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Whores in Space [Mercs for Hire] "#1 Most damage done since Inferno" -CCP

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Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#181 - 2013-05-20 11:48:04 UTC
Omega Crendraven wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:
Almost at the 700 billion isk destroyed mark for the month. I know its wishful thinking but maybe we could reach the trillion isk mark before June?

Our purse for next week is already over 2 billion so I feel we may spend over 7 billion isk for wars. Looking forward to more potential targets :)

oh hai!

You guys are so good, can you wardec me plz plz!

You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

Well Yourself and other navy battleship, (mega and geddon) still were able to not kill my throax yesterday (and no i d did not docked, I was able to outtrack you spiraling out of your tackling range and warp out). When the fight started at 11 km. Therefore you do not have that much to be proud of.. not even rememberign to overheat the webs is not much better than that Loki fit.
You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Omega Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#182 - 2013-05-20 22:00:24 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Omega Crendraven wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:
Almost at the 700 billion isk destroyed mark for the month. I know its wishful thinking but maybe we could reach the trillion isk mark before June?

Our purse for next week is already over 2 billion so I feel we may spend over 7 billion isk for wars. Looking forward to more potential targets :)

oh hai!

You guys are so good, can you wardec me plz plz!

You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

Well Yourself and other navy battleship, (mega and geddon) still were able to not kill my throax yesterday (and no i d did not docked, I was able to outtrack you spiraling out of your tackling range and warp out). When the fight started at 11 km. Therefore you do not have that much to be proud of.. not even rememberign to overheat the webs is not much better than that Loki fit.
You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

What webs? lol u might want to check that again.
Omega Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#183 - 2013-05-20 22:06:19 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Omega Crendraven wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:
Almost at the 700 billion isk destroyed mark for the month. I know its wishful thinking but maybe we could reach the trillion isk mark before June?

Our purse for next week is already over 2 billion so I feel we may spend over 7 billion isk for wars. Looking forward to more potential targets :)

oh hai!

You guys are so good, can you wardec me plz plz!

You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

Well Yourself and other navy battleship, (mega and geddon) still were able to not kill my throax yesterday (and no i d did not docked, I was able to outtrack you spiraling out of your tackling range and warp out). When the fight started at 11 km. Therefore you do not have that much to be proud of.. not even rememberign to overheat the webs is not much better than that Loki fit.
You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

What webs? lol u might want to check that again.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#184 - 2013-05-20 22:26:12 UTC
Omega Crendraven wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Omega Crendraven wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:
Almost at the 700 billion isk destroyed mark for the month. I know its wishful thinking but maybe we could reach the trillion isk mark before June?

Our purse for next week is already over 2 billion so I feel we may spend over 7 billion isk for wars. Looking forward to more potential targets :)

oh hai!

You guys are so good, can you wardec me plz plz!

You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

Well Yourself and other navy battleship, (mega and geddon) still were able to not kill my throax yesterday (and no i d did not docked, I was able to outtrack you spiraling out of your tackling range and warp out). When the fight started at 11 km. Therefore you do not have that much to be proud of.. not even rememberign to overheat the webs is not much better than that Loki fit.
You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

What webs? lol u might want to check that again.

If the mega did not have webs its even more fail of you.... (on that scenario)

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#185 - 2013-05-21 00:30:23 UTC
Over 35 billion isk destroyed in the past 24 hours and counting.


"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Tah'ris Khlador
Space Ghosts.
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#186 - 2013-05-21 04:57:56 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Omega Crendraven wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:
Almost at the 700 billion isk destroyed mark for the month. I know its wishful thinking but maybe we could reach the trillion isk mark before June?

Our purse for next week is already over 2 billion so I feel we may spend over 7 billion isk for wars. Looking forward to more potential targets :)

oh hai!

You guys are so good, can you wardec me plz plz!

You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

Well Yourself and other navy battleship, (mega and geddon) still were able to not kill my throax yesterday (and no i d did not docked, I was able to outtrack you spiraling out of your tackling range and warp out). When the fight started at 11 km. Therefore you do not have that much to be proud of.. not even rememberign to overheat the webs is not much better than that Loki fit.
You guys laid a nice trap and it got a few people before the word spreaded. Well played, but it does not stay so easy ...

Their inability to catch a cruiser while in battleships does not equate to that terrible loki. Even if they had forgotten to overheat webs, that is an oversight. That loki was an intentional abomination and was due to die anyway.

You should probably just not smack talk until you've killed their battleships, which apparently don't have webs.

Member of the Pink Pony Killboard Padding Alliance

Pandemic Horde
#187 - 2013-05-22 08:10:17 UTC
807 billion destroyed ~ 4741 ships destroyed.

200 more billion to go and we will reach 1 trillion destroyed in 1 month! Impressive right?

inb4 tears oh wait.. Bear

Still looking for more jobs to keep our bloodthirsty members satisfied!
Gaara's sniper
#188 - 2013-05-22 14:57:01 UTC
I am getting impression , that whores in space are AAA. Sitting docked in station all day.
You even stopped undocking your 300k ehp proteuses with boosts and slave sets.
Can you only shoot pve targets and targets that can't shoot back ?

I wasn't in high sec for a long time. Is this what they call ~elite~ pvp in high sec ?
Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#189 - 2013-05-22 16:31:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Zeus Maximo
Says the man with 20 accounts Roll

Only if I cared to duplicate myself 19 times..... We'd all be in a world of hurt Pirate

edit: yes, they would all be vindi's

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Gaara's sniper
#190 - 2013-05-22 18:22:03 UTC
You make it sound so easy, why don't you try it?
Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#191 - 2013-05-22 19:30:19 UTC
You aren't the only one in this game with ISBoxer. You definitely got some good kills though, props to you there.

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Hashashin Cartel
#192 - 2013-05-23 18:30:17 UTC
The Hashashin Cartel looks forward to our wardec with you guys. We live in The Great Wildlands & we look forward to seeing you guys in local.

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#193 - 2013-05-23 19:08:04 UTC
Gaara's sniper wrote:
I am getting impression , that whores in space are AAA. Sitting docked in station all day.
You even stopped undocking your 300k ehp proteuses with boosts and slave sets.
Can you only shoot pve targets and targets that can't shoot back ?

I wasn't in high sec for a long time. Is this what they call ~elite~ pvp in high sec ?

I'll just leave these here.
Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#194 - 2013-05-23 19:14:06 UTC
yopparai wrote:
The Hashashin Cartel looks forward to our wardec with you guys. We live in The Great Wildlands & we look forward to seeing you guys in local.


I expect to get zero kills on you all then :)

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#195 - 2013-05-24 10:29:12 UTC
Gaara's sniper wrote:
I am getting impression , that whores in space are AAA. Sitting docked in station all day.
You even stopped undocking your 300k ehp proteuses with boosts and slave sets.
Can you only shoot pve targets and targets that can't shoot back ?

I wasn't in high sec for a long time. Is this what they call ~elite~ pvp in high sec ?

No elite pvp is ganking a freighter in highsec with 10000 destroyers or blobbing a cruiser in nul with 10 carriers. Dont make yourself look stupid and buy a highsec permit, join the Whores and Marmites white list and smile..... Big smile And the next time you do 1T isks damage with around 200 players in an alliance, you can put 'smart comments' on the forums again.


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Gaara's sniper
#196 - 2013-05-24 20:55:01 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Gaara's sniper wrote:
I am getting impression , that whores in space are AAA. Sitting docked in station all day.
You even stopped undocking your 300k ehp proteuses with boosts and slave sets.
Can you only shoot pve targets and targets that can't shoot back ?

I wasn't in high sec for a long time. Is this what they call ~elite~ pvp in high sec ?

I'll just leave these here.

Because these losses are so not outdated and don't have a story behind them.
Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#197 - 2013-05-25 10:01:18 UTC
BUMP! We iz soz close in ourz tiny alliancez to 1 trillz killedz

Wish us luck you fine players of new eden!

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

RAZOR Alliance
#198 - 2013-05-25 19:00:16 UTC  |  Edited by: StoneCold
In the Name of the camp (and personaly) i thank you very much for your help vs. those griefers who thought to geht easy kills out
of our fine booties.
Most appreciated, you fine ladies and gentlemen.

Good luck on your trillion kills.
Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#199 - 2013-05-26 20:51:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Zeus Maximo
No problem Stone, glad we could help!

By the way everyone we are almost at a trillion isk destroyed!!!!

946.17 Bil

Isk spent on wars this week including merc contracts: 9,654,670,998

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#200 - 2013-05-28 06:59:20 UTC
We finally reached our goal!

1 Trillion Destroyed in a Month

Its been a stressful week trying to reach our goal but kills like these have helped:




"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment