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[Odyssey] Capital Rigs

First post First post
Ujio Sendai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#261 - 2013-04-25 17:30:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Ujio Sendai
Ujio Sendai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#262 - 2013-04-25 18:30:28 UTC
CCP Tallest wrote:
Jane Wade wrote:
do ships with large rigs already in them keep their bonuses?

Yes. Your currently fitted rigs will stay in place and keep their bonuses.

I think this generally blank question with it's generally blank response needs to be clarified.

Does a capital ship fit with large rigs keep the bonuses?

If yes to that specific question, then I certainly hope the capital rigs have a greater bonus than their large counterparts or this whole conversion is just ****!

Seriously please tell us the capital rigs have a greater bonus....Straight
Fel Wrath
Crossfire Incorporated
#263 - 2013-04-26 00:21:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Fel Wrath
Ujio Sendai wrote:
CCP Tallest wrote:
Jane Wade wrote:
do ships with large rigs already in them keep their bonuses?

Yes. Your currently fitted rigs will stay in place and keep their bonuses.

I think this generally blank question with it's generally blank response needs to be clarified.

Does a capital ship fit with large rigs keep the bonuses?

If yes to that specific question, then I certainly hope the capital rigs have a greater bonus than their large counterparts or this whole conversion is just ****!

Seriously please tell us the capital rigs have a greater bonus....Straight

I think it is easily inferred they will all have the same bonuses just like small and medium and large rigs all have the same bonus.

Seems like market speculation is slowing down. T2 large CCC's went from 180mil to well over 320mil in a day and now back down to 200mil.
Ujio Sendai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#264 - 2013-04-26 13:40:48 UTC
^ Thanks for the input.
That is just a disappointment if that is how it turns out.
As I'm sure most rig producers and market people know, the number of new capital ships to be bought and fit compared to the number of capitals that are in service before this update has to be somewhere like 1/10 if not less. Also considering any current capital pilot is going to know about this and get their large fits on asap makes this "new" market next to non existant.

I was kind of excited about this at first, but for such an expensive and low quantity product why would anyone bother making them when 90% of your potential customer base has already cheap fit their capitals???

Sounds like some deep thinking went into this {sarcasm}Roll
Lost True
Caldari State
#265 - 2013-04-26 14:09:33 UTC
Well, this change it's reasonable.

...but... o holy sheet, this will be expensive now Cry

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

Tonto Auri
Vhero' Multipurpose Corp
#266 - 2013-04-26 14:37:08 UTC
Ujio Sendai wrote:
Sounds like some deep thinking went into this {sarcasm}Roll

Sounds, like you just lost your cut of expectations because of inability to read plain english.
It was even DIRECTLY addressed in the very FIRST post.
CCP Tallest wrote:
Some things to note:
* Rigs that previously did not affect capital modules will affect capital modules

Two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. -- Harlan Ellison

Ujio Sendai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#267 - 2013-04-26 14:59:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Ujio Sendai
Tonto Auri wrote:
Ujio Sendai wrote:
Sounds like some deep thinking went into this {sarcasm}Roll

Sounds, like you just lost your cut of expectations because of inability to read plain english.
It was even DIRECTLY addressed in the very FIRST post.
CCP Tallest wrote:
Some things to note:
* Rigs that previously did not affect capital modules will affect capital modules

Why do people like you even bother to try to spout out your little bit of aggravation towads anything you can.
My only expectation is an incentive to buy the new modules. Meaning the capital modules will have stats making them a consideration worth buying over all of the large rigs people aleady have fit.. Now go do something meaningful... or not.. I don't care.
Pinky Denmark
The Cursed Navy
#268 - 2013-04-26 20:54:21 UTC
write a scrip to remove rigs on capital ships - have them put it in cargo... Please!! Cool
Goonswarm Federation
#269 - 2013-04-26 22:34:24 UTC
time to sell those Large Trimark II's that are kicking around, it seems.
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
#270 - 2013-04-26 23:15:39 UTC
They should probably take a look at drop rate and uses for certain rigs.

T2 Armor rigs are much more expensive than T2 shield rigs.

There's going to be a problem with gathering enough T2 salvage to build these capital size rigs.

T2 Large Trimarks are rarely used on battleships, even on pimp battleships they are rarely rigged.

T2 Large Trimarks are typically only seen on Supercapitals.

Now there's going to be a problem gathering enough t2 salvage to supply to market since you'll have more salvage being sunk into capital sized.
Diminishing Returns.
#271 - 2013-04-27 15:35:30 UTC
I'm sorry but to all you people that want rigs removed from current capitals, just no. I have taken years to finally get my Thanatos and rigged it with T1 as it was all I could afford . I'm not rich and it would appear that people just hate large corps and alliances. Why should I be penalised by the "I want it now squad". People have given years to get to where they are and Odyssey Wlli let you into the capitals quicker anyway so suck it up and stop whining.
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#272 - 2013-04-29 03:07:31 UTC
Seriously fix the title. Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Rachel Starchaser
Caldari State
#273 - 2013-04-29 03:14:26 UTC
So they are going to do what the large rigs do but cost a whole lot more to build. And an arm and a leg to buy? Awesome. Ugh
Solaris Research and Production
#274 - 2013-04-29 05:51:37 UTC
so if we are going to have capital rigs and will have them 5x the cost to produce them , then please make them so that we can salvage a few of them when a carrier or supercap or a titan blows up.... maybe add another skill to salvage capital components from capital wrecks... they are going to be very expensive so make is so you give us the chance to get something back from the wreck.
... just my 2 cents.
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#275 - 2013-04-29 06:42:06 UTC
MaverickScot wrote:
I'm sorry but to all you people that want rigs removed from current capitals, just no. I have taken years to finally get my Thanatos and rigged it with T1 as it was all I could afford .

I guess you're also breaking the first rule of EVE - never fly what you cant afford to loose.
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#276 - 2013-04-29 07:11:35 UTC
Ujio Sendai wrote:
Why do people like you even bother to try to spout out your little bit of aggravation towads anything you can.
My only expectation is an incentive to buy the new modules. Meaning the capital modules will have stats making them a consideration worth buying over all of the large rigs people aleady have fit.. Now go do something meaningful... or not.. I don't care.

It's more interesting why do people think that capital rigs will be any different from large rigs stat-wise. It's not how rig size works, and I don't really see any signs of that changing.
Ujio Sendai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#277 - 2013-04-29 13:38:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Ujio Sendai
Barrogh Habalu wrote:
Ujio Sendai wrote:
Why do people like you even bother to try to spout out your little bit of aggravation towads anything you can.
My only expectation is an incentive to buy the new modules. Meaning the capital modules will have stats making them a consideration worth buying over all of the large rigs people aleady have fit.. Now go do something meaningful... or not.. I don't care.

It's more interesting why do people think that capital rigs will be any different from large rigs stat-wise. It's not how rig size works, and I don't really see any signs of that changing.

Yes, I am aware that in all likelihood they will have the same % stat bonus as the large rigs but this is an ideas and suggestions thread. A 5% additional bonus or something in balance to what the capital rigs do would be enough to make those with the ISK to consider actually buying these, without removing the rigs from all the capitals out there. (which is where my vote goes)

I was only trying to talk about a reasonable solution. However I guess the census is this:

-We have a new product line
-If you invest in producing them your sales will be miniscule, and the costs great
-the people who could afford to buy them never will because you'd have to play for years to afford them most likely and in that case you've already fit large rigs.
-they take 5 times the resources to produce but it's no big dealX
-those who know they will break lucky on an updated change will make senseless justifications as to why they should

I suppose I even began posting about this because it's such a counter active move. They have added capital rigs to the production line. They're bigger and more expensive than ever, but they are totally void to most of the market that they are supposed to apply to. If there is an argument to that I'd like to hear what biased meanderings can be conjured up for entertainment value at least.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#278 - 2013-04-29 14:29:18 UTC
Just ganna throw this out there. if u have rigs for the other sizes of ships it only seems fair to give the caps their's as well, forcing them to use BS rigs is just odd. i mean your banking the survival of a capitol class ship on battleship equipment. just not a good investment, if your looking to save isk don't fly a capitol. if u want to get more for your isk fit the thing right.

Also CCP is forcing new players to train for a ship completely not just, " o i can sit in my new carrier but i cant leave the station cause i cant fit any tank." The purpose for the changes such as adding the jump skills to carrier training and the cap rigs is to make new pilots able to actually do something with this large expensive thing other then mount it on the wall as a trophy.

i will agree however a slight boost to salvage would be nice.
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#279 - 2013-04-29 15:49:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Sergeant Acht Scultz
No change for my Chimaera.

I'll still be using it only to move ships and stuff from station "A" to station "B", if those large capacitor rigs are removed they will not be replaced, would be an incredible waste of isk.

4.5B worth of frigates, cruisers, battlecruisers and even battleships is a lot of ships far more fun than ever fighting with any Chimaera.

EDit: for the poster above

The old risk/reward stuff and yadaya, A super carrier/Titan might as well be worth the effort of those extra 4.5B isk (number announced by some players so I'll stick to it just for numbers sake), and since most of those ships are already officer/faction fitted that extra isk is not really a problem for those players.

At capital size only (carrier/dradnaught/Orca) this isk jump doesn't bring any benefit or justifies the price just because large rigs compared with BS ships is already unbalanced, read expensive, it's just an extra cost for ships already too expensive for the utility, the survivability or the fun you can get with.

If it's a change to make it so there's less capitals then it's not a very good one neither, carriers/dreads might as well become unworthy of the isk effort and less used because of this cost jump but will not change anything for supers/titans.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Diminishing Returns.
#280 - 2013-04-29 19:37:01 UTC
Skia Aumer wrote:
MaverickScot wrote:
I'm sorry but to all you people that want rigs removed from current capitals, just no. I have taken years to finally get my Thanatos and rigged it with T1 as it was all I could afford .

I guess you're also breaking the first rule of EVE - never fly what you cant afford to loose.

I can afford to lose it that's why I have one. I'm not going to rage quit if I lose it that just EvE Blink That and I like to break rules P