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Ok, one more time:
- Cruise Golem > PVE Cruise CNR

Actually, I'm going to call you on this one. We've had a discussion a few months back about MJD CNR in Ships&Modules. Back then, you and a few others claimed that an MJD CNR was not viable because, quote "that's well outside the optimal of painters". Well, there you have it, no painter issues for a sniper missile boat :)
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#806 - 2013-05-15 21:32:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
The Cruise Golem doesn't need a MJD to hide from damage. (Neither does the CNR)


Ed: Honestly, the whole mission MJD CCNR is just a terrible idea.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Trolly McForumalt
#807 - 2013-05-15 21:32:36 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:

You are really reaching if you're trying to pitch a totally non-existent undisclosed potential possible future Marauder buff will make the Paladin totally obsolete the NApoc. Definitely living up to your name here.


I'm not selling anything. I'm speculating. You're overly defensive and are going off the deep end. Your choice though.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#808 - 2013-05-15 21:36:34 UTC
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:

You are really reaching if you're trying to pitch a totally non-existent undisclosed potential possible future Marauder buff will make the Paladin totally obsolete the NApoc. Definitely living up to your name here.


I'm not selling anything. I'm speculating. You're overly defensive and are going off the deep end. Your choice though.

Your speculation is just ******* terrible TBH. The entire reasoning behind Tiericide is that there won't be ships that are just plain obsolete anymore. The new CNR is exactly that, and attempting to say we should just wait by presenting a case where a future undisclosed and likely not currently on the drawing board change might maybe possibly completely alter the role of two ships is just ******* silly.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Johnson Oramara
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#809 - 2013-05-15 21:41:47 UTC
You want to hear how i would change the CNR?

First let's talk about the cruise missile change how it increases the damage by 30% but also 10% increase in explosion radius.

All the values are missile dps only with fury ammo.
This will result in Raven with 4bcu's dealing 633 dps to ~822 dps which is quite significant damage to be dealt at 190km.

OLD CNR with 4 bcu's dealing 729 dps would go up to ~960 dps which is where the problem came in, it is simply too much dps over 190km no matter if it got a little harder appliable.

NEW CNR would be dealing same dps as regular Raven, 633 before and 822 after Odyssey.

Now here is the problem, if single turret added to the ship with 25% damage bonus is enough to make it that powerful then maybe you have a problem with your cruise missile buff? In my opinion that regular Raven too with 822 dps would be a little too good compared to other long range weapons. With other weapon systems there is variance in their dps and thus giving more choices and specialization for certain ships. After Odyssey every missile battleship will be having extremely similar dps and the ones without damage application bonuses surely know how to solve the problem.

So, i would go into that cruise missile change and reduce the damage buff (i leave the numbers to ccp). I would change the CNR bonuses to 5% rof and 10% velocity per level thus giving the damage application problem for the pilot to solve and dropping one launcher while keeping the rest as it is currently. Now it actually feels like an attack battleship and has very clear role to differentiate it from the rest.
Trolly McForumalt
#810 - 2013-05-15 21:44:59 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:

Your speculation is just ******* terrible TBH. The entire reasoning behind Tiericide is that there won't be ships that are just plain obsolete anymore. The new CNR is exactly that, and attempting to say we should just wait by presenting a case where a future undisclosed and likely not currently on the drawing board change might maybe possibly completely alter the role of two ships is just ******* silly.


T1/Faction/T2 are not tiers. What role does the Condor provide apart from the Crow other than being less skill intensive and cheaper?

As for my speculation being terrible - that is your opinion. Eloquently stated as always.
Trolly McForumalt
#811 - 2013-05-15 21:51:46 UTC
Johnson Oramara wrote:
You want to hear how i would change the CNR?

First let's talk about the cruise missile change how it increases the damage by 30% but also 10% increase in explosion radius.

All the values are missile dps only with fury ammo.
This will result in Raven with 4bcu's dealing 633 dps to ~822 dps which is quite significant damage to be dealt at 190km.

OLD CNR with 4 bcu's dealing 729 dps would go up to ~960 dps which is where the problem came in, it is simply too much dps over 190km no matter if it got a little harder appliable.

NEW CNR would be dealing same dps as regular Raven, 633 before and 822 after Odyssey.

Now here is the problem, if single turret added to the ship with 25% damage bonus is enough to make it that powerful then maybe you have a problem with your cruise missile buff? In my opinion that regular Raven too with 822 dps would be a little too good compared to other long range weapons. With other weapon systems there is variance in their dps and thus giving more choices and specialization for certain ships. After Odyssey every missile battleship will be having extremely similar dps and the ones without damage application bonuses surely know how to solve the problem.

So, i would go into that cruise missile change and reduce the damage buff (i leave the numbers to ccp). I would change the CNR bonuses to 5% rof and 10% velocity per level thus giving the damage application problem for the pilot to solve and dropping one launcher while keeping the rest as it is currently. Now it actually feels like an attack battleship and has very clear role to differentiate it from the rest.

So you're proposing we use the same bonuses it has now and we undo the (needed) cruise missile buffs. And to support this argument you use Fury dps numbers. Try faction instead. It's more likely to match reality.
Johnson Oramara
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#812 - 2013-05-15 22:01:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Johnson Oramara
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
Johnson Oramara wrote:
You want to hear how i would change the CNR?

First let's talk about the cruise missile change how it increases the damage by 30% but also 10% increase in explosion radius.

All the values are missile dps only with fury ammo.
This will result in Raven with 4bcu's dealing 633 dps to ~822 dps which is quite significant damage to be dealt at 190km.

OLD CNR with 4 bcu's dealing 729 dps would go up to ~960 dps which is where the problem came in, it is simply too much dps over 190km no matter if it got a little harder appliable.

NEW CNR would be dealing same dps as regular Raven, 633 before and 822 after Odyssey.

Now here is the problem, if single turret added to the ship with 25% damage bonus is enough to make it that powerful then maybe you have a problem with your cruise missile buff? In my opinion that regular Raven too with 822 dps would be a little too good compared to other long range weapons. With other weapon systems there is variance in their dps and thus giving more choices and specialization for certain ships. After Odyssey every missile battleship will be having extremely similar dps and the ones without damage application bonuses surely know how to solve the problem.

So, i would go into that cruise missile change and reduce the damage buff (i leave the numbers to ccp). I would change the CNR bonuses to 5% rof and 10% velocity per level thus giving the damage application problem for the pilot to solve and dropping one launcher while keeping the rest as it is currently. Now it actually feels like an attack battleship and has very clear role to differentiate it from the rest.

So you're proposing we use the same bonuses it has now and we undo the (needed) cruise missile buffs. And to support this argument you use Fury dps numbers. Try faction instead. It's more likely to match reality.

No, i do not want to undo it totally, minor dps boost is ok when you increase their explosion radius which makes it more interesting to do damage if you can apply it. But 30% buff is too much.

I agree that faction missiles would be the actual ones used in game but i wanted to point out the huge damage potential.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#813 - 2013-05-15 22:01:10 UTC
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:

Your speculation is just ******* terrible TBH. The entire reasoning behind Tiericide is that there won't be ships that are just plain obsolete anymore. The new CNR is exactly that, and attempting to say we should just wait by presenting a case where a future undisclosed and likely not currently on the drawing board change might maybe possibly completely alter the role of two ships is just ******* silly.


T1/Faction/T2 are not tiers. What role does the Condor provide apart from the Crow other than being less skill intensive and cheaper?

As for my speculation being terrible - that is your opinion. Eloquently stated as always.

The Condor has 4 mids and an excellent capacitor. It excels with LML but kinda hurts against other MWDing frigates. The Crow has only 3 mids, but has a significantly smaller sig radius and a missile velocity bonus that gives it a leg up against other MWDing frigates. They are both distinct. :)

I'm not totally sure what direction they're going to take interceptors in, and judging from the discussion earlier in the thread CCP isn't totally sure either. I'm pretty interested in finding out though. :)


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#814 - 2013-05-15 22:24:08 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:

The Condor has 4 mids and an excellent capacitor. It excels with LML but kinda hurts against other MWDing frigates. The Crow has only 3 mids, but has a significantly smaller sig radius and a missile velocity bonus that gives it a leg up against other MWDing frigates. They are both distinct. :)

I'm not totally sure what direction they're going to take interceptors in, and judging from the discussion earlier in the thread CCP isn't totally sure either. I'm pretty interested in finding out though. :)


Idk man, the crow is completely outclassed by the condor right now. The Condor is pretty much the boss frigate atm, fast, hits hard, has ewar slots out the butt (for a frigate).

Its like, do I pay 1 million for this baller ass frigate, or do i pay 35 million for its crappier cousin.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#815 - 2013-05-15 22:29:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Grath Telkin wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:

The Condor has 4 mids and an excellent capacitor. It excels with LML but kinda hurts against other MWDing frigates. The Crow has only 3 mids, but has a significantly smaller sig radius and a missile velocity bonus that gives it a leg up against other MWDing frigates. They are both distinct. :)

I'm not totally sure what direction they're going to take interceptors in, and judging from the discussion earlier in the thread CCP isn't totally sure either. I'm pretty interested in finding out though. :)


Idk man, the crow is completely outclassed by the condor right now. The Condor is pretty much the boss frigate atm, fast, hits hard, has ewar slots out the butt (for a frigate).

Its like, do I pay 1 million for this baller ass frigate, or do i pay 35 million for its crappier cousin.

Yes absolutely. I was trying to point out that the Condor most definitely has a place. The Crow's only useful features right now are the sig and missile velocity bonuses.


Ed: Saying the Condor hits hard though... I'm not sure I buy that. ;-)

Also, the question should probably be the Hookbill vs the Hawk. IMO they're still distinct ships.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Trolly McForumalt
#816 - 2013-05-15 22:34:42 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:

The Condor has 4 mids and an excellent capacitor. It excels with LML but kinda hurts against other MWDing frigates. The Crow has only 3 mids, but has a significantly smaller sig radius and a missile velocity bonus that gives it a leg up against other MWDing frigates. They are both distinct. :)

I'm not totally sure what direction they're going to take interceptors in, and judging from the discussion earlier in the thread CCP isn't totally sure either. I'm pretty interested in finding out though. :)


Idk man, the crow is completely outclassed by the condor right now. The Condor is pretty much the boss frigate atm, fast, hits hard, has ewar slots out the butt (for a frigate).

Its like, do I pay 1 million for this baller ass frigate, or do i pay 35 million for its crappier cousin.

Eh? The Condor has more CPU and an extra mid where the Crow has a low slot. And it does cost a ****ton less. Other than that the Crow has extra bonuses and better base stats. I mean it may not be worth the cost, but flat out worse? Uh...
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#817 - 2013-05-15 22:36:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Trolly McForumalt wrote:

Eh? The Condor has more CPU and an extra mid where the Crow has a low slot. And it does cost a ****ton less. Other than that the Crow has extra bonuses and better base stats. I mean it may not be worth the cost, but flat out worse? Uh...

Nah, the Condor is flat out better than the Crow now. If the Crow was better I'd fly it instead of the Condor. o/` ISK ain't a problem, I know where it goes... o/`


Ed: I tried to put together Crow fits that could compete but the strength of that 4th mid, superior cap, and superior fittings is just not doable. As I said, the sig and missile velocity bonuses are extremely attractive to me.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#818 - 2013-05-15 22:40:23 UTC
Firstly I'd like to say thank you for not nerfing the navy megathron into an "upgraded" version of the megathron planned for Odyssey. Secondly I'd like to ask if there are any plans to reverse the rather severe nerf the navy megathron received several years ago when its formerly very awesome black paint job was replaced with Forest Green vomit.

I still fly my navy megathron in spite of how severe a reduction in the ship's attractiveness the skin nerf was, but it would be a lot nicer to fly if it didn't look like something a herd of space deer yakked on. Pun intended.
Trolly McForumalt
#819 - 2013-05-15 22:52:00 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Trolly McForumalt wrote:

Eh? The Condor has more CPU and an extra mid where the Crow has a low slot. And it does cost a ****ton less. Other than that the Crow has extra bonuses and better base stats. I mean it may not be worth the cost, but flat out worse? Uh...

Nah, the Condor is flat out better than the Crow now. If the Crow was better I'd fly it instead of the Condor. o/` ISK ain't a problem, I know where it goes... o/`


Ed: I tried to put together Crow fits that could compete but the strength of that 4th mid, superior cap, and superior fittings is just not doable. As I said, the sig and missile velocity bonuses are extremely attractive to me.

I'll grant you the CPU but I'm not seeing the cap. From what I see Crow's cap is bigger - is the recharge worse? Looks like the strength comes from the extra midslot. This will probably be rectified in the balance pass though. :)

Gah! I should've picked another pair. Caracal vs Navy Caracal. Same bonuses, same ship, one's just a little stronger than the other.
Drunken Bum
#820 - 2013-05-15 23:06:46 UTC
The way this threads going ccp you need to make a thread JUST for cnr feedback.

Fleet tempest still sucks imo, i didnt fly it before wont after so, meh. Thank you though for leaving the navy domi and geddon the same.

After the patch we're giving the market some gentle supply restriction, like tying one wrist to the bedpost loosely with soft silk rope. Just enough to make things a bit more exciting for the market, not enough to make a safeword necessary.  -Fozzie