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Half way out of the darkness or is that just an illusion. Candidate Qualification Tally.

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Frying Doom
#1 - 2013-03-30 06:26:24 UTC

Hello and welcome to half way through the pre election, I did have a post listing all those who had made it through to qualify for the main election so far but the forums ate it after it appeared and generated a link

So just let me know if it turns up

Any way we are now half way through and 17 candidates have made it up to this point. In another post I joked that they would be lucky to make it to 23 represenatives out of the 28 we need, the truth seems to be worse, I looks like they will be lucky to make it to 20 before we go into those who have less than 200 votes.

So I think it is safe to call this pre election a fail.

Why did it fail, well so many people had no idea it existed in the first place and those that did have little reason to care, so many people still have no idea what the CSM actually is.

So on to the main event, a train wreck of epic proportions.

For these elections CCP has promised that "We will be ramping up the messages regarding the CSM - we have video materials for a video devblog about the CSM, the email newsletters, login screen ads, the whole of the CSM websection is to work in the Ingame Browser so linking people in chat is no effort and more."

But personally I feel that with the new STV voting system we will have a lower percentage of accounts voting this year than we had last year. It was hard enough to get people to want to vote when they had the ability to pick one person and then you knew where your vote actually went.

This year no one will actually know who their votes actually went on if they list more than 1 candidate.

To top this off you have he fact that our votes mean less than ever before with the introduction of the brown nose 5. So even if CCP actually try to educate the voters I don't feel it will be enough to counter those that we will have lost.

I just listened to Trebors Crossing Zebras interview and the fact he mentions multiple times what the CSM should be doing to aid CCP sickens me. The CSM is their to be the voice of the players not just another tool to aid in CCPs bottom line. So to put it bluntly CSM 7 sold out our Union to Management.

So thank you CSM 7 for destroying the voice of the players in favor of CCPs bottom line. I think we really do need Term limits and rules banning Ex-CCP employees, CSM 7 has proved that.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Tie Fighters Inc
#2 - 2013-03-30 06:36:44 UTC
It was a success in trolling though.


Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Tie Fighters Inc
#3 - 2013-03-30 06:48:58 UTC
But on a serious note, with all CCP's talk about making EVE easier to understand, and when new players hear stories then join the game to participate in them, but get lost along the way. The election rules are pretty much 10 steps backwards in that goal.

Of course I don't care, its just funny to see really.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Frying Doom
#4 - 2013-03-30 06:57:48 UTC
rodyas wrote:
But on a serious note, with all CCP's talk about making EVE easier to understand, and when new players hear stories then join the game to participate in them, but get lost along the way. The election rules are pretty much 10 steps backwards in that goal.

Of course I don't care, its just funny to see really.

Ignorance of the CSM is not just a newbie phenomena, lets face it 80% of the EvE polulation either don't know or don't care or don't know why they should care about the CSM.

And it is now a harder sell with the brown nose 5, the STV election system and the fact that our votes are now worthless than they used to be.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Tie Fighters Inc
#5 - 2013-03-30 07:06:28 UTC
Eh, CCP is too strong really.

The null sec blocks and the mittani brag about having numbers or pilots or accounts to back up your ideas and what ya want. But those numbers will always be smaller then the amount of accounts CCP can bring in with changes to the game.

So it is too hard to change their mind, since they will always have the biggest constituency.

In my mind, the only positive aspect to the CSM is becoming more of a way to get video game experience or the popular of idea, of how some opportunities are cool , since they help move you closer to the gaming industry.

Any more then that, and you are almost being naive. ( They can help, but with how much work they do, with the results its probably not worth taking too seriously.)

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Tie Fighters Inc
#6 - 2013-03-30 07:07:13 UTC
Its also very important Frying Doom, for us to get our trolling out of the way, before Hans and the rest show up. In order to shut us down.

We have a small window to let our paranoia run rampant.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Frying Doom
#7 - 2013-03-30 07:14:45 UTC
rodyas wrote:
Its also very important Frying Doom, for us to get our trolling out of the way, before Hans and the rest show up. In order to shut us down.

We have a small window to let our paranoia run rampant.

Besides the mining barge revamp with help of Issler and the POS thread started by Two Step, I really am at a loss of what CSM 7 actually did besides give away what little power the CSM had.

They talk about odyssey but Trebor has said CCP ignored 50% of what the CSM wanted and given that the grab bag of ideas was decided by CCP to start with, I am really asking "did CSM 7, actually have a reason for its existence?"

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Tie Fighters Inc
#8 - 2013-03-30 07:23:35 UTC
Got another good troll, Frying.

In this year and last year, subscriptions went up, but we have the less amount of CSM candidates, and maybe lower voters.

CCP will then see the CSM as a waste of resources, they could devote to something else.

Perhaps CCP could turn the free trips to iceland, into a raffle for any player to enter and they get a free trip to iceland and get to meet the devs. Probably spark interest as well.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Tie Fighters Inc
#9 - 2013-03-30 07:28:29 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
rodyas wrote:
Its also very important Frying Doom, for us to get our trolling out of the way, before Hans and the rest show up. In order to shut us down.

We have a small window to let our paranoia run rampant.

Besides the mining barge revamp with help of Issler and the POS thread started by Two Step, I really am at a loss of what CSM 7 actually did besides give away what little power the CSM had.

They talk about odyssey but Trebor has said CCP ignored 50% of what the CSM wanted and given that the grab bag of ideas was decided by CCP to start with, I am really asking "did CSM 7, actually have a reason for its existence?"

Yeah the POS thread is nice, but a lot work all that is, and not too much to show in a way. Like I would feel bad about all the work then that is all.

Issler got lucky with that as well. I do like Issler so I feel bad for saying it.

They probably do have a reason, but with all the work they are doing it sounds like or the work they expect they seem to be blowing past it.

Like I said, the CSM do have constituents or accounts backing them up, so they could help out in minor ways. but with how much work they say you have to do, or your not allowed to troll. Seems kind of ridiculous to me.

I mean falling for a goon scam is one thing, but the CSM lasts all year long.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Frying Doom
#10 - 2013-03-30 07:45:24 UTC
rodyas wrote:
Got another good troll, Frying.

In this year and last year, subscriptions went up, but we have the less amount of CSM candidates, and maybe lower voters.

CCP will then see the CSM as a waste of resources, they could devote to something else.

Perhaps CCP could turn the free trips to iceland, into a raffle for any player to enter and they get a free trip to iceland and get to meet the devs. Probably spark interest as well.

Actually not to bad an idea as lets face it the CSM at this point can be replaced with a dev blog, just telling us what they are thinking of and then checking to see our levels of out rage.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Tie Fighters Inc
#11 - 2013-03-30 07:58:06 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
rodyas wrote:
Got another good troll, Frying.

In this year and last year, subscriptions went up, but we have the less amount of CSM candidates, and maybe lower voters.

CCP will then see the CSM as a waste of resources, they could devote to something else.

Perhaps CCP could turn the free trips to iceland, into a raffle for any player to enter and they get a free trip to iceland and get to meet the devs. Probably spark interest as well.

Actually not to bad an idea as lets face it the CSM at this point can be replaced with a dev blog, just telling us what they are thinking of and then checking to see our levels of out rage.

It could turn into that.

There use to be enough people involved in the CSM that CCP would worry about making mistakes and trying to fix them. But it seems CCP has found some new areas to tap for subscriptions. So they are able to over ride decisions and just rely on basic feedback threads, like most games do.

Almost all other games (I know of) just really on feedback threads, and the same stuff before they release features.

EVE just had enough people hang around, and they were the main group of subscriptions, CCP would lose a lot of customers for pissing them off.

But perhaps now, they are finding a new major group of subscriptions, so the CSM become more irrelevant as time passes.

Look at TOR, if enough people had stayed around instead of jumping ship, EA might have created a CSM to help fix the game and stuff. But not enough stayed, so they just went to free to play, since that would be the best for subscriptions.

Just look at microtransactions those were for a market bigger then the market the CSM had to offer, so CCP went over their heads.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Frying Doom
#12 - 2013-03-30 08:07:48 UTC
Will admit it does annoy me that with all the progress the other CSMs made to make it a real tool for the players opinions and now CSM 7 has turned it into a beta testing workshop for CCP.

I am not surprised CCP has given them more access, now they are not representing the players but instead offering free help to CCP despite the wants of the players.

The CSM election process shows that well, what was hammered time and time again was that we did not need a new voting system but we did need an absolutely massive education for players on the CSM

What do we get, a new voting system and the promise of some advertising.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Tie Fighters Inc
#13 - 2013-03-30 08:19:27 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Will admit it does annoy me that with all the progress the other CSMs made to make it a real tool for the players opinions and now CSM 7 has turned it into a beta testing workshop for CCP.

I am not surprised CCP has given them more access, now they are not representing the players but instead offering free help to CCP despite the wants of the players.

The CSM election process shows that well, what was hammered time and time again was that we did not need a new voting system but we did need an absolutely massive education for players on the CSM

What do we get, a new voting system and the promise of some advertising.

Well, CCP does want subscriptions or players that are worth it, or worth investing in.

So they had to change the system to insure, nothing in a way would go to waste, or the company could get the most of of the election.

This new system if it works, would show the CSM was worth investing in, or was doing well in a way.

Like how you see educated players are worth investing in. CCP sees players making good choices with a lot of variables or handling a lot with nothing ignored or wasted, as worth investing in.

CCP wants more of a metal in a way or a decent metal, while you want know how and stuff.

Of course education is nice, but that is hard for people to really go for or a business to invest in, unless the company is wildly successful.

My guess is CCP would rather see the players as worth investing in, then they would invest in education afterwards.

Its kind of like college. You won't get accepted if you didn't do well in high school.

You want players to be at the college level, but CCP knows where we are at, and is trying to make it work I suppose. Besides for a pvp game, high schoolers is the best choice. College would tone it down, or ruin their fragile spirit.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Tie Fighters Inc
#14 - 2013-03-30 08:26:37 UTC
Well sadly enough uninterrupted trolling and paranoia for one night.

I got to hits the sack, stayed up way to late.

Keep the anger flowing, while I dream gently.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Frying Doom
#15 - 2013-03-30 09:14:06 UTC
I think CCP has managed to paint themselves into a corner.

Some 20 months ago we had the Summer of Rage, now one of the things that cooled the whole thing down and managed to only cost CCP millions rather than the whole company.

Now if this happens again, honestly who is going to listen to some CCP beta testers, the CSM is no longer our voice so we will frankly listen to them less as a conduit back from CCP.

The general populous cared little about the CSM before with only 1 in every 5 accounts voting. They will care even less after this years higher than average NoN-Hi-sec CSM.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Tie Fighters Inc
#16 - 2013-03-31 04:32:49 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
I think CCP has managed to paint themselves into a corner.

Some 20 months ago we had the Summer of Rage, now one of the things that cooled the whole thing down and managed to only cost CCP millions rather than the whole company.

Now if this happens again, honestly who is going to listen to some CCP beta testers, the CSM is no longer our voice so we will frankly listen to them less as a conduit back from CCP.

The general populous cared little about the CSM before with only 1 in every 5 accounts voting. They will care even less after this years higher than average NoN-Hi-sec CSM.

Eh, who knows, the news from PAX east was nice, but it didn't give out enough information to create troll fodder.

Probably gonna have to wait till fanfest, till we get more information.

Anyways, your gonna have to change your title of the thread to almost half way out. That vote tally thing is too bad. Was exciting to see different people make the 200 mark.

Besides it could be harder on the players then on CCP as well.

A lot of players, have ideas that are too big to work, so that could be fun to watch. But gonna have to wait till fanfest sadly still.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Frying Doom
#17 - 2013-03-31 04:38:44 UTC
I must admit this has to have been the most boring lead up to a CSM election I have ever seen.

Normally by now Jita park is ticking over like GD.

This year it is only slightly faster than normal.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Tie Fighters Inc
#18 - 2013-03-31 04:46:15 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
I must admit this has to have been the most boring lead up to a CSM election I have ever seen.

Normally by now Jita park is ticking over like GD.

This year it is only slightly faster than normal.

Yeah good point, forgot about that.

Plus they closed down the only two fun threads we had going.

We could just start another boring content debate, Frying Doom.

I will choose the Hyperion and you choose the Nighthawk and we argue over how to change them for the best, or what is needed.

Hyperion needs missiles with how slow it accelerates, that way it feels faster when you fly it.

It could get better though, once the second election starts happening. If you fail once, try try again. Maybe next year we get to go through 5 voting rounds, for a very high chance of success.

Of course it will probably be just whining about null seccers winning though, next round.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Frying Doom
#19 - 2013-03-31 04:50:12 UTC
Or we could discuss that things we say in other places are apparently against the forum rules here.

Now that is a scary turn of events. As we can apparently be done for anything we say or do out side of Eve-O now.

They really need to add that one to the forum rules.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#20 - 2013-03-31 04:57:57 UTC
rodyas wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
I must admit this has to have been the most boring lead up to a CSM election I have ever seen.

Normally by now Jita park is ticking over like GD.

This year it is only slightly faster than normal.

Yeah good point, forgot about that.

Plus they closed down the only two fun threads we had going.

We could just start another boring content debate, Frying Doom.

I will choose the Hyperion and you choose the Nighthawk and we argue over how to change them for the best, or what is needed.

Hyperion needs missiles with how slow it accelerates, that way it feels faster when you fly it.

It could get better though, once the second election starts happening. If you fail once, try try again. Maybe next year we get to go through 5 voting rounds, for a very high chance of success.

Of course it will probably be just whining about null seccers winning though, next round.

Ahh I think I will just accept our Null sec overlords

As apparently that is what CCP wants for the CSM or they would not have set up a voting system that will give them more seats.

Maybe next year we can do with out the farce of an election and CCP can just name 14 Null sec people to sit on the CSM.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

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