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Allegations of breaking the NDA

First post
Skunk Gracklaw
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#281 - 2011-10-21 05:21:25 UTC
Kengutsi Akira wrote:
Wait.... I thought Goons werent the police of EVE or werent gonna do their job for them (as noted earlier)

We didn't start the thread.
Tobias Sjodin
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#282 - 2011-10-21 05:33:19 UTC
Generals4 wrote:
What i still wonder is why GOONS suddenly feel it's their duty to police EVE?

They are an american-based alliance, you know... :trollface:

Ronald Reagan: I do not like Sweden, they support communism. Minister: Sir, but Sweden are anti-communist, Sir.  Ronald Reagan: I do not care what kind of communists they are.

Kengutsi Akira
#283 - 2011-10-21 16:56:07 UTC
Skunk Gracklaw wrote:
Kengutsi Akira wrote:
Wait.... I thought Goons werent the police of EVE or werent gonna do their job for them (as noted earlier)

We didn't start the thread.

So your corp/alliance didnt present the evidence accusing the other CSM of violating NDA, thereby "policing EVE" and doing their job for them as others in this thread and on the forums have accused you of?

On a side note: nice to see the CSM members are so close knit and teamwork focussed.
Doesnt this kinda dent that "two hats" theory?

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


U Subbed M8
#284 - 2011-10-21 17:59:56 UTC
Darius III wrote:
I have been accused of breaking the Non Disclosure Agreement that I signed when I was elected CSM. I will be addressing that accusation in this thread and hopefully shed some light on what really happened.

At no time did I ever leak anything to anyone. I have never shared NDA protected Skype logs, nor any information therein nor have I shared anything from the CSM official forums. In fact I do not answer many questions from corp members, friends or any media unless I am 110% certain that my answer is NDA safe.

The 'evidence' that people use claiming I broke the NDA shows my innocence. The alleged leak shows the name"mittani" in chatlogs. Notice the lowercase 'm'? If you have ever had a discussion with me in any chat-take note that I always capitalize peoples names, locations etc.

I understand that this does not "prove" that I did not leak anything, however it is stronger evidence than that which has been used to indict me.

I ask you to apply the same standard of evidence to my defense as used in my prosecution.

What really happened? I honestly do not know, but I have taken every step I can to disprove the allegations. I think that either:

A: There never was a leak and the whole thing was manufactured, or

B: I was set up to be made to look guilty by another member of the CSM. (Vile Rat is a lazy typist who doesn't bother to capitalize peoples names.....)

Why would someone do this, you may ask? Well it is public knowledge that I am Goons public enemy #1 ever since I trolled them regarding "Freeport Delve".

After which they dedicate two paragraphs to me in one of their internal releases:

Now they have wardecced my Alliance and sent down fleets numbering 500+ pilots to take our space. Sounds like 'They Mad Bro'Cool
If I had leaked anything I would be a man and step up and admit my error. I knew I had pissed GS off but never expected them to stoop to such lowly tactics.

GM Note: Please do not lock this thread as it is relevant and there are @100 posts in various Eve-O forums claiming I breached the NDA. As long as those posts are allowed to stand-in the interests of fair play-my rebuttal also should stand.

To the players of Eve: I apologize for being enough of a douche that people would actually believe that I would do something like this and thus, making someone think that they could frame me in such a manner. D3
Holy One
Privat Party
#285 - 2011-10-21 18:00:36 UTC
I have an NDA with CCP.

I have, despite being a massive trolling fagbutt, never managed to break it.

Its actually quite difficult to do tbh.


#286 - 2011-10-21 18:05:07 UTC
Skunk Gracklaw wrote:
Kengutsi Akira wrote:
Wait.... I thought Goons werent the police of EVE or werent gonna do their job for them (as noted earlier)

We didn't start the thread.

I think you goons have a bit more to worry about than trying to smear someone....

Interview With CCP CEO

Quote on slant of CSM:

"But some of my concerns right now relate to whether the CSM is maybe focused on a particular aspect of the game and I'm starting to get feedback from players that they worry the CSM is too pre-occupied by a certain playstyle. That might mean we may need to change the structure, but definitely the CSM has worked as a feedback tool greatly throughout the years. We will have them over at the end of the year, after everything that's gone on, and we will have a chance to talk about that. We'll just see where we are and take it from there."
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#287 - 2011-10-24 13:08:19 UTC
Well it is good to know that CCP at least realizes there is a problem. Guess we just have to wait and see what they do about it.

Bounties for all!

Skunk Gracklaw
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#288 - 2011-10-24 20:10:33 UTC
Kengutsi Akira wrote:
So your corp/alliance didnt present the evidence accusing the other CSM of violating NDA, thereby "policing EVE" and doing their job for them as others in this thread and on the forums have accused you of?

Members of the CSM itself presented the evidence. Some of them are in my alliance others aren't.
Skunk Gracklaw
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#289 - 2011-10-24 20:12:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Skunk Gracklaw
Dalketh wrote:
I think you goons have a bit more to worry about than trying to smear someone....

Interview With CCP CEO

Quote on slant of CSM:

"But some of my concerns right now relate to whether the CSM is maybe focused on a particular aspect of the game and I'm starting to get feedback from players that they worry the CSM is too pre-occupied by a certain playstyle. That might mean we may need to change the structure, but definitely the CSM has worked as a feedback tool greatly throughout the years. We will have them over at the end of the year, after everything that's gone on, and we will have a chance to talk about that. We'll just see where we are and take it from there."

Not really worried. If they change how the voting works too much you'll end up with a CSM filled with people who have conflicting agendas and nothing will get done. The whole reason we wanted to take control of the CSM (other than the entertainment value of "zomg Goons is running r game!!1!1!") is because there were people who wanted to use it to make nullsec even worse than it is so we took steps to stop them from doing so. If the CSM returns to how it was in the past where they are completely ineffective that's fine with us.