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WH "Coalitions" Blobs, Blue Lists, and bob.

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Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#221 - 2013-04-27 23:32:48 UTC
Less null sec is not the direction wh space is headed.

No trolling please

Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#222 - 2013-04-29 07:03:53 UTC
Dr Agropoly wrote:

This is not how a perceive things at all. Both when it comes to us and the people we have frequent interaction with we do not give any fucks about who was once blue when we enter e 3-way , we might help any side or just go for the surprise buttseks depending on what we think will give the most enjoyment at the time. I know this is not the case for all corps though and some people just don't know what a fun fight is and just care about a green killboard. Far to many times have we all seen "notable" wormhole corps run away screaming like 14 year old girls when they have even numbers just to come back with 7 guardians and 4 Bhaals to counter our 10 man fleet.

Know the feeling. We have 2-3 logis and maybe 6 DPS, and people run home and come back with 6-10 DPS, 4 logis, a Falcon and an ECM Tengu. Like that's going to result in a 'Good Fight' for either side.

Explorer Corps
#223 - 2013-04-29 12:24:15 UTC
Have you not seen seen the
W-Space PVP Etiquette thread?


[b][u]ROVER[/u] (REDRUM)[/b]

Lionheart Investments
#224 - 2013-05-01 13:16:28 UTC
MisterAl tt1 wrote:
My 2 isks:
People guarding their home are:
1. Motivated
2. Usually have more caps then attackers
3. Can choose the time of battle (preferably to be maximum pain in the butt for the attacker) like these guys did:
4. Can phone in extra people (I think we all have "sleeping capitals" in our systems)
5. Can change fleet doctrine, if having prepared ships (attackers are limited to what they've brought)
6. Can buttphone

The attackers
1. have to be ready for non-friendly hole any time of day
2. Have to be ready to fight any time of day and night
3. Can butthpone for more, if found themselves surprisingly outnumbered
And so on.

Having this in mind, one corporation/alliance can not evict another of similar size and activity/skill on its own. I take it for granted. So a need arise for extra hands. The question is what is seen as "needed numbers" - different sides of conflict have different understandings for that: attackers understand they need more then defenders have, defenders usually see it unfair.

So it goes: one side brings extra depending on what they see fit for the task. The other one starts buttphoning "they've brought more then we have! HALP!" and there it goes... Not that I like that, but history does not ask.

You are neither right or wrong, for everything you said there was an equal opposite.

For instance attackers can decide when they struck, if they strike they will get whcontrol easy and can get all friends and caps in.
They can decide how many reinforcements they have at first, cause they wanna make sure they win.

They are the one that infiltrated in some ways to gain knowledge of the opposing party and not the other way around.

At least if we consider that not every large wh entity is filled with spies anyway.
Lionheart Investments
#225 - 2013-05-01 13:21:03 UTC
Josilin du Guesclin wrote:
Dr Agropoly wrote:

This is not how a perceive things at all. Both when it comes to us and the people we have frequent interaction with we do not give any fucks about who was once blue when we enter e 3-way , we might help any side or just go for the surprise buttseks depending on what we think will give the most enjoyment at the time. I know this is not the case for all corps though and some people just don't know what a fun fight is and just care about a green killboard. Far to many times have we all seen "notable" wormhole corps run away screaming like 14 year old girls when they have even numbers just to come back with 7 guardians and 4 Bhaals to counter our 10 man fleet.

Know the feeling. We have 2-3 logis and maybe 6 DPS, and people run home and come back with 6-10 DPS, 4 logis, a Falcon and an ECM Tengu. Like that's going to result in a 'Good Fight' for either side.

If you at first start engaging 3 dps and 2 logi with 6 dps and 3 logi it is obvious if they retalliate with 10 dps and 4 logi. At least if they can, meaning they have the amount of people, they have the logistics, they have their corp together.

The whole idea that you think you bring fair fights is already wrong, because thats just your oppinion. And your oppinion is based on you wanting to put the GF in local after you killed someone else his ship.
Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#226 - 2013-05-01 22:51:27 UTC
JoostSkywalker wrote:

The whole idea that you think you bring fair fights is already wrong, because thats just your oppinion. And your oppinion is based on you wanting to put the GF in local after you killed someone else his ship.

Hardly. If they'd brought those 10 DPS, and 3 logis, and just one ECM boat we'd have tried it on, even outnumbered. If they were in T3s to our T1&T2s and so out-ISKed us by a ton, we'd still have tried it on. But we're not going to try and fight against four logis and two ECM boats because we know for a certainty that they'll break our logo chain and there's no way we'd be able to break the rr from three logis (primarying the 4th, of course). If we'd had a jamming or specialised nueter with us, maybe, but not with just DPS.

We're not afraid to lose, but we're damned if we're going to accept a fight that's a foregone conclusion in which we won't just lose, but won't be able to do a damned thing while we get killed. You see, we don't care if a fight's not fair and against us, but we do want to avoid simply throwing a pile of ISK and a heap of time (getting new ships, getting pilots back into the hole, etc.) down the toilet.

Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#227 - 2013-05-02 15:41:15 UTC
Josilin du Guesclin wrote:
JoostSkywalker wrote:

The whole idea that you think you bring fair fights is already wrong, because thats just your oppinion. And your oppinion is based on you wanting to put the GF in local after you killed someone else his ship.

Hardly. If they'd brought those 10 DPS, and 3 logis, and just one ECM boat we'd have tried it on, even outnumbered. If they were in T3s to our T1&T2s and so out-ISKed us by a ton, we'd still have tried it on. But we're not going to try and fight against four logis and two ECM boats because we know for a certainty that they'll break our logo chain and there's no way we'd be able to break the rr from three logis (primarying the 4th, of course). If we'd had a jamming or specialised nueter with us, maybe, but not with just DPS.

We're not afraid to lose, but we're damned if we're going to accept a fight that's a foregone conclusion in which we won't just lose, but won't be able to do a damned thing while we get killed. You see, we don't care if a fight's not fair and against us, but we do want to avoid simply throwing a pile of ISK and a heap of time (getting new ships, getting pilots back into the hole, etc.) down the toilet.

Bold for emphasis... People screaming about others not fighting.
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#228 - 2013-05-12 19:05:23 UTC
I have removed an off topic post. Please keep it on topic and civil. Thank you.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

QT McWhiskers
Atrax Hollow
#229 - 2013-05-14 19:27:51 UTC
So I have to ask why people think that fair fights will be had in WH space? Why anyone thinks that if a 40 man corp rolls into SSC that SSC will limit their fleet to a size of 10 people to fight this group. Seriously?

If you pull out a carrier and 10 - 12 tech 3s against a major group, expect this group to respond with 20 tech 3s and a dread. Same can be said for any shiny ship. I can say that some groups, hard knocks being one of them, will keep our fleet types to the same as yours. IE you pull out talos fleet, so will we. But seriosly? Dont expect a fair fight from any major WH entity unless you ask for a 5v5 of 10v10

The truth about WHs.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#230 - 2013-05-16 00:33:39 UTC  |  Edited by: HerrBert
I will just leave this here for the Future and stuff....

Still love flowers .... and Bob

Community-Challenge: Make Jack Miton sing a Duett with me. Jibbychiggawooooow - CSM 9 Corbexx

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#231 - 2013-05-16 01:50:27 UTC
Josilin du Guesclin wrote:
JoostSkywalker wrote:

The whole idea that you think you bring fair fights is already wrong, because thats just your oppinion. And your oppinion is based on you wanting to put the GF in local after you killed someone else his ship.

Hardly. If they'd brought those 10 DPS, and 3 logis, and just one ECM boat we'd have tried it on, even outnumbered. If they were in T3s to our T1&T2s and so out-ISKed us by a ton, we'd still have tried it on. But we're not going to try and fight against four logis and two ECM boats because we know for a certainty that they'll break our logo chain and there's no way we'd be able to break the rr from three logis (primarying the 4th, of course). If we'd had a jamming or specialised nueter with us, maybe, but not with just DPS.

We're not afraid to lose, but we're damned if we're going to accept a fight that's a foregone conclusion in which we won't just lose, but won't be able to do a damned thing while we get killed. You see, we don't care if a fight's not fair and against us, but we do want to avoid simply throwing a pile of ISK and a heap of time (getting new ships, getting pilots back into the hole, etc.) down the toilet.

Then recruit for your corp and bring more people. Don't be mad if someone brings 5 more people than you to a fight because their people are ready to pew at any time and yours are not. The term "blobbing" is reserved for use when a roaming gang of 20ish gets responded to by a fleet of 200. That is what a real "blob" is.
ktown Hekard
Llama Sombrero Syndicate
The Burning Contingent Alliance
#232 - 2013-05-20 20:45:00 UTC  |  Edited by: ktown Hekard
As a noob, i was tired of high sec crap so i bought a pos, and supplies and went out scanning, found a c2 and setup inside, 1 week later got 2 friends to join me, none of us are pvp players, just casual Indy miners, with a love for the WH life, even if we lost everything. Well after 3 weeks of losing almost 7 bill in assets to an invading corp, i have to say i had a blast and in the 3 weeks not once was anybody able to pod me.

I lost everything, and ime still walking around with **** eating grin. I learned, had fun, and i intend to start again.
PVP is not something Ive ever wanted to be involved in on a day to day basis, but life in the hole changed me, and so has my respect for other WH residents.

Not once did i see an attacking force of blobs, just very small gangs, looking for a fight.

Sorry if off topic a bit, but in the brief time i was in there as a noob i never once say any gangs over 7, but maybe ime just lucky

Just an idea here, but why not organize even number fight, between parties who cant agree on anything and let chips fall where they may?
Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#233 - 2013-05-20 21:41:13 UTC
ktown Hekard wrote:

Just an idea here, but why not organize even number fight, between parties who cant agree on anything and let chips fall where they may?

Because that in itself is anti-wh. Arranged fights go against the very nature of wormhole space. Don't let any of these "we only want good fights" idiots fool you. Wormhole pvp is mainly ganking, with the rest blobbing and the once in a blue moon good fight that actually happens by sheer chance. That is wormhole space.

No trolling please

Hidden Fremen
#234 - 2013-05-20 23:14:39 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
ktown Hekard wrote:

Just an idea here, but why not organize even number fight, between parties who cant agree on anything and let chips fall where they may?

Because that in itself is anti-wh. Arranged fights go against the very nature of wormhole space. Don't let any of these "we only want good fights" idiots fool you. Wormhole pvp is mainly ganking, with the rest blobbing and the once in a blue moon good fight that actually happens by sheer chance. That is wormhole space.

We want good fights.
Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#235 - 2013-05-20 23:51:51 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that P

No trolling please

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#236 - 2013-05-21 04:23:21 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
Wormhole pvp is mainly ganking, with the rest blobbing and the once in a blue moon good fight that actually happens by sheer chance. That is wormhole space.

Which is why so many wormhole entities are now using wormhole space as a staging ground from which to base roams into low sec and null. They're like guerrilla tunnels through enemy territory, complete with their own gold mines!

#237 - 2013-05-21 06:21:53 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
Bane Nucleus wrote:
Wormhole pvp is mainly ganking, with the rest blobbing and the once in a blue moon good fight that actually happens by sheer chance. That is wormhole space.

Which is why so many wormhole entities are now using wormhole space as a staging ground from which to base roams into low sec and null. They're like guerrilla tunnels through enemy territory, complete with their own gold mines!

There aint no WH's in Jyta.
Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#238 - 2013-05-21 10:57:46 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
There aint no WH's in Jyta.

I've actually been living out of an Archon in a C5 for a few months now.

#239 - 2013-05-21 12:36:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Meytal
joebro1060 wrote:
Then recruit for your corp and bring more people. Don't be mad if someone brings 5 more people than you to a fight because their people are ready to pew at any time and yours are not. The term "blobbing" is reserved for use when a roaming gang of 20ish gets responded to by a fleet of 200. That is what a real "blob" is.


Many times, our own corp has people in the hole, or nearby, just goofing off, watching potential targets somewhere else, running PI, shooting each other for laughs, or whatever. But when we find something that we can actually shoot, we drop everything else and form up. We're not going to tell half our players to go back home because the number of active corp members means we outnumber our targets 2:1. We're going to let everyone share in the results of the hunt. Going home might not even be possible in the short term.

W-space is different from everywhere else. Because there is no free intel channel, the name of the game is Hunt and Be Hunted. You hunt for and stalk your target(s) until you can pounce. So, yes, there is a lot of what could be called "ganking", but think of those nature documentaries you never wanted to watch as a kid. It's the same thing here, except the documentary is about you. And, like in nature, while you are stalking your target here, you can count on someone stalking you, ready to pounce when you are most vulnerable from your own engagement.

Sometimes the hunt is rich and you find many targets, or you find another hunting group who wants to fight to see who will be Alpha. And then sometimes the hunt is scarce and you find only a few stragglers, if you find anything at all.

Once the hunt is over, the targets have been caught (and usually killed, though sometimes released), we are satisfied until the next time. This is when deals are made regarding survivors and whatever is left ... unless it turns into a three-way.

Edit: Forget "Shark Week". It's Shark Week here every day, and you're the shark.

Sometimes you can roam around W-space like you do in Null or Low, hoping that you bump into targets, but that's not normal. People who don't like the hunt of W-space and prefer the mindless wandering can go to Low and Null where they can find that kind of action; this game has a wide range of play styles available. The rest of us relish and cherish the hunt in W-space.

(Also keep in mind, every T3 that dies helps our income stream, and every T2 that does helps Null's income stream. Which group would you rather prop up?)
Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#240 - 2013-05-21 14:07:26 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:

Which is why so many wormhole entities are now using wormhole space as a staging ground from which to base roams into low sec and null. They're like guerrilla tunnels through enemy territory, complete with their own gold mines!

Diving is so much fun, one of my favorite things to do... we used to do it often.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.