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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Shareholder vote for CEO

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#21 - 2013-04-01 19:54:21 UTC
Patricia Lex wrote:
IMO its not to much to ask for in your case, but it is too much to ask for in the precedent it would set. If they do that for you then they do that for everyone. I dont think CCP wants to be told it 'has" to do anything. Now that its a forum post and everyone knows about it I doubt CCP will give the pos back....let alone anchor it. In the future I would have kept this quiet until you got a response from the petition and then raised hell on the forums afterward with both the facts and a response. Since it is too late for all of that I would sit tight and see what they say. Perhaps more attention isn't what you want right now with everything on your plate. If you need a good price on a tower let me know.

Keeping it quiet till you get a response and then posting that response is against rules. It will harm you even more.

All Player <> GM conversations (which includes petitions) are confidential.

Forum Rules wrote:
9. Posting of private CCP communication is prohibited.

The posting of private communication between the Game Masters, EVE Team members, Moderators, Administrators of the forums and forum users is prohibited. CCP respect the right of our players to privacy and as such you are not permitted to publicize private correspondence (including petition responses and emails) received from any of the aforementioned parties.

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