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[Odyssey] Faction Navy Cruisers

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Goonswarm Federation
#541 - 2013-04-09 20:24:31 UTC
split weapons were never a "tradition" they were a "thing forced down everyone's throats by CCP"

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#542 - 2013-04-09 20:40:44 UTC
There seems to be a lot of continuing nervousness over the low damage output of the Navy Omen. Have you guys given any thought to that or are you still focused on battleships? :)


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#543 - 2013-04-09 22:49:59 UTC
The issue with buffing the damage of the navy omen is that with its current bonuses, it would just outrange and outdps everything else.

This is why I would suggest increasing the damage and then splitting the range bonus into half the range, but with a tracking bonus
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#544 - 2013-04-10 00:11:21 UTC
Hmmm, I don't know how I like that. I'm mostly just wondering if they've made up their mind on how this is gonna roll out or if they're thinking about the fairly significant amount of concern over low damage. I'll undoubtedly be able to make it work, but then again I make the Scythe Fleet work... /shrug


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#545 - 2013-04-10 10:54:13 UTC
Navy Omen DPS is definitely something I'm thinking about, but I'm leaning towards letting it hit SISI before making and drastic changes to it. We need to be careful about making it too strong at long range dps, and if people really need more DPS fit they can always run a flight of Valks and take the downsides of the slower drones.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Pinky Denmark
The Cursed Navy
#546 - 2013-04-10 11:39:48 UTC
yeah - if you ever get to look at balancing long range weapons for pvp some of those ships will be terrorizing Eve for months haha... IF...
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#547 - 2013-04-10 12:42:14 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Navy Omen DPS is definitely something I'm thinking about, but I'm leaning towards letting it hit SISI before making and drastic changes to it. We need to be careful about making it too strong at long range dps, and if people really need more DPS fit they can always run a flight of Valks and take the downsides of the slower drones.

(All you really need to do is to make it work with beams!)


BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Jules Wynnfield
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#548 - 2013-04-10 17:14:10 UTC
I am happy for most of these changes to the navy fleet.

Although can you please give the Navy Caracal its drone bay back, it feels like you have taken away its utility belt.

♫ When I think about you, I touch myself ♫ - Divinyls 1991

Shadragk Spellbound
#549 - 2013-04-10 18:18:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Shadragk Spellbound
Is the Navy Omen that much overpowered? Isn't it possible just to keep the 5 turrets and the fire rate bonus and exchanging speed for tank? Or just keep it as it is? Why shall it be similar to the zealot? Please keep the navy omen as a good attack ship.
Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#550 - 2013-04-11 18:31:26 UTC
Shadragk Spellbound wrote:
Is the Navy Omen that much overpowered? Isn't it possible just to keep the 5 turrets and the fire rate bonus and exchanging speed for tank? Or just keep it as it is? Why shall it be similar to the zealot? Please keep the navy omen as a good attack ship.

They want the navy ships to fill different roles then the t1's and i agree that this is a good way to do that.
Catherine Laartii
#551 - 2013-04-11 21:10:43 UTC
Since the cruisers are being balanced via tiercide, will the LP store requirements for the navy cruisers be equal now?
CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#552 - 2013-04-11 21:43:13 UTC
Catherine Laartii wrote:
Since the cruisers are being balanced via tiercide, will the LP store requirements for the navy cruisers be equal now?


Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#553 - 2013-04-11 21:52:54 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Catherine Laartii wrote:
Since the cruisers are being balanced via tiercide, will the LP store requirements for the navy cruisers be equal now?


To the higher amount, lower amount, or the average?
Jiji Hamin
Gallente Federation
#554 - 2013-04-11 22:02:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Jiji Hamin
Have you considered tracking rather than optimal for the NOmen, to fit with your new direction for Amarr, aka to go alongside Narbinger/Apoc? It would also fit with the new vexor bonus and with SFI tracking bonus. Also, giving it optimal will put it into direct competition with the Zealot and will give it more optimal than it really needs given the limitation of point range for kiting, (scorch+HPL2s gets you ~25km optimal without optimal bonus iirc) whereas medium pulse kiters could always use with more tracking. With tracking, it fits more in line with Narbinger, the bonus is honestly better for the role of a point-range kiter, it has morein common with other faction cruisers, it doesn't encroach on Zealot territory, etc. Wondering what your rationale was for not giving it tracking?
sten mattson
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#555 - 2013-04-11 22:58:47 UTC
when will these be on the test server????


Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#556 - 2013-04-11 23:05:55 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Catherine Laartii wrote:
Since the cruisers are being balanced via tiercide, will the LP store requirements for the navy cruisers be equal now?


To the higher amount, lower amount, or the average?

navy osprey would take on the price of the navy caracal, and caracal would stay the same, for example, is what they said i believe.

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Drunken Bum
#557 - 2013-04-11 23:38:30 UTC
So they're still planning on going split wep systems with the navy scythe huh? I was hoping someone smarter than me woulda talked them out of that by now.

After the patch we're giving the market some gentle supply restriction, like tying one wrist to the bedpost loosely with soft silk rope. Just enough to make things a bit more exciting for the market, not enough to make a safeword necessary.  -Fozzie

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#558 - 2013-04-12 02:57:29 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Catherine Laartii wrote:
Since the cruisers are being balanced via tiercide, will the LP store requirements for the navy cruisers be equal now?


To the higher amount, lower amount, or the average?

Who cares? Can i has beams?

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#559 - 2013-04-12 02:58:04 UTC
Drunken Bum wrote:
So they're still planning on going split wep systems with the navy scythe huh? I was hoping someone smarter than me woulda talked them out of that by now.

Hush, the scythe looks awesome.

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Crazy KSK
Tsunami Cartel
#560 - 2013-04-12 03:17:07 UTC
just looking at the navy caracal and the osprey and I think,.... weird
the osprey gets the slots as if it was a brawler that had to fit web point and neut
the caracal gets lots of launchers as if all it had to do was stay at range and spew missiles

feels like both ships would be better if you would switch bonuses speed and hp values between both ships adjusting the damage in the process
also oddly large amount of pg on the osprey

caracal feels like it was made for this fit though

[NEW Caracal Navy Issue, New Setup 1 copy 1]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Damage Control II

Large Shield Extender II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Warp Disruptor II

Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Quote CCP Fozzie: ... The days of balance and forget are over.