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Moving All Level 4 Agents to Low-Sec

First post
Anna Karhunen
#81 - 2013-04-12 12:38:38 UTC
Moneta Curran wrote:
kes88 wrote:
~carebear confessions~

After a bit of consideration, I think we should abolish missions altogether. That's right, all of them, everywhere.
I don't care if it doesn't make you ever tiptoe out of high sec either.

After a bit of consideration, let's abolish PvP altogether. It is just as sensible as your solution.

As my old maths teacher used to say: "Statistics are like bikinis: It's what they don't show that's interesting". -CCP Aporia

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2013-04-12 12:40:03 UTC
Tara Read wrote:
Caldari Citizen 20120308 wrote:
While we're at it just delete high sec entirely. That should solve YOUR needs and desires................. wrong. If that does happen the unsubscribe button isn't too hard to find.

Then unsubscribe. It's not like you contribute something to this game anyways except 15 dollars a month to collect rocks or shoot crosses.... The only reason why CCP refuses to act on this issue is merely subscriptions.

And so what if they pay 15 dollars to "collect rocks and shoot crosses"? People aren't playing this game to please you. Thy're not paying $15 to play how you want them to play and do what you want them to do.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Moneta Curran
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2013-04-12 12:42:39 UTC
kes88 wrote:
(I appreciate that I'm trying to get my point across, but I'm not the *most* articulate person)

Indeed, you could have taken my post with a grain of salt..

I got your point the first time and I never said it wasn't true. I'm just resigned to the fact that nothing will drag some people away from their safe havens and just to to spite them, I would like see their toys taken away from them.

I know this does not amount to a viable business strategy for CCP.

Still, in my opinion, missions in their current state serve no other function than establishing a culture of compulsively hoarding carebears.

Demica Diaz
#84 - 2013-04-12 12:56:05 UTC
I honestly do not think that moving level 4 missions to low sec will help at all. People who mission in their expensive ships will not risk to get jumped by 10 pirates in low sec, instead they will grind level 3 missions.

Better sollution would be reduce ammount of ISK you get from level 4 high sec missions vs low sec level 4 missions. But yet again, I dont see even that bringing high sec mission runners to low sec at all.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2013-04-12 12:58:29 UTC
Moneta Curran wrote:
kes88 wrote:
(I appreciate that I'm trying to get my point across, but I'm not the *most* articulate person)

Indeed, you could have taken my post with a grain of salt..

I got your point the first time and I never said it wasn't true. I'm just resigned to the fact that nothing will drag some people away from their safe havens and just to to spite them, I would like see their toys taken away from them.

I know this does not amount to a viable business strategy for CCP.

Still, in my opinion, missions in their current state serve no other function than establishing a culture of compulsively hoarding carebears.

No, I agree. There is some serious need for balancing the higher levels missions for that exact reason - the compulsively hoarding. Unfortunately, in order to change anything, CCP will probably end up annoying a huge number of us high-seccers in trying to correct the balance. Mainly because we like hoarding...
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#86 - 2013-04-12 12:59:56 UTC
Moneta Curran wrote:
...Still, in my opinion, missions in their current state serve no other function than establishing a culture of compulsively hoarding carebears...
Some people like to run missions. The come online with some friends run two or three missions, socialize, make some plans... in game and out... then log off. They are not compulsively hoarding carebears, as they often time have very little in value... be it ships or ISK. They maybe carebears, but the money is made in trading and manufacturing... not grunt work.

I agree that missions need a rework, but you have different types of players running them. Including PvPers.
Red Ring Research
#87 - 2013-04-12 13:14:27 UTC
Moving LvL 4s out of high sec will not solve the problem, those who don't want to risk will stay to lvl 3s.

What do you think will make some ppl to move into low sec for lvl 4s when blitzing lvl 3s in NPC 0.0 is more profitable?

And with a cloaky nulli t3 cruiser with some safe spots and some instas is far more safe even from 1.0 space.

Take a look at all the PvE events that EvE can give you, see what profit you the most and then move to your choice.
#88 - 2013-04-12 13:15:16 UTC
Why would anyone do Lvl 4 missions in lowsec? It's easier to make low SP FW alt and farm LP without any serious risk (like already many farmers do).
This will not increase tasty carebear traffic for low sec pirates - people just move into 0.0 under renter's intel channel protection (safest place in EVE). Others will just unsubscribe and this will end well for CCP business.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#89 - 2013-04-12 13:18:20 UTC
Moneta Curran wrote:

Still, in my opinion, missions in their current state serve no other function than establishing a culture of compulsively hoarding carebears.

Which are no worse than killboard hoarders, or null sec system hoarders, or moon hoarders. Their subscription, their fun.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Felicity Love
#90 - 2013-04-12 13:31:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Felicity Love
So long as moon mining gets moved to include High Sec, sure... move the level 4 missions.

Might as well take the risk out of moon mining if extra ganking risk is going to be added to doing Level 4's.

Because, let's be honest... .moving level 4's to Low or Null is all about giving bored Null Seccers more to shoot at... they won't tell you that, but is a frog's ass watertight ? And eventually it would just create even more self-entitled Y-Gen fat and cuddly Nullbears.

Gotta luv that. Bear

And hey, what better way to make sure 95% of the new faction BC's end up in the hands of Null Sec fleets than to make sure the vast majority of LP farming is safely out of the hands of those nasty Empire cuddlebears, right ? What a dastardly plan ! ! ! !


Balance, and all that... not that there's any risk in moon mining these days.... who the Hell wants the Sov Grind to claim any moon, nevermind a valuable one. P

Should I get another can of gas ? RollRollRoll

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Utassi Security
#91 - 2013-04-12 13:39:12 UTC
Been discussed before as mentioned and I will give the same answer I always give.

Level four missions are popular because outside of HighSec Incursions they're the best reliable ISK/H in HighSec. Anomalies in NullSec (even crappy NullSec) still pay you more money, the issue with them is NullSec has people interupting your cash flow.
Making L4 Missions LowSec only will just make them something only a few people do and penalise those who live in Empire and need a good steady income. No one is going to move to LowSec for L4 missions because the risk isn't worth the rewards, until they make it so you can run a L4 mission AND fend off the 12 pirates which want to gank you it's not going to work.
LowSec faces the simple issue that there is no real way to police it and make it safe for you corporation or alliance to run missions there without having superior numbers online at all times and knowing you can always be hot dropped.

If you're worried about HighSec being too valuable look at ways to make other areas more appealing without harming the income of those who want to live in HighSec. No perfect refining in HighSec, bigger taxes, things which don't outright stop people making ISK or enjoying the game but make the idea of a move to LowSec or NullSec more appealing (though no one eve wants to live in LowSec for PVE) Ideas like this can even be ties into the FW system to make taxes and refining dynamic based on who is winning the war, Caldari start to lose so the Stations take more of your minerals to cover the demand for more war assets.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Mei Sui
Hades Covenant
#92 - 2013-04-12 13:42:01 UTC
There are some good comments in the thread, so I’ll try and address them. I’m paraphrasing but I’ll try my best to summarize.

1. “Pfft, they’ll just move to level 3’s”: And they are more than welcome to do so. But consider the Isk source coming from missions. They essentially come from 3 areas: Bounties/Tags, Mission Reward itself and Salvage. Put together you can get approximately (guessing here) about 10M isk per hour. Level 3’s on the other hand I’m going to guess will be about 1/3 to ¼ of this and as one of the previous posters pointed out, it’s all about ISK per hour versus relative safety. If the mission runners want to stay in the safety of high sec, they should not be rewarded by outsized gains no matter the downstream benefits to fund PvP, etc.

2.“You’ll feed us to Evil Pirates!!!” : Pirates are the primary risk factor in lowsec, no doubt. But make no mistake; they are just as important part to the EVE Universe as mission runners. And while yes you will have to put your gold plated Raven at risk by moving into low-sec that is a choice you make for the rewards you want. Keep an eye on local, make intel channels, join corporations, stay aligned to warp out’s and pay attention! What scares people I think is the fact they’ll have to actually start paying attention and can’t use missions (as much) as an AFK ATM machine. (Level 5’s on the other hand, were designed for groups so they are not quite the same as level 4’s which are the highest tier that can be solo’d)

Another factor that wasn’t mentioned, but one I thought about while driving to work, was the fact that this could also increase the risk, but to the pirates. While the image of feeding plump mission runners to pirates is an enticing one, don’t forget that pirates will attract another kind of player and that is the bounty hunter. While lambs attract wolves, wolves attract hunters looking for pelts. Not ALL of those Raven’s will be as helpless as they appear.

3. “CCP will not risk the wrath of the carebears”: CCP has made wide scale mission running adjustments when it was adversely affecting the economy. The example that comes to mind was the simultaneous removal of Drone minerals and T1 loot that was crashing the mineral market. At that time a tier 1 battleship was going around for 60M, a Tier 2, 85M and Tier 3, 120M. This essentially took out the dedicated miner as a worthwhile profession due to the fact that you had an unlimited source of minerals that was not constrained due to depletion. You could just run missions ad infinitum. Now those prices have increased anywhere from 50-100% due to that source being shut off and the mineral market now being more closely tied to the available ores in the area and not just mission loot. This affected every mission runner and cut down their available profits. Not a huge drop, but a noticeable one never-the-less.

Anyways, keep the flames coming! :)
Jantunen the Infernal
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2013-04-12 13:54:43 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
You are a fool to think anyone farming level 4 missions would all of the sudden decide to go to low sec to keep farming them. The only thing they would do is start farming level 3 missions.

Which would be a good thing. Then all the carebears would stick with level 3s in highsec, making less isk, but the people who would take the risk of traveling to lowsec would earn more isk. Risk vs. reward and all that. Of course it'll never happen due to CCPs new pro-carebear stance, but it's always nice to dream.
Krixtal Icefluxor
#94 - 2013-04-12 14:00:11 UTC
I have not noticed a shortage of Targets in Low Sec. Why do you want more ?

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2013-04-12 14:03:36 UTC
Mei Sui wrote:
.... And while yes you will have to put your gold plated Raven at risk..
How many Pirate fly PvE fitted ships in lowsec?
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#96 - 2013-04-12 14:07:25 UTC
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
Mei Sui wrote:
.... And while yes you will have to put your gold plated Raven at risk..
How many Pirate fly PvE fitted ships in lowsec?

Most of the ones I speak to make their ISK doing level 5s.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#97 - 2013-04-12 14:12:44 UTC
Jantunen the Infernal wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
You are a fool to think anyone farming level 4 missions would all of the sudden decide to go to low sec to keep farming them. The only thing they would do is start farming level 3 missions.

Which would be a good thing. Then all the carebears would stick with level 3s in highsec, making less isk, but the people who would take the risk of traveling to lowsec would earn more isk. Risk vs. reward and all that. Of course it'll never happen due to CCPs new pro-carebear stance, but it's always nice to dream.

You say that now. But in less than a year whiners will be back in the forums crying and asking CCP to move L3's to lo sec.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#98 - 2013-04-12 14:15:42 UTC
Losec is gai, some abomination form of playing 'just-the-tip', blue ballsy foreplay played between nullsec and hisec where you have to grind sec status ratting to offset pew..

1) Convert losec to nullsec
2) Fix nullsec
3) Get bacon
Mirajane Cromwell
#99 - 2013-04-12 14:27:34 UTC
I think they could introduce completely new Fleet mission -system that would be separate from the current mission system. I don't mean Incursions but the system could use same mechanics. These Fleet missions would be designed to be so hard that you can't solo them and level 1-2 fleet missions would be in high-sec, level 3-4 fleet missions in low sec, and level 5-6 fleet missions in null sec. Rewards for the fleet missions would be higher than the old solo missions ie. solo level 4 mission in high sec would pay less than level 2 fleet mission in high sec, and so on.

Having Fleet mission -system in place, it would teach players to fleet up more and move in low sec as a group and hopefully that way have higher survivality chance against pirates (and it doesn't feel that scary when you move there with your buddies Blink).
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#100 - 2013-04-12 14:28:57 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Jantunen the Infernal wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
You are a fool to think anyone farming level 4 missions would all of the sudden decide to go to low sec to keep farming them. The only thing they would do is start farming level 3 missions.

Which would be a good thing. Then all the carebears would stick with level 3s in highsec, making less isk, but the people who would take the risk of traveling to lowsec would earn more isk. Risk vs. reward and all that. Of course it'll never happen due to CCPs new pro-carebear stance, but it's always nice to dream.

You say that now. But in less than a year whiners will be back in the forums crying and asking CCP to move L3's to lo sec.

Most of us dont even want lvl 4s moved to low sec. Just the rewards for high sec toned down so low and null players are rewardedfor taking on a greater risk.