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[Odyssey] Capital Rigs

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FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#161 - 2013-04-23 22:06:50 UTC
So, a Titan or Supercarrier just got a few billion more expensive? Big deal. Minor variations in tritanium prices will have more impact on most Supercapital prices.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#162 - 2013-04-23 22:09:38 UTC
CCP Tallest wrote:
Jane Wade wrote:
do ships with large rigs already in them keep their bonuses?

Yes. Your currently fitted rigs will stay in place and keep their bonuses.

Why pamper the multi-billionaires in such an overt fashion?

Remove installed large rigs and dump them ship cargo .. let the fat cats pay for their diamond studded toy mice!
Silver Octopus
Infernal Octopus
#163 - 2013-04-23 22:09:51 UTC
Sodohm wrote:
Meduza13 wrote:
gascanu wrote:
i don't really understand why are ppl complaining: it's a logic move, and it was a long time coming one.
t1 trimarks where @15milion/u for a long time, now they are like what 7 mil;

regarding t2 ones, if the t2 capital ones are too expensive then you maibe should not be in one...or you can fit t1 Oops

Agreed, no problem , but if set of t2 rigs is more expensive than a ship they are fitted on, (like carrier) makes very little sence, and price/gain ratio is just crazy low.

T2 rig any t1nonfaction subcap ship and rig price will be higher than ship price, I cant see any problem with this applying to caps as well ...

sure so lets make mothership price 20 bil and 3 rigs for it 30 bil, so its consistent (yes, sarcasm)

if cruiser price is exapmle 10 mil, and t2 rigs for it 20 mil , its 10 mil difference, not damn 1 bil
Moondog Hansen
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#164 - 2013-04-23 22:16:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Moondog Hansen
Most people are ignoring the good bit of news that CCP Tallest cleverly hid in this announcement:

With this change CCP is finally introducing T2 capital sized mods, in this particular scenario rigs. Now that they opened that door, it's reasonable to expect t2 capital guns, which are long overdue (as well as reps, fighters, cap boosters, etc).
Zak Centauri
Huzzah Industries
#165 - 2013-04-23 22:16:18 UTC
Happy with the changes, T2 rigged capitals could be seen as slightly OP. Would have been more interesting if CCP built logic so that if rig size is less than that which ship requires they don't work.

1000's of capital pilots having to get new rigs could have been interesting indeed. Looking forward to the change, active tanking buff as someone has already said capital cap booster be appreciated with cap booster 1600's or 3200's. I wan't to turn my moros into a giant triple rep hyperion.
Infernal Laboratory
Infernal Octopus
#166 - 2013-04-23 22:26:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Quindaster
fukier wrote:

tech II trimarks on a vindi with a full slave implant is pretty awesome1

First, you EFT warrior, second, you never had vindicator and third - you never can use it in solo fight because you will get blob on this vindi.

And vindi cost same price like carrier but for carrier T2 rigs will cost like 2-3 carriers.
You feel difference?!
Silver Octopus
Infernal Octopus
#167 - 2013-04-23 22:27:59 UTC
Zak Centauri wrote:
Happy with the changes, T2 rigged capitals could be seen as slightly OP. Would have been more interesting if CCP built logic so that if rig size is less than that which ship requires they don't work.

1000's of capital pilots having to get new rigs could have been interesting indeed. Looking forward to the change, active tanking buff as someone has already said capital cap booster be appreciated with cap booster 1600's or 3200's. I wan't to turn my moros into a giant triple rep hyperion.

you clearly never flown capital ship and have no clue about dreadnoughts, you are probably EFT pilot
Tarsas Phage
#168 - 2013-04-23 22:37:38 UTC
Mole Guy wrote:

itl totally unfair to favor one group over another or make changes that affect folks in such a way as to benefit some.
just like when BOB was given a lot of the t2 bpo's back in the day...some became super rich from them and we all suffered with their high prices. it was supposed to be a lotto, but we know that wasnt what happened...

make it so everyone benefits.

So by your logic, super/titan pilots who got their ships dirt-cheap before the drone poo nerf also enjoyed an unfair advantage as mineral prices subsequently rose?

There wasn't really an outcry over that. My Aeon was built in 2009 and passed through 2 owners before coming to me. Did I pay 2009 prices for it? No, I paid 2013 prices for it, because that's what the market dictated.

Look at freighters, orcas and all capitals - their price has nearly doubled, or has nearly, since the drone poo nerf... so what's the difference here, where the affected ships are vanishingly small in number compared to those who had any ship which consumed a lot of minerals to build before the drone poo nerf?

ariana ailith
#169 - 2013-04-23 22:37:43 UTC
All this nonsense and useless speculation...
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#170 - 2013-04-23 22:48:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Vibramycin
Moondog Hansen wrote:
Most people are ignoring the good bit of news that CCP Tallest cleverly hid in this announcement:

With this change CCP is finally introducing T2 capital sized mods, in this particular scenario rigs. Now that they opened that door, it's reasonable to expect t2 capital guns, which are long overdue (as well as reps, fighters, cap boosters, etc).

whoops is true I missed the "t2"
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#171 - 2013-04-23 22:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Aliventi
Vibramycin wrote:
Moondog Hansen wrote:
Most people are ignoring the good bit of news that CCP Tallest cleverly hid in this announcement:

With this change CCP is finally introducing T2 capital sized mods, in this particular scenario rigs. Now that they opened that door, it's reasonable to expect t2 capital guns, which are long overdue (as well as reps, fighters, cap boosters, etc).

wth? you realize t2 guns and reps already exist, and fighters/fighter bombers are already for carriers only...

I'm just gonna go ahead and assumed I have fallen victim to a troll?

T2 Capital Guns, T2 Capital reps , T2 Capital RR, T2 Capital Cap transfers, T2 fighters and T2 fighter bombers do not exist.
Moondog Hansen
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#172 - 2013-04-23 22:56:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Moondog Hansen
Vibramycin wrote:
Moondog Hansen wrote:
Most people are ignoring the good bit of news that CCP Tallest cleverly hid in this announcement:

With this change CCP is finally introducing T2 capital sized mods, in this particular scenario rigs. Now that they opened that door, it's reasonable to expect t2 capital guns, which are long overdue (as well as reps, fighters, cap boosters, etc).

wth? you realize t2 guns and reps already exist, and fighters/fighter bombers are already for carriers only...

I'm just gonna go ahead and assumed I have fallen victim to a troll?

Perhaps you should read the post you quoted a little more carefully.

Up until now there was no "cross-polination" between subcap mods and t2 capital modules, the only t2 capital mods we had were siege mods, which were capital-only to start with. T2 capital rigs change that (T1 capital rigs do not however).
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#173 - 2013-04-23 23:37:17 UTC
does this mean we can invent T2 capital rigs later?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#174 - 2013-04-24 00:26:09 UTC
My first intuition is to suspect that this is an unbalancing change for the t2 rig market in isolation just because it will further push t2 rigs away from most people because of the increased demand for t2 rigs on caps and supercaps, but maybe it will be so expensive that existing cap pilots won't be able to afford new rigs so maybe there will be only a modest bump, with the largest impact being in t1 salvage.

I wish they'd increase the drop rate on blue salvage by five fold to help drop the price on t2 rigs and increase volume, and then include the t1 rig as the manufacturing material like in other t2 production (to prevent bizarre scenarios like t1 rigs that cost more than a t2 rig and to support the t1 salvage market), so that more people could use t2 rigs. 300-600 mil for a rig is a bit much for battleship sized rigs, and I'm just trying to imagine what a t2 capital semiconductor fitting on would do to my wallet.

Gallente Federation
#175 - 2013-04-24 00:39:31 UTC
Quindaster wrote:
fukier wrote:

tech II trimarks on a vindi with a full slave implant is pretty awesome1

First, you never had vindicator

would you like to bet on that?

and yes it does have tech II large trimarks faction gear and a full slave set clone to go with it... its called being drunk and lots of plex isk.
At the end of the game both the pawn and the Queen go in the same box.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#176 - 2013-04-24 01:38:38 UTC
So far.....
What I've read tells me that a Marauder is going to become a lot more 'efficient' in missions compared to current.
Since if the amount os salvage required goes up, price is likely to rise a bit, meaning the extra salvage a marauder turns while blitzing missions is going to increase it's profit compared to current, since the salvage value will be higher.

Predictions, Marauder price will go up a bit due to demand, Pirate BS price may drop slightly due to less demand, but more likely people will just move from T1 BS to Marauders & stay in Marauders.
Salvage price will go up a little.
More salvage will be on the market.
Probing out & salvaging lvl 4 missions with a noctis will become more profitable also.

It's almost like the economy will adjust.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#177 - 2013-04-24 02:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
I'd like to see carrier and dreadnought rats appear sometimes in anomalies and complexes (especially the high ones) which could be salvaged for special components that go into capital rigs. Along with this I would like to see the large rig component cost reduced from 5x to, say, 2x or 3x. Otherwise, it'll hurt people who are trying to rig their battleships, and it will allow people to farm capital rigs entirely in highsec.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Goonswarm Federation
#178 - 2013-04-24 03:27:42 UTC
Marc Callan wrote:
Can we get a definitive answer on which ship classes will require capital rigs? I'm assuming Titans, Supercarriers, Dreadnoughts, Carriers, and Capital Industrials; any others?

(TL;DR: can we get an answer regarding the Orca?)

The Orca is a Industrial Command Ship, and isn't listed as a capital ship in EFT/Pyfa.

The Rorqual is a Capital Industrial Ship, and has all attributes listed as such in EFT/Pyfa.
Legault Revan
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#179 - 2013-04-24 05:06:57 UTC
It would seem that I need to start Tech 2 rigging every capital I can come across.
Club 1621
#180 - 2013-04-24 05:33:57 UTC
1.5b isk t2 rigs seem a bit much