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[Odyssey] Cruise Missiles

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Barbs Hammer
#361 - 2013-04-18 11:13:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Morniee
Why cant the missile users have access to a new module, for example " Ballistic Guidance Unit " that would mitigate the penalty to explosion velocity of the missiles, and signature radius? Pretty much like Tracking Enhancers for turrets?
could even be a High slot, active... that used capacitor, or something of the sort...
I think the lack of, missile associated modules, and counters.... are the main problem to balance issues atm.

Just my Humble opinion.

Has for the Boost of cruises... I am thrilled to see them implemented.
Splinter 07
#362 - 2013-04-18 11:26:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Splinter 07
10% increase in explosion radius for all Cruise Missiles

Why are you increasing the cruise missile explosion radius, the whole reason why missiles are not used in PvP is not because of missile flight time nor there damage but because the missiles cant apply the damage they are doing in the first place, even hitting a BS you still require a web. So your going to increase damage and ROF at the same time nerfing them?
Bucca Zerodyme
Good For Nothing Corporation
#363 - 2013-04-18 11:36:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Bucca Zerodyme
Bucca Zerodyme wrote:
Hans Momaki wrote:

The whole issue is created by the lack of dmg-application modules for missiles. Imagine turrets without tracking enhancers and you would face the same issues (not to such a degree, but still...).

CCP Rise has said he will adress this, so I'm going to be a little patient.

Dont get your hopes up, if you look at the formula for missiles dmg it doesnt matter if you missiles goes faster or your enemy goes slower. The only thing thats matter is the radio of explosion velocity and ship speed. Its the same for explosion radius and ship signature. Currently we can use TP and webifier. TP increase signature about 30% [even more with skills] and web reduce speed by 60%.

The new modules have to be at least as good as a TP otherwise it wont work and thats something i cant image, because currenty Tracking Computer increase your Trackling only about 15 % (30% with script). Its something i would call: good idea but it wont work.

i quoted myself for you Morniee.

Morniee wrote:
Why cant the missile users have access to a new module, for example " Ballistic Guidance Unit " that would mitigate the penalty to explosion velocity of the missiles, and signature radius? Pretty much like Tracking Enhancers for turrets?
could even be a High slot, active... that used capacitor, or something of the sort...
I think the lack of, missile associated modules, and counters.... are the main problem to balance issues atm.

Just my Humble opinion.

Has for the Boost of cruises... I am thrilled to see them implemented.

Honestly, i dont need any new Modules for missiles in PvE. Okay a new modules for a low-slot would be nice, but a Target Painter is almost enough for a Cruise raven. If you want to fit a Torp-Raven, which has 40KM+ Range and use Rage, then its gonna be difficult [you need 2 range rigs, 1 rigor rig, 2 TP's and implantats or you use a Golem with 2 TP's]
Funky Lazers
Funk Freakers
#364 - 2013-04-18 11:38:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Funky Lazers
Splinter 07 wrote:
10% increase in explosion radius for all Cruise Missiles

Why are you increasing the cruise missile explosion radius, the whole reason why missiles are not used in PvP is not because of missile flight time nor there damage but because the missiles cant apply the damage they are doing in the first place, even hitting a BS you still require a web. So your going to increase damage and ROF at the same time nerfing them?

I guess this change is about PvE, since it doesn't affect PvP at all.


#365 - 2013-04-18 11:55:18 UTC  |  Edited by: SongSinger
on a formula that mentioned above Damage = Base_Damage * MIN(sig/Er, 1, (Ev/Er * sig/vel)^(log(drf) / log(5.5))
calculated the ratio of the speed of the ship signatures in order to get 100% damage:
for fury cruise missile Sig/Vel=2,77326998
for cn cruise missile Sig/Vel=1,23184564
for precision cruise missile Sig/Vel=0,886667842

for example: navy megathron with MWD Velocity 1056.09 m/s Signature 2400, to deal 100% damage with fury need to increase his Signature to 2929 m

1rigor 2flare, Implants gp-805 tn-905, all skills at 5
Barbs Hammer
#366 - 2013-04-18 12:00:36 UTC

Has for the Boost of cruises... I am thrilled to see them implemented.[/quote]

Honestly, i dont need any new Modules for missiles in PvE. Okay a new modules for a low-slot would be nice, but a Target Painter is almost enough for a Cruise raven. If you want to fit a Torp-Raven, which has 40KM+ Range and use Rage, then its gonna be difficult [you need 2 range rigs, 1 rigor rig, 2 TP's and implantats or you use a Golem with 2 TP's][/quote]

You said it right, in PVE.
Well has far has sleeper go, they are pretty fast and have low sig raidius thus hard to hit with Battleship sized missiles, but the PVE mechanics of the missiles work fine, has medium missiles go, a target painter, and a web can fix the damage application, for the new NERF Heavy missile...
i'm talking in terms of PvP and overall... so, damage application, and true damage from the missile could find a balance, by our own personal choice, depending on what are we aiming to shoot at...
If i chose dps over damage aplication i could get BCU's only... If I wanted precision... I would like to have an alternative with out having to use a weab, or a TP. Even if it meant, that the new module created did not gave 60% of both TP and Web bonus to damage aplication of the missile combined, a TP and web would never lose their additional value for the matter...
#367 - 2013-04-18 12:08:42 UTC
that missle BS was a normal sniper need to if the target is killed, missiles  switched automatically to the nearest target lotsked
even if it is implemented by the module
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#368 - 2013-04-18 12:14:13 UTC
Curb Your Enthusiasm wrote:
shut up moron you're getting owned here

Who is the moron? The one complaining about not having 4X BCS or the one trying to show a valid argument based on facts? I am curious.
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#369 - 2013-04-18 12:18:51 UTC
Chessur wrote:
Curb Your Enthusiasm wrote:
shut up moron you're getting owned here

Who is the moron? The one complaining about not having 4X BCS or the one trying to show a valid argument based on facts? I am curious.

Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#370 - 2013-04-18 12:24:16 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Chessur wrote:
Bucca Zerodyme wrote:
Chessur wrote:

I bolded the part that is wrong. A ship moving slower has a lower velocity, allowing your missiles to apply more damage. This is true 100% of the time. TP's are only good on bonused hulls. Bellicose / vigil does it best imo Again, this still doesn't answer my questions or fix the current problems facing missile ships.

Even without Bonus TP's can increase your DMG, its a good choice to get at least 5%-20% more dmg on NPC's. Dunno about TP's in PvP, never used them in PvP except on a stealth bomber.

This is for PvP discussion only. I really don't care that much about PvE. TP's are pretty much useless unless they are on bonused hulls anyway.

37.5% signature rad increase is useless ? sure....

well tp optimal should be increased and its activation time decreased ,but thats all

TP optimal is already kind of a mute point, as TP's work fairly well even out into there 'deep falloff' if you would like to see how effective a non bonused TP is- lets add that too our tests.

Raven, old Cruise missiles, 2 BCS, t2 cruise CN scourge missiles, no heat, implants, boosters.

DPS: 460

Shooting ships with all lv5 skills, and MWD placed, and a non bonunsed TP also on them

Merlin: 33 DPS
Thrasher: 66 DPS
Thorax: 140 DPS
Brutix: 364 DPS
Drake: 460 DPS
Tempest: 460 DPS

Still pretty sad, that the raven struggles against brutix. Even with the TP.

Now try to imagine the new cruise changes. They are going to decrease the explosion velocity on these missiles, making the damage application even worse. Is that something you want?
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#371 - 2013-04-18 12:25:11 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Chessur wrote:
Curb Your Enthusiasm wrote:
shut up moron you're getting owned here

Who is the moron? The one complaining about not having 4X BCS or the one trying to show a valid argument based on facts? I am curious.


Sorry I don't listen, nor put any weight into arguments based around people who can only post .gif / .jpg trash.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#372 - 2013-04-18 12:36:40 UTC
Chessur wrote:
Sorry I don't listen, nor put any weight into arguments based around people who can only post .gif / .jpg trash.

Please tell me more about your remarkable 384 DPS cruise Typhoon. Add in a bit about why someone as clever as you would use Fury Cruise against battlecruisers.
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#373 - 2013-04-18 12:38:44 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Chessur wrote:
Well here is my feed back coupled with some math so i hope you enjoy:

Old phoon, no implants, no heat, no rigs, Lv5 skills, T2 launchers, CN cruise.

DPS: 384

Now lets look at damage application. All ships shown have level 5 skills, are unfit except for an MWD. No other effects

Merlin: 22 DPS
Thrasher: 43 DPS
Thorax: 78 DPS
Brutix: 236 DPS
Drake: 307 DPS
Tempest: 343 DPS (Still not applying full damage to an MWD BS) Please explain to me why the proposed changes include a 10% decrease to explosion velocity? Cruise missile already cannot apply full DPS to an MWD BS.

Er, why are you giving feedback based on the old Typhoon firing old cruise? This is stupid and you should feel stupid. A dual BCS Typhoon will deal 605 DPS with CN. Seriously, put some thought into what you're doing and you'll spot stupid mistakes like this.

Chessur wrote:
Because the facts of the matter are this: Most ships carry an MWD. And while they do increase signature, this is not nearly enough to offset the fact that the same increase seen in the ship speed when compared to missile explosion velocity- throws damage application out the window. As I have stated before: If you increase the target velocity and the target signature radius by the same margin, target speed and explosion velocity play a much much larger role in deciding applied DPS to target than the same increase in explosion radius / target radius.

No, you don't understand the missile damage formula. If you double both a target's speed and its sig, applied missile damage will not change. MWDs give a 500% sig bloom and a roughly 625% speed increase, but large ships in particularly take a long time to accelerate up to the critical sig bloom/speed increase ratio of 1.

To address the first part of your post.

No the comparison of the old phoon, to the new phoon is not stupid. As i have stated before- it is the proposed cruise changes that are the problem. If you look at the numbers that I have been providing, along with my posts- I am not making any type of argument regarding DPS. My argument is based around the application of the DPS. While the new typhoon has more DPS on paper, the actual damage applied to the target will be less than the current cruise missile we have how. The reason for this is because CCP have also decided to give cruise missiles a 10% decrease in explosion velocity- which is going to hamper ships using them as a weapon system even more.

If your argument is 'nothing is going at full speed anyway there for your numbers are irrelevent' let me show you yet another simple chart:

Raven, 2BCS CN cruise, t2 launcher, no heat, no implants, no drugs, no rigs.
DPS: 460

Lets shoot at our list of targets- that are SLOW BOATING

Merlin: 31 DPS
Thrasher: 48 DPS
Thorax: 104 DPS
Brutix: 299 DPS
Drake: 368 DPS
Tempest:: 412 DPS

As you can see, once again the cruise missiles cannot apply DPS fully to even slow boating BS / BC. Now imagine what a 10% decrease in your explosion velocity will do to these numbers? The DPS increase will be pointless, because you will be unable to apply any of the damage- as these horrendous damage application numbers will become even worse.

But your argument was based around an MWD not moving at full speed. So lets look at a ship with MWD on moving at 50% velocity

Merlin: 48 DPS
Thrasher: 96 DPS
Thorax: 173 DPS
Brutix: 460 DPS
Drake: 460 DPS
Tempest: 460 DPS

So the numbers look a bit better (cruisers are still abysmal however). But you are forgetting one thing- an MWD BC (even the slowest) reaches its top speed in under 10 seconds or so. This time frame is only going to allow you to have one maybe two volleys of cruise missiles hitting for your 'on paper' dps. After that you are going to be doing significantly less. So again I will say, the new cruise changes are going to be worse. 10% decrease in explosion velocity is huge and will have a significant part of your on paper DPS not being applied.
Stellar Defense Services
#374 - 2013-04-18 12:45:37 UTC
As some people are mentioning Tracking Enhancers and Tracking Computers I thought I would add my 2 cents.

Lets consider the differences here. Please note however I have left out Optimal / Falloff modules as there are specific rigs for Missile Flight Time and Velocity so these are already equal.

Modules that effect Guns ability to do damage:

Tracking Enhancers (Tracking)
Tracking Computers (Tracking)
Target Painters (Signature Resolution)
Stasis Webifiers (Tracking)
Metastasis Adjuster Rigs (Tracking)

Modules that effect Launchers ability to do damage:

Target Painters (Explosion Radius)
Stasis Webifiers (Explosion Velocity)
Flare Rigs (Explosion Velocity)
Rigor Rigs (Explosion Radius)

Based on all things being equal, Turrets have more help with the dealing damage side of things, this is a fact.

Now, how could you effect change on this for Missiles.

Changing Tracking Enhancers and Tracking Computers could be one option but they both come with issues.

Tracking Enhancers give a bonus to optimal, falloff and tracking. In the case of missiles you would have to make this module have give a bonus to Explosion Velocity and a bonus to Explosion Radius. Reducing these things would help a little bit even if it was only 5% or so.

Tracking Computers could simply be scripted to provide similar benefits, either as above, a bonus to both of 5% or perhaps 10% to either one with a script.

Honestly I don't think this would solve the problem though. Really I think "if" there was to be a new module it would have to be a low slot equivalent of the Tracking Computer.

Please note that the majority of the Missile ships in game are Caldari or Minmatar which for the most part are shield tanked. Adding one of these modules to a mid slot would mean sacrificing yet more tank.

Adding it as a low slot module would make more sense though, you would have to pick either damage or "tracking" as Minmatar shield ships do when they select between Gyro Stabilizers or Tracking Enhancers.

Now if you consider an Armored missile ship. This should would have the mid slots to be able to effectively fit the modules it needs to so it can do DPS. In the case of the new Typhoon you could fit it like this (this is a PVP fit).

On this you have a Web and a Target Painter. The Warp Disruptor is being used so your target still has some MWD bloom if they are stupid enough to leave the MWD on (Explosion Radius), the Target Painter increases the Signature Radius (Explosion Radius) and the Stasis Webifier slows the ship down (Explosion Velocity).

[Typhoon, PVP]
Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II

Warp Disruptor II
Stasis Webifier II
Target Painter II
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800
Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I

Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Precision Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Precision Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Precision Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Precision Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Precision Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Precision Cruise Missile
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Anti-Explosive Pump I

Slight difference here, you dont have the mid slots to use a TP, the same still applies though.

The Warp Disruptor is being used so your target still has some MWD bloom if they are stupid enough to leave the MWD on (Explosion Radius) and the Stasis Webifier slows the ship down (Explosion Velocity).

[Sacrilege, Solo PVP]
Damage Control II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Armor Thermic Hardener II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Warp Disruptor II
Stasis Webifier II
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 200
10MN Afterburner II

Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Medium Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Nanobot Accelerator II
Medium Nanobot Accelerator II

Warrior II x3

A low slot module would make more sense in many ways. If you did similar fits to the above for shield ships you would quickly run out of mid slots.

You really couldn't afford to fit a TP, Web, Warp Disruptor and Tracking Computer and still have anything resembling a tank.

If there is to be a new module, it really has to be a low slot. Armor tanked ships with the mid slots to spare already have what they need to help with missile damage projection.

Shield tanked ships do not.

If its going to happen, its low slot or nothing and it really should be an active module like a Tracking Computer so it can be scripted.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#375 - 2013-04-18 12:51:50 UTC
Chessur wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Chessur wrote:
Well here is my feed back coupled with some math so i hope you enjoy:

Old phoon, no implants, no heat, no rigs, Lv5 skills, T2 launchers, CN cruise.

DPS: 384

Now lets look at damage application. All ships shown have level 5 skills, are unfit except for an MWD. No other effects

Merlin: 22 DPS
Thrasher: 43 DPS
Thorax: 78 DPS
Brutix: 236 DPS
Drake: 307 DPS
Tempest: 343 DPS (Still not applying full damage to an MWD BS) Please explain to me why the proposed changes include a 10% decrease to explosion velocity? Cruise missile already cannot apply full DPS to an MWD BS.

Er, why are you giving feedback based on the old Typhoon firing old cruise? This is stupid and you should feel stupid. A dual BCS Typhoon will deal 605 DPS with CN. Seriously, put some thought into what you're doing and you'll spot stupid mistakes like this.

Chessur wrote:
Because the facts of the matter are this: Most ships carry an MWD. And while they do increase signature, this is not nearly enough to offset the fact that the same increase seen in the ship speed when compared to missile explosion velocity- throws damage application out the window. As I have stated before: If you increase the target velocity and the target signature radius by the same margin, target speed and explosion velocity play a much much larger role in deciding applied DPS to target than the same increase in explosion radius / target radius.

No, you don't understand the missile damage formula. If you double both a target's speed and its sig, applied missile damage will not change. MWDs give a 500% sig bloom and a roughly 625% speed increase, but large ships in particularly take a long time to accelerate up to the critical sig bloom/speed increase ratio of 1.

To address the first part of your post.

No the comparison of the old phoon, to the new phoon is not stupid. As i have stated before- it is the proposed cruise changes that are the problem. If you look at the numbers that I have been providing, along with my posts- I am not making any type of argument regarding DPS. My argument is based around the application of the DPS. While the new typhoon has more DPS on paper, the actual damage applied to the target will be less than the current cruise missile we have how. The reason for this is because CCP have also decided to give cruise missiles a 10% decrease in explosion velocity- which is going to hamper ships using them as a weapon system even more.

If your argument is 'nothing is going at full speed anyway there for your numbers are irrelevent' let me show you yet another simple chart:

Raven, 2BCS CN cruise, t2 launcher, no heat, no implants, no drugs, no rigs.
DPS: 460

Lets shoot at our list of targets- that are SLOW BOATING

Merlin: 31 DPS
Thrasher: 48 DPS
Thorax: 104 DPS
Brutix: 299 DPS
Drake: 368 DPS
Tempest:: 412 DPS

As you can see, once again the cruise missiles cannot apply DPS fully to even slow boating BS / BC. Now imagine what a 10% decrease in your explosion velocity will do to these numbers? The DPS increase will be pointless, because you will be unable to apply any of the damage- as these horrendous damage application numbers will become even worse.

But your argument was based around an MWD not moving at full speed. So lets look at a ship with MWD on moving at 50% velocity

Merlin: 48 DPS
Thrasher: 96 DPS
Thorax: 173 DPS
Brutix: 460 DPS
Drake: 460 DPS
Tempest: 460 DPS

So the numbers look a bit better (cruisers are still abysmal however). But you are forgetting one thing- an MWD BC (even the slowest) reaches its top speed in under 10 seconds or so. This time frame is only going to allow you to have one maybe two volleys of cruise missiles hitting for your 'on paper' dps. After that you are going to be doing significantly less. So again I will say, the new cruise changes are going to be worse. 10% decrease in explosion velocity is huge and will have a significant part of your on paper DPS not being applied.

Missile boats are not supposed to hit cruiser for a lot of damage. Otherwise cruisers woudl be useless. THey base their defense on the capability of avoiding turret hits and mitigating missile dps.

translation: STOP WHINING.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Sparkus Volundar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#376 - 2013-04-18 12:57:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Sparkus Volundar
CCP Rise wrote:

4700m/sec base missile velocity for all Cruise Missiles (up from 3750m/sec)
14 second base flight time for all Cruise Missiles (down from 20 seconds)

As I understand it, current cruise missiles have the same velocity but different flight times depending on their type.

Cruise missile flight times:
Standard/Faction >> Fury >> Precision

As all cruise missiles currently have the same base speed, they then mirror the range progression for missiles within the Light and Heavy missile categories (Standard/Faction >> Fury >> Precision).

Why do the proposed changes quoted above indicate that all cruise missiles will have identical ranges after the patch? Any chance the flight time aspect is an error?

The removal of the normal range penalty from Fury and Precision missiles seems odd and overpowered relative to other missile systems. If 30% flight time was shaved off Fury and Precision missiles (as is done by going from 20s to 14s), Precision would still reach over 100 km when launched by a Raven.


Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#377 - 2013-04-18 13:02:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Gypsio III
Chessur wrote:

No the comparison of the old phoon, to the new phoon is not stupid. As i have stated before- it is the proposed cruise changes that are the problem. If you look at the numbers that I have been providing, along with my posts- I am not making any type of argument regarding DPS. My argument is based around the application of the DPS.

It's a nonsense argument. Quoting damage application percentages by itself is meaningless. You need to tell us the applied DPS as well. To be fair, you did try to do this, but your numbers were hilariously wrong.

Chessur wrote:
While the new typhoon has more DPS on paper, the actual damage applied to the target will be less than the current cruise missile we have how. The reason for this is because CCP have also decided to give cruise missiles a 10% decrease in explosion velocity

Don't be stupid. The 31.6% increase in DPS far outweighs the 10% explosion radius increase.

Chessur wrote:
If your argument is 'nothing is going at full speed anyway there for your numbers are irrelevent' let me show you yet another simple chart:

Raven, 2BCS CN cruise, t2 launcher, no heat, no implants, no drugs, no rigs.
DPS: 460

Lets shoot at our list of targets- that are SLOW BOATING

Merlin: 31 DPS
Thrasher: 48 DPS
Thorax: 104 DPS
Brutix: 299 DPS
Drake: 368 DPS
Tempest:: 412 DPS

These DPS numbers are nonsense.

I like the combination of 31.6% more DPS and 10% explosion radius increase, and I'd certainly choose it over a no-change to explosion radius and a proportionately lesser DPS increase. This is because it rewards the competent, knowledgeable and prepared pilot, because it increases the applied DPS available with the correct support, while punishing the incompetents who use ships and modules badly.
Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#378 - 2013-04-18 13:09:39 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:

Missile boats are not supposed to hit cruiser for a lot of damage. Otherwise cruisers woudl be useless. THey base their defense on the capability of avoiding turret hits and mitigating missile dps.

translation: STOP WHINING.

This is the truth yet I can understand this annoance even I am not missile user. Maybe missle mechanism should be either changed or give each ship defender missile (or flares to misguide missile). Mssiles already gain unfair advantadge in damage by being able to be chosen to weakest resistance. That can cut the EHP and repaired hp for that damage type drastically.

Personally I think missile concept is broken.. Its too powerful in pve when used right, yet bullshit in pvp. This would call overhauling whole missile mechanism and damage calculation. People think 30% damage buff is awesome but everyone seem to forget that compared to other damage system this damage buff is higher than 30% in applied damage because you can concentrate damage type into weak point. Truthfully I will change to caldari already before the change.. Since missile ships get out much easier in pve than their turret counterparts
Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#379 - 2013-04-18 13:23:34 UTC
Chessur wrote:
[. The reason for this is because CCP have also decided to give cruise missiles a 10% decrease in explosion velocity- which is going to hamper ships using them as a weapon system even more.

Where did you get this from?

I only see a increase in Explosion radius, nothing about explosion velocity?
Jezza McWaffle
#380 - 2013-04-18 14:12:58 UTC
Seriousily some people are comparing missiles to guns?

Ok if you want missiles to have more modules that effect them like guns you must:

- Have massively reduced range for your top damage missiles (talking 20km)
- Miss the target
- Be affected by tracking disruptors

Dont understand why missiles should be more like guns considering they have massive advantages as well as drawbacks!...

/rant over

I personally like these changes and if CCP made this effort on the Amarr weapons I would say good job.

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