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Warfare & Tactics

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First post
Lin Suizei
#201 - 2013-04-30 07:02:29 UTC
Akiko Mayaki wrote:
The sole reason that it makes sense for them to fly these fits/behave in this manner is that there is no disincentive to them warping out. They know that a real pvper is not going to unwind a 28 minute button in some backroad system while the farmer sits in a safe/moves on to another plex.

Timer rollbacks will fix this.

A timer rollback is still forcing PvPers to sit in a plex to "block" a farmer from completing it - I don't see this working for long, because no-one wants to sit in a plex to stop a farmer from returning to finish the plex. Timer resets, or extremely fast rollbacks (20 minutes capture, 2 minutes rollback) and/or misc. penalties for abandoning a plex might be a bit more effective.

Spot on re: cause and effect though, pity CCP doesn't seem to share your point of view.

Lol I can't delete my forum sig.

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#202 - 2013-04-30 07:09:48 UTC
Lin Suizei wrote:
Akiko Mayaki wrote:
The sole reason that it makes sense for them to fly these fits/behave in this manner is that there is no disincentive to them warping out. They know that a real pvper is not going to unwind a 28 minute button in some backroad system while the farmer sits in a safe/moves on to another plex.

Timer rollbacks will fix this.

A timer rollback is still forcing PvPers to sit in a plex to "block" a farmer from completing it - I don't see this working for long, because no-one wants to sit in a plex to stop a farmer from returning to finish the plex. Timer resets, or extremely fast rollbacks (20 minutes capture, 2 minutes rollback) and/or misc. penalties for abandoning a plex might be a bit more effective.

Spot on re: cause and effect though, pity CCP doesn't seem to share your point of view.

The point is that while you are chasing the farmer, he is losing time on the plex he left. If you chase him across multiple systems and he keeps running, his work is undone.
Lin Suizei
#203 - 2013-04-30 09:24:48 UTC
chatgris wrote:
The point is that while you are chasing the farmer, he is losing time on the plex he left. If you chase him across multiple systems and he keeps running, his work is undone.

We both know he's (the farmer's) not going to leave the system, and no-one's going to "chase" him. The farmer is simply going to wait cloaked until the PvPer leaves. Are you willing to sit in the plex and block the farmer, one minute of your time for one minute of his? I doubt it.

Who do you think has more patience - the farmer, who is probably pseudo-botting ice on six other accounts, or the PvPer who wants a gudfite?

Lol I can't delete my forum sig.

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#204 - 2013-04-30 09:32:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Veshta Yoshida
Lin Suizei wrote:
chatgris wrote:
The point is that while you are chasing the farmer, he is losing time on the plex he left. If you chase him across multiple systems and he keeps running, his work is undone.

We both know he's (the farmer's) not going to leave the system, and no-one's going to "chase" him. The farmer is simply going to wait cloaked until the PvPer leaves. Are you willing to sit in the plex and block the farmer, one minute of your time for one minute of his? I doubt it.

Who do you think has more patience - the farmer, who is probably pseudo-botting ice on six other accounts, or the PvPer who wants a gudfite?

Cloaking is the only way for the farmer to "beat" the auto-run scenario and there are ways around that.

Add a coin slot to the beacon, insert 1000LP and it emits a 30km smartbomb blast doing 1 point of damage .. problem solved (assuming damage still decloaks, been so long since I used those infernal modules) Big smile

In addition you could slap cloaks themselves with a nerf by saying that the recalibration delay applies to both coming out of and going into cloak .. so you are visible for x seconds before vanishing .. addresses the broken cloak/mwd trick as well so double bonus, poor blockade runners are a wasted hull with that thing around.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#205 - 2013-04-30 10:25:13 UTC
so once you take the whole war zone you can keep it for every with 3 alts per system cloaked all day stoping more sites popping up?

grreaaaattt - dont temp the farmers, they have the altpower

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#206 - 2013-04-30 10:52:58 UTC
Lin Suizei wrote:
chatgris wrote:
The point is that while you are chasing the farmer, he is losing time on the plex he left. If you chase him across multiple systems and he keeps running, his work is undone.

We both know he's (the farmer's) not going to leave the system, and no-one's going to "chase" him. The farmer is simply going to wait cloaked until the PvPer leaves. Are you willing to sit in the plex and block the farmer, one minute of your time for one minute of his? I doubt it.

Who do you think has more patience - the farmer, who is probably pseudo-botting ice on six other accounts, or the PvPer who wants a gudfite?

so you don't want to spend :EFFORT: and want CCP to do it for you? Shocked

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Akiko Mayaki
Toads of War
#207 - 2013-04-30 11:17:19 UTC
Lin Suizei wrote:
Akiko Mayaki wrote:
The sole reason that it makes sense for them to fly these fits/behave in this manner is that there is no disincentive to them warping out. They know that a real pvper is not going to unwind a 28 minute button in some backroad system while the farmer sits in a safe/moves on to another plex.

Timer rollbacks will fix this.

A timer rollback is still forcing PvPers to sit in a plex to "block" a farmer from completing it - I don't see this working for long, because no-one wants to sit in a plex to stop a farmer from returning to finish the plex. Timer resets, or extremely fast rollbacks (20 minutes capture, 2 minutes rollback) and/or misc. penalties for abandoning a plex might be a bit more effective.

Spot on re: cause and effect though, pity CCP doesn't seem to share your point of view.

Yes I would say what I meant by 'rollback' could quite easily, and would probably have to, encompass 'extremely fast' rollbacks.

Its not so much about me having to block a farmer from completing a plex. Currently a farmer is just going to warp out of the plex when I arrive, he has no disincentive not to, he can choose 100% chance of not dying and warp out for 0 penalty as most pvpers don't care.

Timer rollbacks would introduce a penalty to such behavior, granted, there may well be those farmers that cop the extra time penalty on the chin and keep running/fitting stabs, but hopefully we can begin to influence behavior.

Enough changes in this direction and you can begin to change what is the 'most effective' way to farm. Most pvpers know this already, If you actually want to make the most LP you can on a single character, fit him for pvp. Me going out and running 5 novices consecutively without being interrupted sure looks more profitable than a farmer who can pick up a 'tail' for who knows how long and is constantly being interrupted.

Continually increase the penalties/disincentives for leaving a plex, and said farmers will adopt a strategy that does work (defending their plex.)
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#208 - 2013-04-30 11:35:57 UTC
Cearain wrote:

They aren't being plexed for the 30 seconds to a minute that I go through there. But you can't draw any large conclusions from that.

Yet you say in your general experience you can travel 5 systems without finding anyone plexing. This isnt a one off, its your general experience. Sure, conclusions arnt made of this observation, but it doesnt suggest that farming is completely out of control either.

Farming needs to be addressed. Preventing stabbed ships from activating an acceleration gate would be one. Preventing a ship with a cloak from running a timer regardless of if the cloak was active would be another. That wouldnt prevent people from baiting people in for an easy kill and suddenly falcon.

Cearain wrote:

The conflict driver in faction war is having both sides try to take sov in the same systems.

No the conflict driver is the rewards boths sides stand to get for having a certain number of systems. Outside homesystems it doesnt really matter which systems specifically. I do not consider that broken.

Cearain wrote:

As far as tweaking vp amounts, its funny you say that is beyond me. I suggested that giving lp for defensive plexing might unbalance the system too much and instead they should tweak the vp amounts if one side was having trouble hitting higher tiers. Its ok youll catch up.

Its not your idea, its Veshta Yoshida's iirc. I personally think there are issues with vp rewards being inversely proportional to LP rewards.

As for lp for defensive plexing, it think its working fine. It encourages some stability in what was a boom bust cycle before in the utterly broken cashout system you loved. Talk about catching up, you still think that was better than what we have now lol.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#209 - 2013-04-30 11:53:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Muad 'dib
also can i have a tiny bit of FW standing CCP for fw kills? to go with the tiny bit of LP

I hit my top rank ages ago and i get no more boosts to my standing. Not good for corp standings if your the CEO etc.

its easy to do, so just do it (i dont care if we get nothing for newb ships and shuttle ofc)

I sure as hell loose some if i shoot the wrong guy, accidental or otherwise my standing does not move unless i do missions (which i can't do because theres no agent in available stations)

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Plus 10 NV
#210 - 2013-04-30 12:43:12 UTC
Lin Suizei wrote:
Akiko Mayaki wrote:
The sole reason that it makes sense for them to fly these fits/behave in this manner is that there is no disincentive to them warping out. They know that a real pvper is not going to unwind a 28 minute button in some backroad system while the farmer sits in a safe/moves on to another plex.

Timer rollbacks will fix this.

A timer rollback is still forcing PvPers to sit in a plex to "block" a farmer from completing it - I don't see this working for long, because no-one wants to sit in a plex to stop a farmer from returning to finish the plex. Timer resets, or extremely fast rollbacks (20 minutes capture, 2 minutes rollback) and/or misc. penalties for abandoning a plex might be a bit more effective.

Spot on re: cause and effect though, pity CCP doesn't seem to share your point of view.

Ideally the pvper will sit in a different plex in that same system while the rabbits work is undone. So he will effectively run 2 timers.

If the rollbacks only worked when someone was on grid in the plex or with the accell gate at the time of warp out then one pvper could potentially have several plexes counting back in his militias favor.

Combined with notifications this would be very powerful.

I know I would be much more willing to sit in a plex running a timer if I knew the enemies around me knew where I was. It would mean I am just about as likely to get pvp by staying there as moving on.

But yeah rollbacks alone probably wont be enough. They can only help though.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#211 - 2013-04-30 13:04:23 UTC
Achamian Zanjoahir wrote:
Yeah really, put the WARFARE in FW!


Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Lin Suizei
#212 - 2013-04-30 13:16:37 UTC
Cearain wrote:
I know I would be much more willing to sit in a plex running a timer if I knew the enemies around me knew where I was. It would mean I am just about as likely to get pvp by staying there as moving on.

With regards to you getting PvP by sitting in a system and blocking a farmer, I must disagree - these are systems which no-one cares about. Not many people pass by that way, and there's no public boosting fleet, so not many people will engage you in PvP. It's boring for you, and the farmer is winning because you are bored, and next time you won't come back. This is why rollbacks must be extremely fast, to the point where a PvPer can disrupt every farmer in a system by spending one minute of his time warping to every plex, wasting 19 minutes of the farmer's time that he's chased out.

You could implement notifications - but let's say you received 10 notifications, and the (realistically) first 9 were stabbed farmers. How inclined would you be to chase the 10th?

Akiko Mayaki wrote:
Continually increase the penalties/disincentives for leaving a plex, and said farmers will adopt a strategy that does work (defending their plex.)

+1. Now if only CCP was reading your post.

Lol I can't delete my forum sig.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#213 - 2013-04-30 13:51:42 UTC
Lin Suizei wrote:
With regards to you getting PvP by sitting in a system and blocking a farmer, I must disagree - these are systems which no-one cares about. Not many people pass by that way, and there's no public boosting fleet, so not many people will engage you in PvP. It's boring for you, and the farmer is winning because you are bored, and next time you won't come back. This is why rollbacks must be extremely fast, to the point where a PvPer can disrupt every farmer in a system by spending one minute of his time warping to every plex, wasting 19 minutes of the farmer's time that he's chased out.

i have the better idea: insta-biomass any farmers in plex when you warp to beacon Lol

PvPers these days..... Roll

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#214 - 2013-04-30 14:26:28 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
March rabbit wrote:

i have the better idea: insta-biomass any farmers in plex when you warp to beacon Lol

PvPers these days..... Roll

Now we're getting there! Parasites or toxic clouds that navies intentional put inside deadspace plexes. They attack WCS and cloaking devices, doing 100 dps/ module.
Naga's Be Trippin
#215 - 2013-04-30 15:03:31 UTC
cearain wrote:
As far as finding pvp. I get about 100-150 solo pvp kills a month. It could be better but Thats not too bad for the time I spend online.

You havnt broken 100 kills for nrly 4 yrs
#216 - 2013-04-30 15:20:23 UTC
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
cearain wrote:
As far as finding pvp. I get about 100-150 solo pvp kills a month. It could be better but Thats not too bad for the time I spend online.

You havnt broken 100 kills for nrly 4 yrs

in b4 emergency 'IM ON ALT' response
Draconis VI
Porezna Uprava
#217 - 2013-04-30 15:35:58 UTC
from what i can see fw is not broken,amarr are basicaly just whining about losing
State War Academy
Caldari State
#218 - 2013-04-30 16:03:53 UTC
cearain wrote:
As far as finding pvp. I get about 100-150 solo pvp kills a month. It could be better but Thats not too bad for the time I spend online.

I only know one way to respond to this level of ridiculous, and here it is:

You what mate? 100-150 kills a month you say? In what fantasy dream world?

Plus 10 NV
#219 - 2013-04-30 16:14:41 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Cearain wrote:

They aren't being plexed for the 30 seconds to a minute that I go through there. But you can't draw any large conclusions from that.

Yet you say in your general experience you can travel 5 systems without finding anyone plexing. This isnt a one off, its your general experience. Sure, conclusions arnt made of this observation, but it doesnt suggest that farming is completely out of control either.

You can't draw a conclusion as to how much of a problem rabbits are from that, because that doesn't compare rabbits to pvpers. Also it doesn't tell us if people are in there to farm or just to find pvp. I don't assume everyone in the top belt of a system is there to mine.

The fact that about 80% of the people who are in a militia warp out or cloak as soon as I warp to them tells us how much of an impact farmers are having.

The fact that the top daily vp earners have no kills for the day the earned the top spot tells us farmers are having an impact.

The fact that the same plexes stay open all day in the hot pvp systems tells us that the pvpers even when they are in a plex for fights don't bother to wait out the timer if no fights are coming.

Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Farming needs to be addressed. Preventing stabbed ships from activating an acceleration gate would be one. Preventing a ship with a cloak from running a timer regardless of if the cloak was active would be another. That wouldnt prevent people from baiting people in for an easy kill and suddenly falcon..

I'm generally not in favor of special rules but something may have to be done about cloaking. The problem with just banning cloaks is that if you want to go into enemy space with a larger ship where you can't dock the cloak helps avoid gate camps and allows you to dock up in a safe while your pvp and pve timers run.

Perhaps if you cloak in a plex you lose 4 minutes off your timer capped at neutral.

Cearain wrote:

The conflict driver in faction war is having both sides try to take sov in the same systems.

No the conflict driver is the rewards boths sides stand to get for having a certain number of systems. Outside homesystems it doesnt really matter which systems specifically. I do not consider that broken.[/quote]

Its not an either or they both drive conflict. The rewards just amplify the conflict.

Cearain wrote:

As far as tweaking vp amounts, its funny you say that is beyond me. I suggested that giving lp for defensive plexing might unbalance the system too much and instead they should tweak the vp amounts if one side was having trouble hitting higher tiers. Its ok youll catch up.

Its not your idea, its Veshta Yoshida's iirc. I personally think there are issues with vp rewards being inversely proportional to LP rewards.

As for lp for defensive plexing, it think its working fine. It encourages some stability in what was a boom bust cycle before in the utterly broken cashout system you loved. Talk about catching up, you still think that was better than what we have now lol.[/quote]

You call it stability I call it stagnation. The cashout system got people leaving their booster alts and blobs in their homes systems and fighting for allot more systems. You had to flip 80% of the systems. Now gallente just sit at tier 2 and don't even care. People don't care about broken mechanics and the new lp pay stucture demonstrates this.

Now the percent of kills are concentrated to a few systems like pre inferno. The cashout system actually helped the losing side because they would continue to rack up lp. That would in turn create more and more of an incentive to hit a higher tier to cash it out. Now no one really cares about 90% of the systems.

I didn't say coorelating vp requirments with lp payouts was my idea. I said that I predicted the stagnation we currently have and thought ccp should look at tweaking vp requirments if they needed to.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Plus 10 NV
#220 - 2013-04-30 16:23:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
Xolve wrote:
cearain wrote:
As far as finding pvp. I get about 100-150 solo pvp kills a month. It could be better but Thats not too bad for the time I spend online.

I only know one way to respond to this level of ridiculous, and here it is:

You what mate? 100-150 kills a month you say? In what fantasy dream world?

I will let you in on a big secret. "Cearaen" is also my character.

Those are what evekill counts as solo kills. I have only teamed up with people for about 3-5 kills in the last 2 months. So most of my kills that are not considered solo kills are often due to someone not shaking aggro from a previous fight or someone just rolling into a fight. To be fair I whored on that navy mega kill but that is about the only kill I knew I was having help with.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve