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[Odyssey] Tech 1 Battleships - Build Costs

First post
State War Academy
Caldari State
#441 - 2013-05-14 07:19:58 UTC
If enough of them do move to low sec we could very well see the cost of the BSs be 20-40M isk less than the 150-240M it looks like it will be

The problem with this is that all other tech 1 ships will also be cheaper. So let's say prices drop quite dramatically like that. In that case you would potentially be looking at 50 mil attack battlecruisers against 160 mil battleships. In most smal gang or sniper fleet scenarios you would still be better off going for the ABC since it's much cheaper, more maneuverable and therefore survivable, and easier to carry logistically.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#442 - 2013-05-14 19:44:16 UTC
Illest Insurrectionist wrote:
"according to the OP, they will all be raised to that level, so thre new Apoc will be ~240 mill isk. "

No where in the original post does it say that. No where. The new Apoc will be around 170-175 with mineral prices set to decrease and a pre-patch apocs not evaporating.

I've never known an ingame change that has done anything other than raise mineral costs, I cannot see any reason as to why they will come down. The inflation is here to stay.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Duct tape man
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#443 - 2013-05-15 03:33:16 UTC
ok, so in a summarized form, what CCP thinks is that by increasing the price of battleship production, the prices will go down? you are forgetting that any and all markets are run at the core of supply and demand, if you want the prices to drop, you supply more then the demand, and if you want the prices to rise, you reduce the supply so as to rise the demand for the product, what you are suggesting here is to decrease the supply while maintaining the demand, as the production will have to collect more minerals to produce the same ships the prices of all ships will go up, with the mineral changes coming up, the prices might drop on their own, and battleship prices will drop. with these changes you are suggesting, the battleship prices will either rise even more, or stay at the same level.

back on the supply and demand part: ship prices will always be run by how wanted the ship is, Eg. if a major group picks the Rokh as their primary fleet doctrine, then the people supplying the ships can increase the prices of them as they see profit there, because the ship is wanted.

TLDR: this idea will not work, and has possibility of backfire.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#444 - 2013-05-15 11:00:24 UTC
Zimmy Zeta wrote:
It's too late now anyway, but if CCP wanted to assign special roles to different battleship tiers, I'd rather seen something like this:

1. Welpship: (Geddon, Pest, Raven, Mega), comparably poor performance, generous PG and CPU to make them very newby friendly, also extremely cheap to be the most cost-efficient of all battleships.

2. Fleet ship: (Mael, Baddon, Hype, Rokh) . Bonus to racial tanking, bonus to primary racial weapon system and enough PG and CPU to fit a full rack of your largest racial long range guns.

3. Gang ship: (Apoc, Phoon, Scorpion, Domi): Bonus to primary and secondary racial weapon system, generous med slot layout and utility high for highly flexible roles and combat utility. Rather limited PG and CPU to make those more suited to older players with good skills.

Battleships are NOT for new players. THe good think on the price in crease is that less NOT READY players will board them to just loose them very fast, and rage quit the game.

I am bafled how many players think they are ok to be flying a battleship with less than 8 M SP.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#445 - 2013-05-15 11:01:30 UTC
Duct tape man wrote:
ok, so in a summarized form, what CCP thinks is that by increasing the price of battleship production, the prices will go down? you are forgetting that any and all markets are run at the core of supply and demand, if you want the prices to drop, you supply more then the demand, and if you want the prices to rise, you reduce the supply so as to rise the demand for the product, what you are suggesting here is to decrease the supply while maintaining the demand, as the production will have to collect more minerals to produce the same ships the prices of all ships will go up, with the mineral changes coming up, the prices might drop on their own, and battleship prices will drop. with these changes you are suggesting, the battleship prices will either rise even more, or stay at the same level.

back on the supply and demand part: ship prices will always be run by how wanted the ship is, Eg. if a major group picks the Rokh as their primary fleet doctrine, then the people supplying the ships can increase the prices of them as they see profit there, because the ship is wanted.

TLDR: this idea will not work, and has possibility of backfire.

No , some people think the average price wil not go up so much because CCP are chaging 0.0 mineral supply. Theert willb e a LOT more tritanium being produced and taht shoudl reduce the rpessure over the priuce of battleshisp that use a lot of tritanium.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#446 - 2013-05-15 11:03:53 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Illest Insurrectionist wrote:
"according to the OP, they will all be raised to that level, so thre new Apoc will be ~240 mill isk. "

No where in the original post does it say that. No where. The new Apoc will be around 170-175 with mineral prices set to decrease and a pre-patch apocs not evaporating.

I've never known an ingame change that has done anything other than raise mineral costs, I cannot see any reason as to why they will come down. The inflation is here to stay.

Really? YOu were not here when they introduced drone regions and mineral prices droped to 1/5th of their previous prices within 2 months?

Also when they nerfed insurance fraud, that droped the consumption of minrals so massively that the price droped about 30%.

The thigns that made the price go up were, L4 loot MASSIVE nerf and the large attack on BOT miners.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Anthar Thebess
#447 - 2013-05-15 13:19:37 UTC
Have you considered to release some cheep BS ?
For me - there is no problem to pay 40mil more for BS, but in case of new player additional 40 mil is "OMGWTFZFBFBFBB!!"
Especially that this BS will be mostly used to make isk - and won't have expected lifetime < insurance.
And many new player battleship end bad, very bad , within few days.

It would be good if new players have ability to have something like gnosis in the BS class.
First : "LOOK! I have my FIRST Battleship"
( this will keep more new players in game)
Second - if you give this ship FLAT bonuses that will help low skill players to achieve something "more", and at the same time they will be useless in PVP compared to the things you can get from skilled race BS.

The first two bonuses i can think of:
- Capacitor capacity and recharge.
- Repair/shield boost bonus.
This will allow new player to survive in their initial PVE experience , and is not so useful in big scale PVP engagement , or roams.

I know we have battle cruiser class - but in case new players you cant forget : "LOOK! I have my FIRST Battleship"
and the "My Battleship - why , oh why ......." few days after.

Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#448 - 2013-05-15 14:04:03 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:

Battleships are NOT for new players. THe good think on the price in crease is that less NOT READY players will board them to just loose them very fast, and rage quit the game.

I am bafled how many players think they are ok to be flying a battleship with less than 8 M SP.

I see it in different view. I do lot of PVE and raise money to prepare for PVP. I want to be prepared when I start PVP so I can keep doing it when I start.

Anyway what comes to real new players is that. If you spec your char to combat (PVP) you are unable to do Indu most parts at least enough good to actually do any money with it. Yes you can mine but making money with mining is slow. I do not say its the only way -- but I see that IV are the first real way for new players to make viable amount of money. Yes there are several other lower level missions that can do this too but lets face it level IV missions are those that actually carry you forward.

This means that new players more or less need battleships or IV capable ships. battleships are more common choice because they are directly in line the line frig (level 1) -> destroyer (level 1-2) -> cruiser (level 2-3) -> battlecruiser (level 3~) -> -----. You can do Level IV missions with different ship types yes but training and buying T3 ship is not really viable plan for new player unless you buy plex. I also see that HACs even they fit doing IVs take about the same time to train for than if you go for BS.

In anyway if you are PVP pilot and do not find corp that can pay for your losses. I see that BS is important and most likely step you cannot really avoid.

So if your opinion view is correct then I find EVE new player flow very flawed.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#449 - 2013-05-15 14:08:33 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:

No , some people think the average price wil not go up so much because CCP are chaging 0.0 mineral supply. Theert willb e a LOT more tritanium being produced and taht shoudl reduce the rpessure over the priuce of battleshisp that use a lot of tritanium.

You also forget that they change gravitometric sites to anomalies that can be scanned using your ship on board computer -> miners will be more easier to be ganked. Which will affect both use of the resource and supply of the resources.

It will be interesting to see what happens when Odyssey hits.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#450 - 2013-05-15 14:11:58 UTC
Illest Insurrectionist wrote:
"according to the OP, they will all be raised to that level, so thre new Apoc will be ~240 mill isk. "

No where in the original post does it say that. No where. The new Apoc will be around 170-175 with mineral prices set to decrease and a pre-patch apocs not evaporating.

I believe that people that counted this high took inconsideration possible increase in rig prices and modules. Capital rigs are supposed to use same salvage materials that should cause price up for large rigs for a time. Again we will see what will happen at the market.

Anyway I believe that full fit will be around 230~ mils. Maybe more if rig prices are seriously affected by the capital rigs.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#451 - 2013-05-15 14:19:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Theia Matova
Zimmy Zeta wrote:

Regarding the tier 3 BCs I fail to see the the reason behind the whole concept for "Attack Battleships".
With less firepower than the ABCs, less tank than the Combat Battleships and significantly slower speed than ABCs, Attack Battleships seem to be a blend of those both ships with no clearly defined role of their own that will inevitably perform worse at any task than their more specialized cousins.

Its not only the ABCs but also NBCs. NBCs are faster have almost same EHP, bit less damage, smaller sig, more flexible in fitting. Making the quite deadly against BSes when they get to close range.

Anyway its nice to see that other people also laugh at this stupid ABS concept. BSes are biggest of the sub capital ships. Their trait should not be speed or "weakness" but lot of EHP and superior tank (in comparison to smaller ships) and of course superior damage (in comparison to smaller ships) with limited tracking.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#452 - 2013-05-15 14:21:26 UTC
Duct tape man wrote:
ok, so in a summarized form, what CCP thinks is that by increasing the price of battleship production, the prices will go down? you are forgetting that any and all markets are run at the core of supply and demand, if you want the prices to drop, you supply more then the demand, and if you want the prices to rise, you reduce the supply so as to rise the demand for the product, what you are suggesting here is to decrease the supply while maintaining the demand, as the production will have to collect more minerals to produce the same ships the prices of all ships will go up, with the mineral changes coming up, the prices might drop on their own, and battleship prices will drop. with these changes you are suggesting, the battleship prices will either rise even more, or stay at the same level.

back on the supply and demand part: ship prices will always be run by how wanted the ship is, Eg. if a major group picks the Rokh as their primary fleet doctrine, then the people supplying the ships can increase the prices of them as they see profit there, because the ship is wanted.

TLDR: this idea will not work, and has possibility of backfire.

Don't forget that NBCs are getting added, and we just received bunch of Gnosis and that this change makes ABCs even more cheaper in comparison to BS.

Then you can wonder what happens to demand.
Cultural Enrichment
Jenkem Puffing Association
#453 - 2013-05-15 18:17:07 UTC
Is there any plan to have the increased mineral cost on rebalanced ships moved from "additional materials" (non afftected by ME and not recovered by reprocessing) to another type of cost, affected by ME (but still not recovered on reprocessing)?
As it stands, the 10% waste of a ME 0 dominix will become approximately 5%, impacting both the BPO reselling market and the profit margin of industry (which will get ****** for years anyway, but whatever).
#454 - 2013-05-15 19:36:56 UTC
ehp needs to go way up on battleships.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#455 - 2013-05-16 13:57:59 UTC
GreenSeed wrote:
ehp needs to go way up on battleships.

I do agree but if EHP raises then the damage done needs to scale as well. Or we end in situation where no one can no one.
Nightfox BloodRaven
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#456 - 2013-05-16 19:01:10 UTC
If you think someone is going to fly a scorpion for 150-160mil.. just for the hull u out of your mind.. trust me if u do this that ship will be ded... everyone will just fly the blackbird if they dont already... useless ship for a useless price.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#457 - 2013-05-16 19:07:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Little Dragon Khamez
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Illest Insurrectionist wrote:
"according to the OP, they will all be raised to that level, so thre new Apoc will be ~240 mill isk. "

No where in the original post does it say that. No where. The new Apoc will be around 170-175 with mineral prices set to decrease and a pre-patch apocs not evaporating.

I've never known an ingame change that has done anything other than raise mineral costs, I cannot see any reason as to why they will come down. The inflation is here to stay.

Really? YOu were not here when they introduced drone regions and mineral prices droped to 1/5th of their previous prices within 2 months?

Also when they nerfed insurance fraud, that droped the consumption of minrals so massively that the price droped about 30%.

The thigns that made the price go up were, L4 loot MASSIVE nerf and the large attack on BOT miners.

I agree with you on the whole botting thing, for the record I was here when the drone regions were introduced and the loot was nerfed, so perhaps I should have clarified that I was speaking of recent changes. but it's hard to type on a ****** smartphone keyboard so I kept it brief. The laptop is out today though so I in order to defend my point... The whole reason why the ships are going up in price is because CCP are increasing the amounts of minerals they require for production, as mentioned in their own dev posts they could have lowered them or even averaged them across all 3 vessels per battleship line but they didn't do so because it would have been recessionary... Ergo CCP do not want mineral costs to drop as they don't want a recession in eve. That's why I think that the coming changes to the game will be structured in a way that supports the economy and keeps the prices of items inflating.

Now I personally think that inflation is a bad thing and that if we had serious drops in prices and the economy became deflationary that would be a good thing as ships and modules would cost less and players might be more willing to risk them in pvp or exploratory actions like mining in low/null or wh space.

Personally I take great exception at high levels of dev interference in a supposedly 'player driven economy' as touted in the advertising if prices drop or rise due to player activity I'm all for it.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Nightfox BloodRaven
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#458 - 2013-05-16 19:20:10 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Illest Insurrectionist wrote:
"according to the OP, they will all be raised to that level, so thre new Apoc will be ~240 mill isk. "

No where in the original post does it say that. No where. The new Apoc will be around 170-175 with mineral prices set to decrease and a pre-patch apocs not evaporating.

I've never known an ingame change that has done anything other than raise mineral costs, I cannot see any reason as to why they will come down. The inflation is here to stay.

Really? YOu were not here when they introduced drone regions and mineral prices droped to 1/5th of their previous prices within 2 months?

Also when they nerfed insurance fraud, that droped the consumption of minrals so massively that the price droped about 30%.

The thigns that made the price go up were, L4 loot MASSIVE nerf and the large attack on BOT miners.

I agree with you on the whole botting thing, for the record I was here when the drone regions were introduced and the loot was nerfed, so perhaps I should have clarified that I was speaking of recent changes. but it's hard to type on a ****** smartphone keyboard so I kept it brief. The laptop is out today though so I in order to defend my point... The whole reason why the ships are going up in price is because CCP are increasing the amounts of minerals they require for production, as mentioned in their own dev posts they could have lowered them or even averaged them across all 3 vessels per battleship line but they didn't do so because it would have been recessionary... Ergo CCP do not want mineral costs to drop as they don't want a recession in eve. That's why I think that the coming changes to the game will be structured in a way that supports the economy and keeps the prices of items inflating.

Now I personally think that inflation is a bad thing and that if we had serious drops in prices and the economy became deflationary that would be a good thing as ships and modules would cost less and players might be more willing to risk them in pvp or exploratory actions like mining in low/null or wh space.

Personally I take great exception at high levels of dev interference in a supposedly 'player driven economy' as touted in the advertising if prices drop or rise due to player activity I'm all for it.

dude if u want to control inflation increase LP payouts.. they soak up isk like nothing...
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#459 - 2013-05-16 21:07:45 UTC
Nightfox BloodRaven wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Illest Insurrectionist wrote:
"according to the OP, they will all be raised to that level, so thre new Apoc will be ~240 mill isk. "

No where in the original post does it say that. No where. The new Apoc will be around 170-175 with mineral prices set to decrease and a pre-patch apocs not evaporating.

I've never known an ingame change that has done anything other than raise mineral costs, I cannot see any reason as to why they will come down. The inflation is here to stay.

Really? YOu were not here when they introduced drone regions and mineral prices droped to 1/5th of their previous prices within 2 months?

Also when they nerfed insurance fraud, that droped the consumption of minrals so massively that the price droped about 30%.

The thigns that made the price go up were, L4 loot MASSIVE nerf and the large attack on BOT miners.

I agree with you on the whole botting thing, for the record I was here when the drone regions were introduced and the loot was nerfed, so perhaps I should have clarified that I was speaking of recent changes. but it's hard to type on a ****** smartphone keyboard so I kept it brief. The laptop is out today though so I in order to defend my point... The whole reason why the ships are going up in price is because CCP are increasing the amounts of minerals they require for production, as mentioned in their own dev posts they could have lowered them or even averaged them across all 3 vessels per battleship line but they didn't do so because it would have been recessionary... Ergo CCP do not want mineral costs to drop as they don't want a recession in eve. That's why I think that the coming changes to the game will be structured in a way that supports the economy and keeps the prices of items inflating.

Now I personally think that inflation is a bad thing and that if we had serious drops in prices and the economy became deflationary that would be a good thing as ships and modules would cost less and players might be more willing to risk them in pvp or exploratory actions like mining in low/null or wh space.

Personally I take great exception at high levels of dev interference in a supposedly 'player driven economy' as touted in the advertising if prices drop or rise due to player activity I'm all for it.

dude if u want to control inflation increase LP payouts.. they soak up isk like nothing...

Superb idea, +1 we definately need more sinks in eve, I'm thinking that the pair of economists they've hired must be Keynesians. They too don't know when they are in a bubble...

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Suzuka A1
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#460 - 2013-05-17 05:26:33 UTC
Theia Matova wrote:

I do agree but if EHP raises then the damage done needs to scale as well. Or we end in situation where no one can no one.

Keep in mind that just because you have more EHP it doesn't mean that you can tank more, aka buffer tank.

Never forget the battle of Z9PP-H  What actually happened: Battle Report: