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A letter to CCP - Please proof read and make any suggestions

First post
Enovis Von'Lichtenstein
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2013-04-20 11:50:14 UTC
What a coincidence, I bumped your Rhea, and your post =)
Raging Beaver
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#142 - 2013-04-20 11:53:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Raging Beaver
My responses to your points in bold:

1. No you can't have my stuff it dies with me. - Really? Even I can't have any? You're an evil person...

2. I barely ever come on the forums, I pay to play a game, not to read posts. It shouldn't be a requirement of a game to have to trawl through 100s of meaningless posts (ironic hey?) just in case a bunch of player decide to take the **** of a less than adequate punishment system - Not reading the forums myself... they're crap 99% of the time...

3. Fair enough, people could get enough ships during a normal day to pop ships, but as you said it would require 15 tier BS, which cost allot more than the contents of my ship - Contents - yes, but my dear friend, you forgot to take the value of the SHIP into account. This also counts as damage.

if CONCORD killed every player after the event before they could kill another, - They do actually, AFAIK, evading CONCORD justice in any way is considered a bannable offence. I can GUARANTEE, that every ship on your KM died very soon afterwards.

then they wouldn't have shot in the first place. - WRONG.

I full support the mechanic of suicide ganking as long as it doesn't affect my precious Rhea, which I sent to Jita on AP.<< THATS THE POINT - Corrected this for you.

It i had follow around with 8 billion in the cargo hold then fair game, because the number of ships vs the reward is worth it, but it was only a billion which would have required more ships than that to kill me than the cargo's worth if they hadn't been able to kill anything else. Simply put CONCORD is working as I believe it was intended and that my gripe. - We're not in Jita to make profit - we're extracting tears, they're worth 10x more than Technetium.

4. My main was a member of ELF for 18+months, I left due to obtaining a engineering job which meant I could not play the hours i used to, I am not just some player who sits in high sec, this was a trading alt to support my pvp main. - I call bullshit - PvP main? And autopiloting Rhea to Jita - TBH, I wouldn't do this on a NORMAL day, and you did on a BJ (lol) day? - what exactly are you PvPing in? Reapers? Rifters? PvP is for people who have at least a basic grasp of the game itself, you clearly don't...

As I mentioned I have spent allot of time in different areas of EVE my main it all its life has only spent 9 months in hi - 8 months too long...

5. Killmail link provided by another player ... - Can we have his testimony of butthurt next? And his stuff? Pretty please!...
Live Adult Entertainment
Federal Krab Office
#143 - 2013-04-20 12:02:02 UTC
5/5 would read again

Like my comment and recieve 1 million isk ingame!

Azami Nevinyrall
#144 - 2013-04-20 12:04:03 UTC
Asith wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Asith wrote:
Dear CCP,

I am writing to you regarding your large scale massively multiplayer online game called EVE Online, which I have been playing since 18th June 2006 on my main and since 14th June 2007 on my trading character. Recently, I haven’t been enjoying the game as I once did, this has been going on a while but then you introduced varies new features which kept me saying to myself perhaps this will turn it around. So I kept on renewing and trying new things out, including null sec, wormholes, exploration, mission running (boring by the way), mining (even worse) and recently factional warfare (well done on making a broken system even worse there with your recent patch). I was going to keep playing until I got a new computer in June and hope the improvement of graphic settings would keep me interested, but unfortunately the final nail was driven into my EVE coffin on the 19th April 2013.
What happen that day should of just been my usual end of week trading, where I go and collect various bits that have been made during the week (as I work full time) and return to Jita to sell them. On the return journey I decided to leave autopilot on to get me the last couple of jumps to Jita while I went to go make myself some dinner. When I came back I found myself docked, but then I noticed it wasn’t Jita and not in my ship. I had been in fact killed and podded in Ikuchi at 1.0 system one jump away from Jita. Then reason I am upset about this event is that it was my Rhea containing over a billion isks worth of items, a total loss in the region of 8 billion isk.
After I talked to one of the people that killed me I discovered that my ship had been stuck on the gate because Jita has reached it population cap (implemented by you because your server lacks the capacity to deal with the demand) and that Goonies, TEST and the rest had taken advantage of the situation to start popping stuck ships. This in my view make the responsibility lie in CCP for the various reasons:
1. Lack of capacity in Jita causing a large amount of ships (likely on autopilot) containing vast wealth to be stuck on the gates around the system.
2. The lack of effect of CONCORD in destroying large criminal fleets in a 1.0 system – which in make no sense when taking into account the supposed size and reasons for CONCORD in the story line and the fact it is in the Caldari states back yard.
As a result I raised a petition for reimbursement of my loss, which I was the sequentially told, was effectively “tough luck – games working fine”. As a result I have effectively lost hundreds of pounds in wasted subscription fees and thousands of hours of my life over 6 years. As I mentioned earlier this had driven the final nail in the coffin of my EVE life, which is a shame as when I started out in the game although it was far from perfect I had high hopes for the game.

Yours faithfully,

Matthew Lusted (aka Asith / k*********2)

Any grammar, spelling mistakes and suggestion appreciated. I will be sending it once I think its ready

Welcome to EVE!

On a serious note though, EVE is a dark cesspool that CCP prides itself on. These mechanics are there for a reason, your loss is your own damn fault...Let me explain, auto piloting with 8 Billion ISKies in your cargohold is like walking through the worst part of town with your hand stuck out holding several hundred dollars. You're bound to get punched out and your cash stolen. Now, you're doing the equivalent in EVE, and you're expecting nothing to happen? How dense are you and other people who do the same? Like seriously....think about it? EVE isn't a themepark MMO, (some people *cough* Riverini *cough* think it should be, but they're ******* ********.) Whoever Autopilots anywhere with billions in their hold is more dense then George Bush.

Your ignorance is why they do this.
Your laziness is why they do this.
Your tears is why they do this.
You dense ************, you deserved it.

Obligatory: I can has stuffs.

I see none of you have actually read the OP properly. The cargo hold had 1 billion isk, the ship was the most expensive item. They used 16 BCs and a huge number of dessies to pop me. IF CONCORD had killed every one, then fair enough, but it didn't it allowed them to pop other ships as well making it cost effective. Otherwise it would have cost more in ships to kill me than what was in the cargo hold, and they wouldn't have bothered.

I am not some idiot, the point I trying to make is CONCORD is not effective as a punishment, it make no sense in the story for a organisation such as CONCORD, not to be able to quickly kill the entire fleet after the first kill. In the end according to the story, CONCORD keeps the empires in check.

The reason I mention the player cap of Jita, it because it caused a larger number of valuable ships to build up at the gate making it a very big target.

And to every one who says should of been auto piloting, you try doing 30 jumps in a freighter and trying to have a life at the same time. It not like I was auto piloting through low sec.



Galaxy Punks
#145 - 2013-04-20 12:06:38 UTC
Dear CCP,

I was there.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#146 - 2013-04-20 12:07:04 UTC
Is the betting pool up yet? I want to place 100M ISK on “bought account”.

I refuse to believe that a 2007 player is this unfamiliar with… everything.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#147 - 2013-04-20 12:08:05 UTC
Asith wrote:
I'm a lazy git, with no situational awareness, who is shedding tears because some ebil Goonies and friends decided to attack me in at the entrance to a solar system that makes Mos Eisley spaceport look like Paris in spring, in a PvP game.

So many layers of butthurt and incompetence in the OP that I can't even begin to separate them, OP should try Hello Kitty Online or Habbo Hotel, they seem more his speed.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#148 - 2013-04-20 12:12:31 UTC
this is an outrage
May Ke
Maxxim Heavy Industries Inc.
#149 - 2013-04-20 12:17:32 UTC
Asith wrote:
Dear CCP,

Cry, Cry, Whinge, Whinge. I'm a **** who can't take it.

Matthew Lusted (aka Asith / k*********2)

Epic tears thread.

Go buy another one, try again.

Who? Me?

Sirane Elrek
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#150 - 2013-04-20 12:26:19 UTC
May Ke wrote:
Asith wrote:
Dear CCP,

Cry, Cry, Whinge, Whinge. I'm a **** who can't take it.

Matthew Lusted (aka Asith / k*********2)

Go buy another one, try again.

preferably by sunday
#151 - 2013-04-20 12:32:08 UTC
Robus Muvila wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Scatim Helicon wrote:
The repeated desperate "NOBODY CARES WHY ARE PEOPLE POSTING I SAID NOBODY CARES ARGGGGHHHH" shrieking of NPC alts is, if anything, even sweeter than the complaints of those being ganked.

The thing they have in common is they are both saying what they mean.The trouble you have is you can only believe that wich makes you feel special.It's a side-effect for being a goonbag so no worries it'll wear off one day.

You're so passive aggressively bitter. It's adorable. Blink

Nah bitter is when someone did something to you and you feel a grudge about it.

Goons never did anything to me , crap i even flew with the nutcases.I just have a tendancy to hate people with an inflated ego , needless to say goons have been a great target of my hatred for a few years.And far from passsive btw as you should have seen by now.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

#152 - 2013-04-20 12:33:56 UTC
Andski wrote:
Daisai wrote:
The response from ccp to this player is a reason why this game has never been a succes subscription wise.

500k and growing, without any significant loss in subscribers at any particular point, is a "success subscription-wise" hope this helps

I'd go as far as saying the game would have died years ago if CCP gave a different response .

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

dark heartt
#153 - 2013-04-20 12:34:50 UTC
Selene Nask wrote:

I'm new to the game and somewhere, somehow in the learning process I've learned that autopiloting anywhere is a risk. Add in expensive cargo and it's even more of risk.

I've also learned that certain systems along main routes to trade hubs quite regularly have people in them that like to shoot industrials that have lots of isk in them. The Jita area is one of them even when "Burn Jita' isn't happening.

I completely agree that multiple jumps in an industrial is boring, a pain and ripe for the temptations of autopilot. I have used auto-pilot quite a bit during long high-sec hauls knowing the risk. However I never ever jump through or into systems (like Jita) that are known to be one where people regularly search for easy industrial targets. With afk ones being ripe for the picking. Jita on the weekends has been backed up at times since I've been playing. (2 months)

If you have to auto-pilot set your destination to a station outside of these systems. (Find or figure out what these systems are of course). Then you can go do whatever and come back at your leisure and manually jump through the riskier areas. Easy peasy and way less risky.

Here ends the advice from a still relatively clueless newb but one that can't afford to lose that much stuff when trying to build up her nest egg.

You are the pinnacle of new players! Despite your newbie status you have learned more than a 6+ year old character and are showing the signs of becoming a true Eve addict. You should be proud of being an informed part of the community and I believe that you will go far in Eve. Congratulations!

To the OP: Learn from players like this!
Daisai Investments.
#154 - 2013-04-20 12:41:13 UTC
Andski wrote:
Daisai wrote:
500k subscriptions is not a succes also the number that ccp gives is not a active subscription number but also all the people that tried eve and stopped playing.

1) 500k is a success
2) it's 500k active subscribers

be wrong some more

Then your standard of calling a game a succes is very low.
dark heartt
#155 - 2013-04-20 12:48:56 UTC
Daisai wrote:
Andski wrote:
Daisai wrote:
500k subscriptions is not a succes also the number that ccp gives is not a active subscription number but also all the people that tried eve and stopped playing.

1) 500k is a success
2) it's 500k active subscribers

be wrong some more

Then your standard of calling a game a succes is very low.

Success isn't measured by subscribers, it's measured in lifespan and profitability. Considering Eve is approaching its 10th year (with one of the most devoted fanbases of any MMO) and that CCP is making enough to support the game and make Dust, I'd say Eve is extremely successful. Most MMO's start with a massive spike in subs, then that number drops off. Eve's slowly increasing number of subs shows that the game is continuing to be a successful game.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#156 - 2013-04-20 12:50:17 UTC
Daisai wrote:
Andski wrote:
Daisai wrote:
500k subscriptions is not a succes also the number that ccp gives is not a active subscription number but also all the people that tried eve and stopped playing.

1) 500k is a success
2) it's 500k active subscribers

be wrong some more

Then your standard of calling a game a succes is very low.

the 'k' means thousand btw
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#157 - 2013-04-20 13:03:35 UTC
Daisai wrote:
Andski wrote:
Daisai wrote:
500k subscriptions is not a succes also the number that ccp gives is not a active subscription number but also all the people that tried eve and stopped playing.

1) 500k is a success
2) it's 500k active subscribers

be wrong some more

Then your standard of calling a game a succes is very low.

The only thing low around here is your IQ.

The Tears Must Flow

Stellar Defense Services
#158 - 2013-04-20 13:19:03 UTC
I like suicide ganking as much as the next person but I really hope this guy doesn't quit playing the game because of it.

EVE needs more players, not less.
Sipphakta en Gravonere
Gallente Federation
#159 - 2013-04-20 13:20:49 UTC
Shingorash wrote:
I like suicide ganking as much as the next person but I really hope this guy doesn't quit playing the game because of it.

EVE needs more players, not less.

Eve needs more players that interact with the community, not lone wolf style players that treat this like a single player game.
Stellar Defense Services
#160 - 2013-04-20 13:25:45 UTC
Sipphakta en Gravonere wrote:
Shingorash wrote:
I like suicide ganking as much as the next person but I really hope this guy doesn't quit playing the game because of it.

EVE needs more players, not less.

Eve needs more players that interact with the community, not lone wolf style players that treat this like a single player game.

Who do you think hauls stuff around trade hubs, builds stuff etc?

You play the game your way and let him play it his way. He doesn't have to interact with anyone if he doesn't want to. What if he is autistic and physically cant do that?

Just saying mate, let him play the game he wants to play it, not the way you want to play it. He pays for it not you, when you start paying his subscription then you can perhaps tell him what to do.

Remember, there is pretty much zero industry in 0.0, the vast majority of the stuff in game comes from those high sec people you are so happy to blow up.

As I said, "IF" he quits its a loss for the game. Perhaps not the community but a loss none the less.