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Dev blog: Odyssey summer expansion: Starbase iterations

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GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#661 - 2013-07-23 11:33:09 UTC
Infinite Force wrote:
xttz wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:

We're taking this one step at a time for now.

If you want to take smaller steps that have a larger positive impact on players, some good options are:

a) Rebalancing starbase weapons as discussed earlier in this thread, to bring them in line with modern ships. Largely a case of tweaking stats rather than any real coding.


I'll have to agree with this.

Long ago, for those vets still around that remember, a deathstar setup made fleets cringe and they would think twice about coming near one. A properly setup tower could handle several dreads. Now? A couple of dreads can reinforce a large deathstar tower.

+1 to the POS weapon rebalancing.

Bump for POS weapons - Fozzie, please tell us this is coming in Odyssey 1.1.

I saw a perfect reminder of why this is needed earlier this week. While using multiple alts with SDM V trained and faction pos weapons, it was nearly impossible to kill subcaps bigger than frigates.

Back in 2006, before manual pos-gunning even existed, starbases were a threat to even dreadnoughts due to the sheer damage power. Small capital fleets had to draw fire away from dreads by throwing frigates on the field to distract the weapons, or dreads could quite easily explode.

Now we have subcaps that not only have many times the EHP* that dreads had back in 2006, but they can also be easily remote-repped by fleets that commonly field dozens of logi cruisers. POS guns don't do anymore damage, don't track any better, and take ages to lock these targets.
Even if you are incredibly lucky and manage to shoot the one battleship who forgets to broadcast for reps, chances are you'll only be able to lock half-a-dozen targets in total before the fleet has achieved their objective (shooting the jumpbridge, TCU, etc).

Please Fozzie, we want our fully armed and operational deathstars back.

*even some cruisers have more EHP than 2006-era Dreadnoughts
Bruce McRaven
#662 - 2013-08-07 13:11:33 UTC
Swapping and fitting Strategic Cruiser subsystems at a starbase

Another fix that significantly affects our wormhole residents, this entails placing the Strategic Cruiser and subsystems inside a Ship Maintenance Array (adding subsystems to the allowed list for SMA storage) and then using a right click menu to access subsystem choice. The reconfigured ship can then be boarded or ejected as normal.

I can't find any more info on the topic but it is not in the patchnotes and as of my testing it doesn't work.

Also it seems like I am not the only one with this problem...

When will you guys get this done?
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#663 - 2013-08-19 00:39:14 UTC
xttz wrote:

Bump for POS weapons - Fozzie, please tell us this is coming in Odyssey 1.1.

I saw a perfect reminder of why this is needed earlier this week. While using multiple alts with SDM V trained and faction pos weapons, it was nearly impossible to kill subcaps bigger than frigates.

Back in 2006, before manual pos-gunning even existed, starbases were a threat to even dreadnoughts due to the sheer damage power. Small capital fleets had to draw fire away from dreads by throwing frigates on the field to distract the weapons, or dreads could quite easily explode.

*sigh* I remember the good old days like this. The 'death star' was my baby and one of the few ideas I've had that caught on across the game like wildfire back in the day. 'Lets put nothing but guns and tracking arrays on it and a corp hanger with six months fuel'.

I saw a battleship fleet take down an active POS in high sec. They didn't lose a ship, despite the tower firing every gun it had. This is not working as intended. Where's the risk, after all?
Infinite Force
#664 - 2013-08-20 22:58:54 UTC
xttz wrote:
Infinite Force wrote:
xttz wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:

We're taking this one step at a time for now.

If you want to take smaller steps that have a larger positive impact on players, some good options are:

a) Rebalancing starbase weapons as discussed earlier in this thread, to bring them in line with modern ships. Largely a case of tweaking stats rather than any real coding.


I'll have to agree with this.

Long ago, for those vets still around that remember, a deathstar setup made fleets cringe and they would think twice about coming near one. A properly setup tower could handle several dreads. Now? A couple of dreads can reinforce a large deathstar tower.

+1 to the POS weapon rebalancing.

Bump for POS weapons - Fozzie, please tell us this is coming in Odyssey 1.1.

I saw a perfect reminder of why this is needed earlier this week. While using multiple alts with SDM V trained and faction pos weapons, it was nearly impossible to kill subcaps bigger than frigates.

Back in 2006, before manual pos-gunning even existed, starbases were a threat to even dreadnoughts due to the sheer damage power. Small capital fleets had to draw fire away from dreads by throwing frigates on the field to distract the weapons, or dreads could quite easily explode.

Now we have subcaps that not only have many times the EHP* that dreads had back in 2006, but they can also be easily remote-repped by fleets that commonly field dozens of logi cruisers. POS guns don't do anymore damage, don't track any better, and take ages to lock these targets.
Even if you are incredibly lucky and manage to shoot the one battleship who forgets to broadcast for reps, chances are you'll only be able to lock half-a-dozen targets in total before the fleet has achieved their objective (shooting the jumpbridge, TCU, etc).

Please Fozzie, we want our fully armed and operational deathstars back.

*even some cruisers have more EHP than 2006-era Dreadnoughts

This, this and more of this.

If the only place we have to store ships is at a POS (WH's, station-less low / null systems), that system must be able to defend against an invasion. Obviously a 100 man fleet is going to make short work of a POS regardless of how it's setup.

Let's get these POS systems back to being feared again by small to medium sized fleets.

No more of this single dread coming along and reinforcing a tower .. just because.

HROLT CEO Live Free; Die Proud - The only way to go!

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#665 - 2013-08-21 11:51:29 UTC
A "minor" thing that would really be nice to see in a coming POS reworking is economic considerations..

POS should go back to being fuel cost dependent according to number of installed units.. This flat rate fuel consumption is really a bad balance and mess up competition..

Also the npc prices for research, production and invention needs to be major nerfed.. so the player driven ones are at competitive levels.. atm the cost of a player slot is around 20k isk per hour, and the npc prices go all the way down to 9 isk per hour.. This is totally unbalanced and turns competition upside down..