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Dev blog: Odyssey summer expansion: Starbase iterations

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Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#421 - 2013-04-05 16:05:24 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
Pelea Ming wrote:

You evil, greedy bastard :P I love it!

There are more details in other posts.. I am trying to collect them all into a full suggestion with all the details.


2)PDH Concept

3)Lobby thread for MD an Industrialist

Please share any thoughts and ideas.

1) definately has potential, but I can also see it being a coding nightmare to set up.
2) not worth coding in since you'd still have to have POS only storage set ups when in systems without stations.
3)The biggest flaw here is how easy it is to set up scams for selling corporate shares, it'd garauntee any stock market constantly crashing.
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#422 - 2013-04-05 16:13:56 UTC
It's a good starting list, but is still missing some key issues:

- Remove the need of granting the Factory Manager role to people in order for them to make use of the POS labs/arrays. Instead, allow us to grant usage of the labs based on the 14 "titles" in the Corp UI. That would mean that players could no longer cancel other players jobs easily and would make running a "research" division much easier. Which might improve the particulars of null-sec industry.

- Change how job cancellation works. If a job gets cancelled partway through, you should get as much progress as was made on the job within that time. In the case of BPO research, the number of ME/PE points accumulated by that point in time, rounded down. Plus a refund of any unspent per-hour fees. The main reason for this is to open the door for allowing player-owned towers to provide public research. If the customers are assured of at least getting partial credit on their jobs instead of all or nothing, then there's less potential for outright griefing and theft of the fees. Fees should be placed into an escrow and then paid out to the tower owner every N hours (whenever the job gains a new level of ME/PE or output).

- Fix CHAs to allow containers to be fully used (withdrawing of contents, not just deposit boxes). They got the job halfway done last December, since we can now deposit into containers, how about fixing the other half?

- Add audit entries for corporate hangars / SMAs so you can see who took/deposited what.

- Add corporate tabs to the SMAs.

- Re-introduce the faction towers as BPC drops from exploration / loot / pirate faction stores. Make their recipes rely on taking an existing tower and then adding existing resources to it. Those resources needed should be a mix of moon-goo, PI products, gas mining, ores and salvage. Use it as a chance to slightly increase demand for the resources that nobody seems to want.

- Add a XL and XXL tower size option, which can only be anchored in low/null. Fuel consumption / PG / CPU / etc should be 2x and 4x that of the existing large tower. With the proliferation of super-caps, existing large towers are mere speed bumps.

- Add smaller SMA, which is about 1/4 the existing SMA size and lighter on PG/CPU usage.

- Add larger CHA variants (4M m3 and 10M m3) which are competitive with the LSAA on size vs PG/CPU usage.

- Change towers so that they unanchor if not fueled, but give owners the option to mothball towers where they only consume 10% of the normal fuel blocks per hour (but still consume charters at full rate). If you want to keep a tower at a moon, then you should need to fuel it regularly. At 10% rate, that means mothballed towers could run for 10 months or so, which is not that bad. Increase the warning time on tower fueling to 7-days instead of 1-day, with notifications starting as soon as 7-days prior to "out of fuel", but decrease interval to be only every 6 or 12 hours on the warning mails.

- Allow lab/array fees to be paid out of a personal wallet.

- Do something about gas silo mechanics where you have to hand out very sensitive roles to anyone who needs to manage the silos.

Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#423 - 2013-04-05 16:18:38 UTC
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
It's a good starting list, but is still missing some key issues:

- Remove the need of granting the Factory Manager role to people in order for them to make use of the POS labs/arrays. Instead, allow us to grant usage of the labs based on the 14 "titles" in the Corp UI. That would mean that players could no longer cancel other players jobs easily and would make running a "research" division much easier. Which might improve the particulars of null-sec industry.

- Change how job cancellation works. If a job gets cancelled partway through, you should get as much progress as was made on the job within that time. In the case of BPO research, the number of ME/PE points accumulated by that point in time, rounded down. Plus a refund of any unspent per-hour fees. The main reason for this is to open the door for allowing player-owned towers to provide public research. If the customers are assured of at least getting partial credit on their jobs instead of all or nothing, then there's less potential for outright griefing and theft of the fees. Fees should be placed into an escrow and then paid out to the tower owner every N hours (whenever the job gains a new level of ME/PE or output).

- Fix CHAs to allow containers to be fully used (withdrawing of contents, not just deposit boxes). They got the job halfway done last December, since we can now deposit into containers, how about fixing the other half?

- Add audit entries for corporate hangars / SMAs so you can see who took/deposited what.

- Add corporate tabs to the SMAs.

- Re-introduce the faction towers as BPC drops from exploration / loot / pirate faction stores. Make their recipes rely on taking an existing tower and then adding existing resources to it. Those resources needed should be a mix of moon-goo, PI products, gas mining, ores and salvage. Use it as a chance to slightly increase demand for the resources that nobody seems to want.

- Add a XL and XXL tower size option, which can only be anchored in low/null. Fuel consumption / PG / CPU / etc should be 2x and 4x that of the existing large tower. With the proliferation of super-caps, existing large towers are mere speed bumps.

- Add smaller SMA, which is about 1/4 the existing SMA size and lighter on PG/CPU usage.

- Add larger CHA variants (4M m3 and 10M m3) which are competitive with the LSAA on size vs PG/CPU usage.

- Change towers so that they unanchor if not fueled, but give owners the option to mothball towers where they only consume 10% of the normal fuel blocks per hour (but still consume charters at full rate). If you want to keep a tower at a moon, then you should need to fuel it regularly. At 10% rate, that means mothballed towers could run for 10 months or so, which is not that bad. Increase the warning time on tower fueling to 7-days instead of 1-day, with notifications starting as soon as 7-days prior to "out of fuel", but decrease interval to be only every 6 or 12 hours on the warning mails.

- Allow lab/array fees to be paid out of a personal wallet.

- Do something about gas silo mechanics where you have to hand out very sensitive roles to anyone who needs to manage the silos.

Fozzie, this is also some damned good stuff you're gonna want to write down if you haven't been already :)
Stegas Tyrano
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#424 - 2013-04-05 17:05:34 UTC
Tshaowdyne Dvorak wrote:
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
Will the tiny drones that move stuff around be animated? They better be!

I think it's cooler to imagine that they're nanites capable of completely disassembling things at a molecular level, moving them, and reassembling them where they need to be. It's like the Star Trek transporter system, but with cool little intelligent nanites doing the work instead of magical beams that are unlikely to ever exist in reality. What do the nanites do when they're not busy moving anyone's stuff around? Maybe they play Minecraft with molecules, building their own little nanite worlds.

....err I was joking but okay :)

Herping your derp since 19Potato - [url=][Proposal] - Ingame Visual Adverts[/url]

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#425 - 2013-04-05 17:13:58 UTC
Torrelus Toh'Kon wrote:

1) Multiple arrays of varying size, e.g. S/M/L. All arrays would have identical number of hangers, but hanger sizes scale with array size.

I'm a big fan of multiple sizes. Not only for the new personal hangar array, but also introducing new sizes for CHA/SMA. We don't care if they all use the same artwork, just add new sizes in the database and give us new item IDs so that we have more flexibility in our POS setups.

CHA is currently 1.4M m3. It is completely outclassed by LSAAs which are 18M m3 and much more efficient at m3 stored per PG/CPU used. The LSAA's only downside is that they have the item stack limit per corporation divisional tab. We need a CHA that is about 700k m3 in size and about 3/5 the PG/CPU of the normal one. We also need a 4-5M m3 variant that is about 2x the PG/CPU of the existing unit and a 10M m3 variant that is 4x the PG/CPU of the existing unit.

Same thing applies to SMAs. There should be a small SMA about 1/3 the capacity of the existing, that uses 3/5 the power/CPU of the existing unit.
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#426 - 2013-04-05 17:18:08 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

If people are not willing to take the risk that their corp will move without them, they can always store certain items in the CHAs instead. Having tradeoffs and decisions to make between what to store in each of the two forms of storage is one of our goals.

That's only a viable option if you finish fixing containers so that they work properly inside of CHAs.

You fixed containers in the November/December update last year so that we could finally deposit items into said containers, but we still have no way to pull items back out of the containers. Unless we grant "take container" to people, who then have to move the container to their ship, remove the item needed, then put the container back in the CHA.
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#427 - 2013-04-05 17:30:03 UTC
Pelea Ming wrote:
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
Pelea Ming wrote:

You evil, greedy bastard :P I love it!

There are more details in other posts.. I am trying to collect them all into a full suggestion with all the details.


2)PDH Concept

3)Lobby thread for MD an Industrialist

Please share any thoughts and ideas.

1) definately has potential, but I can also see it being a coding nightmare to set up.
2) not worth coding in since you'd still have to have POS only storage set ups when in systems without stations.
3)The biggest flaw here is how easy it is to set up scams for selling corporate shares, it'd garauntee any stock market constantly crashing.

1. A lot of the code is already there, you already select slots either personal, corporate or public. changing that would be about making slots optionally public and integrating the rental mechnics.

2. The PDH is the base mechanic, just like corporate hangar divisions is the base for carriers etc.. With one function you can add this to POS also, and fix things while adding features and fixing others. With potential new functions later. Public access to PDH is not entirely impossible, and could work as semi storefront idea (old topic)

3. Scams are part of EVE and always should be there, the thread had a lot of other things except Shares and Loan contracts, I was refering to the more relevant ideas on PI changes and Repair functions etc..

Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#428 - 2013-04-05 17:44:11 UTC
Well, in regards to that, I'd have to give it back to the Devs, as i obviously don't know eve coding :)
Qaidan Alenko
Eezo-Lution Inc.
#429 - 2013-04-05 17:52:09 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
fukier wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Giving it the ability to repair using nanite paste would be wonderful, although I don't think we'd be able to get that in time for Odyssey.

man dont you guys just love nanite paste! i mean its like duct tape it can fix just about anything...

I'd propose we re-name it omnigel if our lawyers would let me.

I, for one, heartily endorse this item...

"Hi... I'm Major Alenko, and Fozzie is my favorite Dev on the Citadel."
Go ahead... Get your Wham on!!!
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#430 - 2013-04-05 17:52:45 UTC
Katsuo Nuruodo wrote:

Well, 75% of currently active members. The longer your pos is up, the more bays full of stuff from not currently active members you're going to get.

CCP is always sending out emails to inactive subscribers, trying to get them to rejoin. Sometimes this works. But, if someone decides to resub, find that their items were all just destroyed by the CEO, well, that resub has a good chance of not lasting very long.

And sure, the upside does outweigh the downside. This is a great new pos module which many people, including myself, are going to put up. It just has one major glaring flaw that's going to effect almost every corp that uses it, unless it gets fixed within a reasonable period of time.

People have been saying that you can tell people to remove their stuff before they unsub. Well, sure, you can ask. From my experience though, this rarely happens. Many times when people let their subscription lapse(from what I've seen), it's after a period of inactivity. They log on less and less often, then one day when they try to log in, they find out that their subscription has ended, and decide to take a break from EVE.

That's why I think a requirement of the new PSH is that:

- When unanchored, it pops out jetcans named after each player who still had stuff within the PSH.
- When destroyed, it follows the usually drop rules (roughly 50% of the stacks drop, up to some limit)

By spawning jetcans, you give directors/CEOs a chance to collect everyone's loot and move it back out to k-space or to a set of containers (anchored or placed inside the CHA at the new location).

If lag is going to be an issue then you could:

- Only drop the first 50 member's containers (randomly picked)
- Change the PSH unanchor timer so that it takes 6 seconds per jetcan that needs to be spawned, need to empty something with 100 members? 600 second unachor time with jetcans popping out every 6 seconds

Frankly, they need to limit the total capacity of the PSH to about 2M m3 and each player gets a maximum of 27k m3. That would be enough that 75 people could use maximum capacity, or you could support 150-300 players if everyone isn't a packrat. Which also helps with the lag issue when you unanchor or destroy the unit and everyone's stuff comes tumbling out.
Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#431 - 2013-04-05 17:56:33 UTC
Meh, just shoot 'em till their dead and let your god sort it out!
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#432 - 2013-04-05 17:57:36 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:

If people are not willing to take the risk that their corp will move without them, they can always store certain items in the CHAs instead. Having tradeoffs and decisions to make between what to store in each of the two forms of storage is one of our goals.

Having tradeoffs is fine. Having tradeoffs that suck is not good game design. Example: Learning Skills. It was a tradeoff you had to make: Spend time training skills so you can train faster later, or train other stuff right away. And it sucked. So you removed them.

Do not add back in a mechanic that introduces the need to make a sucky decision. Give us a check box "allow director access". Let that be the tradeoff that players make. Or have stuff pop out into some sort of secure container.

Now on the other hand, I see that if the member has quit it does not matter that his stuff gets destroyed. And as directors can see whats in there, the corp could have a reimbursement policy.

CCP Fozzie, a question: Will those little drones that carry stuff about allow for me to put a BPO in my personal hangar, make a copy at the POS lab copy slot, and the drones carry the copy back to my personal hangar?

I can't go along with the main part of your post.

No one should ever have take access to your personal hanger, whether that be in a station, Outpost, or POS. If they want to include the ability for a director to be able to put things into a personal hanger (like they currently do in stations), that's fine.

It would be a different story if a POS or the personal hanger array itself could not be taken down while goods were in it, but that's not the case. You simply want to be able to access those items (that someone else owns) so that they don't go to waste... but that's not your responsibility. Not to mention the multitude of ways that a take mechanic could and absolutely would be exploited.

However your question about using BP's to build with from your personal hanger is an excellent one, as that could simplify a mechanic that is currently a bit of a pain in the butt.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#433 - 2013-04-05 18:15:12 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:

If people are not willing to take the risk that their corp will move without them, they can always store certain items in the CHAs instead. Having tradeoffs and decisions to make between what to store in each of the two forms of storage is one of our goals.

Having tradeoffs is fine. Having tradeoffs that suck is not good game design. Example: Learning Skills. It was a tradeoff you had to make: Spend time training skills so you can train faster later, or train other stuff right away. And it sucked. So you removed them.

Do not add back in a mechanic that introduces the need to make a sucky decision. Give us a check box "allow director access". Let that be the tradeoff that players make. Or have stuff pop out into some sort of secure container.

Now on the other hand, I see that if the member has quit it does not matter that his stuff gets destroyed. And as directors can see whats in there, the corp could have a reimbursement policy.

CCP Fozzie, a question: Will those little drones that carry stuff about allow for me to put a BPO in my personal hangar, make a copy at the POS lab copy slot, and the drones carry the copy back to my personal hangar?

I can't go along with the main part of your post.

No one should ever have take access to your personal hanger, whether that be in a station, Outpost, or POS. If they want to include the ability for a director to be able to put things into a personal hanger (like they currently do in stations), that's fine.

It would be a different story if a POS or the personal hanger array itself could not be taken down while goods were in it, but that's not the case. You simply want to be able to access those items (that someone else owns) so that they don't go to waste... but that's not your responsibility. Not to mention the multitude of ways that a take mechanic could and absolutely would be exploited.

However your question about using BP's to build with from your personal hanger is an excellent one, as that could simplify a mechanic that is currently a bit of a pain in the butt.

If the POS is a corporate entity then access to all parts should be an option for CEO. I do content that maybe a lock down should be possible, but I will refer back to the concept linked above as PDH, where you would get a two division system introduce into the possible mechanic. So there is one personal storage and one personal division, that is usable by corp CEO and Member if right are granted. This would also make it possible to let "lost" items go to impounded and potentially be accessed from a new POS launched in the same location. Based on Moon ID. Thus you might need to negotiate access with new owners.

Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#434 - 2013-04-05 18:18:16 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
If the POS is a corporate entity then access to all parts should be an option for CEO. I do content that maybe a lock down should be possible, but I will refer back to the concept linked above as PDH, where you would get a two division system introduce into the possible mechanic. So there is one personal storage and one personal division, that is usable by corp CEO and Member if right are granted. This would also make it possible to let "lost" items go to impounded and potentially be accessed from a new POS launched in the same location. Based on Moon ID. Thus you might need to negotiate access with new owners.

Ok, this actually has some potential, an impound based on moon id so that future pos's put up with this mod keep the person's 'division' in it so that when you go back for your stuff but a new owner is there to negotiate with them to retrieve it... sure, lots of room for abuse in this, but it still leaves the option up to the individual that owns the stuff, and not the CEO of the orginal corp.
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#435 - 2013-04-05 18:27:51 UTC
The major benefit is that the same system can be adopted in current stations, and perhaps in future concept Super Caps.

I am still dreaming of a wandering ship with something like this. A true space Vagabond.

One that has no highslots, but tank that makes it practically ungankable, except by Titans. With access to Empire. Basically a chribba flying city. Big smile

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#436 - 2013-04-05 18:29:42 UTC
If you want this system to function properly, and get it in a timely fashion, KISS (keep it simple stupid).

There is nothing what so ever wrong with the items in a personal hanger being lost if the array is taken offline, and absolutely nothing wrong with those items dropping as loot in case of destuction.

These are the risks that SHOULD be associated with keeping personal items in a POS.

You guys are over thinking this.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#437 - 2013-04-05 18:31:41 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
The major benefit is that the same system can be adopted in current stations, and perhaps in future concept Super Caps.

I am still dreaming of a wandering ship with something like this. A true space Vagabond.

One that has no highslots, but tank that makes it practically ungankable, except by Titans. With access to Empire. Basically a chribba flying city. Big smile

Yes! Must give Chribba more high sec caps!
Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#438 - 2013-04-05 18:36:02 UTC
Though perhaps give it high slots, but no turret or launcher hardpoints? so it can act as some sort of support?
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#439 - 2013-04-05 18:53:35 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
If you want this system to function properly, and get it in a timely fashion, KISS (keep it simple stupid).

There is nothing what so ever wrong with the items in a personal hanger being lost if the array is taken offline, and absolutely nothing wrong with those items dropping as loot in case of destuction.

These are the risks that SHOULD be associated with keeping personal items in a POS.

You guys are over thinking this.

Let me get this straight you dont want a boss to be able to access your job located locker, and we are over thinking things?

The reason to allow it to go into some sort of impound is to avoid to many exploit issues. Things like an expensive BPO in a personal hangar, and personal differences makes that one person intentionally destroy the structure. Then dropping things into space is a serious problem. Also what when a corp have tons of members and the structure dies, the potential problems of POS structures dying will clutter space in a way that fighting does not do, there might be some awful lag problems in the wake of something like that. Its not like when many ships in space die, its potentially 100+ ships in one go, and unknown number of items and item types.

Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#440 - 2013-04-05 18:54:57 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
If you want this system to function properly, and get it in a timely fashion, KISS (keep it simple stupid).

There is nothing what so ever wrong with the items in a personal hanger being lost if the array is taken offline, and absolutely nothing wrong with those items dropping as loot in case of destuction.

These are the risks that SHOULD be associated with keeping personal items in a POS.

You guys are over thinking this.

Let me get this straight you dont want a boss to be able to access your job located locker, and we are over thinking things?

The reason to allow it to go into some sort of impound is to avoid to many exploit issues. Things like an expensive BPO in a personal hangar, and personal differences makes that one person intentionally destroy the structure. Then dropping things into space is a serious problem. Also what when a corp have tons of members and the structure dies, the potential problems of POS structures dying will clutter space in a way that fighting does not do, there might be some awful lag problems in the wake of something like that. Its not like when many ships in space die, its potentially 100+ ships in one go, and unknown number of items and item types.

You already face the potential of these issues with currently existing mods to one extent or another.