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Testing a new 3d Printer...

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Goonswarm Federation
#21 - 2013-04-08 19:07:48 UTC
I just found a meetup group for 3D printing

however I see no application in my life for it, recreational or otherwise
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#22 - 2013-04-08 20:07:28 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
I just found a meetup group for 3D printing

however I see no application in my life for it, recreational or otherwise

There's not a whole lot applications for regular usage yet other than Artistic and part replacement for most people. Jay Leno has one along with a massive 3d scanner in his shop that he uses to replaces components on many of his cars because finding some of those parts, especially for the vehicles whose companies are even around anymore, but be far more troublesome.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2013-04-08 23:10:36 UTC
so the 3D printer is used to create a mold, or the casting for a mold, I'm guessing?
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#24 - 2013-04-09 00:21:00 UTC
It can create a mold. But it can also a high resin working model of whatever you want. In Leno's case he demonstrated it by creating a working carburetor for one of his early model cars. There is a case, in Switzerland I think, where a guy made a working upper for an assault rifle. Japanese doctors of course had to make it creepy by creating 3D models of your newborn fetus to show guests rather than just having the sonogram pictures.
One of my classmates who has a prosthetic, created several small scale working models of a prosthetic leg concept that he came up with.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Hideaway Hunters
The Hideaway.
#25 - 2013-04-09 13:58:13 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
so the 3D printer is used to create a mold, or the casting for a mold, I'm guessing?

You can use it to actually create the object without having to do molding. It takes an object and slices it into z-axis layers which is then created by melting plastic filament in lines to create the thing you want.

Our 3D Printer we use for prototyping things which we are aiming to eventually sell. It is much cheaper in the long run to buy $1700 3D printer and print out multiple prototypes for the cost of filament than it would to spend $200+ for each prototype through another company. With our current project, we went through 25 prototypes just to ensure the dimensions were correct.

3D printing is awesome if you can find a good reason for the initial purchase. The extra fun stuff like printing Eve Ship models is just the icing on the cake.
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#26 - 2013-04-09 14:04:35 UTC
Deamos wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
so the 3D printer is used to create a mold, or the casting for a mold, I'm guessing?

You can use it to actually create the object without having to do molding. It takes an object and slices it into z-axis layers which is then created by melting plastic filament in lines to create the thing you want.

Our 3D Printer we use for prototyping things which we are aiming to eventually sell. It is much cheaper in the long run to buy $1700 3D printer and print out multiple prototypes for the cost of filament than it would to spend $200+ for each prototype through another company. With our current project, we went through 25 prototypes just to ensure the dimensions were correct.

3D printing is awesome if you can find a good reason for the initial purchase. The extra fun stuff like printing Eve Ship models is just the icing on the cake.

Its the price of a high end laptop.. and it prints EVE ships.. NUFF SAID! Bear

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#27 - 2013-04-09 16:24:10 UTC
jason hill wrote:
how odd is this !

I was just wondering just the other day if anyone within the Eve comunity han managed to get thier hands on a 3D printer for doing ship models !.. mate you could do a roaring trade at this years fanfest selling them if your going do me a CNR Big smile

I`d love to see the piccys...or it didnt happen Big smile

Me too! And I actually contacted a 3D printing company in San Jose, CA about price quotes. And a model painter guy on FB for price quotes too. Something must be going on in the Interconnected Lattice of Cosmic Unconsciousness.
Tusko Hopkins
#28 - 2013-06-19 17:33:25 UTC
I just ran across this thread and thought how great it would be to necro it.

What sort of 3D printer do you have? The main question whether a ship is easily printable or not is about how your printer handles large overhangs and if it can print proper support or not. If you are getting a plastic filament based printer (reprap, ultimaker, that sort of thing) you should try "blocky" ship first, something that's easy to cut up into easily printable parts. Caldari hulls are maybe the easiest. I think my easiest print was the Condor and the Caracal. And maybe the Curse, if you print the wings and the complicated internal grid system separately.

A very useful advice: even if you manage to triexport the model from the game, it will most probably be ******, full of holes and wrongly aligned polygons etc. It will be difficult to do proper boolean operations on it, which are required for cutting it up. So, to fix it, use Netfabb's online STL repair tool. It does wonders, fixes all sorts of problems your model might be having.
jason hill
Red vs Blue Flight Academy
#29 - 2013-06-19 17:40:40 UTC
top tip ! 3D printed guns don't work ..apparently Ugh
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