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UI Updates to the CSM8 Voting Page

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CCP Dolan
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2013-04-05 16:16:00 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Dolan
Greetings Voters,

We have heard your feedback on the voting system UI and have made some changes to make it easier to vote, especially for those of you voting with multiple accounts.

  • We have added the ability to double click on a candidate and their entry will be added to the next open preference slot.

  • Your voting preference list will be stored locally on your device. This means that if you fill out a ballot and then log into an alt character, your previous voting choices will be restored automatically and you may then alter them as you wish. We hope this will alleviate some of the fatigue of voting with large numbers of accounts. We would like to reiterate that this is a local function and not stored by or transmitted to CCP or any 3rd party group.

  • While the candidate list will always appear in a random order upon opening, to make it easier to find the candidates you are looking for you may select to sort them from A-Z

  • These changes are likely to disable many of the popular voting scripts that have been created by players to automatically fill out ballots. We would appreciate it if these were not recreated, voting should be done by people, not scripts. We hope that the UI difficulties that made people feel these were necessary have been fixed.

  • If you are having any additional problems with the UI for voting or if you have any suggestions on ways we can further improve our UI please send an eve-mail to CCP Dolan

These updates are live.

EDIT: If you are having trouble hitting submit after reloading your candidate list we are aware of this problem and will be fixing it shortly.

CCP Dolan | Community Representative

Twitter: @CCPDolan

Gooby pls

State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2013-04-05 16:23:31 UTC
Edit: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#3 - 2013-04-05 16:27:45 UTC

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

James Arget
Future Corps
Sleeper Social Club
#4 - 2013-04-05 16:50:45 UTC
You forgot "with sugar on top".

CSM 8 Representative

Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2013-04-05 16:54:19 UTC

please allow ceos to cast votes on behalf of their entire corporation tia~~~
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-04-05 16:58:48 UTC
I've already voted myself but I'm hearing rumblings from people who have not that while the ballot reloads after switching accounts properly, the person is unable to actually hit submit. He's using Chrome. Might be something to check into.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2013-04-05 17:03:16 UTC
I suggest for next time a proxy mechanism

naturally, the ceo of the alliance holding corp, or the ceo of an individual corp, can be assumed to be natural representative of their members

so, in the latter half of the election to increase the representativeness of the CSM and to get more people voting, the CEO of the holding corp or the ceo of an individual corp could cast a proxy ballot on behalf of their members who could not vote. naturally, those members could cast an individual vote previously or assign their proxy to someone else

this inventive method would increase the number of voters and allow a more representative and legitimate csm, as it was formed from the input of more subscribers
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#8 - 2013-04-05 17:04:33 UTC
CCP Dolan wrote:
Greetings Voters,

We have heard your feedback on the voting system UI and have made some changes to make it easier to vote, especially for those of you voting with multiple accounts.

  • We have added the ability to double click on a candidate and their entry will be added to the next open preference slot.

  • Your voting preference list will be stored locally on your device. This means that if you fill out a ballot and then log into an alt character, your previous voting choices will be restored automatically and you may then alter them as you wish. We hope this will alleviate some of the fatigue of voting with large numbers of accounts. We would like to reiterate that this is a local function and not stored by or transmitted to CCP or any 3rd party group.

  • While the candidate list will always appear in a random order upon opening, to make it easier to find the candidates you are looking for you may select to sort them from A-Z

  • These changes are likely to disable many of the popular voting scripts that have been created by players to automatically fill out ballots. We would appreciate it if these were not recreated, voting should be done by people, not scripts. We hope that the UI difficulties that made people feel these were necessary have been fixed.

  • If you are having any additional problems with the UI for voting or if you have any suggestions on ways we can further improve our UI please send an eve-mail to CCP Dolan

These updates are live.

Perhaps future changes to the voting system should be publically tested to avoid situations of this kind.

Meanwhile, the groups that have deployed these scripts would no doubt like to thank you for locking in the huge advantage they have gained by this. At this stage, you might as well leave the option open to at least level the playing field.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

CCP Dolan
C C P Alliance
#9 - 2013-04-05 17:04:46 UTC
EvilweaselSA wrote:
I suggest for next time a proxy mechanism

naturally, the ceo of the alliance holding corp, or the ceo of an individual corp, can be assumed to be natural representative of their members

so, in the latter half of the election to increase the representativeness of the CSM and to get more people voting, the CEO of the holding corp or the ceo of an individual corp could cast a proxy ballot on behalf of their members who could not vote. naturally, those members could cast an individual vote previously or assign their proxy to someone else

this inventive method would increase the number of voters and allow a more representative and legitimate csm, as it was formed from the input of more subscribers

hahahaha, no.

CCP Dolan | Community Representative

Twitter: @CCPDolan

Gooby pls

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-04-05 17:21:08 UTC
CCP Dolan wrote:
EvilweaselSA wrote:
I suggest for next time a proxy mechanism

naturally, the ceo of the alliance holding corp, or the ceo of an individual corp, can be assumed to be natural representative of their members

so, in the latter half of the election to increase the representativeness of the CSM and to get more people voting, the CEO of the holding corp or the ceo of an individual corp could cast a proxy ballot on behalf of their members who could not vote. naturally, those members could cast an individual vote previously or assign their proxy to someone else

this inventive method would increase the number of voters and allow a more representative and legitimate csm, as it was formed from the input of more subscribers

hahahaha, no.

Not empty quoting.
Lady Zarrina
New Eden Browncoats
#11 - 2013-04-05 17:37:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Zarrina
Go through picking who to vote for and click vote........... and my session must have timed out as it said please log in again......

Much like any post more than 1 paragraph and 5 seconds of thought. But I have no way to save my votes like I do in a post. Let me try again, maybe this new feature to save a vote actually worked while the actual vote did not.

Edit: Okay it did save my initial unsuccessful vote. But I seem to be able to hit the vote button over and over again? is this correct. how do I know my vote is registered. Shouldn't there be some visual indication that I have actually voted?

EVE: All about Flying Frisky and Making Iskie

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#12 - 2013-04-05 17:52:53 UTC
CCP Dolan wrote:
Your voting preference list will be stored locally on your device. This means that if you fill out a ballot and then log into an alt character, your previous voting choices will be restored automatically and you may then alter them as you wish. We hope this will alleviate some of the fatigue of voting with large numbers of accounts. We would like to reiterate that this is a local function and not stored by or transmitted to CCP or any 3rd party group.

Nice, thanks! Cool

Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2013-04-05 17:58:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Kazanir
Malcanis wrote:
Perhaps future changes to the voting system should be publically tested to avoid situations of this kind.

Meanwhile, the groups that have deployed these scripts would no doubt like to thank you for locking in the huge advantage they have gained by this. At this stage, you might as well leave the option open to at least level the playing field.

You're correct, naturally, but since they specifically deployed these fixes so they could nerf the scripts with minimal howling, it seems unlikely that they'll be receptive to your suggestion. Who cares about procedural fairness!

Maybe next time they will -- on the first try, no less -- release a UI that a human can use.
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-04-05 19:21:30 UTC
While I do not agree with CCP's philosophical position regarding making it easy for people to vote a slate of candidates provided by someone they trust, I do understand their position.

That said, a lot of the issues that have arisen since the election began could have been avoided if the community had been given a preview of the ballot entry process and the opportunity to comment on it.

CSM didn't get an advance look either; if we had, I would have raised serious concerns about usability. Even with the ability to double-click, one of the fundamental problems with the ballot is that it is very hard to find the candidates you want.

I am sure that CSM8 will have some things to say about this at the next summit.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#15 - 2013-04-05 19:23:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Voting scripts... that's some nice step forward in making the CSM elections look like bona fide democracy in action.
Goonswarm Federation
#16 - 2013-04-05 19:46:55 UTC  |  Edited by: EvilweaselSA
CCP Dolan wrote:
EvilweaselSA wrote:
I suggest for next time a proxy mechanism

naturally, the ceo of the alliance holding corp, or the ceo of an individual corp, can be assumed to be natural representative of their members

so, in the latter half of the election to increase the representativeness of the CSM and to get more people voting, the CEO of the holding corp or the ceo of an individual corp could cast a proxy ballot on behalf of their members who could not vote. naturally, those members could cast an individual vote previously or assign their proxy to someone else

this inventive method would increase the number of voters and allow a more representative and legitimate csm, as it was formed from the input of more subscribers

hahahaha, no.

what if the proxies could be sold on the market, so the wealthiest and most interested parties can reach a mutually beneficial exchange with the poorer and less interested parties

after all, free markets make free people

work with me here
Lady Zarrina
New Eden Browncoats
#17 - 2013-04-05 20:04:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Zarrina
Okay, I applaud the attempt but this CSM 8 vote has been plagued with issues.

- First off, without logging into the eve client I can only find a link to the vote page if I go to the community page, find a link referencing the CSM 8 election, then clicking a link in that page. On the front page of Eve Online there should be a link.
In the forums under Eve information Portal there should be a Stickied link saying VOTE. And just to be complete a slickied link the CSM section on the forums saying VOTE.

- I click the link in the patcher, it kept me in the patcher and the voting didn't work at all for me. At least while I was in the patcher it kept my old votes. But it never worked. When I later switched to the browser, (after finding the link to the voting page) my old picks were lost.

- Time out issues voting. I have 30 plus candidates to read through. Yes I actually read them instead of being a useless twit and trying to use some script. Now that it had lost my previous votes I had to go back and re-read all of them. Honestly I was a little peeved at this point and only voted for 2/3 of them that I could remember by name after reading the first 10 or so again.

- On the page where you summarized each candidates platform, there should have been a method to highlight / select who you like and vote from there.

- Voting should be easy and foolproof. I am sorry this was not. But as I said, I applaud the effort to organize the information and attempt to stream line the process. Hopefully CSM 9 has this feature. This is a game, but one I care about. I will not spend days analyzing each candidate, but I will do my best to spend a few hours reading each platform and supporting those who appear to have the background and the games best interests. Please don't make waste this time.

Remember usually most people have less than 5 people to choose from when they vote. Damn in the states I get the impression it is 2. We have 30+

EVE: All about Flying Frisky and Making Iskie

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#18 - 2013-04-05 22:23:41 UTC
Apparently Sorting by A-Z is difficult Roll

Glad to see riverini at the end of the list where he belongs

WTB : An image in my signature

Apricot Baby
#19 - 2013-04-06 03:40:29 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
CSM didn't get an advance look either; if we had, I would have raised serious concerns about usability. Even with the ability to double-click, one of the fundamental problems with the ballot is that it is very hard to find the candidates you want.

I am sure that CSM8 will have some things to say about this at the next summit.

lol. I'm really not sure how to respond to his apart from awarding CCP an 8/10 score for ironic value.

Unreleased Ships (Images) - Unreleased Ships (Videos) - Eve Celshader Project -

Frying Doom
#20 - 2013-04-06 06:27:12 UTC
Also it seems that in the crusade to have every vote count, abstain is no longer there.

I can't confirm that myself as I voted without looking for it.

But a fair few seem to be grumbling about its non-existance.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

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