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Dev blog: Odyssey summer expansion: Starbase iterations

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Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#381 - 2013-04-04 11:50:26 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Letting directors and/or CEOs access the member's sections of the PHA is not going to be within our scope for the first iteration due to technical limitations, and I am honestly not sold on ever adding it. These structures are not intended to completely replace CHAs for all purposes, and the added difficulty to rapid evacuation provides slightly more incentive for wormhole invasions.

So not even the CEO can empty it without destroying the contents? Seriously?
Way to go CCP - turn an otherwise good idea into junk. Typical.

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#382 - 2013-04-04 11:50:56 UTC
Athena Maldoran wrote:


Not happy about the "Private Starbase Hangar", It's not what we want. Very limited size, and we already have storage. Not beeing able to retrive items when a corpie leaves corp. What we want is a remaking of the permission system, so we can make things work. Theres a number of ideas surrounding this topic. Why give us something noone wants? "If the structure is unanchored, all contents are destroyed. A confirmation box warns the player if the structure is not empty, and ensures that the items are not destroyed by accident." HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE...

On the other hand, most of the other "fixes" you have mentioned, are very welcome. The ability to access anything and move everything within the shields, the new system for deploying pos modules etc, repacking, t3 fix, removing the sov on csma.
these are what we expect as fixes. They are very needed.

But I think many people are a bit dissapointed, because it all looks like your just painting an old horse to make it look good. Nothing here that smells like a modular pos or anything. Should there be riots in the streets, you will know why. I'm worried that this expansion will rival Incarna in faliure.

This sentiment.

Also I recently posted on related issue, and gave a few ideas for how a more latteral integrated system could be applied. The ide Personal Division Hangars: Which would be a potential mechanic that could be reused in these PSH

PDH Concept

A variation on that theme would help more types of players imho..

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#383 - 2013-04-04 13:42:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Etheoma
AWESOME!!! personally my self if you just did the personal storage / ship storage, in shield access to all modules and the C-SMA in non-sov space. I would call that a great patch and call myself lucky.

But with the scanning mechanic changes and what I assume will be Battleship tieracide and rebalancing you have just proposed the best patch to my eye's that I have ever seen maybe excluding Apocrypha.

Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#384 - 2013-04-04 13:53:12 UTC
The PSH is a great idea to complement the already existing CHA(or whatever it's acronym is if I got that wrong, the current one for storing crap in). you get a small amount of completely secure storage, if someone leaves **** in it (go on vacation, leave corp, quit eve, whatever) and later on wants it back but the pos had to be moved, well, they knew when they first put their stuff in it it could be lost, on their own heads be it.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#385 - 2013-04-04 14:16:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Etheoma
Cuhlen wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Letting directors and/or CEOs access the member's sections of the PHA is not going to be within our scope for the first iteration due to technical limitations, and I am honestly not sold on ever adding it. These structures are not intended to completely replace CHAs for all purposes, and the added difficulty to rapid evacuation provides slightly more incentive for wormhole invasions.

So not even the CEO can empty it without destroying the contents? Seriously?
Way to go CCP - turn an otherwise good idea into junk. Typical.

tbh you can just unanchor the PHA and let them destroy it personal equipment isn't really at least usually where all the isk is and even if the PSMA were to work under the same mechanics as long as you get out the majority then unanchor the worst thing about losing thing is knowing the other person got them.

And if your not a fail corp you should be able to get over 75% of your members online within a 24 hour window leaving time to evacuate. So i wouldn't call it junk by any means. Its a down side but the upside in my opinion outweighs the downside.

That you would be able to invite more people to the corp and not be so worried about security, and also potentially reducing the number of POS's you would need to have for day to day Operations so saving iskies.
Katsuo Nuruodo
Suddenly Dreadnoughts
#386 - 2013-04-04 15:04:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Katsuo Nuruodo
Etheoma wrote:

And if your not a fail corp you should be able to get over 75% of your members online within a 24 hour window leaving time to evacuate. So i wouldn't call it junk by any means. Its a down side but the upside in my opinion outweighs the downside.

Well, 75% of currently active members. The longer your pos is up, the more bays full of stuff from not currently active members you're going to get.

CCP is always sending out emails to inactive subscribers, trying to get them to rejoin. Sometimes this works. But, if someone decides to resub, find that their items were all just destroyed by the CEO, well, that resub has a good chance of not lasting very long.

And sure, the upside does outweigh the downside. This is a great new pos module which many people, including myself, are going to put up. It just has one major glaring flaw that's going to effect almost every corp that uses it, unless it gets fixed within a reasonable period of time.

People have been saying that you can tell people to remove their stuff before they unsub. Well, sure, you can ask. From my experience though, this rarely happens. Many times when people let their subscription lapse(from what I've seen), it's after a period of inactivity. They log on less and less often, then one day when they try to log in, they find out that their subscription has ended, and decide to take a break from EVE.

I plan to set up methods in my corp to reduce the chances of this happening, but I can't eliminate it entirely. And, our corp policy has always been that RL comes first. If you have to leave EVE suddenly, without having time to conclude your affairs in game, well, we'd like to be able to take care of the stuff they left in our care until their return.
Xen Investments
#387 - 2013-04-04 15:44:31 UTC
Bravo... I love these proposed changes. I especially like the part where you plan on implementing hangar improvements with the addition of a new module(s) that we can take or leave... We do a lot of ship swapping with other corpies, so this new hangar would actually be a loss of functionality for us... Good job!
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#388 - 2013-04-04 18:22:30 UTC
Great News CCP. Keep up the good work!

Big smile

Remove standings and insurance.

Fredric Wolf
Black Sheep Down
Tactical Narcotics Team
#389 - 2013-04-04 19:20:44 UTC
I like all the changes. One thing I would like to see changed though is the naming of the CSMA to XLSMA. If it is allowed to be placed in any system it no longer is what it was.

CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#390 - 2013-04-04 19:30:44 UTC
Fredric Wolf wrote:
I like all the changes. One thing I would like to see changed though is the naming of the CSMA to XLSMA. If it is allowed to be placed in any system it no longer is what it was.


This is a good idea.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#391 - 2013-04-04 20:14:41 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Will the subsystem fitting change apply to ship-based SMAs such as on carriers, titans, etc. or only on POS SMAs?

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Co-operative Resource Extraction
#392 - 2013-04-04 20:33:30 UTC
I'm happy you finally decided to commit to fixing this issue.

However I'll be holding you to this one, so no returning to the 'we're-not-going-to-do-it-since-we're-not-sure'- stage. As that was ******* annoying.

System ideas:

Tonto Auri
Vhero' Multipurpose Corp
#393 - 2013-04-04 20:41:57 UTC
Eliniale wrote:
I'm happy you finally decided to commit to fixing this issue.

However I'll be holding you to this one, so no returning to the 'we're-not-going-to-do-it-since-we're-not-sure'- stage. As that was ******* annoying.

Sorry, what fixes exactly you're seeing here?

Two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. -- Harlan Ellison

Azule Dragoons
#394 - 2013-04-05 06:15:56 UTC  |  Edited by: drummergirl
When is CCP going to bring capital-class ships back to high-sec in EVE? I've heard stories of huge mining operations being run from Rorqual platforms that just make my mouth water, and frankly, I don't see the point in keeping them out. The benefits of going to low/null/neg-sec aren't going to change. You have to go to this sort of space in order to mine your "ABC" ores to get the rarer minerals for production of just about anything. Forcing carebear pilots like myself to take on increased risk and danger in those areas of space just to use a bigger/better ship to mine the same ores that we would in high-sec is pointless!
If you want to keep the PVPers from invading high-sec with capital-class vessels so as to "muscle out" smaller corporations/alliances, a modified version the CONCORD security system which restricts pilots with low ratings from entering certain areas or all of high-sec, already in place, could be used. If a pilot's Kill/Death ratio is high, then they can't bring their capital into high-sec. Also, you could restrict pilots from using capital-class weapons or weapons fitted to capital-class ships against other capsuleers in high-sec. That way, PVE gets a big boost, especially in the Incursion area, and miners are able to use their Rorquals in high-sec without incurring the increased risks of being subjected to PVP pilots. All carebears are happy, and with the increased supply of ore/minerals, thus ships and modules, on the market, prices will inevitably drop, which I don't think any PVPer would mind at all.
kosswomen Mckay
Fight Club Outfit
#395 - 2013-04-05 06:35:57 UTC
I am so disappointed in this blog and thread. You are talking about pretty minor changes to an old section of code, OK it will benefit the game but seriously this is really just tweeking the game.

How many devs and other staff does Eve have working for it? I know they are not all just doing POS but seriously the above tweek is enough work for 1 person. What the hell is everyone else doing?

If you had written - You will now be able to dock in your POS and get out your ship and walk into the corp offices and bar for a drink then that would be something worth writing about.

Seriously "development" on Eve is like watch paint dry. I have been playing Eve on and off since beta and am constantly frustrated at the lack of development. I hate how these "expansion" are promoted like they are game changing major expansions, they are not - they just tweeking the game.

When oh when are we going to see some real development like this exploring wreaks idea and when oh when is that locked door going to open?!

I want to walk in my POS not have it tweeked.

Come on devs pull your fingers out or hire more staff!
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#396 - 2013-04-05 07:06:08 UTC
kosswomen Mckay wrote:
I am so disappointed in this blog and thread. You are talking about pretty minor changes to an old section of code, OK it will benefit the game but seriously this is really just tweeking the game.

How many devs and other staff does Eve have working for it? I know they are not all just doing POS but seriously the above tweek is enough work for 1 person. What the hell is everyone else doing?

If you had written - You will now be able to dock in your POS and get out your ship and walk into the corp offices and bar for a drink then that would be something worth writing about.

Seriously "development" on Eve is like watch paint dry. I have been playing Eve on and off since beta and am constantly frustrated at the lack of development. I hate how these "expansion" are promoted like they are game changing major expansions, they are not - they just tweeking the game.

When oh when are we going to see some real development like this exploring wreaks idea and when oh when is that locked door going to open?!

I want to walk in my POS not have it tweeked.

Come on devs pull your fingers out or hire more staff!

I share this sentiment though not as harshly.

I think what CCP need to do is stop being afraid of player outcry. Some fixes and added complexity or depth will not be received well by a habit engrained playerbase. Any big new change will cause a lot of raging, and to some extend the CSM is potentially hindering big changes when representing this rage. We are lucky that some really visionary players have had access to CSM and been open to shaking the boat a lot.

We have 3 problems atm that ccp seem to not want to comment on. The Blue Donut, The Hi-Freq Trading, and The WH Cricket Wars. Any attempt to resolve these things will make those benefiting from them rage. The question is can and will ccp tank that rage and just bloody fix it. Scarcity and competition is really something CCP have been afraid to take to the next level, its been like dragging a mule. The SLOT problem on stations have only been partially resolved and the same with office rental. Please lets get some big changes SOON, instead of these small tweaks and work arounds.

Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#397 - 2013-04-05 09:41:08 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:

I share this sentiment though not as harshly.

I also share the views of the above. I was hoping for something along the lines of the ability to design our own deadspace cities complete with dockable stations, pleasure hubs, acceleration gates, etc.
Frying Doom
#398 - 2013-04-05 10:29:31 UTC
One little thing I would like to see as well, well one of several is a distance counter showing how far out a gun, ecm, ect.. is from the tower when you are anchoring, just to make it easier.

Also just a little marker in the manage screen to show what percentage of full a guns ammo is.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#399 - 2013-04-05 10:55:29 UTC
Raneru wrote:
Caleb Ayrania wrote:

I share this sentiment though not as harshly.

I also share the views of the above. I was hoping for something along the lines of the ability to design our own deadspace cities complete with dockable stations, pleasure hubs, acceleration gates, etc.

Something like this is what I am trying to ask WH space dwellers over here.

Phase Space Concept

Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#400 - 2013-04-05 11:39:07 UTC
How about allowing the SMA to repair damaged modules?