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EVE General Discussion

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If you had to give an honest opinion on Eve to a friend.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#61 - 2011-10-18 03:05:25 UTC
I've almost sold a few friends on EVE by telling them, "it's like Elite, but with PvP."

I've almost sold a few friends by telling them, "it's a dystopian future where you can carve out as big an empire as your political, economic and military prowess will allow you to!"

I think it would be easier to sell EVE if the UI was a bit prettier and combat looked more like Freespace or Homeworld. Rather than red crosses, have different icons for frigates, destroyers, cruisers, battle-cruisers, battleships, etc.

I suspect it would be easier to sell EVE if the PvE and "solo" aspects of the game included more narration from Aura, more interaction with NPCs (e.g.: Wing-commander style video smack), and the option of having NPCs give you longer term goals than simple missions. Some people want mindless entertainment, and having more mindless pilots in the game could lead to more minions for those folks who desire to lead armies of zombies :)
Holy One
Privat Party
#62 - 2011-10-18 03:33:55 UTC
Most people are too stupid and impatient to stick with it. Most of my friends refuse to install windows and abide with their cats, in dungeons somewhere in Hammersmith. Where they eat cous cous from plastic tubs and pass their time counting the angels in GCC output streams.

Which is unfortunate really, because EvE Online was designed for them.


Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2011-10-18 04:11:19 UTC
I have tried to get many of my friends to play this game. its hard. its not so much the gap between the rich and the poor. its the "freedom" concept of it all. its complex, and if you don't play your cards right, you aren't going to do very well.

most people like to play call of duty and WoW where you have one path to walk. shoot people or whatever the hell you do in WoW. eve is different and most people get confused and frustrated, and throw it away, at least in my experience.

when people ask me about eve, i always say that it nothing like you ever played before, its not necessarily easy, but once you get the hang of it its awesome. i usually say something along the lines of the first 6 months sucks. you get scammed, will be poor, have no idea whats going on, have no clue how to fit a ship and will die, and skill training into something decent will take a few months.

Rishard DuMonte
Maelstrom Crew
#64 - 2011-10-18 04:51:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Rishard DuMonte
I tell them EVE is basically digital crank:

If you try it you're hooked. You'll probably like it. You might not, and that's the worst part. You'll spend endless hours and assloads of cash trying to like it. You'll blow off school, your wife, your kids, and your job for "just five more minutes" trying to get ahead.

You'll say you're gonna quit, you might even actually "quit'. Seriously. You'll mean it every time. Then you'll find yourself in fleet sodomizing some shmuck with a crap tank and laughing hysterically on Teamspeak. At 4 am. You'll have to be in class by 9. You won't care because pvp tremors are even better than 5 cans of Red Bull and a bottle of roofies.

At the end of the day you'll just be trying to get off even more than the last time you played it... and that's the kick in the balls... You'll grow to hate EVE but won't be able to stop yourself.

I'd rather recommend that someone take up base jumping or banging whores bareback in Bangkok. At least you'll know what you're in for right up front.
Alain Kinsella
#65 - 2011-10-18 07:29:16 UTC
I was brought to this game by a RL friend (and fellow tabletop RPG player). His pitch? "I know your playing style, you should try this."

He was right, but in the end I did not follow his path (which at the time would have been a free pass into the old Atlas). I was drawn by Industry and its hidden PvP - the PvP no one talks about. Market PvP in particular held my attention (and still does), as this place gives me a place to 'safely' learn what *not* to do in the RL Market when I retire. Lol

Ironically, my friends no longer play Eve. I continue to play in order to form more friendships, learn more about various parts of the game. I've now settled in with the RP groups here, which I've found to be refreshing (though I'm also a LARP fan, so to each their own).

"The Meta Game does not stop at the game. Ever."

Currently Retired / Semi-Casual (pending changes to RL concerns).

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#66 - 2011-10-18 07:33:16 UTC
Important internet spaceships: Serious business.
Intergalactic Expeditionary Corp
#67 - 2011-10-18 07:45:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Jokerface666
Alice Saki wrote:
I Started a Few Months Ago, And I'm glad I Did... Even if Most People would Pwn me I'm still Enjoying my Interwebby SpaceFlyingthingymabobs

Alice Saki wrote:

Shove Eve Uni Up your arse joining them involves filling out a bloody Job application... I tried got Bored, Went to NullSec xD

You see people like this are the material for eve.

Braincells of a EVE player talking to each other:
Shoot it moar!
Still don't works...
Take whats left and run.

Form my point, i just tried the trial:
Played for one day, got mad at the click where you want to fly and left it alon. 3 months later i was bored and gave it another try, as a noob as i was i went straight to LS and got blown up, i got mad at that and wanted revenge.... and yeah here i am.... 4 years later....
Angry Mustellid
#68 - 2011-10-18 08:09:35 UTC
"Not for the faint of heart"

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

State War Academy
Caldari State
#69 - 2011-10-18 08:20:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Evelgrivion
Cyalume wrote:
What would you say?

Couple of my real life friends we're talking about starting in Eve and asked if I'd recommend it. Honestly, I didn't know what to say.

All I could think of was the divide that comes with starting such an old game. Now I realize I'm probably wrong but the divide does seem huge. A few people control alliances that in turn control mass amounts of wealth and chances. Sure some of them fall but mostly they just seem to rename themselves and start over.

Obviously, like with any game. You take the forums with a pinch of salt. Especially when so many people create alts to back up an opinion. Still, a lot of what you read on the Eve forums is pretty negative. Things taking years to fix, being rushed out and so forth. The bitching about bots, Super's nerf. etc.

So what is it actually like starting from scratch now?

Would you recommend it?

All I could really say was "What not play the trial and see what you think?". Bit of a weak answer, but the best I could come up with.

Honestly? This is what I'd tell them.

It's a unique experience with good style and an incredible PVP system that comes from the harsh losses that can be inflicted on your gains; when EVE is good, it's damn good.

Unfortunately, it's developers spent two years not giving a **** about spaceships and only did an about face when people started unsubscribing en-masse, and we have no idea how long this reversal will last.

If you like what EVE is, feel free to stick around, but don't hold out hope for what EVE Online's space ships could be as a factor for sticking around. If you expect broken things to be fixed expediently, think again.
Mr M
Sebiestor Tribe
#70 - 2011-10-18 08:26:11 UTC
Great game.
Great people.
Whiny forum.
Trust no one.

Share your experience

Write for the EVE Tribune

Dr Zuma
The Hatchery
#71 - 2011-10-18 08:45:44 UTC
It used to be good.
Dr Cosmo
Caldari State
#72 - 2011-10-18 09:04:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Cosmo
pipvac wrote:
Rocky Deadshot wrote:
I would tell them its a cruel place that glorifies cyber bullying and being a ****. (More so than most MMOs)


Backed up by a publisher which actively encourages this behaviour, turns a blind eye to meta gaming, and is powerless to make any kind of impression on botting and RMT.

I wouldn't be much of a friend to recommend this to them.

They would be better off giving me £15 per month to give them glimmer of what could have been, whilst I repeatedly kick them in the balls (or vagina... lets not be sexist here). Then whilst there lying on the ground wheeping from the pain, I would then take a picture and post this online to everyone to show them how pathetic they are being, ensuring to tell them to "give me your stuff, on your way out".

it's the best analogy of this game and it's community, as well it's publishers, I can think of.



Created by Sociopaths, for Sociopaths.

In Glorium et Decorum
#73 - 2011-10-18 10:02:13 UTC
An ex corpy said:

"Other MMO's hold your hand, send you on a good path and give you a cookie, . EVE, they smack you with your own hand, send you into despair and take your cookie."

By the orders of PlunderBunny: ☻/ /▌ / \ This is Bob, post him into your forum sig and help him conquer the forums.

Obax Bannon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#74 - 2011-10-18 11:36:33 UTC
Prencleeve Grothsmore wrote:
Hardcore spaceships is alot better than hardcore pron.

Yeah but now you can combine the two with the ingame browser its a win/win situation.
How many ships are lost to pron each day i wonder Lol
Caulk H0lster
Kazakh Ministry of Wealth Redistribution
#75 - 2011-10-18 11:45:05 UTC
The problem I have, is how exactly do I get my friends or family who want to play EVE with me interested enough to stick with the game for a year or two WITHOUT me to be able to fly with me. Let me elaborate.

I'm part of a certain ELITE PVP alliance (this is an alt, ofc), and even players on the lower end of our recruitment scale generally have 25m+ sp, which is probably 18 months to 2 years of training. Not only that, but player skill is actually pretty important, and there are only a few places where one can learn all the necessary skills.

I ran into the issue about a year ago of my Father wanting to try out EVE. I helped him create a character and get started on some newbie missions, and tried to point him in the direction of EVE University, but he never made it that far. When he realized that it would take a very long time to be able to fly with me and my alliance, he pretty much lost hope and stopped playing.

"BUT WAIT" people are gonna say, "You could have joined a different corp that was newbie-friendly!" And that's true. But it also isn't why I play EVE. I spent a great deal of my EVE time training up newbies before I joined said ELITE PVP alliance, and one of the main reasons I joined this alliance is (besides a few old friends), they are competent and skilled, and it is a very rare thing for me to lose a ship because of an FC making a really stupid decision, or a random fleet member screwing up.

But yea, it's kinda left me saying to people "It's a great game, but if you're going to play it to hang out with ME online, we should probably play TF2 or Xbox Live or something else instead, because you can't just jump into EVE and roll with the big dawgs, unless you're gonna spend a lot of RL money on buying PLEX and a new character."
What It Say's On The Tin
#76 - 2011-10-18 13:54:45 UTC

Thanks for the replies.

I decided to start a baby alt of my own to play alongside them. So far two out of the three have decided to stay. The first played for a day before quitting. Time will tell what happens with the other two.

Failing that, I notice starter characters for Winmatar sell fairly well, just like Tengu pilots. So at least it could be future ISK.
Valari Nala Zena
Caldari State
#77 - 2011-10-18 19:20:47 UTC
This game is amazing if you want to be a total ass and get away with it.

Most of my real life friends however, are nice people who don't want to play a total ass and wouldn't understand why in gods name you would like to do such a thing.
Victoria Blake
State War Academy
Caldari State
#78 - 2011-10-18 19:35:42 UTC
Valari Nala Zena wrote:
This game is amazing if you want to be a total ass and get away with it.

Most of my real life friends however, are nice people who don't want to play a total ass and wouldn't understand why in gods name you would like to do such a thing.

My sentiments precisely.
Solar Flare Trade and Production
#79 - 2011-10-18 20:48:40 UTC
Renturu wrote:
An ex corpy said:

"Other MMO's hold your hand, send you on a good path and give you a cookie, . EVE, they smack you with your own hand, send you into despair and take your cookie."

LOL this - so true Lol
Caldari State
#80 - 2011-10-18 21:24:17 UTC
I've been playing about a month. My neighbor would come over and show me youtube videos, talk about space related jokes. I couldn't understand what his problem was and why he played this game at all let alone love it as much as he does. I get it now. I made my account to get it over with and just try this game. I am no longer a trial account. I had to keep going even though I still don't understand almost..everything. I've learned that it's really hard to start this game out with no idea of whats going on. People assume your trolling all the time since the questions you ask sound so simple to general players.

It's confusing to pick out your race, bloodline, user name, and to ask those questions that you will only say.."Oh, I should have figured that out since it's the most obvious"
Someone checked out the skills I began with and they were surprised that I knew certain ones and didn't at starting out my caldari race character. So maybe things have changed for character creation over the years?
Besides the experienced players that are really good at this game and don't think new players are asking legit questions...people here are really helpful and nice!
Eve feels like you're learning a new language at first but once you start it's so much fun and learning more just turns into a adventure.
The missions are very boring..a lot of reading in the tutorial. Hard to start out if you are a first person shooter console player and come here to start a game.
I don't know much about isk yet but it seems like they don't start you out with much at all. I run out all the time. But I hear about people talking about millions of isk being pocket change. So maybe it is hard to be starting out Eve and selling your unused items for that skill book you require but didn't know about. Blink